As Passed by the House

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
Am. H. B. No. 477

Representative Brown 

Cosponsors: Representatives Anielski, Barnes, Brenner, Buchy, Grossman, Hackett, Huffman, Johnson, Letson, Phillips, Rosenberger, Sears, Smith, Stebelton, Young Speaker Batchelder 

To authorize the conveyance of state-owned real 1
property and to declare an emergency.2


       Section 1. (A) The Governor may execute a deed in the name of 3
the state conveying to Harold L. Snyder, and to his heirs and 4
assigns, all of the state's right, title, and interest in the 5
following described real estate:6

       Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Pickaway, Township 7
of Darby, being located in Virginia Military Survey No. 1313 and 8
being 5.420 acres of the original 28.29 acre tract of land, 9
conveyed to State of Ohio by deed of record in Deed Book 72, Page 10
193, all references being to records in the Recorder's Office, 11
Pickaway County, Ohio and bounded and described as follows;12

       BEGINNING FOR REFERENCE at a mag nail, set at an angle point 13
in the centerline of State Route 762 (Station 50+00), said angle 14
point being the intersection of the said centerline of State Route 15
762, with the centerline of Darby Creek Road (County Road 26 at 16
Station 100 + 00) and as shown on Ohio Department of 17
Transportation Plan PIC-762-0.19;18

       thence North 83° 08'19" West crossing State Route 762, a 19
distance of 80.00 feet to an angle point in the Westerly 20
right-of-way line of said State Route 762, as conveyed to the 21
State of Ohio by deed of record in Deed Book 301, Page 90;22

       thence South 0° 53'28" East, with said right-of-way line, and 23
becoming the Westerly right-of-way line of Darby Creek Road, 24
(County Road 26), a distance of 84.06 feet to an iron pin set at 25
the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, being the Northeasterly corner of the 26
tract herein intended to be described;27

       thence South 0° 53'28" East, continuing with said 28
right-of-way line of Darby Creek Road, a distance of 68.13 feet to 29
an iron pin set at an angle point in said right-of-way line, 30
located 60.00 feet left of centerline station 98+50.00;31

       thence South 5° 04' 17" West, continuing with said 32
right-of-way line of Darby Creek Road, (passing iron pins found 33
with caps at 166.90 feet and 186.90 feet) a total distance of 34
204.85 feet to an iron pin set in the Northerly line of the Peggy 35
M. Johnson 35.33 acre tract, of record in Official Record 624, 36
Page 1487;37

       thence South 81° 53'l3" West, with said Northerly line of 38
said Peggy M. Johnson 35.33 acre tract, a distance of 794.40 feet 39
to an iron pin set, by a fence post found, at an angle point in 40
said line;41

       thence North 31° 42'50" West, with an Easterly line of said 42
Peggy M. Johnson 35.33 acre tract, a distance of 292.00 feet to an 43
iron pin set;44

       thence North 81° 55' 08" East, with a line crossing the State 45
of Ohio 28.29 acre tract, a distance of 966.59 feet to the place 46
of beginning, containing 5.420 acres, more or less.47

       Subject however to all legal easements and/or rights-of-way 48
of previous record.49

       The 5.420 acre tract described herein is out of Parcel No. 50

       Bearings contained herein are based on the bearing of the 52
centerline of State Route 762, being North 6° 51'41" East, between 53
stations 99 + 27.53 (County Road 26) and 46 + 84.15 (State Route 54
762) as shown on ODOT Plan No. PIC-762-019.55

       This description is based on an actual field survey of the 56
subject property, performed on May 11, 2012, by Thomas D. 57
Sibbalds, Registered Surveyor No. 5908.58

        The foregoing description may be adjusted to accommodate any 59
corrections necessary to facilitate recordation of the deed.60

        (B)(1) The real estate shall be conveyed as an entire tract 61
and not as multiple parcels.62

       (2) The deed shall state that the grantee is not to use, 63
develop, or sell the real estate in such a manner that the use, 64
development, or sale will interfere with the quiet enjoyment of 65
the neighboring state-owned land.66

        (C) Consideration for the conveyance of the real estate is 67

        (D) The grantee shall pay all costs associated with the 69
purchase and conveyance, including recording costs and fees.70

