As Introduced

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 262

Representative Ramos 

Cosponsors: Representatives Barborak, Ashford, Milkovich, Lundy, Hagan, R., Dovilla, Antonio, Foley, Fedor, Phillips, Retherford 

To amend section 3353.07 of the Revised Code to 1
require the Ohio Government Telecommunications 2
service to broadcast all standing committee 3
meetings of the Ohio House of Representatives as 4
they occur.5


       Section 1. That section 3353.07 of the Revised Code be 6
amended to read as follows:7

       Sec. 3353.07.  (A) There is hereby created the Ohio 8
government telecommunications service. The Ohio government 9
telecommunications service shall provide the state government and 10
affiliated organizations with multimedia support including audio, 11
visual, and internet services, multimedia streaming, and hosting 12
multimedia programs.13

       Services relating to the official activities of the general 14
assembly and the executive offices provided by the Ohio government 15
telecommunications service shall be funded through grants to a 16
public television broadcasting station that will manage the staff 17
and provide the services of the Ohio government telecommunications 18
service. The Ohio educational television stations shall select a 19
member station to manage the Ohio government telecommunications 20
service. The Ohio government telecommunications service shall 21
receive grants from, or contract with, any of the three branches 22
of Ohio government, and their affiliates, to provide additional 23
services. Services provided by the Ohio government 24
telecommunications service shall not be used for political 25
purposes included in campaign materials, or otherwise used to 26
influence an election, legislation, issue, judicial decision, or 27
other policy of state government.28

       (B)(1) There is hereby created the legislative programming 29
committee of the Ohio government telecommunications service that 30
shall consist of the president of the senate, speaker of the house 31
of representatives, minority leader of the senate, and minority 32
leader of the house of representatives, or their designees, and 33
the clerks of the senate and house of representatives as 34
nonvoting, ex officio members. By a vote of a majority of its 35
members, the program committee may add additional members to the 36

       (2) The legislative programming committee shall adopt rules 38
that govern the operation of the Ohio government 39
telecommunications service relating to the general assembly and 40
any affiliated organizations.41

       (C) In addition to any broadcasting of sessions or committees 42
of the general assembly required pursuant to the rules adopted 43
under division (B) of this section, the Ohio government 44
telecommunications service shall broadcast all standing committee 45
meetings of the Ohio house of representatives with both audio and 46
visual feeds. The broadcast shall be made available publicly at 47
the time the committee meeting is conducted and shall be archived 48
on the web site of the Ohio government telecommunications service 49
for future public access and use. 50

       Visual coverage for committees shall focus on individual 51
members speaking and shall not consist of a single wide angle shot 52
of a committee or committee room as a whole.53

       Section 2.  That existing section 3353.07 of the Revised Code 54
is hereby repealed.55