As Introduced

129th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 584

Representative Foley 

Cosponsors: Representatives Hagan, R., Driehaus, Antonio, Phillips, Winburn 

To enact section 101.36 of the Revised Code to 1
require the Governor to participate in House 2
Question Times.3


       Section 1. That section 101.36 of the Revised Code be enacted 4
to read as follows:5

       Sec. 101.36. (A) Ten times per year, the governor shall 6
appear before the house of representatives for a forty-five minute 7
question time. During each question time, the governor shall 8
answer questions asked by the members of the house of 9
representatives. The speaker of the house of representatives shall 10
set the date and time of each question time. Each question time 11
shall occur during a session of the house of representatives at 12
which a sufficient number of members of the house are present to 13
pass a bill.14

        (B) The majority and the minority party each shall be given 15
the opportunity to ask the governor a minimum of five questions. 16
Prior to each question time, the majority leader of the house of 17
representatives shall submit to the speaker a list of the members 18
of the majority party who will ask the governor questions and the 19
minority leader of the house of representatives shall submit to 20
the speaker a list of the members of the minority party who will 21
ask the governor questions. The parties shall not be required to 22
disclose the questions their members intend to ask. Either party 23
may decline to ask a question.24

       (C) The speaker shall call on each questioner to speak and 25
shall alternate between parties. The minority party shall ask the 26
first question. The speaker shall make a reasonable effort to 27
allot equal time to each party for the asking and answering of its 28
questions. Neither party may ask a question after the forty-fifth 29
minute of the question time.30