As Introduced

129th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 496

Representatives Hackett, Garland 

Cosponsors: Representatives Hagan, R., Stebelton 

To amend sections 102.02, 102.022, 102.03, 2152.54, 1
2919.271, 2945.37, 4732.01, 4732.02, 4732.03, 2
4732.05, 4732.06, 4732.07, 4732.09, 4732.10, 3
4732.11, 4732.12, 4732.13, 4732.14, 4732.141, 4
4732.16, 4732.17, 4732.172, 4732.173, 4732.18, 5
4732.21, 4732.22, 4732.31, 4755.13, 4757.42, 6
5120.55, and 5122.01, to amend, for the purpose of 7
adopting new section numbers as indicated in 8
parentheses, sections 4732.16 (4732.15), 4732.172 9
(4732.171), and 4732.173 (4732.172), to enact new 10
sections 4732.16 and 4732.173 and sections 11
4732.142, 4732.151, 4732.221, and 4732.32, and to 12
repeal sections 4732.15, 4732.171, and 4732.23 of 13
the Revised Code to revise the laws governing the 14
practice of psychology; and to amend the version 15
of section 5122.01 of the Revised Code that is 16
scheduled to take effect on October 1, 2012, to 17
continue amendments made by this act to that 18


       Section 1. That sections 102.02, 102.022, 102.03, 2152.54, 20
2919.271, 2945.37, 4732.01, 4732.02, 4732.03, 4732.05, 4732.06, 21
4732.07, 4732.09, 4732.10, 4732.11, 4732.12, 4732.13, 4732.14, 22
4732.141, 4732.16, 4732.17, 4732.172, 4732.173, 4732.18, 4732.21, 23
4732.22, 4732.31, 4755.13, 4757.42, 5120.55, and 5122.01 be 24
amended; sections 4732.16 (4732.15), 4732.172 (4732.171), and 25
4732.173 (4732.172) be amended for the purpose of adopting new 26
section numbers as indicated in parentheses; and that new sections 27
4732.16 and 4732.173 and sections 4732.142, 4732.151, 4732.221, 28
and 4732.32 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:29

       Sec. 102.02.  (A) Except as otherwise provided in division 30
(H) of this section, all of the following shall file with the 31
appropriate ethics commission the disclosure statement described 32
in this division on a form prescribed by the appropriate 33
commission: every person who is elected to or is a candidate for a 34
state, county, or city office and every person who is appointed to 35
fill a vacancy for an unexpired term in such an elective office; 36
all members of the state board of education; the director, 37
assistant directors, deputy directors, division chiefs, or persons 38
of equivalent rank of any administrative department of the state; 39
the president or other chief administrative officer of every state 40
institution of higher education as defined in section 3345.011 of 41
the Revised Code; the executive director and the members of the 42
capitol square review and advisory board appointed or employed 43
pursuant to section 105.41 of the Revised Code; all members of the 44
Ohio casino control commission, the executive director of the 45
commission, all professional employees of the commission, and all 46
technical employees of the commission who perform an internal 47
audit function; the individuals set forth in division (B)(2) of 48
section 187.03 of the Revised Code; the chief executive officer 49
and the members of the board of each state retirement system; each 50
employee of a state retirement board who is a state retirement 51
system investment officer licensed pursuant to section 1707.163 of 52
the Revised Code; the members of the Ohio retirement study council 53
appointed pursuant to division (C) of section 171.01 of the 54
Revised Code; employees of the Ohio retirement study council, 55
other than employees who perform purely administrative or clerical 56
functions; the administrator of workers' compensation and each 57
member of the bureau of workers' compensation board of directors; 58
the bureau of workers' compensation director of investments; the 59
chief investment officer of the bureau of workers' compensation; 60
all members of the board of commissioners on grievances and 61
discipline of the supreme court and the ethics commission created 62
under section 102.05 of the Revised Code; every business manager, 63
treasurer, or superintendent of a city, local, exempted village, 64
joint vocational, or cooperative education school district or an 65
educational service center; every person who is elected to or is a 66
candidate for the office of member of a board of education of a 67
city, local, exempted village, joint vocational, or cooperative 68
education school district or of a governing board of an 69
educational service center that has a total student count of 70
twelve thousand or more as most recently determined by the 71
department of education pursuant to section 3317.03 of the Revised 72
Code; every person who is appointed to the board of education of a 73
municipal school district pursuant to division (B) or (F) of 74
section 3311.71 of the Revised Code; all members of the board of 75
directors of a sanitary district that is established under Chapter 76
6115. of the Revised Code and organized wholly for the purpose of 77
providing a water supply for domestic, municipal, and public use, 78
and that includes two municipal corporations in two counties; 79
every public official or employee who is paid a salary or wage in 80
accordance with schedule C of section 124.15 or schedule E-2 of 81
section 124.152 of the Revised Code; members of the board of 82
trustees and the executive director of the southern Ohio 83
agricultural and community development foundation; all members 84
appointed to the Ohio livestock care standards board under section 85
904.02 of the Revised Code; and every other public official or 86
employee who is designated by the appropriate ethics commission 87
pursuant to division (B) of this section.88

       The disclosure statement shall include all of the following:89

       (1) The name of the person filing the statement and each 90
member of the person's immediate family and all names under which 91
the person or members of the person's immediate family do 92

       (2)(a) Subject to divisions (A)(2)(b) and (c) of this section 94
and except as otherwise provided in section 102.022 of the Revised 95
Code, identification of every source of income, other than income 96
from a legislative agent identified in division (A)(2)(b) of this 97
section, received during the preceding calendar year, in the 98
person's own name or by any other person for the person's use or 99
benefit, by the person filing the statement, and a brief 100
description of the nature of the services for which the income was 101
received. If the person filing the statement is a member of the 102
general assembly, the statement shall identify the amount of every 103
source of income received in accordance with the following ranges 104
of amounts: zero or more, but less than one thousand dollars; one 105
thousand dollars or more, but less than ten thousand dollars; ten 106
thousand dollars or more, but less than twenty-five thousand 107
dollars; twenty-five thousand dollars or more, but less than fifty 108
thousand dollars; fifty thousand dollars or more, but less than 109
one hundred thousand dollars; and one hundred thousand dollars or 110
more. Division (A)(2)(a) of this section shall not be construed to 111
require a person filing the statement who derives income from a 112
business or profession to disclose the individual items of income 113
that constitute the gross income of that business or profession, 114
except for those individual items of income that are attributable 115
to the person's or, if the income is shared with the person, the 116
partner's, solicitation of services or goods or performance, 117
arrangement, or facilitation of services or provision of goods on 118
behalf of the business or profession of clients, including 119
corporate clients, who are legislative agents. A person who files 120
the statement under this section shall disclose the identity of 121
and the amount of income received from a person who the public 122
official or employee knows or has reason to know is doing or 123
seeking to do business of any kind with the public official's or 124
employee's agency.125

       (b) If the person filing the statement is a member of the 126
general assembly, the statement shall identify every source of 127
income and the amount of that income that was received from a 128
legislative agent during the preceding calendar year, in the 129
person's own name or by any other person for the person's use or 130
benefit, by the person filing the statement, and a brief 131
description of the nature of the services for which the income was 132
received. Division (A)(2)(b) of this section requires the 133
disclosure of clients of attorneys or persons licensed under 134
section 4732.12 of the Revised Code, or patients of persons 135
certified under section 4731.14 of the Revised Code, if those 136
clients or patients are legislative agents. Division (A)(2)(b) of 137
this section requires a person filing the statement who derives 138
income from a business or profession to disclose those individual 139
items of income that constitute the gross income of that business 140
or profession that are received from legislative agents.141

       (c) Except as otherwise provided in division (A)(2)(c) of 142
this section, division (A)(2)(a) of this section applies to 143
attorneys, physicians, and other persons who engage in the 144
practice of a profession and who, pursuant to a section of the 145
Revised Code, the common law of this state, a code of ethics 146
applicable to the profession, or otherwise, generally are required 147
not to reveal, disclose, or use confidences of clients, patients, 148
or other recipients of professional services except under 149
specified circumstances or generally are required to maintain 150
those types of confidences as privileged communications except 151
under specified circumstances. Division (A)(2)(a) of this section 152
does not require an attorney, physician, or other professional 153
subject to a confidentiality requirement as described in division 154
(A)(2)(c) of this section to disclose the name, other identity, or 155
address of a client, patient, or other recipient of professional 156
services if the disclosure would threaten the client, patient, or 157
other recipient of professional services, would reveal details of 158
the subject matter for which legal, medical, or professional 159
advice or other services were sought, or would reveal an otherwise 160
privileged communication involving the client, patient, or other 161
recipient of professional services. Division (A)(2)(a) of this 162
section does not require an attorney, physician, or other 163
professional subject to a confidentiality requirement as described 164
in division (A)(2)(c) of this section to disclose in the brief 165
description of the nature of services required by division 166
(A)(2)(a) of this section any information pertaining to specific 167
professional services rendered for a client, patient, or other 168
recipient of professional services that would reveal details of 169
the subject matter for which legal, medical, or professional 170
advice was sought or would reveal an otherwise privileged 171
communication involving the client, patient, or other recipient of 172
professional services.173

       (3) The name of every corporation on file with the secretary 174
of state that is incorporated in this state or holds a certificate 175
of compliance authorizing it to do business in this state, trust, 176
business trust, partnership, or association that transacts 177
business in this state in which the person filing the statement or 178
any other person for the person's use and benefit had during the 179
preceding calendar year an investment of over one thousand dollars 180
at fair market value as of the thirty-first day of December of the 181
preceding calendar year, or the date of disposition, whichever is 182
earlier, or in which the person holds any office or has a 183
fiduciary relationship, and a description of the nature of the 184
investment, office, or relationship. Division (A)(3) of this 185
section does not require disclosure of the name of any bank, 186
savings and loan association, credit union, or building and loan 187
association with which the person filing the statement has a 188
deposit or a withdrawable share account.189

       (4) All fee simple and leasehold interests to which the 190
person filing the statement holds legal title to or a beneficial 191
interest in real property located within the state, excluding the 192
person's residence and property used primarily for personal 193

       (5) The names of all persons residing or transacting business 195
in the state to whom the person filing the statement owes, in the 196
person's own name or in the name of any other person, more than 197
one thousand dollars. Division (A)(5) of this section shall not be 198
construed to require the disclosure of debts owed by the person 199
resulting from the ordinary conduct of a business or profession or 200
debts on the person's residence or real property used primarily 201
for personal recreation, except that the superintendent of 202
financial institutions shall disclose the names of all 203
state-chartered savings and loan associations and of all service 204
corporations subject to regulation under division (E)(2) of 205
section 1151.34 of the Revised Code to whom the superintendent in 206
the superintendent's own name or in the name of any other person 207
owes any money, and that the superintendent and any deputy 208
superintendent of banks shall disclose the names of all 209
state-chartered banks and all bank subsidiary corporations subject 210
to regulation under section 1109.44 of the Revised Code to whom 211
the superintendent or deputy superintendent owes any money.212

       (6) The names of all persons residing or transacting business 213
in the state, other than a depository excluded under division 214
(A)(3) of this section, who owe more than one thousand dollars to 215
the person filing the statement, either in the person's own name 216
or to any person for the person's use or benefit. Division (A)(6) 217
of this section shall not be construed to require the disclosure 218
of clients of attorneys or persons licensed under section 4732.12 219
or 4732.15 of the Revised Code, or patients of persons certified 220
under section 4731.14 of the Revised Code, nor the disclosure of 221
debts owed to the person resulting from the ordinary conduct of a 222
business or profession.223

       (7) Except as otherwise provided in section 102.022 of the 224
Revised Code, the source of each gift of over seventy-five 225
dollars, or of each gift of over twenty-five dollars received by a 226
member of the general assembly from a legislative agent, received 227
by the person in the person's own name or by any other person for 228
the person's use or benefit during the preceding calendar year, 229
except gifts received by will or by virtue of section 2105.06 of 230
the Revised Code, or received from spouses, parents, grandparents, 231
children, grandchildren, siblings, nephews, nieces, uncles, aunts, 232
brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, 233
fathers-in-law, mothers-in-law, or any person to whom the person 234
filing the statement stands in loco parentis, or received by way 235
of distribution from any inter vivos or testamentary trust 236
established by a spouse or by an ancestor;237

       (8) Except as otherwise provided in section 102.022 of the 238
Revised Code, identification of the source and amount of every 239
payment of expenses incurred for travel to destinations inside or 240
outside this state that is received by the person in the person's 241
own name or by any other person for the person's use or benefit 242
and that is incurred in connection with the person's official 243
duties, except for expenses for travel to meetings or conventions 244
of a national or state organization to which any state agency, 245
including, but not limited to, any legislative agency or state 246
institution of higher education as defined in section 3345.011 of 247
the Revised Code, pays membership dues, or any political 248
subdivision or any office or agency of a political subdivision 249
pays membership dues;250

       (9) Except as otherwise provided in section 102.022 of the 251
Revised Code, identification of the source of payment of expenses 252
for meals and other food and beverages, other than for meals and 253
other food and beverages provided at a meeting at which the person 254
participated in a panel, seminar, or speaking engagement or at a 255
meeting or convention of a national or state organization to which 256
any state agency, including, but not limited to, any legislative 257
agency or state institution of higher education as defined in 258
section 3345.011 of the Revised Code, pays membership dues, or any 259
political subdivision or any office or agency of a political 260
subdivision pays membership dues, that are incurred in connection 261
with the person's official duties and that exceed one hundred 262
dollars aggregated per calendar year;263

       (10) If the disclosure statement is filed by a public 264
official or employee described in division (B)(2) of section 265
101.73 of the Revised Code or division (B)(2) of section 121.63 of 266
the Revised Code who receives a statement from a legislative 267
agent, executive agency lobbyist, or employer that contains the 268
information described in division (F)(2) of section 101.73 of the 269
Revised Code or division (G)(2) of section 121.63 of the Revised 270
Code, all of the nondisputed information contained in the 271
statement delivered to that public official or employee by the 272
legislative agent, executive agency lobbyist, or employer under 273
division (F)(2) of section 101.73 or (G)(2) of section 121.63 of 274
the Revised Code.275

       A person may file a statement required by this section in 276
person or by mail. A person who is a candidate for elective office 277
shall file the statement no later than the thirtieth day before 278
the primary, special, or general election at which the candidacy 279
is to be voted on, whichever election occurs soonest, except that 280
a person who is a write-in candidate shall file the statement no 281
later than the twentieth day before the earliest election at which 282
the person's candidacy is to be voted on. A person who holds 283
elective office shall file the statement on or before the 284
fifteenth day of April of each year unless the person is a 285
candidate for office. A person who is appointed to fill a vacancy 286
for an unexpired term in an elective office shall file the 287
statement within fifteen days after the person qualifies for 288
office. Other persons shall file an annual statement on or before 289
the fifteenth day of April or, if appointed or employed after that 290
date, within ninety days after appointment or employment. No 291
person shall be required to file with the appropriate ethics 292
commission more than one statement or pay more than one filing fee 293
for any one calendar year.294

       The appropriate ethics commission, for good cause, may extend 295
for a reasonable time the deadline for filing a statement under 296
this section.297

       A statement filed under this section is subject to public 298
inspection at locations designated by the appropriate ethics 299
commission except as otherwise provided in this section.300

       (B) The Ohio ethics commission, the joint legislative ethics 301
committee, and the board of commissioners on grievances and 302
discipline of the supreme court, using the rule-making procedures 303
of Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, may require any class of 304
public officials or employees under its jurisdiction and not 305
specifically excluded by this section whose positions involve a 306
substantial and material exercise of administrative discretion in 307
the formulation of public policy, expenditure of public funds, 308
enforcement of laws and rules of the state or a county or city, or 309
the execution of other public trusts, to file an annual statement 310
on or before the fifteenth day of April under division (A) of this 311
section. The appropriate ethics commission shall send the public 312
officials or employees written notice of the requirement by the 313
fifteenth day of February of each year the filing is required 314
unless the public official or employee is appointed after that 315
date, in which case the notice shall be sent within thirty days 316
after appointment, and the filing shall be made not later than 317
ninety days after appointment.318