        (E) The net proceeds of the sale shall be deposited into the 71
state treasury to the credit of the Ohio Department of 72
Rehabilitation and Correction Fund (Fund 2000) appropriation item 73
501607, Ohio Penal Industries, which contains funds for 74
expenditures on farm and agricultural uses, for which purposes the 75
proceeds shall be used.76

        (F) Upon payment of the purchase price, the Auditor of State, 77
with the assistance of the Attorney General, shall prepare a deed 78
to the real estate. The deed shall state the consideration and the 79
terms and conditions. The deed shall be executed by the Governor 80
in the name of the state, countersigned by the Secretary of State, 81
sealed with the Great Seal of the State, presented in the Office 82
of the Auditor of State for recording, and delivered to the 83
grantee. The grantee shall present the deed for recording in the 84
office of the Pickaway County Recorder.85

        (G) This section expires one year after its effective date.86

       Section 2. (A) The Governor may execute a deed in the name of 87
the state conveying to Brian McLaughlin and Jennifer McLaughlin, 88
and to their heirs and assigns, all of the state's right, title, 89
and interest in the following described real estate:90

       Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Franklin and City of 91

       Being Lot Number Twenty (20) and Twenty-one (21) of Charles 93
M. Williams Subdivision of Lots No. 7, 12 and 13 of Chaffee's 94
Subdivision of Part of Quarter Township No. 3, Township No. 1, 95
Range 18, United States Military Lands, as the same are numbered 96
and delineated upon the recorded plat thereof, of record in Plat 97
Book 4, Page 424, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio.98

       Street Address: 75-81 West Norwich Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 99

       Prior Instrument Reference: Official Records, Franklin 101
County, Ohio, Recorder's Office; Instrument #201106280080293102

       Parcel No. 010-004203-00 and 010-025200.00.103

        The foregoing description may be adjusted to accommodate any 104
corrections necessary to facilitate recordation of the deed.105

        (B)(1) The real estate shall be conveyed as an entire tract 106
and not as multiple parcels.107

       (2) The closing of the sale and transfer of title shall be 108
conducted in accordance with the terms of an existing real estate 109
purchase contract dated August 6, 2013, between Ohio University 110
and the grantees.111

        (C) Consideration for the conveyance of the real estate is 112

        (D) The grantee shall pay all costs associated with the 114
purchase and conveyance, including recording costs and fees.115

        (E) The net proceeds of the sale shall be deposited into the 116
state treasury to the credit of the Ohio University Endowment 117

        (F) Upon payment of the purchase price, the Auditor of State, 119
with the assistance of the Attorney General, shall prepare a deed 120
to the real estate. The deed shall state the consideration and the 121
terms and conditions. The deed shall be executed by the Governor 122
in the name of the state, countersigned by the Secretary of State, 123
sealed with the Great Seal of the State, presented in the Office 124
of the Auditor of State for recording, and delivered to the 125
grantee. The grantee shall present the deed for recording in the 126
office of the Franklin County Recorder.127

        (G) This section expires one year after its effective date.128

       Section 3. (A) The Governor may execute a deed in the name of 129
the state conveying to Venture 5 Family Limited Partnership, an 130
Ohio limited partnership, and to its successors and assigns, all 131
of the state's right, title, and interest in the following 132
described real estate:133

       Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Muskingum, Township 134
of Perry:135

       Being part of the Northeast Quarter, Section 11, Township 1 , 136
Range 6, of the US Military District, further being part of the 137
State of Ohio property recorded in Deed Book Volume 588, Page 13 138
of said county's deed records, further being part of Muskingum 139
County Auditor's Parcel Number 51 -50-11-04-000, and more 140
particularly described as follows:141

       Commencing at the common corner for the Southeast and 142
Northeast Quarters of Section 11, further being on the line 143
between Perry and Union Townships of Muskingum County;144

       TIE-1 THENCE (by deed) North 01 degrees 38 minutes 41 seconds 145
East 1353.00 feet along said Township line to Centerline Station 146
486+98.00 for Interstate 70 the centerline plat recorded in Plat 147
Book 11, Page 20 and 21;148

       TIE-2 THENCE (by plans) along a curve to the right having, a 149
chord bearing North 82 degrees 55 minutes 20 seconds West 85.84 150
feet, radius of 12277.70 feet, and arc length of 85.84 feet into 151
Perry Township, Northeast Quarter of Section 11, and along the 152
centerline of Interstate 70 to the unmarked Centerline PC Station 153

