As Introduced

129th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 172

Senator Schaffer 

Cosponsor: Senator Gillmor 

To amend section 2333.01 and to enact section 1
5747.124 of the Revised Code to enable a judgment 2
creditor landlord to obtain a court order 3
directing the Tax Commissioner to pay the judgment 4
debtor tenant's income tax refund to the landlord.5


       Section 1. That section 2333.01 be amended and section 6
5747.124 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:7

       Sec. 2333.01.  When a judgment debtor does not have 8
sufficient personal or real property subject to levy on execution 9
to satisfy the judgment, any equitable interest which hethe 10
judgment debtor has in real estate as mortgagor, mortgagee, or 11
otherwise, or any interest hethe judgment debtor has in a 12
banking, turnpike, bridge, or other joint-stock company, or in a 13
money contract, claim, or chose in action, due or to become due to 14
himthe judgment debtor, or in a judgment or order, or money, 15
goods, or effects which hethe judgment debtor has in the 16
possession of any person or body politic or corporate, or in money 17
due or that might become due to the judgment debtor under section 18
5747.11 of the Revised Code, shall be subject to the payment of 19
the judgment by action.20

       Sec. 5747.124. A landlord who has obtained a judgment against 21
a current or former tenant for breach of a residential rental 22
agreement may bring an action against the state under section 23
2333.01 of the Revised Code to recover a refund due or that might 24
become due to the tenant under section 5747.11 of the Revised 25
Code. Such a suit shall be brought only in the court of common 26
pleas of Franklin county, which shall have jurisdiction. The 27
rights of the landlord to the refund are subordinate to the 28
state's right to apply the refund against the claims listed in 29
sections 5747.12, 5747.121, 5747.122, and 5747.123 of the Revised 30

       An order directing the tax commissioner to pay all or part of 32
a tenant's refund to the landlord shall be a continuing order and 33
remains effective until the earlier of four years after the date 34
of the order or the date the judgment is satisfied. If an order 35
has been issued and is effective, within three days after the 36
judgment has been satisfied the landlord shall file a satisfaction 37
of judgment with the clerk of courts and serve a time-stamped copy 38
of the satisfaction of judgment upon the commissioner by certified 39

       As used in this section, "landlord" and "tenant" have the 41
same meanings as in section 5321.01 of the Revised Code.42

       Section 2. That existing section 2333.01 of the Revised Code 43
is hereby repealed.44