       Except for disclosure statements filed by members of the 319
board of trustees and the executive director of the southern Ohio 320
agricultural and community development foundation, disclosure 321
statements filed under this division with the Ohio ethics 322
commission by members of boards, commissions, or bureaus of the 323
state for which no compensation is received other than reasonable 324
and necessary expenses shall be kept confidential. Disclosure 325
statements filed with the Ohio ethics commission under division 326
(A) of this section by business managers, treasurers, and 327
superintendents of city, local, exempted village, joint 328
vocational, or cooperative education school districts or 329
educational service centers shall be kept confidential, except 330
that any person conducting an audit of any such school district or 331
educational service center pursuant to section 115.56 or Chapter 332
117. of the Revised Code may examine the disclosure statement of 333
any business manager, treasurer, or superintendent of that school 334
district or educational service center. Disclosure statements 335
filed with the Ohio ethics commission under division (A) of this 336
section by the individuals set forth in division (B)(2) of section 337
187.03 of the Revised Code shall be kept confidential. The Ohio 338
ethics commission shall examine each disclosure statement required 339
to be kept confidential to determine whether a potential conflict 340
of interest exists for the person who filed the disclosure 341
statement. A potential conflict of interest exists if the private 342
interests of the person, as indicated by the person's disclosure 343
statement, might interfere with the public interests the person is 344
required to serve in the exercise of the person's authority and 345
duties in the person's office or position of employment. If the 346
commission determines that a potential conflict of interest 347
exists, it shall notify the person who filed the disclosure 348
statement and shall make the portions of the disclosure statement 349
that indicate a potential conflict of interest subject to public 350
inspection in the same manner as is provided for other disclosure 351
statements. Any portion of the disclosure statement that the 352
commission determines does not indicate a potential conflict of 353
interest shall be kept confidential by the commission and shall 354
not be made subject to public inspection, except as is necessary 355
for the enforcement of Chapters 102. and 2921. of the Revised Code 356
and except as otherwise provided in this division.357

       (C) No person shall knowingly fail to file, on or before the 358
applicable filing deadline established under this section, a 359
statement that is required by this section.360

       (D) No person shall knowingly file a false statement that is 361
required to be filed under this section.362

       (E)(1) Except as provided in divisions (E)(2) and (3) of this 363
section, the statement required by division (A) or (B) of this 364
section shall be accompanied by a filing fee of forty dollars.365

       (2) The statement required by division (A) of this section 366
shall be accompanied by the following filing fee to be paid by the 367
person who is elected or appointed to, or is a candidate for, any 368
of the following offices:369

For state office, except member of the 370
state board of education $95 371
For office of member of general assembly $40 372
For county office $60 373
For city office $35 374
For office of member of the state board 375
of education $25 376
For office of member of the Ohio 377
livestock care standards board $..... 378
For office of member of a city, local, 379
exempted village, or cooperative 380
education board of 381
education or educational service 382
center governing board $30 383
For position of business manager, 384
treasurer, or superintendent of a 385
city, local, exempted village, joint 386
vocational, or cooperative education 387
school district or 388
educational service center $30 389

       (3) No judge of a court of record or candidate for judge of a 390
court of record, and no referee or magistrate serving a court of 391
record, shall be required to pay the fee required under division 392
(E)(1) or (2) or (F) of this section.393

       (4) For any public official who is appointed to a nonelective 394
office of the state and for any employee who holds a nonelective 395
position in a public agency of the state, the state agency that is 396
the primary employer of the state official or employee shall pay 397
the fee required under division (E)(1) or (F) of this section.398

       (F) If a statement required to be filed under this section is 399
not filed by the date on which it is required to be filed, the 400
appropriate ethics commission shall assess the person required to 401
file the statement a late filing fee of ten dollars for each day 402
the statement is not filed, except that the total amount of the 403
late filing fee shall not exceed two hundred fifty dollars.404

       (G)(1) The appropriate ethics commission other than the Ohio 405
ethics commission and the joint legislative ethics committee shall 406
deposit all fees it receives under divisions (E) and (F) of this 407
section into the general revenue fund of the state.408

       (2) The Ohio ethics commission shall deposit all receipts, 409
including, but not limited to, fees it receives under divisions 410
(E) and (F) of this section, investigative or other fees, costs, 411
or other funds it receives as a result of court orders, and all 412
moneys it receives from settlements under division (G) of section 413
102.06 of the Revised Code, into the Ohio ethics commission fund, 414
which is hereby created in the state treasury. All moneys credited 415
to the fund shall be used solely for expenses related to the 416
operation and statutory functions of the commission.417

       (3) The joint legislative ethics committee shall deposit all 418
receipts it receives from the payment of financial disclosure 419
statement filing fees under divisions (E) and (F) of this section 420
into the joint legislative ethics committee investigative fund.421

       (H) Division (A) of this section does not apply to a person 422
elected or appointed to the office of precinct, ward, or district 423
committee member under Chapter 3517. of the Revised Code; a 424
presidential elector; a delegate to a national convention; village 425
or township officials and employees; any physician or psychiatrist 426
who is paid a salary or wage in accordance with schedule C of 427
section 124.15 or schedule E-2 of section 124.152 of the Revised 428
Code and whose primary duties do not require the exercise of 429
administrative discretion; or any member of a board, commission, 430
or bureau of any county or city who receives less than one 431
thousand dollars per year for serving in that position.432

       Sec. 102.022.  Each person who is an officer or employee of a 433
political subdivision, who receives compensation of less than 434
sixteen thousand dollars a year for holding an office or position 435
of employment with that political subdivision, and who is required 436
to file a statement under section 102.02 of the Revised Code; each 437
member of the board of trustees of a state institution of higher 438
education as defined in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code who 439
is required to file a statement under section 102.02 of the 440
Revised Code; and each individual set forth in division (B)(2) of 441
section 187.03 of the Revised Code who is required to file a 442
statement under section 102.02 of the Revised Code, shall include 443
in that statement, in place of the information required by 444
divisions (A)(2), (7), (8), and (9) of that section, the following 445

       (A) Exclusive of reasonable expenses, identification of every 447
source of income over five hundred dollars received during the 448
preceding calendar year, in the officer's or employee's own name 449
or by any other person for the officer's or employee's use or 450
benefit, by the person filing the statement, and a brief 451
description of the nature of the services for which the income was 452
received. This division shall not be construed to require the 453
disclosure of clients of attorneys or persons licensed under 454
section 4732.12 or 4732.15 of the Revised Code or patients of 455
persons certified under section 4731.14 of the Revised Code. This 456
division shall not be construed to require a person filing the 457
statement who derives income from a business or profession to 458
disclose the individual items of income that constitute the gross 459
income of the business or profession.460

       (B) The source of each gift of over five hundred dollars 461
received by the person in the officer's or employee's own name or 462
by any other person for the officer's or employee's use or benefit 463
during the preceding calendar year, except gifts received by will 464
or by virtue of section 2105.06 of the Revised Code, received from 465
parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, siblings, nephews, 466
nieces, uncles, aunts, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, 467
sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, fathers-in-law, mothers-in-law, or 468
any person to whom the person filing the statement stands in loco 469
parentis, or received by way of distribution from any inter vivos 470
or testamentary trust established by a spouse or by an ancestor.471

       Sec. 102.03.  (A)(1) No present or former public official or 472
employee shall, during public employment or service or for twelve 473
months thereafter, represent a client or act in a representative 474
capacity for any person on any matter in which the public official 475
or employee personally participated as a public official or 476
employee through decision, approval, disapproval, recommendation, 477
the rendering of advice, investigation, or other substantial 478
exercise of administrative discretion.479

       (2) For twenty-four months after the conclusion of service, 480
no former commissioner or attorney examiner of the public 481
utilities commission shall represent a public utility, as defined 482
in section 4905.02 of the Revised Code, or act in a representative 483
capacity on behalf of such a utility before any state board, 484
commission, or agency.485

       (3) For twenty-four months after the conclusion of employment 486
or service, no former public official or employee who personally 487
participated as a public official or employee through decision, 488
approval, disapproval, recommendation, the rendering of advice, 489
the development or adoption of solid waste management plans, 490
investigation, inspection, or other substantial exercise of 491
administrative discretion under Chapter 343. or 3734. of the 492
Revised Code shall represent a person who is the owner or operator 493
of a facility, as defined in section 3734.01 of the Revised Code, 494
or who is an applicant for a permit or license for a facility 495
under that chapter, on any matter in which the public official or 496
employee personally participated as a public official or employee.497

       (4) For a period of one year after the conclusion of 498
employment or service as a member or employee of the general 499
assembly, no former member or employee of the general assembly 500
shall represent, or act in a representative capacity for, any 501
person on any matter before the general assembly, any committee of 502
the general assembly, or the controlling board. Division (A)(4) of 503
this section does not apply to or affect a person who separates 504
from service with the general assembly on or before December 31, 505
1995. As used in division (A)(4) of this section "person" does not 506
include any state agency or political subdivision of the state.507

       (5) As used in divisions (A)(1), (2), and (3) of this 508
section, "matter" includes any case, proceeding, application, 509
determination, issue, or question, but does not include the 510
proposal, consideration, or enactment of statutes, rules, 511
ordinances, resolutions, or charter or constitutional amendments. 512
As used in division (A)(4) of this section, "matter" includes the 513
proposal, consideration, or enactment of statutes, resolutions, or 514
constitutional amendments. As used in division (A) of this 515
section, "represent" includes any formal or informal appearance 516
before, or any written or oral communication with, any public 517
agency on behalf of any person.518

       (6) Nothing contained in division (A) of this section shall 519
prohibit, during such period, a former public official or employee 520
from being retained or employed to represent, assist, or act in a 521
representative capacity for the public agency by which the public 522
official or employee was employed or on which the public official 523
or employee served.524

       (7) Division (A) of this section shall not be construed to 525
prohibit the performance of ministerial functions, including, but 526
not limited to, the filing or amendment of tax returns, 527
applications for permits and licenses, incorporation papers, and 528
other similar documents.529

       (8) No present or former Ohio casino control commission 530
official shall, during public service or for two years thereafter, 531
represent a client, be employed or compensated by a person 532
regulated by the commission, or act in a representative capacity 533
for any person on any matter before or concerning the commission.534

       No present or former commission employee shall, during public 535
employment or for two years thereafter, represent a client or act 536
in a representative capacity on any matter in which the employee 537
personally participated as a commission employee through decision, 538
approval, disapproval, recommendation, the rendering of advice, 539
investigation, or other substantial exercise of administrative 540

       (B) No present or former public official or employee shall 542
disclose or use, without appropriate authorization, any 543
information acquired by the public official or employee in the 544
course of the public official's or employee's official duties that 545
is confidential because of statutory provisions, or that has been 546
clearly designated to the public official or employee as 547
confidential when that confidential designation is warranted 548
because of the status of the proceedings or the circumstances 549
under which the information was received and preserving its 550
confidentiality is necessary to the proper conduct of government 551

       (C) No public official or employee shall participate within 553
the scope of duties as a public official or employee, except 554
through ministerial functions as defined in division (A) of this 555
section, in any license or rate-making proceeding that directly 556
affects the license or rates of any person, partnership, trust, 557
business trust, corporation, or association in which the public 558
official or employee or immediate family owns or controls more 559
than five per cent. No public official or employee shall 560
participate within the scope of duties as a public official or 561
employee, except through ministerial functions as defined in 562
division (A) of this section, in any license or rate-making 563
proceeding that directly affects the license or rates of any 564
person to whom the public official or employee or immediate 565
family, or a partnership, trust, business trust, corporation, or 566
association of which the public official or employee or the public 567
official's or employee's immediate family owns or controls more 568
than five per cent, has sold goods or services totaling more than 569
one thousand dollars during the preceding year, unless the public 570
official or employee has filed a written statement acknowledging 571
that sale with the clerk or secretary of the public agency and the 572
statement is entered in any public record of the agency's 573
proceedings. This division shall not be construed to require the 574
disclosure of clients of attorneys or persons licensed under 575
section 4732.12 or 4732.15 of the Revised Code, or patients of 576
persons certified under section 4731.14 of the Revised Code.577

       (D) No public official or employee shall use or authorize the 578
use of the authority or influence of office or employment to 579
secure anything of value or the promise or offer of anything of 580
value that is of such a character as to manifest a substantial and 581
improper influence upon the public official or employee with 582
respect to that person's duties.583

       (E) No public official or employee shall solicit or accept 584
anything of value that is of such a character as to manifest a 585
substantial and improper influence upon the public official or 586
employee with respect to that person's duties.587

       (F) No person shall promise or give to a public official or 588
employee anything of value that is of such a character as to 589
manifest a substantial and improper influence upon the public 590
official or employee with respect to that person's duties.591

       (G) In the absence of bribery or another offense under the 592
Revised Code or a purpose to defraud, contributions made to a 593
campaign committee, political party, legislative campaign fund, 594
political action committee, or political contributing entity on 595
behalf of an elected public officer or other public official or 596
employee who seeks elective office shall be considered to accrue 597
ordinarily to the public official or employee for the purposes of 598
divisions (D), (E), and (F) of this section.599

       As used in this division, "contributions," "campaign 600
committee," "political party," "legislative campaign fund," 601
"political action committee," and "political contributing entity" 602
have the same meanings as in section 3517.01 of the Revised Code.603

       (H)(1) No public official or employee, except for the 604
president or other chief administrative officer of or a member of 605
a board of trustees of a state institution of higher education as 606
defined in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code, who is required 607
to file a financial disclosure statement under section 102.02 of 608
the Revised Code shall solicit or accept, and no person shall give 609
to that public official or employee, an honorarium. Except as 610
provided in division (H)(2) of this section, this division and 611
divisions (D), (E), and (F) of this section do not prohibit a 612
public official or employee who is required to file a financial 613
disclosure statement under section 102.02 of the Revised Code from 614
accepting and do not prohibit a person from giving to that public 615
official or employee the payment of actual travel expenses, 616
including any expenses incurred in connection with the travel for 617
lodging, and meals, food, and beverages provided to the public 618
official or employee at a meeting at which the public official or 619
employee participates in a panel, seminar, or speaking engagement 620
or provided to the public official or employee at a meeting or 621
convention of a national organization to which any state agency, 622
including, but not limited to, any state legislative agency or 623
state institution of higher education as defined in section 624
3345.011 of the Revised Code, pays membership dues. Except as 625
provided in division (H)(2) of this section, this division and 626
divisions (D), (E), and (F) of this section do not prohibit a 627
public official or employee who is not required to file a 628
financial disclosure statement under section 102.02 of the Revised 629
Code from accepting and do not prohibit a person from promising or 630
giving to that public official or employee an honorarium or the 631
payment of travel, meal, and lodging expenses if the honorarium, 632
expenses, or both were paid in recognition of demonstrable 633
business, professional, or esthetic interests of the public 634
official or employee that exist apart from public office or 635
employment, including, but not limited to, such a demonstrable 636
interest in public speaking and were not paid by any person or 637
other entity, or by any representative or association of those 638
persons or entities, that is regulated by, doing business with, or 639
seeking to do business with the department, division, institution, 640
board, commission, authority, bureau, or other instrumentality of 641
the governmental entity with which the public official or employee 642

       (2) No person who is a member of the board of a state 644
retirement system, a state retirement system investment officer, 645
or an employee of a state retirement system whose position 646
involves substantial and material exercise of discretion in the 647
investment of retirement system funds shall solicit or accept, and 648
no person shall give to that board member, officer, or employee, 649
payment of actual travel expenses, including expenses incurred 650
with the travel for lodging, meals, food, and beverages.651

       (I) A public official or employee may accept travel, meals, 652
and lodging or expenses or reimbursement of expenses for travel, 653
meals, and lodging in connection with conferences, seminars, and 654
similar events related to official duties if the travel, meals, 655
and lodging, expenses, or reimbursement is not of such a character 656
as to manifest a substantial and improper influence upon the 657
public official or employee with respect to that person's duties. 658
The house of representatives and senate, in their code of ethics, 659
and the Ohio ethics commission, under section 111.15 of the 660
Revised Code, may adopt rules setting standards and conditions for 661
the furnishing and acceptance of such travel, meals, and lodging, 662
expenses, or reimbursement.663