       TIE-3 THENCE (by plans) North 82 degrees 43 minutes 19 155
seconds West 1012.16 feet continuing along said centerline to an 156
unmarked point in the centerline of County Road 199 (Zane Grey 157

       TIE-4 THENCE (by plans) North 07 degrees 43 minutes 19 159
seconds West 232.15 feet along the centerline of said County Road 160
199 to an unmarked point;161

       TIE-5 THENCE (by plans) along a curve to the left having, a 162
chord bearing North 13 degrees 35 minutes 21 seconds West 146.43 163
feet, radius of 716.20 feet, and arc length of 146.68 continuing 164
along the centerline of said County Road 199 to an unmarked point, 165
and the place of beginning for the property herein intended to be 166

       #1- THENCE continuing along a curve to the left having, a 168
chord bearing North 21 degrees 59 minutes 28 seconds West 63.34 169
feet, radius of 716.20 feet, and arc length of 63.36 continuing 170
along the centerline of said County Road 199 to an unmarked point;171

       #2- THENCE North 24 degrees 31 minutes 51 seconds West 89.48 172
feet continuing along the centerline of said County Road 199 to an 173
unmarked point;174

       #3- THENCE North 84 degrees 15 minutes 06 seconds East 711.35 175
feet leaving said road and crossing said State of Ohio property to 176
an iron pin (set) on the common line for the Deborah Ivanac Co 177
Trustee property recorded in Official Record Volume 1886, Page 178
509, passing an iron pin (set) on the East right of way for County 179
Road 199 at 58.09 feet;180

       #4- THENCE South 21 degrees 50 minutes 06 seconds West 149.93 181
feet along said State and Ivanac properties to a concrete monument 182

       #5- THENCE South 84 degrees 15 minutes 12 seconds West 543.52 184
feet continuing along said properties to a concrete monument 185
(found) on the East right of way for County Road 199;186

       #6- THENCE South 70 degrees 32 minutes 36 seconds West 53.41 187
feet to the place of beginning, containing 2.00 acres, of which 188
0.17 acres are within the right of way of County Road 199 (Zane 189
Grey Road).190

       The bearings within this description are based on State Plane 191
Coordinate Grid (Ohio South 1983) derived from GPS Observations, 192
iron pins (set) are 5/8" rebar with identification caps (C. R. 193
Harkness P.L.S.6885).194

       This description was written by Charles R. Harkness 195
Professional Land Surveyor #6885 from an actual survey completed 196
on June 18, 2013 in accordance with Chapter 4733-37 of the 197
Administrative Code, and is intended to be used for the legal 198
transfer of the property described and does not intend to describe 199
any apparent easements nor easements of record, unless otherwise 200

        The foregoing description may be adjusted to accommodate any 202
corrections necessary to facilitate recordation of the deed.203

        The real estate shall be conveyed as an entire tract and not 204
as multiple parcels.205

        (B) As consideration for the conveyance of the real estate, 206
the grantee shall convey to the state the following described real 207

       Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Muskingum, Township 209
of Perry:210

       Being part of the Northeast Quarter, Section 11, Township 1, 211
Range 6, of the US Military District, further being part of the 212
Deborah lvanac Co-Trustee property recorded in Official Record 213
Volume 1886, Page 509 of said county's deed records, further being 214
part of Muskingum County Auditors Parcel Number 51-50-11-01-004, 215
and more particularly described as follows;216

       Commencing at the common corner for the Southeast and 217
Northeast Quarters of Section 11, further being on the line 218
between Perry and Union Townships of Muskingum County;219

       TIE-1 THENCE (by deed) North 01 degrees 38 minutes 41 seconds 220
East 1353.00 feet along said Township line to Centerline Station 221
486+98.00 for Interstate 70 the centerline plat recorded in Plat 222
Book 11, Page 20 and 21;223

       TIE-2 THENCE North 11 degrees 47 minutes 05 seconds West 224
1336.86 feet crossing said Ivanac property to a concrete monument 225
(found) at a common corner of said Ivanac property and for the 226
State of Ohio property recorded in Deed Book Volume 588, Page 13, 227
further being the place of beginning for the property herein 228
intended to be described;229

