As Passed by the Senate

129th General Assembly
Regular Session
Sub. S. B. No. 187

Senator Grendell 

Cosponsors: Senators Patton, LaRose, Coley, Jordan, Lehner, Wilson, Turner, Schiavoni, Beagle, Brown, Cafaro, Daniels, Faber, Hite, Hughes, Jones, Manning, Obhof, Oelslager, Sawyer, Schaffer, Seitz, Skindell, Stewart, Tavares, Wagoner, Widener 

To amend section 5533.374 and to enact sections 1
5533.622 and 5533.623 of the Revised Code to 2
designate a portion of United States Route 322 3
within Geauga County only the "Chief Warrant 4
Officer Christopher R. Thibodeau Memorial 5
Highway," to designate a portion of Interstate 6
Route 71 within Franklin County only the "Deputy 7
Marty Martin Memorial Highway," and to rename the 8
"Heath Warner Memorial Highway" the "U.S.M.C. Pvt. 9
Heath Warner Memorial Highway."10


       Section 1. That section 5533.374 be amended and sections 11
5533.622 and 5533.623 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as 12

       Sec. 5533.374. In addition to the designation in section 14
5533.37 of the Revised Code, that portion of the road known as 15
interstate route number seventy-seven, commencing at the 16
intersection of that interstate route and state route number eight 17
hundred and proceeding in a northerly direction to the 18
intersection of that interstate route and Dressler road within 19
Stark county only, shall be known as the "U.S.M.C. Pvt. Heath 20
Warner Memorial Highway."21

        The director of transportation may erect suitable markers 22
along the highway indicating its name.23

       Sec. 5533.622. That portion of the road known as United 24
States route number three hundred twenty-two, commencing at the 25
boundary of Cuyahoga and Geauga counties and proceeding in an 26
easterly direction to caves road within the community of 27
Chesterland in Geauga county, shall be known as the "Chief Warrant 28
Officer Christopher R. Thibodeau Memorial Highway."29

        The director of transportation may erect suitable markers 30
along the highway indicating its name.31

       Sec. 5533.623. In addition to any other name prescribed in 32
the Revised Code or otherwise, that portion of the highway known 33
as interstate route number seventy-one, running in a northerly and 34
southerly direction within southern Franklin county, between the 35
intersection of that highway and interstate route number two 36
hundred seventy and the intersection of that highway and 37
Stringtown road, shall be known as the "Deputy Marty Martin 38
Memorial Highway."39

        The director of transportation may erect suitable markers 40
along the highway indicating its name.41

       Section 2.  That existing section 5533.374 of the Revised 42
Code is hereby repealed.43