       A person who acts in compliance with this division and any 664
applicable rules adopted under it, or any applicable, similar 665
rules adopted by the supreme court governing judicial officers and 666
employees, does not violate division (D), (E), or (F) of this 667
section. This division does not preclude any person from seeking 668
an advisory opinion from the appropriate ethics commission under 669
section 102.08 of the Revised Code.670

       (J) For purposes of divisions (D), (E), and (F) of this 671
section, the membership of a public official or employee in an 672
organization shall not be considered, in and of itself, to be of 673
such a character as to manifest a substantial and improper 674
influence on the public official or employee with respect to that 675
person's duties. As used in this division, "organization" means a 676
church or a religious, benevolent, fraternal, or professional 677
organization that is tax exempt under subsection 501(a) and 678
described in subsection 501(c)(3), (4), (8), (10), or (19) of the 679
"Internal Revenue Code of 1986." This division does not apply to a 680
public official or employee who is an employee of an organization, 681
serves as a trustee, director, or officer of an organization, or 682
otherwise holds a fiduciary relationship with an organization. 683
This division does not allow a public official or employee who is 684
a member of an organization to participate, formally or 685
informally, in deliberations, discussions, or voting on a matter 686
or to use histhe public official's or employee's official 687
position with regard to the interests of the organization on the 688
matter if the public official or employee has assumed a particular 689
responsibility in the organization with respect to the matter or 690
if the matter would affect that person's personal, pecuniary 691

       (K) It is not a violation of this section for a prosecuting 693
attorney to appoint assistants and employees in accordance with 694
division (B) of section 309.06 and section 2921.421 of the Revised 695
Code, for a chief legal officer of a municipal corporation or an 696
official designated as prosecutor in a municipal corporation to 697
appoint assistants and employees in accordance with sections 698
733.621 and 2921.421 of the Revised Code, for a township law 699
director appointed under section 504.15 of the Revised Code to 700
appoint assistants and employees in accordance with sections 701
504.151 and 2921.421 of the Revised Code, or for a coroner to 702
appoint assistants and employees in accordance with division (B) 703
of section 313.05 of the Revised Code.704

       As used in this division, "chief legal officer" has the same 705
meaning as in section 733.621 of the Revised Code.706

       (L) No present public official or employee with a casino 707
gaming regulatory function shall indirectly invest, by way of an 708
entity the public official or employee has an ownership interest 709
or control in, or directly invest in a casino operator, management 710
company, holding company, casino facility, or gaming-related 711
vendor. No present public official or employee with a casino 712
gaming regulatory function shall directly or indirectly have a 713
financial interest in, have an ownership interest in, be the 714
creditor or hold a debt instrument issued by, or have an interest 715
in a contractual or service relationship with a casino operator, 716
management company, holding company, casino facility, or 717
gaming-related vendor. This section does not prohibit or limit 718
permitted passive investing by the public official or employee.719

       As used in this division, "passive investing" means 720
investment by the public official or employee by means of a mutual 721
fund in which the public official or employee has no control of 722
the investments or investment decisions. "Casino operator," 723
"holding company," "management company," "casino facility," and 724
"gaming-related vendor" have the same meanings as in section 725
3772.01 of the Revised Code.726

       (M) A member of the Ohio casino control commission, the 727
executive director of the commission, or an employee of the 728
commission shall not: 729

       (1) Accept anything of value, including but not limited to a 730
gift, gratuity, emolument, or employment from a casino operator, 731
management company, or other person subject to the jurisdiction of 732
the commission, or from an officer, attorney, agent, or employee 733
of a casino operator, management company, or other person subject 734
to the jurisdiction of the commission; 735

       (2) Solicit, suggest, request, or recommend, directly or 736
indirectly, to a casino operator, management company, or other 737
person subject to the jurisdiction of the commission, or to an 738
officer, attorney, agent, or employee of a casino operator, 739
management company, or other person subject to the jurisdiction of 740
the commission, the appointment of a person to an office, place, 741
position, or employment; 742

       (3) Participate in casino gaming or any other amusement or 743
activity at a casino facility in this state or at an affiliate 744
gaming facility of a licensed casino operator, wherever located. 745

       In addition to the penalty provided in section 102.99 of the 746
Revised Code, whoever violates division (M)(1), (2), or (3) of 747
this section forfeits the individual's office or employment.748

       Sec. 2152.54.  (A) An evaluation of a child who does not 749
appear to the court to be a person who is at least moderately 750
intellectually disabled shall be made by an evaluator who is one 751
of the following: 752

       (1) A professional employed by a psychiatric facility or 753
center certified by the department of mental health to provide 754
forensic services and appointed by the director of the facility or 755
center to conduct the evaluation; 756

       (2) A psychiatrist or a licensed clinical psychologist who 757
satisfies the criteria of division (I)(1) of section 5122.01 of 758
the Revised Code and has specialized education, training, or 759
experience in forensic evaluations of children or adolescents.760

       (B) An evaluation of a child who appears to the court to be a 761
person who is at least moderately intellectually disabled shall be 762
made by a psychiatrist or licensed clinical psychologist who 763
satisfies the criteria of division (I)(1) of section 5122.01 of 764
the Revised Code and has specialized education, training, or 765
experience in forensic evaluations of children or adolescents who 766
have intellectual disability.767

       (C) If an evaluation is conducted by an evaluator of the type 768
described in division (A)(1) or (2) of this section and the 769
evaluator concludes that the child is a person who is at least 770
moderately intellectually disabled, the evaluator shall 771
discontinue the evaluation and notify the court within one 772
business day after reaching the conclusion. Within two business 773
days after receiving notification, the court shall order the child 774
to undergo an evaluation by an evaluator of the type described in 775
division (B) of this section. Within two business days after the 776
appointment of the new evaluator, the original evaluator shall 777
deliver to the new evaluator all information relating to the child 778
obtained during the original evaluation. 779

       Sec. 2919.271.  (A)(1)(a) If a defendant is charged with a 780
violation of section 2919.27 of the Revised Code or of a municipal 781
ordinance that is substantially similar to that section, the court 782
may order an evaluation of the mental condition of the defendant 783
if the court determines that either of the following criteria 784

       (i) If the alleged violation is a violation of a protection 786
order issued or consent agreement approved pursuant to section 787
2919.26 or 3113.31 of the Revised Code, that the violation 788
allegedly involves conduct by the defendant that caused physical 789
harm to the person or property of a family or household member 790
covered by the order or agreement, or conduct by the defendant 791
that caused a family or household member to believe that the 792
defendant would cause physical harm to that member or that 793
member's property.794

       (ii) If the alleged violation is a violation of a protection 795
order issued pursuant to section 2903.213 or 2903.214 of the 796
Revised Code or a protection order issued by a court of another 797
state, that the violation allegedly involves conduct by the 798
defendant that caused physical harm to the person or property of 799
the person covered by the order, or conduct by the defendant that 800
caused the person covered by the order to believe that the 801
defendant would cause physical harm to that person or that 802
person's property.803

       (b) If a defendant is charged with a violation of section 804
2903.211 of the Revised Code or of a municipal ordinance that is 805
substantially similar to that section, the court may order an 806
evaluation of the mental condition of the defendant.807

       (2) An evaluation ordered under division (A)(1) of this 808
section shall be completed no later than thirty days from the date 809
the order is entered pursuant to that division. In that order, the 810
court shall do either of the following:811

       (a) Order that the evaluation of the mental condition of the 812
defendant be preceded by an examination conducted either by a 813
forensic center that is designated by the department of mental 814
health to conduct examinations and make evaluations of defendants 815
charged with violations of section 2903.211 or 2919.27 of the 816
Revised Code or of substantially similar municipal ordinances in 817
the area in which the court is located, or by any other program or 818
facility that is designated by the department of mental health or 819
the department of developmental disabilities to conduct 820
examinations and make evaluations of defendants charged with 821
violations of section 2903.211 or 2919.27 of the Revised Code or 822
of substantially similar municipal ordinances, and that is 823
operated by either department or is certified by either department 824
as being in compliance with the standards established under 825
division (H) of section 5119.01 of the Revised Code or division 826
(C) of section 5123.04 of the Revised Code.827

       (b) Designate a center, program, or facility other than one 828
designated by the department of mental health or the department of 829
developmental disabilities, as described in division (A)(2)(a) of 830
this section, to conduct the evaluation and preceding examination 831
of the mental condition of the defendant.832

       Whether the court acts pursuant to division (A)(2)(a) or (b) 833
of this section, the court may designate examiners other than the 834
personnel of the center, program, facility, or department involved 835
to make the evaluation and preceding examination of the mental 836
condition of the defendant.837

       (B) If the court considers that additional evaluations of the 838
mental condition of a defendant are necessary following the 839
evaluation authorized by division (A) of this section, the court 840
may order up to two additional similar evaluations. These 841
evaluations shall be completed no later than thirty days from the 842
date the applicable court order is entered. If more than one 843
evaluation of the mental condition of the defendant is ordered 844
under this division, the prosecutor and the defendant may 845
recommend to the court an examiner whom each prefers to perform 846
one of the evaluations and preceding examinations.847

       (C)(1) The court may order a defendant who has been released 848
on bail to submit to an examination under division (A) or (B) of 849
this section. The examination shall be conducted either at the 850
detention facility in which the defendant would have been confined 851
if the defendant had not been released on bail, or, if so 852
specified by the center, program, facility, or examiners involved, 853
at the premises of the center, program, or facility. Additionally, 854
the examination shall be conducted at the times established by the 855
examiners involved. If such a defendant refuses to submit to an 856
examination or a complete examination as required by the court or 857
the center, program, facility, or examiners involved, the court 858
may amend the conditions of the bail of the defendant and order 859
the sheriff to take the defendant into custody and deliver the 860
defendant to the detention facility in which the defendant would 861
have been confined if the defendant had not been released on bail, 862
or, if so specified by the center, program, facility, or examiners 863
involved, to the premises of the center, program, or facility, for 864
purposes of the examination.865

       (2) A defendant who has not been released on bail shall be 866
examined at the detention facility in which the defendant is 867
confined or, if so specified by the center, program, facility, or 868
examiners involved, at the premises of the center, program, or 869

       (D) The examiner of the mental condition of a defendant under 871
division (A) or (B) of this section shall file a written report 872
with the court within thirty days after the entry of an order for 873
the evaluation of the mental condition of the defendant. The 874
report shall contain the findings of the examiner; the facts in 875
reasonable detail on which the findings are based; the opinion of 876
the examiner as to the mental condition of the defendant; the 877
opinion of the examiner as to whether the defendant represents a 878
substantial risk of physical harm to other persons as manifested 879
by evidence of recent homicidal or other violent behavior, 880
evidence of recent threats that placed other persons in reasonable 881
fear of violent behavior and serious physical harm, or evidence of 882
present dangerousness; and the opinion of the examiner as to the 883
types of treatment or counseling that the defendant needs. The 884
court shall provide copies of the report to the prosecutor and 885
defense counsel.886

       (E) The costs of any evaluation and preceding examination of 887
a defendant that is ordered pursuant to division (A) or (B) of 888
this section shall be taxed as court costs in the criminal case.889

       (F) If the examiner considers it necessary in order to make 890
an accurate evaluation of the mental condition of a defendant, an 891
examiner under division (A) or (B) of this section may request any 892
family or household member of the defendant to provide the 893
examiner with information. A family or household member may, but 894
is not required to, provide information to the examiner upon 895
receipt of the request.896

       (G) As used in this section:897

       (1) "Bail" includes a recognizance.898

       (2) "Examiner" means a psychiatrist, a licensed independent 899
social worker who is employed by a forensic center that is 900
certified as being in compliance with the standards established 901
under division (H) of section 5119.01 or division (C) of section 902
5123.04 of the Revised Code, a licensed professional clinical 903
counselor who is employed at a forensic center that is certified 904
as being in compliance with such standards, or a licensed clinical 905
psychologist, except that in order to be an examiner, a licensed 906
clinical psychologist shall meet the criteria of division (I)(1)907
of section 5122.01 of the Revised Code or be employed to conduct 908
examinations by the department of mental health or by a forensic 909
center certified as being in compliance with the standards 910
established under division (H) of section 5119.01 or division (C) 911
of section 5123.04 of the Revised Code that is designated by the 912
department of mental health.913

       (3) "Family or household member" has the same meaning as in 914
section 2919.25 of the Revised Code.915

       (4) "Prosecutor" has the same meaning as in section 2935.01 916
of the Revised Code.917

       (5) "Psychiatrist" and "licensed clinical psychologist" have 918
the same meanings as in section 5122.01 of the Revised Code.919

       (6) "Protection order issued by a court of another state" has 920
the same meaning as in section 2919.27 of the Revised Code.921

       Sec. 2945.37.  (A) As used in sections 2945.37 to 2945.402 of 922
the Revised Code:923

       (1) "Prosecutor" means a prosecuting attorney or a city 924
director of law, village solicitor, or similar chief legal officer 925
of a municipal corporation who has authority to prosecute a 926
criminal case that is before the court or the criminal case in 927
which a defendant in a criminal case has been found incompetent to 928
stand trial or not guilty by reason of insanity.929

       (2) "Examiner" means either of the following:930

       (a) A psychiatrist or a licensed clinical psychologist who 931
satisfies the criteria of division (I)(1) of section 5122.01 of 932
the Revised Code or is employed by a certified forensic center 933
designated by the department of mental health to conduct 934
examinations or evaluations.935

       (b) For purposes of a separate mental retardation evaluation 936
that is ordered by a court pursuant to division (H) of section 937
2945.371 of the Revised Code, a psychologist designated by the 938
director of developmental disabilities pursuant to that section to 939
conduct that separate mental retardation evaluation.940

       (3) "Nonsecured status" means any unsupervised, off-grounds 941
movement or trial visit from a hospital or institution, or any 942
conditional release, that is granted to a person who is found 943
incompetent to stand trial and is committed pursuant to section 944
2945.39 of the Revised Code or to a person who is found not guilty 945
by reason of insanity and is committed pursuant to section 2945.40 946
of the Revised Code.947

       (4) "Unsupervised, off-grounds movement" includes only 948
off-grounds privileges that are unsupervised and that have an 949
expectation of return to the hospital or institution on a daily 950

       (5) "Trial visit" means a patient privilege of a longer 952
stated duration of unsupervised community contact with an 953
expectation of return to the hospital or institution at designated 954

       (6) "Conditional release" means a commitment status under 956
which the trial court at any time may revoke a person's 957
conditional release and order the rehospitalization or 958
reinstitutionalization of the person as described in division (A) 959
of section 2945.402 of the Revised Code and pursuant to which a 960
person who is found incompetent to stand trial or a person who is 961
found not guilty by reason of insanity lives and receives 962
treatment in the community for a period of time that does not 963
exceed the maximum prison term or term of imprisonment that the 964
person could have received for the offense in question had the 965
person been convicted of the offense instead of being found 966
incompetent to stand trial on the charge of the offense or being 967
found not guilty by reason of insanity relative to the offense.968

       (7) "Licensed clinical psychologist," "mentally ill person 969
subject to hospitalization by court order," and "psychiatrist" 970
have the same meanings as in section 5122.01 of the Revised Code.971

       (8) "Mentally retarded person subject to institutionalization 972
by court order" has the same meaning as in section 5123.01 of the 973
Revised Code.974

       (B) In a criminal action in a court of common pleas, a county 975
court, or a municipal court, the court, prosecutor, or defense may 976
raise the issue of the defendant's competence to stand trial. If 977
the issue is raised before the trial has commenced, the court 978
shall hold a hearing on the issue as provided in this section. If 979
the issue is raised after the trial has commenced, the court shall 980
hold a hearing on the issue only for good cause shown or on the 981
court's own motion.982

       (C) The court shall conduct the hearing required or 983
authorized under division (B) of this section within thirty days 984
after the issue is raised, unless the defendant has been referred 985
for evaluation in which case the court shall conduct the hearing 986
within ten days after the filing of the report of the evaluation 987
or, in the case of a defendant who is ordered by the court 988
pursuant to division (H) of section 2945.371 of the Revised Code 989
to undergo a separate mental retardation evaluation conducted by a 990
psychologist designated by the director of developmental 991
disabilities, within ten days after the filing of the report of 992
the separate mental retardation evaluation under that division. A 993
hearing may be continued for good cause.994

