As Introduced

129th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 67

Representative McGregor 

Cosponsors: Representatives Murray, Adams, J., Huffman, Kozlowski, Combs, Rosenberger, Stebelton, Balderson, Hackett, Hottinger, Patmon, Beck 

To enact sections 126.031, 126.032, and 126.033 of 1
the Revised Code to require the Office of Budget 2
and Management to maintain a web site showing 3
capital project appropriations and 4
reappropriations and to submit a biennial report 5
to the General Assembly.6


       Section 1. That sections 126.031, 126.032, and 126.033 of the 7
Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:8

       Sec. 126.031. (A) For purposes of this section and sections 9
126.032 and 126.033 of the Revised Code, "capital project" means 10
any project for which a capital appropriation or reappropriation 11
was made by the 127th general assembly or any subsequent general 12

       (B) For every capital project, the organization overseeing it 14
shall submit a searchable electronic document containing the 15
following information to the office of budget and management:16

       (1) A list of all enactments in which the capital project 17
received an appropriation or reappropriation;18

       (2) Every appropriation and reappropriation item for the 19
capital project in the enactments described under division (B)(1) 20
of this section;21

       (3) A list of all capital projects that received an 22
appropriation, at least two reappropriations, and for which no 23
money has been spent.24

       (C) An organization shall submit the document required by 25
this section not later than the thirty-first day of December of 26
each calendar year, beginning with calendar year 2011, in which an 27
appropriation or reappropriation is or was in effect for a capital 28

       Sec. 126.032. The office of budget and management shall post 30
on its web site, not later than the thirty-first day of January, 31
beginning with calendar year 2012, all capital project documents 32
received during the prior calendar year under section 126.031 of 33
the Revised Code.34

       Sec. 126.033. (A) The director of budget and management shall 35
submit to the general assembly a report containing the following 36
information for every capital project described under division 37
(B)(3) of section 126.031 of the Revised Code:38

       (1) A description of the capital project;39

       (2) An explanation by the office of budget and management or 40
the organization overseeing the capital project as to why no money 41
has been spent.42

       (B) The report required by division (A) of this section shall 43
be submitted to the general assembly not later than the 44
thirty-first day of January of each even-numbered year.45