       #1- THENCE North 53 degrees 17 minutes 42 seconds West 618.19 230
feet along said properties to an iron pin (set) on the South right 231
of way for US Route 40 (East Pike);232

       #2- THENCE North 15 degrees 15 minutes 32 seconds West 45.00 233
feet continuing along said properties to an unmarked point in the 234
centerline of said US Route 40;235

       #3- THENCE North 74 degrees 44 minutes 28 seconds East 295.00 236
feet along said centerline and common line for said lvanac 237
property and for the Gary Golden and Terea Golden property 238
recorded in Official Record Volume 2441, Page 176 to an unmarked 239

       #4- THENCE South 24 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds East 538.79 241
feet leaving said road and crossing said Ivanac property to the 242
place of beginning, passing the South right of way for US Route 40 243
at 60.78 feet, and iron pin (set) at 85.88 feet, containing 2.00 244
acres, of which 0.35 acres are within the right of way of US Route 245
40 (East Pike).246

       The bearings within this description are based on State Plane 247
Coordinate Grid (Ohio South 1983) derived from GPS Observations. 248
Iron pins (set) are 5/8" rebar with identification caps (C. R. 249
Harkness P.L.S.6885).250

       This description was written by Charles R. Harkness 251
Professional Land Surveyor #6885 from an actual survey completed 252
on June 18, 2013 in accordance with Chapter 4733-37 of the 253
Administrative Code, and is intended to be used for the legal 254
transfer of the property described and does not intend to describe 255
any apparent easements nor easements of record, unless otherwise 256

       The foregoing description may be adjusted to accommodate any 258
corrections necessary to facilitate recordation of the deed.259

        (C) The grantee shall pay all costs associated with both 260
conveyances, including cost and fees for surveying; title reports 261
and opinions; preparation of metes and bounds property 262
descriptions; appraisals; environmental studies, assessments, and 263
remediation; and recording.264

        (D) To accommodate the simultaneous transfer of real estate 265
between the state and grantee, the Auditor of State, with the 266
assistance of the Attorney General, shall prepare a deed to the 267
real estate described in division (A) of this section. The deed 268
shall state the consideration in general terms. The deed shall be 269
executed by the Governor in the name of the state, countersigned 270
by the Secretary of State, sealed with the Great Seal of the 271
State, presented in the Office of the Auditor of State for 272
recording, and delivered to the grantee. The grantee shall present 273
the deed for recording in the office of the Muskingum County 274

        (E) This section expires two years after its effective date.276

       Section 4. (A) The Governor may execute a deed in the name of 277
the state conveying to the Board of Education of East Clinton 278
Local School District, Clinton County, Ohio, and to its successors 279
and assigns, all of the state's right, title, and interest in the 280
following described real estate:281

       Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Clinton, Green 282
Township, Virginia Military Survey #1078, Village of New Vienna 283
and being a 15.00 acres tract of land out of an original 100.72 284
acres tract (with exceptions) as conveyed to Leone H. Wolfe in 285
Deed Book 252, Page 540 (Parcel 2) at the Clinton County 286
Recorder's Office, Clinton County, Ohio, said 15.000 acres being 287
more particularly described as follows:288

       Beginning at a PK nail found in the centerline of State Route 289
28, and in the southern boundary of said 100.72 tract; 290

       Thence, along said centerline of State Route 28 S 81 deg 42' 291
35" W, a distance of 70.42 feet to a railroad spike set in said 292
centerline of State Route 28;293

       Thence, crossing said State Route 28, and crossing said 294
100.72 acres tract N 08 deg 25' 32" W a distance of 172.73 feet to 295
an iron pin set;296

       Thence, crossing said 100.72 acres tract, S 81 deg 34' 28" W 297
a distance of 305.70 feet to an iron pin set in the eastern 298
boundary of Lot 6M of Wilbur Huffman Subdivision of record with 299
said Recorder's Office as an extension of the Village of New 300

       Thence, along the western boundary of said 100.72 acres tract 302
and the eastern boundary of said Wilbur Huffman Subdivision, N 43 303
deg 30' 03" W, a distance of 346.10 feet to an iron pin set at the 304
northeastern corner of Lot 1M of said Wilbur Huffman Subdivision, 305
at a northwestern corner of said 100.72 acres tract, and in the 306
southern boundary of a 0.36 acres tract as conveyed to Thomas J. 307
Hicks of record in Deed Book 82, Page. 96 at said Recorder's 308