       (D) The defendant shall be represented by counsel at the 995
hearing conducted under division (C) of this section. If the 996
defendant is unable to obtain counsel, the court shall appoint 997
counsel under Chapter 120. of the Revised Code or under the 998
authority recognized in division (C) of section 120.06, division 999
(E) of section 120.16, division (E) of section 120.26, or section 1000
2941.51 of the Revised Code before proceeding with the hearing.1001

       (E) The prosecutor and defense counsel may submit evidence on 1002
the issue of the defendant's competence to stand trial. A written 1003
report of the evaluation of the defendant may be admitted into 1004
evidence at the hearing by stipulation, but, if either the 1005
prosecution or defense objects to its admission, the report may be 1006
admitted under sections 2317.36 to 2317.38 of the Revised Code or 1007
any other applicable statute or rule.1008

       (F) The court shall not find a defendant incompetent to stand 1009
trial solely because the defendant is receiving or has received 1010
treatment as a voluntary or involuntary mentally ill patient under 1011
Chapter 5122. or a voluntary or involuntary mentally retarded 1012
resident under Chapter 5123. of the Revised Code or because the 1013
defendant is receiving or has received psychotropic drugs or other 1014
medication, even if the defendant might become incompetent to 1015
stand trial without the drugs or medication.1016

       (G) A defendant is presumed to be competent to stand trial. 1017
If, after a hearing, the court finds by a preponderance of the 1018
evidence that, because of the defendant's present mental 1019
condition, the defendant is incapable of understanding the nature 1020
and objective of the proceedings against the defendant or of 1021
assisting in the defendant's defense, the court shall find the 1022
defendant incompetent to stand trial and shall enter an order 1023
authorized by section 2945.38 of the Revised Code.1024

       (H) Municipal courts shall follow the procedures set forth in 1025
sections 2945.37 to 2945.402 of the Revised Code. Except as 1026
provided in section 2945.371 of the Revised Code, a municipal 1027
court shall not order an evaluation of the defendant's competence 1028
to stand trial or the defendant's mental condition at the time of 1029
the commission of the offense to be conducted at any hospital 1030
operated by the department of mental health. Those evaluations 1031
shall be performed through community resources including, but not 1032
limited to, certified forensic centers, court probation 1033
departments, and community mental health agencies. All expenses of 1034
the evaluations shall be borne by the legislative authority of the 1035
municipal court, as defined in section 1901.03 of the Revised 1036
Code, and shall be taxed as costs in the case. If a defendant is 1037
found incompetent to stand trial or not guilty by reason of 1038
insanity, a municipal court may commit the defendant as provided 1039
in sections 2945.38 to 2945.402 of the Revised Code.1040

       Sec. 4732.01.  As used in sections 4732.01 to 4732.25 of the 1041
Revised Code:1042

       (A) "Psychologist" means any person who holds self out to the 1043
public by any title or description of services incorporating the 1044
words "psychologic," "psychological," "psychologist," 1045
"psychology," or any other terms that imply the person is trained, 1046
experienced, or an expert in the field of psychology.1047

       (B) "The practice of psychology" means rendering or offering 1048
to render to individuals, groups, organizations, or the public any 1049
service involving the application of psychological procedures to 1050
assessment, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, or amelioration of 1051
psychological problems or emotional or mental disorders of 1052
individuals or groups; or to the assessment or improvement of 1053
psychological adjustment or functioning of individuals or groups, 1054
whether or not there is a diagnosable pre-existing psychological 1055
problem. Practice of psychology includes the practice of school 1056
psychology. For purposes of this chapter, teaching or research 1057
shall not be regarded as the practice of psychology, even when 1058
dealing with psychological subject matter, provided it does not 1059
otherwise involve the professional practice of psychology in which1060
patient or clientan individual's welfare is directly affected by 1061
the application of psychological procedures.1062

       (C) "Psychological procedures" include but are not restricted 1063
to application of principles, methods, or procedures of 1064
understanding, predicting, or influencing behavior, such as the 1065
principles pertaining to learning, conditioning, perception, 1066
motivation, thinking, emotions, or interpersonal relationships; 1067
the methods or procedures of verbal interaction, interviewing, 1068
counseling, behavior modification, environmental manipulation, 1069
group process, psychological psychotherapy, or hypnosis; and the 1070
methods or procedures of administering or interpreting tests of 1071
mental abilities, aptitudes, interests, attitudes, personality 1072
characteristics, emotions, or motivation.1073

       (D) "School psychologist" means any person who holds self out 1074
to the public by any title or description of services 1075
incorporating the words "school psychologist" or "school 1076
psychology," or who holds self out to be trained, experienced, or 1077
an expert in the practice of school psychology.1078

       (E) "Practice of school psychology" means rendering or 1079
offering to render to individuals, groups, organizations, or the 1080
public any of the following services:1081

       (1) Evaluation, diagnosis, or test interpretation limited to 1082
assessment of intellectual ability, learning patterns, 1083
achievement, motivation, behavior, or personality factors directly 1084
related to learning problems in an educational setting;1085

       (2) CounselingIntervention services, including counseling,1086
for children or adults for amelioration or prevention of 1087
educationally related learning problems, including emotional and 1088
behavioral aspects of such problems;1089

       (3) EducationalPsychological, educational, or vocational 1090
consultation or direct educational services. This does not include 1091
industrial consultation or counseling services to clients 1092
undergoing vocational rehabilitation.1093

       (F) "Licensed psychologist" means an individual holding a 1094
current, valid license to practice psychology issued under section 1095
4732.12 or 4732.15 of the Revised Code.1096

       (G) "Licensed schoolSchool psychologist licensed by the 1097
state board of psychology" means an individual holding a current, 1098
valid license to practice school psychology issued under section 1099
4732.12 or 4732.15 of the Revised Code.1100

       (H) "Certificated schoolSchool psychologist licensed by the 1101
state board of education" means an individual holding a current, 1102
valid school psychologist certificatelicense issued under 1103
division (M) ofrules adopted under section 3319.22 of the Revised 1104

       (I) "Mental health professional" and "mental health service" 1106
have the same meanings as in section 2305.51 of the Revised Code.1107

       (G) "Telepsychology" means the practice of psychology or 1108
school psychology by distance communication technology, including 1109
telephone, electronic mail, internet-based communications, and 1110
video conferencing.1111

       Sec. 4732.02.  The governor, with the advice and consent of 1112
the senate, shall appoint a state board of psychology consisting 1113
of nine persons who are citizens of the United States and 1114
residents of this state. Three members shall be patient advocates 1115
who are not mental health professionals and who either are parents 1116
or other relatives of a person who has received or is receiving 1117
mental health services or are representatives of organizations 1118
that represent persons who have received or are receiving mental 1119
health services. At least one patient advocate member shall be a 1120
parent or other relative of a mental health service recipient, and 1121
at least one patient advocate member shall be a representative of 1122
an organization representing mental health service recipients. 1123
Each of the remaining members shall be a licensed psychologist or 1124
a licensed school psychologist licensed by the state board of 1125
psychology. The terms of the licensed psychologist and licensed 1126
school psychologist members that are in effect on the effective 1127
date of this amendment shall continue as under the law in effect 1128
prior to the effective date of this amendment. Of the patient 1129
advocate members whose positions are created on the effective date 1130
of this amendment, one shall replace the current member who is not 1131
a psychologist or other health professional at the end of that 1132
member's term, one shall be appointed for a term that ends on 1133
October 5, 2003, and one shall be appointed for a term that ends 1134
on October 5, 2006. Thereafter, termsTerms of office for all 1135
members shall be for five years, commencing on the sixth day of 1136
October and ending on the fifth day of October. Each member shall 1137
hold office from the date of appointment until the end of the term 1138
for which the member was appointed. Any member appointed to fill a 1139
vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which 1140
the member's predecessor was appointed shall hold office for the 1141
remainder of such term. Any member shall continue in office 1142
subsequent to the expiration date of the member's term until the 1143
member's successor takes office, or until a period of sixty days 1144
has elapsed, whichever occurs first. No person shall be appointed 1145
to more than two five-year terms in succession. The licensed 1146
psychologist and licensed school psychologist members of the board 1147
shall be so chosen that they represent the diverse fields of 1148
specialization and practice in the profession of psychology and 1149
the profession of school psychology. The governor may make such 1150
appointments from lists submitted annually by the Ohio 1151
psychological association and by, the Ohio school psychologists 1152
association, and the Ohio association of black psychologists. A 1153
vacancy in an unexpired term shall be filled in the same manner as 1154
the original appointment.1155

       The governor may remove any member for malfeasance, 1156
misfeasance, or nonfeasance after a hearing in accordance with 1157
Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. The governor shall remove, after 1158
a hearing in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, any 1159
member who has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to the 1160
commission of a felony offense under any law of this state, 1161
another state, or the United States. No person may be appointed to 1162
the board who has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a felony 1163
offense under any law of this state, another state, or the United 1164

       Sec. 4732.03.  The state board of psychology shall organize 1166
within thirty days after its members have been appointed by the 1167
governor. The board shall elect a president and a secretary from 1168
its members to serve for terms of one year. The president and the 1169
secretary may administer oaths. A majority of the board 1170
constitutes a quorum. The secretary shall be compensated for his 1171
necessary expenses incurred in the performance of his official 1172

       Sec. 4732.05.  The members of the state board of psychology 1174
and the members of the school psychology examination committee 1175
shall receive an hourly amount fixed under division (J) of section 1176
124.15 of the Revised Code for each day employedtime expended in 1177
the discharge of their official duties, and their necessary 1178
expenses while engaged therein.1179

       Sec. 4732.06.  The principal office of the state board of 1180
psychology shall be in Columbus, but it may meet or conduct 1181
business at any place in this state. The board may empower any one 1182
or more of its members to conduct any proceeding, hearing, or 1183
investigation necessary to its purposes. The board shall meet at 1184
least twice annually and at such other times as it determines. 1185
Special meetings may be called by the president and shall be 1186
called by the secretary upon the written request of two members. 1187
The board shall not conduct business by teleconference except as 1188
provided in division (E)(1) of section 4732.17 of the Revised 1189

       The board shall make such rules as are necessary to conduct 1191
its business.1192

       The board mayshall employ suchan executive director, 1193
investigators, and administrative assistants and clerical help as 1194
are necessary to administer and enforce this chapter.1195

       Sec. 4732.07.  The state board of psychology shall keep a 1196
record of its proceedings and a register of applicants for 1197
licenses. The books and records of the board shall be prima-facie 1198
evidence of the matters therein contained. Such records shall 1199
include applicants' written examination papers.1200

       Sec. 4732.09.  Each person who desires to practice psychology 1201
or school psychology shall file with the secretaryexecutive 1202
director of the state board of psychology a written application, 1203
under oath, on a form prescribed by the board.1204

       Sec. 4732.10.  (A) The state board of psychology shall 1205
appoint an entrance examiner who shall determine the sufficiency 1206
of an applicant's qualifications for admission to the appropriate 1207
examination. A member of the board or the executive director may 1208
be appointed as the entrance examiner.1209

       (B) Requirements for admission to examination for a 1210
psychologist license shall be that the applicant:1211

       (1) Is at least twenty-one years of age;1212

       (2) Is of good moral character;1213

       (3) Is a citizen of the United States or has legally declared 1214
the intention of becoming such;1215

       (4) Meets one of the following requirements of division 1216
(B)(4)(a), (b), (c), or (d) of this section:1217

       (a) Received an earned doctoral degree from an institution 1218
accredited or recognized by a national or regional accrediting 1219
agency and a program accredited by any of the following:1220

       (i) The American psychological association, office of program 1221
consultation and accreditation;1222

       (ii) The accreditation office of the Canadian psychological 1223

       (iii) A program listed by the association of state and 1225
provincial psychology boards/national register designation 1226

       (iv) The national association of school psychologists.1228

       (b) Received from an academic institution outside of the 1229
United States or Canada a degree determined, under rules adopted 1230
by the board under division (E) of this section, to be equivalent 1231
to a doctoral degree in psychology from a program described in 1232
division (B)(4)(3)(a) of this section;1233

       (c) Held a psychologist license, certificate, or registration 1234
required for practice in another United States or Canadian 1235
jurisdiction for a minimum of ten years and meets educational, 1236
experience, and professional requirements established under rules 1237
adopted by the board.1238

       (d) Enrolled, not later than sixty days after the effective 1239
date of this amendmentApril 7, 2009, in an educational 1240
institution accredited or recognized by national or regional 1241
accrediting agencies as maintaining satisfactory standards and not 1242
later than eight years after the effective date of this amendment1243
April 7, 2009, received an earned doctoral degree in psychology,1244
or school psychology, or a doctoral degree deemed equivalent by 1245
the board.1246

       (5)(4) Has had at least two years of supervised professional 1247
experience in psychological work of a type satisfactory to the 1248
board, at least one year of which must be a predoctoral 1249
internship. The1250

       The board shall adopt guidelines for the kind of supervised 1251
professional experience which fulfill thethis requirement of 1252
division (B)(5) of this section.1253

       (C) Requirements for admission to examination for a school 1254
psychologist license shall be that the applicant:1255

       (1) Has received from an educational institution accredited 1256
or recognized by national or regional accrediting agencies as 1257
maintaining satisfactory standards, including those approved by 1258
the state board of education for the training of school 1259
psychologists, at least a master's degree in school psychology, or 1260
a degree considered equivalent by the board;1261

       (2) Is at least twenty-one years of age;1262

       (3) Is of good moral character;1263

       (4) Is a citizen of the United States or has legally declared 1264
the intention of becoming such;1265

       (5) Has completed at least sixty quarter hours, or the 1266
semester hours equivalent, at the graduate level, of accredited 1267
study in course work relevant to the study of school psychology;1268

       (6)(5) Has completed an internship in an educational 1269
institution approved by the Ohio department of education for 1270
school psychology supervised experience or one year of other 1271
training experience acceptable to the board, such as supervised 1272
professional experience under the direction of a licensed 1273
psychologist or licensed school psychologist;1274

       (7)(6) Furnishes proof of at least twenty-seven months, 1275
exclusive of internship, of full-time experience as a certificated 1276
school psychologist employed by a board of education or a private 1277
school meeting the standards prescribed by the state board of 1278
education, or of experience which the board deems equivalent.1279

       (D) If the entrance examiner finds that the applicant meets 1280
the requirements set forth in this section, the applicant shall be 1281
admitted to the appropriate examination.1282

       (E) The board shall adopt under Chapter 119. of the Revised 1283
Code rules for determining for the purposes of division 1284
(B)(4)(3)(b) of this section whether a degree is equivalent to a 1285
degree in psychology from an institution in the United States.1286

       Sec. 4732.11. License examinations shall be conducted under 1287
rules prescribed by the state board of psychology.(A)(1) Each 1288
applicant shall be examined for knowledge in whatever theoretical 1289
or applied fields of psychology the board considers appropriate. 1290
The examination for the school psychologist license shall be 1291
prepared and administered by afor a license to practice as a 1292
psychologist shall be required to earn a score acceptable to the 1293
state board of psychology on an examination selected by the board. 1294
The applicant shall follow all necessary procedures and pay all 1295
necessary fees for the examination. An applicant who fails to earn 1296
a score acceptable to the board may be admitted to a subsequent 1297
examination no less than thirty days after the initial 1298
examination. After failing to earn a passing score three 1299
consecutive times, an applicant may not be admitted to the 1300
examination for a period of six months following the third 1301
examination attempt. An applicant who fails to achieve an 1302
acceptable score in nine attempts is not eligible for additional 1303
admissions to the examination, and the application shall be 1304
permanently closed.1305

       An applicant who achieves an acceptable score on the 1306
examination selected by the board as a candidate in another state 1307
or Canadian province before or after submitting an application to 1308
the board must cause the score to be submitted directly to the 1309
board's executive director.1310

       (2) The board may also require that an applicant for a 1311
license to practice as a psychologist earn a passing score on an 1312
examination that covers one or more of the following:1313

       (a) Chapter 4732. of the Revised Code;1314

       (b) Rules promulgated under Chapter 4732. of the Revised 1315

       (c) Related provisions of the Revised Code;1317

       (d) Professional ethical principles;1318

       (e) Professional standards of care.1319

       The examination may be administered orally or in writing in 1320
accordance with rules adopted by the board. 1321

