As Introduced

129th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 353

Senator Schaffer 

To enact section 3323.21 of the Revised Code to 1
require the Department of Education to solicit 2
from school districts and educational service 3
centers regular studies of the time spent by 4
occupational and physical therapists on certain 5
activities and to use the studies to determine 6
appropriate workloads.7


       Section 1. That section 3323.21 of the Revised Code be 8
enacted to read as follows:9

       Sec. 3323.21.  (A) As used in this section, "related services 10
provider" means an occupational therapist or physical therapist.11

       (B)(1) Not later than June 30, 2013, and by the thirtieth day 12
of June every five years thereafter, the department of education 13
shall solicit from the boards of education of each city, exempted 14
village, and local school district and the governing board of each 15
educational service center a study of the average amount of time 16
each type of related services provider employed or contracted by 17
the board spent on each of the following activities over two 18
separate two-week periods, one of which shall have concluded prior 19
to the thirty-first day of January and the other of which shall 20
have concluded prior to the thirty-first day of May:21

       (a) Child evaluations, including screenings, observations, 22
diagnostic testing, and other assessments;23

       (b) IEP development;24

       (c) Development and review of plans of care;25

        (d) Provision of related services to children with 26
disabilities, including consultations and counseling regarding 27
appropriate intervention services and direct provision of those 28

       (e) Provision of transition services;30

       (f) Documentation of child evaluations and services, 31
including compliance with documentation requirements related to 32
receiving reimbursement for services from the medicaid program 33
authorized by Chapter 5111. of the Revised Code;34

       (g) IEP team meetings;35

       (h) Collaboration and coordination with IEP team members or 36
other district or service center staff;37

       (i) Advocacy to ensure that IEPs and legal requirements 38
regarding the education of children with disabilities are being 39

       (j) Conducting training sessions for parents or district or 41
service center staff;42

       (k) Planning and designing the provider's work;43

       (l) Travel between school buildings or other sites for the 44
purpose of carrying out the provider's job responsibilities;45

       (m) Planning and development of districtwide initiatives to 46
identify at-risk children;47

       (n) Management of employees under the provider's supervision, 48
including occupational therapy assistants and physical therapist 49

       (o) Professional development.51

       (2) Each study shall include the following additional 52

       (a) The number of school buildings or other sites served by 54
each related services provider employed or contracted by the 55
district or service center board and the travel time between those 56
buildings or sites;57

       (b) Whether the district or service center uses any 58
occupational therapy assistants, physical therapist assistants, or 59
similar licensed personnel to assist related services providers 60
and, if so, the average amount of time spent by those personnel on 61
each of the activities listed in division (B)(1) of this section 62
over the two separate two-week periods covered by the study;63

       (c) A description of other personnel and programs available 64
within the district or service center that could be used to assist 65
or otherwise support related services providers in their work;66

       (d) Any other information requested by the department.67

       (C) Upon receipt of the studies solicited on or before June 68
30, 2013, the department shall do both of the following:69

       (1) Classify each of the activities listed in division (B)(1) 70
of this section into one of the following categories:71

       (a) Direct provision of services to children with 72

       (b) Activities related to the development of educational 74
programming for children with disabilities;75

       (c) Activities related to supporting nondisabled children 76
receiving a general education curriculum;77

       (d) Activities necessary to comply with federal or state 78
legal requirements that are not otherwise classified in divisions 79
(C)(1)(a) to (c) of this section.80

       (2) Based on the data contained in the studies, develop a 81
formula to determine, for each type of related services provider, 82
an appropriate ratio of children with disabilities per provider 83
that enables the provider to fulfill the provider's job 84
responsibilities in each of the categories described in division 85
(C)(1) of this section and to meet the needs of the children with 86
disabilities in the provider's workload, without exceeding the 87
number of minutes comprising the provider's full-time work 88

       (D) Whenever subsequent studies are solicited under division 90
(B)(1) of this section, the department shall consider, based on 91
the data contained in the studies, whether the formula developed 92
under division (C)(2) of this section produces an appropriate 93
ratio of children with disabilities per related services provider. 94
If the department determines that the formula does not produce an 95
appropriate ratio of children with disabilities per provider, the 96
department shall adjust the formula as needed to attain a more 97
appropriate workload.98

       (E) The department shall review each study solicited under 99
division (B)(1) of this section. Following each review, the 100
department shall report to the district or service center board 101
that submitted a study the percentage of time spent by the related 102
services providers employed or contracted by the board on each of 103
the categories of activities described in division (C)(1) of this 104
section during the four weeks covered by the study. The department 105
also shall submit to the district or service center board 106
directions for aligning the current workload for each type of 107
related services provider employed or contracted by the board with 108
the workload size determined appropriate for that type of 109
provider. The department shall compile the information required by 110
this division into a report, which shall be submitted to the state 111
board of education within ninety days after the information has 112
been provided to school districts and educational service centers.113

       (F) Each district and service center board shall implement 114
the department's directions submitted to the board under division 115
(E) of this section.116