       Thence, along a northern boundary of said 100.72 acres tract 310
and the southern boundaries of the following tracts:311

       0.46 acres to L. & D. Barley in Deed Book 117, Page 201;312

       0.61 acres to Charles & Maxine M. Clark in Deed Book 273, 313
Page 264,314

       0.64 acres to Robert & Ann M. Norman in Deed Book 95, Page 315

       0.48 acres to Wilma J. Crossham in Deed Book 175, Page 99,317

       0.34 acres to Kristopher R. Cochran in deed Book 120, Page 318

       N 45 deg 30' 00" E a distance of 516.12 feet to an iron pin 320
set at the southeastern corner of said 0.34 acres tract;321

       Thence, along the eastern boundary of said 0.34 acres tract 322
and a western boundary of said 100.72 acres tract, N 45 deg 01' 323
35" W a distance of 22.44 feet to an iron pin set in the eastern 324
boundary of said 0.34 acres tract, in a western boundary of said 325
100.72 acres tract, and at the southwestern corner of a 0.500 326
acres tract as conveyed to Virginia Hilderbrant as recorded in 327
Deed Book 230, Page 131 at said Recorder's Office;328

       Thence along a northern boundary of said 100.72 acres tract 329
and the southern boundaries of said 0.500 acres Hilderbrant tract 330
and a 0.439 acres tract as conveyed to G. L. P. and Brewer J. 331
Brewer of record in Deed Book 286, Page 876 at said Recorder's 332
Office, N 46 deg 22' 32" E (passing an iron pin found at the 333
southwestern corner of said 0.439 acres tract at a distance of 334
223.44 feet) a total distance of 319.44 feet to an iron pin set; 335
at the southeastern corner of said 0.439 acres tract and in the 336
northern boundary of said 100.72 acres tract; 337

       Thence crossing said 100.72 acres tract the following two 338

       1) S 44 deg 02' 41" E a distance of 400.00 feet to an iron 340
pin set;341

       2) S 35 deg 54' 34" E a distance of 740.37 feet to a railroad 342
spike set in the southern boundary of said 100.72 acres tract and 343
in the centerline of said State Route 28;344

       Thence along the centerline of said State Route 28 and the 345
southern boundary of said 100.72 acres tract S 83 deg 16' 45" W a 346
distance of 664.73 feet to the point of beginning containing 347
15.000 acres more or less, and being subject to all easements, 348
restrictions and right-of-ways (if any) or previous record.349

       This description was prepared by Civil Engineering 350
Associates, Inc., Columbus, Ohio from an actual field survey of 351
the premises in September of 1995. The basis of bearings is N 45 352
deg 30' 00" E for a northern boundary of said 100.72 acres tract 353
as conveyed in Deed Book 252, Page 540, Survey record 26-239.354

        The foregoing description may be adjusted to accommodate any 355
corrections necessary to facilitate recordation of the deed.356

        (B) This real estate was originally conveyed to the state as 357
collateral for school construction facility bonds. Once the 358
construction project was completed, the intention was for the 359
state to convey title of this real estate to the Board of 360
Education of East Clinton Local School District. The purpose of 361
this legislation is to fulfill this intention.362

        (C) Consideration for the conveyance of the real estate is 363

        (D) The grantee shall pay all costs associated with the 365
purchase and conveyance, including recording costs and fees.366

        (E) The net proceeds of the sale shall be deposited into the 367
state treasury to the credit of the General Revenue Fund.368

        (F) Upon payment of the purchase price, the Auditor of State, 369
with the assistance of the Attorney General, shall prepare a deed 370
to the real estate. The deed shall state the consideration and the 371
terms and conditions. The deed shall be executed by the Governor 372
in the name of the state, countersigned by the Secretary of State, 373
sealed with the Great Seal of the State, presented in the Office 374
of the Auditor of State for recording, and delivered to the 375
grantee. The grantee shall present the deed for recording in the 376
office of the Clinton County Recorder.377

        (G) This section expires one year after its effective date.378

       Section 5. (A) The Governor may execute a deed in the name of 379
the state conveying to the Twin Valley Community Local School 380
District, Preble County, Ohio, and to its successors and assigns, 381
all of the state's right, title, and interest in the following 382
described real estate:383