       (B)(1) Each applicant for a license to practice as a school 1322
psychologist licensed by the state board of psychology shall be 1323
required to earn a score acceptable to the board on an examination 1324
selected by the board. The applicant shall follow all necessary 1325
procedures and pay all necessary fees for the examination. 1326

       (2) The board may also require that an applicant for a 1327
license to practice as a school psychologist licensed by the state 1328
board of psychology earn a passing score on an examination that 1329
covers one or more of the following:1330

       (a) Chapter 4732. of the Revised Code;1331

       (b) Rules promulgated under Chapter 4732. of the Revised 1332

       (c) Related provisions of the Revised Code;1334

       (d) Professional ethical principles;1335

       (e) Professional standards of care.1336

       The examination may be administered orally or in writing in 1337
accordance with rules adopted by the board.1338

       (C) The board may establish procedures designed to expose 1339
applicants to the subject matter of the examinations described in 1340
divisions (A)(2) and (B)(2) of this section.1341

       (D) The board shall appoint a school psychology licensing1342
examination committee responsible to the board and consisting. The 1343
committee shall consist of five licensed school psychologists or 1344
licensed psychologistswhoshall be certificated school 1345
psychologistseach of whom holds either of the following:1346

       (1) A school psychologist license issued under this chapter;1347

       (2) A psychologist license issued under this chapter and a 1348
certificate or license issued by the state board of education.1349

        Committee members shall be appointed by the state board of 1350
psychology for staggered five-year terms, according to rules 1351
adopted by thethat board. The board may delegate to the committee 1352
authority to develop the examination described in division (B)(2) 1353
of this section and any procedures to be established under 1354
division (C) of this section.1355

       Examinations shall be given at least twice annually at such 1356
time and place and under such supervision as the board prescribes. 1357
Except as provided in section 4732.16 of the Revised Code, each 1358
applicant shall pay an application and license fee established by 1359
the board of not less than seventy-five nor more than one hundred 1360
fifty dollars, no part of which shall be returned. If an applicant 1361
fails an examination, he may be admitted, after no less than six 1362
months, to a subsequent examination upon payment of an additional 1363
fee as established by the board. After failing three examinations, 1364
a person is not eligible for licensure until he completes such 1365
additional training as the board prescribes.1366

       Sec. 4732.12. The state board of psychology shall grade 1367
examinations conducted under section 4732.11 of the Revised Code 1368
and uniformly apply such standards as it considers appropriate in 1369
determining the level of competence necessary for a passing score. 1370
The level of competence necessary for a passing score for the 1371
school psychologist examination shall be determined by the school 1372
psychology examining committee. If an applicant passesfor a 1373
license issued by the state board of psychology to practice as a 1374
psychologist or school psychologist receives a score acceptable to 1375
the board on the appropriate examination required by section 1376
4732.11 of the Revised Code and has paid the required fee required 1377
by section 4732.15 of the Revised Code, the board shall issue the 1378
appropriate license.1379

       Sec. 4732.13.  A license issued by the state board of 1380
psychology shall remain in effectactive until it expires pursuant 1381
to section 4732.14 of the Revised Code, or is suspended or,1382
revoked, or placed in retired status. A current, validAn active1383
psychologist license shall entitle the holder to practice 1384
psychology. A current, validAn active school psychologist 1385
license shall entitle the holder to practice school psychology.1386

       Sec. 4732.14. (A) On or before the thirty-first day of 1387
August of each even-numbered year, each person licensedwho holds 1388
an active license issued by the state board of psychology shall 1389
register with the board on a formin a format and manner1390
prescribed by the board, giving the person's name, address, 1391
license number, the continuing education information required by 1392
section 4732.141 of the Revised Code, and such other reasonable 1393
information as the board requires, and. The person shall pay to 1394
the board secretary a biennial registration fee in an amount 1395
determined by the board, but not to exceed two, as follows:1396

       (1) From the effective date of this amendment through June 1397
30, 2014, three hundred seventy-fivefifty dollars in fiscal year 1398
2000 and;1399

       (2) From July 1, 2014, through June 30, 2018, three hundred 1400
fiftysixty dollars in each fiscal year thereafter;1401

       (3) July 1, 2018, and thereafter three hundred sixty-five 1402
dollars. A1403

       A person licensed for the first time on or before the 1404
thirty-firstthirtieth day of AugustSeptember of an even-numbered 1405
year shall next be required to register on or before the 1406
thirty-firstthirtieth day of AugustSeptember of the next 1407
even-numbered year. 1408

       (B) Before the first day of August of each even-numbered 1409
year, the secretaryboard shall send a notice to each licensed 1410
psychologist and licensed school psychologistlicense holder, 1411
whether a resident or not, at the licensed psychologist's or 1412
licensed school psychologist'slicense holder's last known1413
provided official mailing address, that the licensed 1414
psychologist's or licensed school psychologist'slicense holder's 1415
continuing education compliance must be completed on or before the 1416
last day of August and the biennial registration form and fee are 1417
due on or before the last day of AugustSeptember. Before the 1418
fifteenth day of September of such years, the secretary shall send 1419
a second notice to each such person who has not paid the 1420
registration fee or registered with the board as required by this 1421
section. A license of any licensed psychologist or licensed school 1422
psychologistlicense holder shall automatically be suspended1423
expire if the biennial registration fee is not paid or the 1424
registration form is notany of the following are not received on 1425
or before the thirtieth day of September of a renewal year. 1426

       (1) The biennial registration fee;1428

       (2) The registration form;1429

       (3) A report of compliance with continuing education 1430

       Within five years thereafter, the board may reinstate any 1432
expired license so suspended upon payment of the current 1433
registration fee and a penalty fee established by the board, not 1434
to exceed two hundred fifty dollars, as determined by the board,1435
and receipt of the registration form completed by the registrant 1436
in accordance with this section and section 4732.141 of the 1437
Revised Code or in accordance with any modifications authorized by 1438
the board under division (F) of section 4732.141 of the Revised 1439
Code. The1440

       The board may by rule waive the payment of the registration 1441
fee and completion of the continuing psychology education required 1442
by section 4732.141 of the Revised Code by a licensed psychologist 1443
or licensed school psychologistlicense holder when the licensed 1444
psychologist or licensed school psychologistlicense holder is on 1445
active duty in the armed forces of the United States.1446

       An individual who has had a license placed on retired status 1447
under section 4732.142 of the Revised Code may seek reinstatement 1448
of the license in accordance with rules adopted by the board.1449

       (C) Each licensed psychologist and licensed school 1450
psychologistlicense holder shall notify the secretaryexecutive 1451
director of any change in the licensed psychologist's or licensed 1452
school psychologist'slicense holder's official mailing address,1453
office address, or employment within ninetysixty days of such 1454

       Sec. 4732.141.  (A)(1) On or before the thirty-first day of 1456
August of each even-numbered year beginning in 1998 and until the 1457
requirement set forth in division (A)(2) of this section applies, 1458
each person licensed under this chapter by the state board of 1459
psychology shall have completed, in the preceding two-year period, 1460
not less than twenty hours of continuing education in psychology 1461
or the number of hours determined under division (D) of this 1462

       (2) OnExcept as provided in division (D) of this section, on1464
or before the thirty-first day of August of each even-numbered 1465
year after the biennium in which this amendment takes effect, each 1466
person licensed under this chapterwho holds a license issued by 1467
the state board of psychology shall have completed, in the 1468
preceding two-year period, not less than twenty-three hours of 1469
continuing education in psychology, including not less than three1470
four hours of continuing education in professional conduct and 1471
ethics, or the number of hours determined under division (D) of 1472
this sectionone or more of the following:1473

       (a) Professional conduct;1474

       (b) Ethics;1475

       (c) The role of culture, ethnic identity, or both in the 1476
provision of psychological assessment, consultation, or 1477
psychological interventions, or a combination thereof.1478

       (3)(2) Each person subject to division (A)(1) or (2) of this 1479
sectionlicense holder shall certify to the board, at the time of 1480
biennial registration pursuant to section 4732.14 of the Revised 1481
Code and on the registration form prescribed by the board under 1482
that section, that in the preceding two years the personlicense 1483
holder has completed continuing psychology education in compliance 1484
with this section. The board shall adopt rules establishing the 1485
procedure for a personlicense holder to certify to the board and 1486
for properly recording with the Ohio psychological association or 1487
the state board of educationOhio school psychologists association1488
completion of the continuing education.1489

       (B) Continuing psychology education may be applied to meet 1490
the requirement of division (A) of this section if both of the 1491
following requirements are met:1492

       (1) It is obtained through a program or course approved by 1493
the state board of psychology, the Ohio psychological association, 1494
the Ohio association of black psychologists, or the American 1495
psychological association or, in the case of a licensed school 1496
psychologist who holds a license issued under this chapter or a 1497
licensed psychologist with a school psychology specialty, by the 1498
state board of education, the Ohio school psychologists 1499
association, or the national association of school psychologists;1500

       (2) Completion of the program or course is recorded with the 1501
Ohio psychological association or the state board of education1502
Ohio school psychologists association in accordance with rules 1503
adopted by the state board of psychology in accordance with 1504
division (A) of this section.1505

       The state board of psychology may disapprove any program or 1506
course that has been approved by the Ohio psychological 1507
association, Ohio association of black psychologists, American 1508
psychological association, state board of education, Ohio school 1509
psychologists association, or national association of school 1510
psychologists. Such program or course may not be applied to meet 1511
the requirement of division (A) of this section.1512

       (C) Each person licensed under this chapterlicense holder1513
shall be given a sufficient choice of continuing education 1514
programs or courses in psychology, including programs or courses 1515
on professional conduct and ethics when required under division 1516
(A)(2) of this section, to ensure that the personlicense holder1517
has had a reasonable opportunity to participate in programs or 1518
courses that are relevant to the person'slicense holder's1519
practice in terms of subject matter and level.1520

       (D) The board shall adopt rules providing for reductions of 1521
the hours of continuing psychology education required by this 1522
section for personslicense holders in their first registration 1523

       (E) Each person licensed under this chapterlicense holder1525
shall retain in the person'slicense holder's records for at least 1526
three years the receipts, vouchers, or certificates necessary to 1527
document completion of continuing psychology education. Proof of 1528
continuing psychology education recorded with the Ohio 1529
psychological association or the state board of educationOhio 1530
school psychologists association in accordance with the procedures 1531
established pursuant to division (A) of this section shall serve 1532
as sufficient documentation of completion. With cause, the board 1533
may request the documentation from the person. The board also may 1534
request the documentation from persons licensed under this chapter 1535
selected at random, without causelicense holder. The board may 1536
review any continuing psychology education records recorded by the 1537
Ohio psychological association or the state board of education1538
Ohio school psychologists association.1539

       (F) The board may excuse persons licensed under this chapter1540
license holders, as a group or as individuals, from all or any 1541
part of the requirements of this section because of an unusual 1542
circumstance, emergency, or special hardship.1543

       (G) The state board of psychology shall approve one or more 1544
continuing education courses of study that assist psychologists 1545
and school psychologists in recognizing the signs of domestic 1546
violence and its relationship to child abuse. Psychologists and 1547
school psychologists are not required to take the courses.1548

       (H) The board may require a license holder to evidence 1549
completion of specific continuing education coursework as part of 1550
the process of registering or continuing to register a person 1551
working under the license holder's supervision under division (B) 1552
of section 4732.22 of the Revised Code and conducting 1553
psychological or psychological work or training supervision. 1554
Procedures for the completion, verification, and documentation of 1555
such continuing education shall be specified in rules adopted by 1556
the board. A license holder completing this continuing education 1557
may receive credit toward the four-hour requirement in division 1558
(A)(1) of this section during the next continuing education period 1559
following the completion of this continuing education.1560

       Sec. 4732.142.  (A) The holder of a license issued under this 1561
chapter who retires from the practice of psychology or school 1562
psychology may request during the biennial license registration 1563
process that the license holder's license be placed in "licensed 1564
psychologist-retired" or "licensed school psychologist-retired" 1565
status. Once the license is placed in retired status, the license 1566
holder shall not practice psychology or school psychology in this 1567
state. A license holder selecting this status shall pay to the 1568
board a fee of fifty dollars.1569

       (B) Procedures for reinstating a retired license shall be 1570
established in rules adopted by the state board of psychology.1571

       Sec. 4732.16.        Sec. 4732.15.  Each applicant under section 4732.15 1572
of the Revised Codefor a license to be issued under this chapter1573
shall pay a fee established by the state board of psychology of 1574
not less than seventy-five nor more than oneof three hundred 1575
fifty dollars, no part of which shall be returned. An applicant 1576
who is denied licensure under section 4732.15 of the Revised Code 1577
may apply for licensure under section 4732.10 of the Revised Code 1578
within one year from the date of the denial and upon payment of a 1579
fee not to exceed twenty-five dollars.1580

       Sec. 4732.151.  The state board of psychology shall charge a 1581
fee of forty dollars to a license holder for the written 1582
verification of licensure status, including verification of the 1583
date of licensure, the presence or absence of a history of 1584
disciplinary action, and the expiration date of the license.1585

       Sec. 4732.16.  (A) The state board of psychology shall 1586
investigate alleged violations of this chapter or the rules 1587
adopted under it. Each investigation shall be assigned by the 1588
executive director or designated investigator to one of the 1589
members of the board who shall serve as the supervising member of 1590
the investigation. 1591

       As part of its conduct of investigations, the board may 1592
examine witnesses, administer oaths, and issue subpoenas, except 1593
that the board may not compel the attendance of the respondent in 1594
an investigation. A subpoena for patient record information may be 1595
issued only if the supervising member, executive director, 1596
secretary, and an attorney from the office of the attorney general 1597
determine that there is probable cause to believe that the 1598
complaint alleges a violation of this chapter and that the records 1599
sought are relevant to the alleged violation and material to the 1600
investigation. No member of the board who supervises the 1601
investigation or approves the issuance of a subpoena for patient 1602
records shall participate in further adjudication of the case. The 1603
subpoena may apply only to records that cover a reasonable period 1604
of time surrounding the alleged violation. On failure of a person 1605
to comply with a subpoena issued by the board and after reasonable 1606
notice to that person, the board may move for an order compelling 1607
the production of records or persons pursuant to the Rules of 1608
Civil Procedure.1609

       A subpoena issued by the board may be served by a sheriff, 1610
the sheriff's deputy, or a board employee designated by the board. 1611
Service of a subpoena issued by the board may be made by 1612
delivering a copy of the subpoena to the person named in the 1613
subpoena, reading it to the person, or leaving it at the person's 1614
usual place of residence. When the person being served is a person 1615
whose practice is authorized by this chapter, service of the 1616
subpoena may be made by certified mail, return receipt requested, 1617
and the subpoena shall be deemed served on the date delivery is 1618
made or the date the person refuses to accept delivery.1619

       A sheriff's deputy who serves a subpoena shall receive the 1620
same fees as a sheriff. Each witness who appears before the board 1621
in obedience to a subpoena shall receive the fees and mileage 1622
provided for witnesses under section 119.094 of the Revised Code.1623

       (B)(1) The board shall conduct all investigations and 1624
proceedings in a manner that protects the confidentiality of 1625
patients and persons who file complaints with the board. The board 1626
shall not make public the names or any other identifying 1627
information about patients or complainants unless proper consent 1628
is given or, in the case of a patient, the patient privilege has 1629
been waived by the patient. Information received by the board 1630
pursuant to an investigation is confidential and not subject to 1631
discovery in any civil action.1632

       (2) The board may share any information it receives pursuant 1633
to an investigation, including patient records and patient record 1634
information, with law enforcement agencies, other licensing 1635
boards, and other government agencies that are prosecuting, 1636
adjudicating, or investigating alleged violations of statutes or 1637
administrative rules. An agency or board that receives the 1638
information shall comply with the same requirements regarding 1639
confidentiality as the board must comply with under division 1640
(B)(1) of this section, notwithstanding any conflicting provision 1641
of the Revised Code or procedure of the agency or board that 1642
applies when it is dealing with other information in its 1643

