To amend section 3701.85 of the Revised Code to make | 1 |
clear that any person may perform automated | 2 |
external defibrillation. | 3 |
Section 1. That section 3701.85 of the Revised Code be | 4 |
amended to read as follows: | 5 |
Sec. 3701.85. (A) As used in this section: | 6 |
(1) "Automated external defibrillation" has the same meaning | 7 |
as in section 2305.235 of the Revised Code. | 8 |
(2) "Emergency medical services organization" has the same | 9 |
meaning as in section 4765.01 of the Revised Code. | 10 |
| 11 |
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| 16 |
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| 18 |
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(B) A person who possesses an automated external | 20 |
defibrillator shall do | 21 |
(1) | 22 |
a course in automated external defibrillation and cardiopulmonary | 23 |
resuscitation that is offered or approved by | 24 |
25 |
(2) Maintain and test the defibrillator according to the | 26 |
manufacturer's guidelines | 27 |
| 28 |
29 |
(C) A person who possesses an automated external | 30 |
defibrillator may notify an emergency medical services | 31 |
organization of the location of the defibrillator. | 32 |
(D) | 33 |
34 | |
35 | |
automated external defibrillation | 36 |
37 | |
38 | |
external defibrillation and cardiopulmonary resuscitation is | 39 |
recommended but not required. | 40 |
When automated external defibrillation is not performed as | 41 |
part of an emergency medical services system or at a hospital as | 42 |
defined in section 3727.01 of the Revised Code, an emergency | 43 |
medical services system shall be activated as soon as possible. | 44 |
Section 2. That existing section 3701.85 of the Revised Code | 45 |
is hereby repealed. | 46 |