       TRACT ONE384

       Situated in the Southeast Quarter, Section 33, T-6N, R-3E. 385
Twin Township, Preble County, Ohio and being part of a 152.00 acre 386
tract as described in Deed Book 345 at page 279 and being more 387
fully described as follows:388

       Beginning at a point on East line of Southeast Quarter, 389
Section 33 located S. 3 degrees-34'-13" E. and 636.12 feet from an 390
(X) on a stone found at the Northeast corner, Southeast Quarter, 391
Section 33, said point being the Northwest corner of a 8.563 acre 392
tract as described in Deed Book 382, at page 281; 393

       thence S. 3 degrees-34'-13" E. with East line of Southeast 394
Quarter for 340.21 feet to Northeast corner of Out Lot 1 of 395
Village of West Alexandria; 396

       thence S. 86 degrees-21'-28" W. with North line of Out Lot 1 397
for 149.75 feet to Northwest corner of Out Lot 1; 398

       thence S. 3 degrees-34'-l3" E. with West line of Out Lot 1 399
for 1650.00 feet to a point in US Route 35 (Dayton Street) and to 400
South line of Section 33; 401

       thence S. 86 degrees-21'-28" W. with U S Route 35 and with 402
South line of Southeast Quarter for 594.45 feet to a ½" carriage 403
bolt set;404

       thence N. 3 degrees-34'-13" W. with a new division line for 405
1991.88 feet to a ½" pin set; 406

       thence N. 86 degrees-29'-10" E. with a new division line for 407
744.20 feet to point of beginning, containing 28.344 acres of 408
land, more or less. (This tract contains 0.273 acre in road 409

       Subject however to all legal highways, easements. 411
right-of-ways, and restrictions of record at the time of recording 412
of this instrument. Description based on survey by David A. Wilde. 413
Registered Surveyor S6253, February 1999.414

       TRACT TWO415

       Being OutLot 1 as the same is known and designated on the 416
recorded plat of the Village of West Alexandria, Preble County, 417

       Subject however to all legal highways. easements, 419
rights-of-ways, and restrictions of record.420

       Prior Deed: Official Record 1, Page 246, Official Records of 421
Preble County, Ohio.422

       Permanent Tax Parcel Nos: K37001805000001000 and 423

        The foregoing description may be adjusted to accommodate any 425
corrections necessary to facilitate recordation of the deed.426

        (B) This real estate was originally conveyed to the state as 427
collateral for school construction facility bonds. Once the 428
construction project was completed, the intention was for the 429
state to convey title of this real estate to the Twin Valley 430
Community Local School District. The purpose of this legislation 431
is to fulfill this intention.432

       (C) The real estate shall be conveyed as an entire tract and 433
not as multiple parcels.434

        (D) Consideration for the conveyance of the real estate is 435

        (E) The grantee shall pay all costs associated with the 437
purchase and conveyance, including recording costs and fees.438

        (F) The net proceeds of the sale shall be deposited into the 439
state treasury to the credit of the General Revenue Fund.440

        (G) Upon payment of the purchase price, the Auditor of State, 441
with the assistance of the Attorney General, shall prepare a deed 442
to the real estate. The deed shall state the consideration and the 443
terms and conditions. The deed shall be executed by the Governor 444
in the name of the state, countersigned by the Secretary of State, 445
sealed with the Great Seal of the State, presented in the Office 446
of the Auditor of State for recording, and delivered to the 447
grantee. The grantee shall present the deed for recording in the 448
office of the Preble County Recorder.449

        (H) This section expires one year after its effective date.450

       Section 6. (A) The Governor may execute a deed in the name of 451
the state conveying to the West Clermont Local School District, 452
Clermont County, Ohio, and to its successors and assigns, all of 453
the state's right, title, and interest in the following described 454
real estate:455

       Situated in Union Township, Clermont County, State of Ohio 456
and in Merriweather Military Survey No. 1136 and more particularly 457
described as follows:458

       Beginning at a point in the center line of Clough Pike, said 459
point being North 86°-56' west 110.67 feet from the intersection 460
of the center lines of Glen-Este-Williamsville Road and Clough 461

       Thence continuing with the centerline of Clough Pike north 463
86°-56' west 400.00 feet to a nail;464