       (3) In a judicial proceeding, any information the board 1645
receives pursuant to an investigation may be admitted into 1646
evidence only in accordance with the Ohio Rules of Evidence, but 1647
the court shall require that appropriate measures be taken to 1648
ensure that confidentiality is maintained with respect to any part 1649
of the information that contains names or other identifying 1650
information about patients or complainants whose confidentiality 1651
was protected by the board when the information was in the board's 1652
possession. Measures to ensure confidentiality that may be taken 1653
by the court include sealing its records or deleting specific 1654
information from its records.1655

       Sec. 4732.17.  (A) TheSubject to division (F) of this 1656
section, the state board of psychology may refuse to issue a 1657
license to any applicant, may issue a reprimand, or suspend or 1658
revoke the license of any licensed psychologist or licensed school 1659
psychologist,take any of the actions specified in division (C) of 1660
this section against an applicant for or a person who holds a 1661
license issued under this chapter on any of the following grounds 1662
as applicable:1663

       (1) Conviction, including a plea of guilty or no contest, of 1664
a felony, or of any offense involving moral turpitude, in a court 1665
of this or any other state or in a federal court;1666

       (2) A judicial finding of eligibility for intervention in 1667
lieu of conviction for a felony or any offense involving moral 1668
turpitude in a court of this or any other state or in a federal 1669

       (3) Using fraud or deceit in the procurement of the license 1671
to practice psychology or school psychology or knowingly assisting 1672
another in the procurement of such a license through fraud or 1673

       (3)(4) Accepting commissions or rebates or other forms of 1675
remuneration for referring persons to other professionals;1676

       (4)(5) Willful, unauthorized communication of information 1677
received in professional confidence;1678

       (5)(6) Being negligent in the practice of psychology or 1679
school psychology;1680

       (6) Using any controlled substance or alcoholic beverage to 1681
an extent that such use impairs the person's ability to perform 1682
the work of a psychologist or school psychologist with safety to 1683
the public(7) Inability to practice according to acceptable and 1684
prevailing standards of care by reason of a mental, emotional, 1685
physiological, or pharmacological condition or substance abuse;1686

       (7)(8) Subject to section 4732.28 of the Revised Code, 1687
violating any rule of professional conduct promulgated by the 1688

       (8)(9) Practicing in an area of psychology for which the 1690
person is clearly untrained or incompetent;1691

       (9)(10) An adjudication by a court, as provided in section 1692
5122.301 of the Revised Code, that the person is incompetent for 1693
the purpose of holding the license. Such person may have the 1694
person's license issued or restored only upon determination by a 1695
court that the person is competent for the purpose of holding the 1696
license and upon the decision by the board that such license be 1697
issued or restored. The board may require an examination prior to 1698
such issuance or restoration.1699

       (10)(11) Waiving the payment of all or any part of a 1700
deductible or copayment that a patient, pursuant to a health 1701
insurance or health care policy, contract, or plan that covers 1702
psychological services, would otherwise be required to pay if the 1703
waiver is used as an enticement to a patient or group of patients 1704
to receive health care services from that provider;1705

       (11)(12) Advertising that the person will waive the payment 1706
of all or any part of a deductible or copayment that a patient, 1707
pursuant to a health insurance or health care policy, contract, or 1708
plan that covers psychological services, would otherwise be 1709
required to pay;1710

       (12)(13) Any of the following actions taken by the agency 1711
responsible for authorizing or certifying the person to practice 1712
or regulating the person's practice of a health care occupation or 1713
provision of health care services in this state or another 1714
jurisdiction, as evidenced by a certified copy of that agency's 1715
records and findings for any reason other than the nonpayment of 1716

       (a) Limitation, revocation, or suspension of the person's 1718
license to practice;1719

       (b) Acceptance of the person's license surrender;1720

       (c) Denial of a license to the person;1721

       (d) Refuse to renew or reinstate the person's license;1722

       (e) Imposition of probation on the person;1723

       (f) Issuance of an order of censure or other reprimand 1724
against the person;1725

       (g) Other negative action or finding against the person about 1726
which information is available to the public.1727

       (14) Offering or rendering psychological services after a 1728
license issued under this chapter has expired due to a failure to 1729
timely register under section 4732.14 of the Revised Code or 1730
complete continuing education requirements;1731

       (15) Offering or rendering psychological services after a 1732
license issued under this chapter has been placed in retired 1733
status pursuant to section 4732.142 of the Revised Code;1734

       (16) Unless the person is a school psychologist licensed by 1735
the state board of education:1736

       (a) Offering or rendering school psychological services after 1737
a license issued under this chapter has expired due to a failure 1738
to timely register under section 4732.14 of the Revised Code or 1739
complete continuing education requirements;1740

       (b) Offering or rendering school psychological services after 1741
a license issued under this chapter has been placed in retired 1742
status pursuant to section 4732.142 of the Revised Code.1743

       (17) Violating any adjudication order or consent agreement 1744
adopted by the board;1745

       (18) Failure to submit to mental, cognitive, substance abuse, 1746
or medical evaluations, or a combination of these evaluations, 1747
ordered by the board under division (E) of this section.1748

       (B) Notwithstanding divisiondivisions (A)(10)(11) and 1749
(11)(12) of this section, sanctions shall not be imposed against 1750
any licenseelicense holder who waives deductibles and 1751

       (a)(1) In compliance with the health benefit plan that 1753
expressly allows such a practice. Waiver of the deductibles or 1754
copays shall be made only with the full knowledge and consent of 1755
the plan purchaser, payer, and third-party administrator. Such 1756
consent shall be made available to the board upon request.1757

       (b)(2) For professional services rendered to any other person 1758
licensed pursuant to this chapter to the extent allowed by this 1759
chapter and the rules of the board.1760

       (C) For any of the reasons specified in division (A) of this 1761
section, the board may do one or more of the following:1762

       (1) Refuse to issue a license to an applicant;1763

       (2) Issue a reprimand to a license holder;1764

       (3) Suspend the license of a license holder;1765

       (4) Revoke the license of a license holder;1766

       (5) Limit or restrict the areas of practice of an applicant 1767
or a license holder;1768

       (6) Require mental, substance abuse, or physical evaluations, 1769
or any combination of these evaluations, of an applicant or a 1770
license holder;1771

       (7) Require remedial education and training of an applicant 1772
or a license holder.1773

       (D) When it revokes the license of a license holder under 1774
division (C)(4) of this section, the board may specify that the 1775
revocation is permanent. An individual subject to permanent 1776
revocation is forever thereafter ineligible to hold a license, and 1777
the board shall not accept an application for reinstatement of the 1778
license or issuance of a new license.1779

       (E) When the board issues a notice of opportunity for a 1780
hearing on the basis of division (A)(7) of this section, the 1781
supervising member of the board, with cause and upon consultation 1782
with the board's executive director and the board's legal counsel, 1783
may compel the applicant or license holder to submit to mental, 1784
cognitive, substance abuse, or medical evaluations, or a 1785
combination of these evaluations, by a person or persons selected 1786
by the board. Notice shall be given to the applicant or license 1787
holder in writing signed by the supervising member, the executive 1788
director, and the board's legal counsel. The applicant or license 1789
holder is deemed to have given consent to submit to these 1790
evaluations and to have waived all objections to the admissibility 1791
of testimony or evaluation reports that constitute a privileged 1792
communication. The expense of the evaluation or evaluations shall 1793
be the responsibility of the applicant or license holder who is 1794

       (B) Except as provided in section 4732.171 of the Revised 1796
Code, before(F) Before the board may deny, suspend, or revoke a 1797
licensetake action under this section, or otherwise discipline 1798
the holder of a license, written charges shall be filed with the 1799
board by the secretary and a hearing shall be had thereon in 1800
accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, except as 1801

       (1) On receipt of a complaint that any of the grounds listed 1803
in division (A) of this section exist, the state board of 1804
psychology may suspend a license issued under this chapter prior 1805
to holding a hearing in accordance with Chapter 119. of the 1806
Revised Code if it determines, based on the complaint, that there 1807
is an immediate threat to the public. A telephone conference call 1808
may be used to conduct an emergency meeting for review of the 1809
matter by a quorum of the board, taking the vote, and 1810
memorializing the action in the minutes of the meeting.1811

       After suspending a license pursuant to division (F)(1) of 1812
this section, the board shall notify the license holder of the 1813
suspension in accordance with section 119.07 of the Revised Code. 1814
If the individual whose license is suspended fails to make a 1815
timely request for an adjudication under Chapter 119. of the 1816
Revised Code, the board shall enter a final order permanently 1817
revoking the license.1818

       (2) The board shall adopt rules establishing a case 1819
management schedule for pre-hearing procedures by the hearing 1820
examiner or presiding board member. The schedule shall include 1821
applicable deadlines related to the hearing process, including all 1822
of the following:1823

       (a) The date of the hearing;1824

       (b) The date for the disclosure of witnesses and exhibits;1825

       (c) The date for the disclosure of the identity of expert 1826
witnesses and the exchange of written reports;1827

       (d) The deadline for submitting a request for the issuance of 1828
a subpoena for the hearing as provided under Chapter 119. of the 1829
Revised Code and division (F)(4) of this section.1830

       (3) Either party to the hearing may submit a written request 1831
to the other party for a list of witnesses and copies of documents 1832
intended to be introduced at the hearing. The request shall be in 1833
writing and shall be served not less than thirty-seven days prior 1834
to the hearing, unless the hearing officer or presiding board 1835
member grants an extension of time to make the request. Not later 1836
than thirty days before the hearing, the responding party shall 1837
provide the requested list of witnesses, summary of their 1838
testimony, and copies of documents to the requesting party, unless 1839
the hearing officer or presiding board member grants an extension. 1840
Failure to timely provide a list or copies requested in accordance 1841
with this section may, at the discretion of the hearing officer or 1842
presiding board member, result in exclusion from the hearing of 1843
the witnesses, testimony, or documents.1844

       (4) In addition to subpoenas for the production of books, 1845
records, and papers requested under Chapter 119. of the Revised 1846
Code, either party may ask the board to issue a subpoena for the 1847
production of other tangible items.1848

       The person subject to a subpoena for the production of books, 1849
records, papers, or other tangible items shall respond to the 1850
subpoena at least twenty days prior to the date of the hearing. If 1851
a person fails to respond to a subpoena issued by the board, after 1852
providing reasonable notice to the person, the board, the hearing 1853
officer, or both may proceed with enforcement of the subpoena 1854
pursuant to section 119.09 of the Revised Code.1855

       Sec. 4732.172.        Sec. 4732.171.  (A) Except as provided in division 1856
(B) of this section, if, at the conclusion of a hearing required 1857
by section 4732.17 of the Revised Code, the state board of 1858
psychology determines that a licensed psychologist or licensed1859
school psychologist licensed by the state board of psychology has 1860
engaged in sexual conduct or had sexual contact with the licensed 1861
psychologist's or licensed school psychologist'slicense holder's1862
patient or client in violation of any prohibition contained in 1863
Chapter 2907. of the Revised Code, the board shall do one of the 1864

       (1) Suspend the licensed psychologist's or licensed school 1866
psychologist'slicense holder's license;1867

       (2) Permanently revoke the licensed psychologist's or 1868
licensed school psychologist'slicense holder's license.1869

       (B) If it determines at the conclusion of the hearing that 1870
neither of the sanctions described in division (A) of this section 1871
is appropriate, the board shall impose another sanction it 1872
considers appropriate and issue a written finding setting forth 1873
the reasons for the sanction imposed and the reason that neither 1874
of the sanctions described in division (A) of this section is 1875

       Sec. 4732.173.        Sec. 4732.172.  Any finding made, and the record of 1877
any sanction imposed, by the state board of psychology under 1878
section 4732.17,or 4732.171, or 4732.172 of the Revised Code is a 1879
public record under section 149.43 of the Revised Code.1880

       Sec. 4732.173.  (A) The board may approve or establish a 1881
colleague assistance program for the purpose of affording holders 1882
of licenses issued under this chapter, license applicants, and 1883
persons registered pursuant to division (B) of section 4731.22 of 1884
the Revised Code access to all of the following:1885

       (1) Resources concerning the prevention of distress;1886

       (2) Evaluation and intervention services concerning mental, 1887
emotional, substance use, and other conditions that may impair 1888
competence, objectivity, and judgment in the provision of 1889
psychological or school psychological services;1890

       (3) Consultation and mentoring services for practice 1891
oversight and remediation of professional skill deficits.1892

       The board may compel a license holder, applicant, or 1893
registered person to participate in the program in conjunction 1894
with the board's actions under section 4732.17 of the Revised 1895
Code. 1896

       (B) If a program is approved or established, the board shall 1897
adopt rules specifying the circumstances under which self-referred 1898
participants may receive confidential services from the program.1899

       Sec. 4732.18.  At any time after the suspension or revocation 1900
of a license, the state board of psychology may restore the 1901
license upon the written finding by the board that circumstances 1902
so warrant. TheAt the time it restores a license, the board may 1903
impose restrictions and limitations on the practice of the license 1904
holder. 1905

       The board may require a person seeking restoration of a 1906
license to submit to mental, substance abuse, cognitive, or 1907
physical evaluations, or a combination of these evaluations. 1908
Evaluations shall be conducted by qualified individuals selected 1909
by the board. The costs of any evaluative processes shall be paid 1910
by the applicant for restoration. A person requesting restoration 1911
of a license is deemed to have given consent to submit to a mental 1912
or physical examination when directed to do so in writing by the 1913
board and to have waived all objections to the admissibility of 1914
testimony or examination reports that constitute a privileged 1915

       As a further condition of license restoration, the board may 1917
require an examination of the applicant before such restoration1918
to do both of the following:1919

       (A) Take the examination selected by the board under section 1920
4732.11 of the Revised Code and receive a score acceptable to the 1921

       (B) Participate in board processes designed to expose the 1923
applicant to Chapter 4732. of the Revised Code and rules 1924
promulgated thereunder, which may include passing a written or 1925
oral examination on the Ohio laws and rules governing 1926
psychologists and school psychologists.1927

       Sec. 4732.21. (A) On and after December 1, 1972, noExcept 1928
as provided in section 4732.22 of the Revised Code:1929

       (A) No person who is not a licensed psychologist shall offer 1930
or render services as a psychologist or otherwise engage in the 1931
practice of psychology for a compensation or other personal gain.1932

       (B) On and after December 1, 1972, noNo person who is not a 1933
licensed psychologist or, a school psychologist licensed by the 1934
state board of psychology, or a school psychologist licensed by 1935
the state board of education shall offer or render services as a 1936
school psychologist or otherwise engage in the practice of school 1937
psychology for a compensation or other personal gain.1938

       Sec. 4732.22. (A) The following persons are exempted from 1939
the licensing requirements of this chapter:1940

       (A)(1) A certificatedperson who holds a license or 1941
certificate issued by the state board of education authorizing the 1942
practice of school psychologistpsychology, while practicing 1943
school psychology within the scope of his employment by a board of 1944
education or by a private school meeting the standards prescribed 1945
by the state board of education under division (D) of section 1946
3301.07 of the Revised Code, or while acting as a school 1947
psychologist within the scope of his employment in a program for1948
trainable mentally retarded children with disabilities established 1949
under Chapter 3323. or 5126. of the Revised Code. A person 1950
exempted under this division shall not offer psychological 1951
services to any other individual, organization, or group for 1952
remuneration, monetary or otherwise, unless hethe person is 1953
licensed by the state board of psychology.1954

       (B)(2) Any nonresident temporarily employed in this state to 1955
render psychological services for not more than thirty days a 1956
year, who, in the opinion of the board, meets the standards for 1957
entrance in division (B) of section 4732.10 of the Revised Code, 1958
who has paid the required fee and submitted an application 1959
prescribed by the board, and who holds whatever license or 1960
certificate, if any, is required for such practice in histhe 1961
person's home state or home country.1962

       (C)(3) Any person employed byworking under the supervision 1963
of a licensed psychologist or licensed school psychologist 1964
licensed under this chapter, while carrying out specific tasks, 1965
under the licensee'slicense holder's supervision, as an extension 1966
of the licensee'slicense holder's legal and ethical authority as 1967
specified under this chapter if the person is registered under 1968
division (B) of this section. All fees shall be billed under the 1969
name of the licensee, and the employeelicense holder. The person 1970
working under the license holder's supervision shall not represent 1971
himselfself to the public as a psychologist or school 1972
psychologist, although supervised persons and persons in training 1973
may be ascribed such titles as "psychology trainee," "psychology 1974
assistant," "psychology intern," or other appropriate term that 1975
clearly implies their supervised or training status.1976

       (D) Unlicensed persons holding a master's degree or doctoral 1977
degree in psychology from a program approved by the board while 1978
working under the supervision of a licensed psychologist. The 1979
board shall establish rules governing such supervisory 1980
relationship which shall include a regulation requiring 1981
registration with the board of such unlicensed person.1982

       (E)(4) Any student in an accredited educational institution, 1983
while carrying out activities that are part of histhe student's1984
prescribed course of study, provided such activities are 1985
supervised by a professional person who is qualified to perform 1986
such activities and is licensed under this chapter or is exempted 1987
under division (F) or (G) of this section or division (B) or (D) 1988
of section 4732.23 of the Revised Code. Such student shall hold 1989
himself out to the public only by clearly indicating his student 1990
status and the profession in which he is being trained.1991

       (F) Duly ordained ministers while functioning in their 1992
ministerial capacity;1993

       (G) Qualified social workers while functioning in their 1994
capacity as social workersa qualified supervisor pursuant to 1995
rules of the board;1996

       (5) Recognized religious officials, including ministers, 1997
priests, rabbis, imams, Christian science practitioners, and other 1998
persons recognized by the board, conducting counseling when the 1999
counseling activities are within the scope of the performance of 2000
their regular duties and are performed under the auspices or 2001
sponsorship of an established and legally cognizable religious 2002
denomination or sect, as defined in current federal tax 2003
regulations, and when the religious official does not refer to the 2004
official's self as a psychologist and remains accountable to the 2005
established authority of the religious denomination or sect;2006

       (6) Persons in the employ of the federal government insofar 2007
as their activities are a part of the duties of their positions;2008

       (7) Persons licensed, certified, or registered under any 2009
other provision of the Revised Code who are practicing those arts 2010
and utilizing psychological procedures that are allowed and within 2011
the standards and ethics of their profession or within new areas 2012
of practice that represent appropriate extensions of their 2013
profession, provided that they do not hold themselves out to the 2014
public by the title of psychologist;2015

       (8) Persons using the term "social psychologist," 2016
"experimental psychologist," "developmental psychologist," 2017
"research psychologist," "cognitive psychologist," and other terms 2018
used by those in academic and research settings who possess a 2019
doctoral degree in psychology from an educational institution 2020
accredited or recognized by national or regional accrediting 2021
agencies as maintaining satisfactory standards and who do not use 2022
such a term in the solicitation or rendering of professional 2023
psychological services.2024

       (B) The license holder who is supervising a person described 2025
in division (A)(3) of this section shall register the person with 2026
the board. The board shall adopt rules regarding the registration 2027
process and the supervisory relationship.2028

       Sec. 4732.221.  A nonresident applicant seeking a review of 2029
qualifications and permission of the state board of psychology to 2030
practice psychology in Ohio for no more than thirty days per year 2031
under division (A)(2) of section 4732.22 of the Revised Code shall 2032
pay a fee established by the board of not less than seventy-five 2033
dollars and not more than one hundred fifty dollars, no part of 2034
which shall be returned. The board may adopt rules for the purpose 2035
of recognizing a nonresident's interjurisdictional practice 2036
credentials granted by the association of state and provincial 2037
psychology boards and other relevant professional organizations.2038

       Sec. 4732.31.  (A) The state board of psychology shall 2039
provide access to the following information through the internet:2040

       (1) The names of all licensed psychologists and licensedall2041
school psychologists licensed by the state board of psychology;2042

       (2) The names of all licensed psychologists and licensedall2043
school psychologists licensed by the state board of psychology who 2044
have been reprimanded by the board for misconduct, the names of 2045
all licensed psychologists or school psychologists who have 2046
current licenses butlicensed by the state board of psychology2047
whose licenses are under an active suspension imposed for 2048
misconduct, the names of all former licensed psychologists and 2049
licensed school psychologists licensed by the state board of 2050
psychology whose licenses have been suspended or revoked for 2051
misconduct, and the reason for each reprimand, suspension, or 2052

       (3) Written findings made under division (B) of section2054
4732.1724732.171 of the Revised Code.2055

       (B) Division (A)(2) of this section does not apply to a 2056
suspension of the license of a psychologist or school psychologist 2057
that is an automatic suspension imposed under section 4732.14 of 2058
the Revised Code.2059

       Sec. 4732.32.  The state board of psychology shall adopt 2060
rules governing the use of telepsychology for the purpose of 2061
protecting the welfare of recipients of telepsychology services 2062
and establishing requirements for the responsible use of 2063
telepsychology in the practice of psychology and school 2064
psychology, including supervision of persons registered with the 2065
state board of psychology as described in division (B) of section 2066
4732.22 of the Revised Code.2067

       Sec. 4755.13. (A) Nothing in sections 4755.04 to 4755.13 of 2068
the Revised Code shall be construed to prevent or restrict the 2069
practice, services, or activities of the following:2070

       (1)(A) Any person who does not claim to the public by any 2071
title, initials, or description of services as being engaged in 2072
the practice of occupational therapy, who is:2073

       (a)(1) A physician licensed under Chapter 4731. of the 2074
Revised Code, or anyone employed or supervised by a licensed 2075
physician in the delivery of treatment or services;2076

       (b)(2) A person licensed, certified, or registered under 2077
sections 4755.40 to 4755.56 of the Revised Code or under any other 2078
chapter of the Revised Code who is practicing within the standards 2079
and ethics of practice that represent appropriate extensions of 2080
the person's profession;2081

       (c)(3) A qualified member of any other profession who is 2082
practicing within the standards and ethics of the member's 2083

       (2)(B) Any person employed as an occupational therapist or 2085
occupational therapy assistant by the government of the United 2086
States, if the person provides occupational therapy solely under 2087
the direction or control of the organization by which the person 2088
is employed;2089

       (3)(C) Any person pursuing a course of study leading to a 2090
degree or certificate in occupational therapy in an accredited or 2091
approved educational program if the activities and services 2092
constitute a part of a supervised course of study, if the person 2093
is designated by a title that clearly indicates the person's 2094
status as a student or trainee;2095

       (4)(D) Any person fulfilling the supervised field work 2096
experience requirements of section 4755.07 of the Revised Code, if 2097
the activities and services constitute a part of the experience 2098
necessary to meet those requirements.2099

       (B) Nothing in sections 4755.04 to 4755.13 of the Revised 2100
Code authorizes any person to use psychological procedures defined 2101
by the state board of psychology under division (C) of section 2102
4732.23 of the Revised Code as a serious hazard to mental health 2103
and to require professional expertise in psychology.2104

       Sec. 4757.42.  Except as otherwise expressly provided in this 2105
chapter, nothing in this chapter shall be construed as authorizing 2106
any person to engage in the practice of psychology as defined in 2107
division (B) of section 4732.01 of the Revised Code. This section 2108
shall not be construed as contravening section 4732.23 of the 2109
Revised Code.2110

       Sec. 5120.55.  (A) As used in this section, "licensed health 2111
professional" means any or all of the following:2112

        (1) A dentist who holds a current, valid license issued under 2113
Chapter 4715. of the Revised Code to practice dentistry;2114

        (2) A licensed practical nurse who holds a current, valid 2115
license issued under Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code that 2116
authorizes the practice of nursing as a licensed practical nurse;2117

        (3) An optometrist who holds a current, valid certificate of 2118
licensure issued under Chapter 4725. of the Revised Code that 2119
authorizes the holder to engage in the practice of optometry;2120

        (4) A physician who is authorized under Chapter 4731. of the 2121
Revised Code to practice medicine and surgery, osteopathic 2122
medicine and surgery, or podiatry;2123

       (5) A psychologist who holds a current, valid license issued 2124
under Chapter 4732. of the Revised Code that authorizes the 2125
practice of psychology as a licensed psychologist;2126

       (6) A registered nurse who holds a current, valid license 2127
issued under Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code that authorizes the 2128
practice of nursing as a registered nurse regardless of whether 2129
the nurse is authorized to practice as an advanced practice nurse 2130
as defined in section 4723.01 of the Revised Code.2131

       (B)(1) The department of rehabilitation and correction may 2132
establish a recruitment program under which the department, by 2133
means of a contract entered into under division (C) of this 2134
section, agrees to repay all or part of the principal and interest 2135
of a government or other educational loan incurred by a licensed 2136
health professional who agrees to provide services to inmates of 2137
correctional institutions under the department's administration.2138

       (2)(a) For a physician to be eligible to participate in the 2139
program, the physician must have attended a school that was, 2140
during the time of attendance, a medical school or osteopathic 2141
medical school in this country accredited by the liaison committee 2142
on medical education or the American osteopathic association, a 2143
college of podiatry in this country recognized as being in good 2144
standing under section 4731.53 of the Revised Code, or a medical 2145
school, osteopathic medical school, or college of podiatry located 2146
outside this country that was acknowledged by the world health 2147
organization and verified by a member state of that organization 2148
as operating within that state's jurisdiction.2149

       (b) For a nurse to be eligible to participate in the program, 2150
the nurse must have attended a school that was, during the time of 2151
attendance, a nursing school in this country accredited by the 2152
commission on collegiate nursing education or the national league 2153
for nursing accrediting commission or a nursing school located 2154
outside this country that was acknowledged by the world health 2155
organization and verified by a member state of that organization 2156
as operating within that state's jurisdiction.2157

       (c) For a dentist to be eligible to participate in the 2158
program, the dentist must have attended a school that was, during 2159
the time of attendance, a dental college that enabled the dentist 2160
to meet the requirements specified in section 4715.10 of the 2161
Revised Code to be granted a license to practice dentistry.2162

       (d) For an optometrist to be eligible to participate in the 2163
program, the optometrist must have attended a school of optometry 2164
that was, during the time of attendance, approved by the state 2165
board of optometry.2166

        (e) For a psychologist to be eligible to participate in the 2167
program, the psychologist must have attended an educational 2168
institution that, during the time of attendance, maintained a 2169
specific degree program recognized by the state board of 2170
psychology as acceptable for fulfilling the requirement of 2171
division (B)(4)(3) of section 4732.10 of the Revised Code.2172

       (C) The department shall enter into a contract with each 2173
licensed health professional it recruits under this section. Each 2174
contract shall include at least the following terms:2175

       (1) The licensed health professional agrees to provide a 2176
specified scope of medical, osteopathic medical, podiatric, 2177
optometric, psychological, nursing, or dental services to inmates 2178
of one or more specified state correctional institutions for a 2179
specified number of hours per week for a specified number of 2180

       (2) The department agrees to repay all or a specified portion 2182
of the principal and interest of a government or other educational 2183
loan taken by the licensed health professional for the following 2184
expenses to attend, for up to a maximum of four years, a school 2185
that qualifies the licensed health professional to participate in 2186
the program:2187

       (a) Tuition;2188

       (b) Other educational expenses for specific purposes, 2189
including fees, books, and laboratory expenses, in amounts 2190
determined to be reasonable in accordance with rules adopted under 2191
division (D) of this section;2192

       (c) Room and board, in an amount determined to be reasonable 2193
in accordance with rules adopted under division (D) of this 2194

       (3) The licensed health professional agrees to pay the 2196
department a specified amount, which shall be no less than the 2197
amount already paid by the department pursuant to its agreement, 2198
as damages if the licensed health professional fails to complete 2199
the service obligation agreed to or fails to comply with other 2200
specified terms of the contract. The contract may vary the amount 2201
of damages based on the portion of the service obligation that 2202
remains uncompleted.2203

       (4) Other terms agreed upon by the parties.2204

       The licensed health professional's lending institution or the 2205
Ohio board of regents, may be a party to the contract. The 2206
contract may include an assignment to the department of the 2207
licensed health professional's duty to repay the principal and 2208
interest of the loan.2209

       (D) If the department elects to implement the recruitment 2210
program, it shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of 2211
the Revised Code that establish all of the following:2212

       (1) Criteria for designating institutions for which licensed 2213
health professionals will be recruited;2214

       (2) Criteria for selecting licensed health professionals for 2215
participation in the program;2216

       (3) Criteria for determining the portion of a loan which the 2217
department will agree to repay;2218

       (4) Criteria for determining reasonable amounts of the 2219
expenses described in divisions (C)(2)(b) and (c) of this section;2220

       (5) Procedures for monitoring compliance by a licensed health 2221
professional with the terms of the contract the licensed health 2222
professional enters into under this section;2223

       (6) Any other criteria or procedures necessary to implement 2224
the program.2225

       Sec. 5122.01.  As used in this chapter and Chapter 5119. of 2226
the Revised Code:2227

       (A) "Mental illness" means a substantial disorder of thought, 2228
mood, perception, orientation, or memory that grossly impairs 2229
judgment, behavior, capacity to recognize reality, or ability to 2230
meet the ordinary demands of life.2231

       (B) "Mentally ill person subject to hospitalization by court 2232
order" means a mentally ill person who, because of the person's 2233

       (1) Represents a substantial risk of physical harm to self as 2235
manifested by evidence of threats of, or attempts at, suicide or 2236
serious self-inflicted bodily harm;2237

       (2) Represents a substantial risk of physical harm to others 2238
as manifested by evidence of recent homicidal or other violent 2239
behavior, evidence of recent threats that place another in 2240
reasonable fear of violent behavior and serious physical harm, or 2241
other evidence of present dangerousness;2242

       (3) Represents a substantial and immediate risk of serious 2243
physical impairment or injury to self as manifested by evidence 2244
that the person is unable to provide for and is not providing for 2245
the person's basic physical needs because of the person's mental 2246
illness and that appropriate provision for those needs cannot be 2247
made immediately available in the community; or2248

       (4) Would benefit from treatment in a hospital for the 2249
person's mental illness and is in need of such treatment as 2250
manifested by evidence of behavior that creates a grave and 2251
imminent risk to substantial rights of others or the person.2252

       (C)(1) "Patient" means, subject to division (C)(2) of this 2253
section, a person who is admitted either voluntarily or 2254
involuntarily to a hospital or other place under section 2945.39, 2255
2945.40, 2945.401, or 2945.402 of the Revised Code subsequent to a 2256
finding of not guilty by reason of insanity or incompetence to 2257
stand trial or under this chapter, who is under observation or 2258
receiving treatment in such place.2259

       (2) "Patient" does not include a person admitted to a 2260
hospital or other place under section 2945.39, 2945.40, 2945.401, 2261
or 2945.402 of the Revised Code to the extent that the reference 2262
in this chapter to patient, or the context in which the reference 2263
occurs, is in conflict with any provision of sections 2945.37 to 2264
2945.402 of the Revised Code.2265

       (D) "Licensed physician" means a person licensed under the 2266
laws of this state to practice medicine or a medical officer of 2267
the government of the United States while in this state in the 2268
performance of the person's official duties.2269

       (E) "Psychiatrist" means a licensed physician who has 2270
satisfactorily completed a residency training program in 2271
psychiatry, as approved by the residency review committee of the 2272
American medical association, the committee on post-graduate 2273
education of the American osteopathic association, or the American 2274
osteopathic board of neurology and psychiatry, or who on July 1, 2275
1989, has been recognized as a psychiatrist by the Ohio state 2276
medical association or the Ohio osteopathic association on the 2277
basis of formal training and five or more years of medical 2278
practice limited to psychiatry.2279

       (F) "Hospital" means a hospital or inpatient unit licensed by 2280
the department of mental health under section 5119.20 of the 2281
Revised Code, and any institution, hospital, or other place 2282
established, controlled, or supervised by the department under 2283
Chapter 5119. of the Revised Code.2284

       (G) "Public hospital" means a facility that is tax-supported 2285
and under the jurisdiction of the department of mental health.2286

       (H) "Community mental health agency" means an agency that 2287
provides community mental health services that are certified by 2288
the director of mental health under section 5119.611 of the 2289
Revised Code.2290

       (I) "Licensed clinical psychologist" means a person who holds 2291
a current valid psychologist license issued under section 4732.12 2292
or 4732.15 of the Revised Code, and in addition, meets either of 2293
the following criteria:2294

       (1) Meets the educational requirements set forth in division 2295
(B) of section 4732.10 of the Revised Code and has a minimum of 2296
two years' full-time professional experience, or the equivalent as 2297
determined by rule of the state board of psychology, at least one 2298
year of which shall be a predoctoral internship, in clinical 2299
psychological work in a public or private hospital or clinic or in 2300
private practice, diagnosing and treating problems of mental 2301
illness or mental retardation under the supervision of a 2302
psychologist who is licensed or who holds a diploma issued by the 2303
American board of professional psychology, or whose qualifications 2304
are substantially similar to those required for licensure by the 2305
state board of psychology when the supervision has occurred prior 2306
to enactment of laws governing the practice of psychology;2307

       (2) Meets the educational requirements set forth in division 2308
(B) of section 4732.15 of the Revised Code and has a minimum of 2309
four years' full-time professional experience, or the equivalent 2310
as determined by rule of the state board of psychology, in 2311
clinical psychological work in a public or private hospital or 2312
clinic or in private practice, diagnosing and treating problems of 2313
mental illness or mental retardation under supervision, as set 2314
forth in division (I)(1) of this section.2315

       (J) "Health officer" means any public health physician; 2316
public health nurse; or other person authorized by or designated 2317
by a city health district; a general health district; or a board 2318
of alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services to perform 2319
the duties of a health officer under this chapter.2320

       (K) "Chief clinical officer" means the medical director of a 2321
hospital, or a community mental health agency, or a board of 2322
alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services, or, if there 2323
is no medical director, the licensed physician responsible for the 2324
treatment a hospital or community mental health agency provides. 2325
The chief clinical officer may delegate to the attending physician 2326
responsible for a patient's care the duties imposed on the chief 2327
clinical officer by this chapter. Within a community mental health 2328
agency, the chief clinical officer shall be designated by the 2329
governing body of the agency and shall be a licensed physician or 2330
licensed clinical psychologist who supervises diagnostic and 2331
treatment services. A licensed physician or licensed clinical 2332
psychologist designated by the chief clinical officer may perform 2333
the duties and accept the responsibilities of the chief clinical 2334
officer in the chief clinical officer's absence.2335

       (L) "Working day" or "court day" means Monday, Tuesday, 2336
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, except when such day is a 2337

       (M) "Indigent" means unable without deprivation of 2339
satisfaction of basic needs to provide for the payment of an 2340
attorney and other necessary expenses of legal representation, 2341
including expert testimony.2342

       (N) "Respondent" means the person whose detention, 2343
commitment, hospitalization, continued hospitalization or 2344
commitment, or discharge is being sought in any proceeding under 2345
this chapter.2346

       (O) "Legal rights service" means the service established 2347
under section 5123.60 of the Revised Code.2348

       (P) "Independent expert evaluation" means an evaluation 2349
conducted by a licensed clinical psychologist, psychiatrist, or 2350
licensed physician who has been selected by the respondent or the 2351
respondent's counsel and who consents to conducting the 2352

       (Q) "Court" means the probate division of the court of common 2354

       (R) "Expunge" means:2356

       (1) The removal and destruction of court files and records, 2357
originals and copies, and the deletion of all index references;2358

       (2) The reporting to the person of the nature and extent of 2359
any information about the person transmitted to any other person 2360
by the court;2361

       (3) Otherwise insuring that any examination of court files 2362
and records in question shall show no record whatever with respect 2363
to the person;2364

       (4) That all rights and privileges are restored, and that the 2365
person, the court, and any other person may properly reply that no 2366
such record exists, as to any matter expunged.2367

       (S) "Residence" means a person's physical presence in a 2368
county with intent to remain there, except that:2369

       (1) If a person is receiving a mental health service at a 2370
facility that includes nighttime sleeping accommodations, 2371
residence means that county in which the person maintained the 2372
person's primary place of residence at the time the person entered 2373
the facility;2374

       (2) If a person is committed pursuant to section 2945.38, 2375
2945.39, 2945.40, 2945.401, or 2945.402 of the Revised Code, 2376
residence means the county where the criminal charges were filed.2377

       When the residence of a person is disputed, the matter of 2378
residence shall be referred to the department of mental health for 2379
investigation and determination. Residence shall not be a basis 2380
for a board's denying services to any person present in the 2381
board's service district, and the board shall provide services for 2382
a person whose residence is in dispute while residence is being 2383
determined and for a person in an emergency situation.2384

       (T) "Admission" to a hospital or other place means that a 2385
patient is accepted for and stays at least one night at the 2386
hospital or other place.2387

       (U) "Prosecutor" means the prosecuting attorney, village 2388
solicitor, city director of law, or similar chief legal officer 2389
who prosecuted a criminal case in which a person was found not 2390
guilty by reason of insanity, who would have had the authority to 2391
prosecute a criminal case against a person if the person had not 2392
been found incompetent to stand trial, or who prosecuted a case in 2393
which a person was found guilty.2394

       (V) "Treatment plan" means a written statement of reasonable 2395
objectives and goals for an individual established by the 2396
treatment team, with specific criteria to evaluate progress 2397
towards achieving those objectives. The active participation of 2398
the patient in establishing the objectives and goals shall be 2399
documented. The treatment plan shall be based on patient needs and 2400
include services to be provided to the patient while the patient 2401
is hospitalized and after the patient is discharged. The treatment 2402
plan shall address services to be provided upon discharge, 2403
including but not limited to housing, financial, and vocational 2404

       (W) "Community control sanction" has the same meaning as in 2406
section 2929.01 of the Revised Code.2407

       (X) "Post-release control sanction" has the same meaning as 2408
in section 2967.01 of the Revised Code.2409

       Section 2.  That existing sections 102.02, 102.022, 102.03, 2410
2152.54, 2919.271, 2945.37, 4732.01, 4732.02, 4732.03, 4732.05, 2411
4732.06, 4732.07, 4732.09, 4732.10, 4732.11, 4732.12, 4732.13, 2412
4732.14, 4732.141, 4732.16, 4732.17, 4732.172, 4732.173, 4732.18, 2413
4732.21, 4732.22, 4732.31, 4755.13, 4757.42, 5120.55, and 5122.01 2414
and sections 4732.15, 4732.171, and 4732.23 of the Revised Code 2415
are hereby repealed.2416

       Section 3. That the version of section 5122.01 of the Revised 2417
Code that is scheduled to take effect on October 1, 2012, be 2418
amended to read as follows:2419

       Sec. 5122.01.  As used in this chapter and Chapter 5119. of 2420
the Revised Code:2421

       (A) "Mental illness" means a substantial disorder of thought, 2422
mood, perception, orientation, or memory that grossly impairs 2423
judgment, behavior, capacity to recognize reality, or ability to 2424
meet the ordinary demands of life.2425

       (B) "Mentally ill person subject to hospitalization by court 2426
order" means a mentally ill person who, because of the person's 2427

       (1) Represents a substantial risk of physical harm to self as 2429
manifested by evidence of threats of, or attempts at, suicide or 2430
serious self-inflicted bodily harm;2431

       (2) Represents a substantial risk of physical harm to others 2432
as manifested by evidence of recent homicidal or other violent 2433
behavior, evidence of recent threats that place another in 2434
reasonable fear of violent behavior and serious physical harm, or 2435
other evidence of present dangerousness;2436

       (3) Represents a substantial and immediate risk of serious 2437
physical impairment or injury to self as manifested by evidence 2438
that the person is unable to provide for and is not providing for 2439
the person's basic physical needs because of the person's mental 2440
illness and that appropriate provision for those needs cannot be 2441
made immediately available in the community; or2442

       (4) Would benefit from treatment in a hospital for the 2443
person's mental illness and is in need of such treatment as 2444
manifested by evidence of behavior that creates a grave and 2445
imminent risk to substantial rights of others or the person.2446

       (C)(1) "Patient" means, subject to division (C)(2) of this 2447
section, a person who is admitted either voluntarily or 2448
involuntarily to a hospital or other place under section 2945.39, 2449
2945.40, 2945.401, or 2945.402 of the Revised Code subsequent to a 2450
finding of not guilty by reason of insanity or incompetence to 2451
stand trial or under this chapter, who is under observation or 2452
receiving treatment in such place.2453

       (2) "Patient" does not include a person admitted to a 2454
hospital or other place under section 2945.39, 2945.40, 2945.401, 2455
or 2945.402 of the Revised Code to the extent that the reference 2456
in this chapter to patient, or the context in which the reference 2457
occurs, is in conflict with any provision of sections 2945.37 to 2458
2945.402 of the Revised Code.2459

       (D) "Licensed physician" means a person licensed under the 2460
laws of this state to practice medicine or a medical officer of 2461
the government of the United States while in this state in the 2462
performance of the person's official duties.2463

       (E) "Psychiatrist" means a licensed physician who has 2464
satisfactorily completed a residency training program in 2465
psychiatry, as approved by the residency review committee of the 2466
American medical association, the committee on post-graduate 2467
education of the American osteopathic association, or the American 2468
osteopathic board of neurology and psychiatry, or who on July 1, 2469
1989, has been recognized as a psychiatrist by the Ohio state 2470
medical association or the Ohio osteopathic association on the 2471
basis of formal training and five or more years of medical 2472
practice limited to psychiatry.2473

       (F) "Hospital" means a hospital or inpatient unit licensed by 2474
the department of mental health under section 5119.20 of the 2475
Revised Code, and any institution, hospital, or other place 2476
established, controlled, or supervised by the department under 2477
Chapter 5119. of the Revised Code.2478

       (G) "Public hospital" means a facility that is tax-supported 2479
and under the jurisdiction of the department of mental health.2480

       (H) "Community mental health agency" means an agency that 2481
provides community mental health services that are certified by 2482
the director of mental health under section 5119.611 of the 2483
Revised Code.2484

       (I) "Licensed clinical psychologist" means a person who holds 2485
a current valid psychologist license issued under section 4732.12 2486
or 4732.15 of the Revised Code, and in addition, meets either of 2487
the following criteria:2488

       (1) Meets the educational requirements set forth in division 2489
(B) of section 4732.10 of the Revised Code and has a minimum of 2490
two years' full-time professional experience, or the equivalent as 2491
determined by rule of the state board of psychology, at least one 2492
year of which shall be a predoctoral internship, in clinical 2493
psychological work in a public or private hospital or clinic or in 2494
private practice, diagnosing and treating problems of mental 2495
illness or mental retardation under the supervision of a 2496
psychologist who is licensed or who holds a diploma issued by the 2497
American board of professional psychology, or whose qualifications 2498
are substantially similar to those required for licensure by the 2499
state board of psychology when the supervision has occurred prior 2500
to enactment of laws governing the practice of psychology;2501

       (2) Meets the educational requirements set forth in division 2502
(B) of section 4732.15 of the Revised Code and has a minimum of 2503
four years' full-time professional experience, or the equivalent 2504
as determined by rule of the state board of psychology, in 2505
clinical psychological work in a public or private hospital or 2506
clinic or in private practice, diagnosing and treating problems of 2507
mental illness or mental retardation under supervision, as set 2508
forth in division (I)(1) of this section.2509

       (J) "Health officer" means any public health physician; 2510
public health nurse; or other person authorized by or designated 2511
by a city health district; a general health district; or a board 2512
of alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services to perform 2513
the duties of a health officer under this chapter.2514

       (K) "Chief clinical officer" means the medical director of a 2515
hospital, or a community mental health agency, or a board of 2516
alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services, or, if there 2517
is no medical director, the licensed physician responsible for the 2518
treatment a hospital or community mental health agency provides. 2519
The chief clinical officer may delegate to the attending physician 2520
responsible for a patient's care the duties imposed on the chief 2521
clinical officer by this chapter. Within a community mental health 2522
agency, the chief clinical officer shall be designated by the 2523
governing body of the agency and shall be a licensed physician or 2524
licensed clinical psychologist who supervises diagnostic and 2525
treatment services. A licensed physician or licensed clinical 2526
psychologist designated by the chief clinical officer may perform 2527
the duties and accept the responsibilities of the chief clinical 2528
officer in the chief clinical officer's absence.2529

       (L) "Working day" or "court day" means Monday, Tuesday, 2530
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, except when such day is a 2531

       (M) "Indigent" means unable without deprivation of 2533
satisfaction of basic needs to provide for the payment of an 2534
attorney and other necessary expenses of legal representation, 2535
including expert testimony.2536

       (N) "Respondent" means the person whose detention, 2537
commitment, hospitalization, continued hospitalization or 2538
commitment, or discharge is being sought in any proceeding under 2539
this chapter.2540

       (O) "Ohio protection and advocacy system" has the same 2541
meaning as in section 5123.60 of the Revised Code.2542

       (P) "Independent expert evaluation" means an evaluation 2543
conducted by a licensed clinical psychologist, psychiatrist, or 2544
licensed physician who has been selected by the respondent or the 2545
respondent's counsel and who consents to conducting the 2546

       (Q) "Court" means the probate division of the court of common 2548

       (R) "Expunge" means:2550

       (1) The removal and destruction of court files and records, 2551
originals and copies, and the deletion of all index references;2552

       (2) The reporting to the person of the nature and extent of 2553
any information about the person transmitted to any other person 2554
by the court;2555

       (3) Otherwise insuring that any examination of court files 2556
and records in question shall show no record whatever with respect 2557
to the person;2558

       (4) That all rights and privileges are restored, and that the 2559
person, the court, and any other person may properly reply that no 2560
such record exists, as to any matter expunged.2561

       (S) "Residence" means a person's physical presence in a 2562
county with intent to remain there, except that:2563

       (1) If a person is receiving a mental health service at a 2564
facility that includes nighttime sleeping accommodations, 2565
residence means that county in which the person maintained the 2566
person's primary place of residence at the time the person entered 2567
the facility;2568

       (2) If a person is committed pursuant to section 2945.38, 2569
2945.39, 2945.40, 2945.401, or 2945.402 of the Revised Code, 2570
residence means the county where the criminal charges were filed.2571

       When the residence of a person is disputed, the matter of 2572
residence shall be referred to the department of mental health for 2573
investigation and determination. Residence shall not be a basis 2574
for a board's denying services to any person present in the 2575
board's service district, and the board shall provide services for 2576
a person whose residence is in dispute while residence is being 2577
determined and for a person in an emergency situation.2578

       (T) "Admission" to a hospital or other place means that a 2579
patient is accepted for and stays at least one night at the 2580
hospital or other place.2581

       (U) "Prosecutor" means the prosecuting attorney, village 2582
solicitor, city director of law, or similar chief legal officer 2583
who prosecuted a criminal case in which a person was found not 2584
guilty by reason of insanity, who would have had the authority to 2585
prosecute a criminal case against a person if the person had not 2586
been found incompetent to stand trial, or who prosecuted a case in 2587
which a person was found guilty.2588

       (V) "Treatment plan" means a written statement of reasonable 2589
objectives and goals for an individual established by the 2590
treatment team, with specific criteria to evaluate progress 2591
towards achieving those objectives. The active participation of 2592
the patient in establishing the objectives and goals shall be 2593
documented. The treatment plan shall be based on patient needs and 2594
include services to be provided to the patient while the patient 2595
is hospitalized and after the patient is discharged. The treatment 2596
plan shall address services to be provided upon discharge, 2597
including but not limited to housing, financial, and vocational 2598

       (W) "Community control sanction" has the same meaning as in 2600
section 2929.01 of the Revised Code.2601

       (X) "Post-release control sanction" has the same meaning as 2602
in section 2967.01 of the Revised Code.2603

       Section 4. That the version of section 5122.01 of the Revised 2604
Code that is scheduled to take effect on October 1, 2012, is 2605
hereby repealed.2606

       Section 5. Sections 3 and 4 of this act take effect October 2607
1, 2012.2608

       Section 6.  Section 102.02 of the Revised Code is presented 2609
in this act as a composite of the section as amended by both Am. 2610
Sub. H.B. 153 and Sub. S.B. 171 of the 129 General Assembly. The 2611
General Assembly, applying the principle stated in division (B) of 2612
section 1.52 of the Revised Code that amendments are to be 2613
harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation, finds 2614
that the composite is the resulting version of the section in 2615
effect prior to the effective date of the section as presented in 2616
this act.2617