       Thence leaving the road north 4°-07' east 220.04 feet 465
(passing a pipe at 25 feet) to a pipe;466

       Thence north 86°-56' west 200.00 feet to a pipe in an 467
existing fence line, said line being Ludlow's west property line;468

       Thence with said line north 4°-07' east 724.64 feet to a 469

       Thence with said fence line and with a separation line south 471
86°-56' east 600.00 feet to a pipe;472

       Thence south 4°-07' west 944.68 feet to the place of 473
beginning. 474

       Containing 12.00 acres, more or less. Subject to legal 475

       Last transfer: Deed Book 451, Page 609, Recorder's Office, 477
Clermont County, Ohio.478

       Permanent Tax Parcel: 413215E114479

        The foregoing description may be adjusted to accommodate any 480
corrections necessary to facilitate recordation of the deed.481

        (B) This real estate was originally conveyed to the state as 482
collateral for school construction facility bonds. Once the 483
construction project was completed, the intention was for the 484
state to convey title of this real estate to the West Clermont 485
Local School District. The purpose of this legislation is to 486
fulfill this intention.487

       (C) The real estate shall be conveyed as an entire tract and 488
not as multiple parcels.489

        (D) Consideration for the conveyance of the real estate is 490

        (E) The grantee shall pay all costs associated with the 492
purchase and conveyance, including recording costs and fees.493

        (F) The net proceeds of the sale shall be deposited into the 494
state treasury to the credit of the General Revenue Fund.495

        (G) Upon payment of the purchase price, the Auditor of State, 496
with the assistance of the Attorney General, shall prepare a deed 497
to the real estate. The deed shall state the consideration and the 498
terms and conditions. The deed shall be executed by the Governor 499
in the name of the state, countersigned by the Secretary of State, 500
sealed with the Great Seal of the State, presented in the Office 501
of the Auditor of State for recording, and delivered to the 502
grantee. The grantee shall present the deed for recording in the 503
office of the Clermont County Recorder.504

        (H) This section expires one year after its effective date.505

       Section 7. (A) The Governor may execute a deed in the name of 506
the state conveying to the Gallia County Rural Water Association, 507
and to its successors and assigns, or to an alternative grantee, 508
and to the alternate grantee's heirs and assigns or successors and 509
assigns, all of the state's right, title, and interest in the 510
following described real estate:511

       Situated in the State of Ohio County of Gallia, Township of 512
Addison, being in Section 13, Town 4 N, Range 14 W, Ohio Company 513
Purchase. Being part of that parcel of land described in Volume 514
180 Page 825, conveyed to the State of Ohio, and being more 515
particularly described as follows:516

       Commencing at a Concrete Monument found at centerline station 517
933+36.19, said monument and stationing referenced to right of way 518
plan Gal-35-13.45;519

       thence S 86°42'42" W along a random line a distance of 185.72 520
feet to an iron pin set in the existing right of way line of S.R. 521
735 at 120.00 feet left of centerline station 931+95.16, and being 522
the Grantors south east comer, said point being the True Place of 523

       thence leaving said right of way line and along the Grantors 525
southerly property line N 87° 24' 01" W (passing an iron pin found 526
"Lambert" at 2.92 feet) a total distance of 403.54 feet to an iron 527
pin set;528

       thence leaving said Grantors southerly property line the 529
following nine courses:530

       1) N 02° 37' 33" E a distance of 14.43 feet to an iron pin 531

       2) N 82° 15' 08" W a distance of 52.52 feet to an iron pin 533

       3) N 64° 14' 07" W a distance of 103.83 feet to an iron pin 535

       4) N 75° 59' 40" W a distance of 108.67 feet to an iron pin 537

       5) N 83° 14' 38" W a distance of 109.48 feet to an iron pin 539

       6) N 88° 17' 52" W a distance of 105.23 feet to an iron pin 541

       7) S 88° 24' 56" W a distance of 100.13 feet to an iron pin 543

       8) N 89° 31' 31" W a distance of 271.48 feet to an iron pin 545

       9) S 86° 28' 30" W a distance of 170.51 feet to an iron pin 547
set on the Grantors westerly property line;548

       thence along the Grantors westerly property line N 19° 29' 549
41" E a distance of 378.98 feet to an iron pin found;550

       thence along the Grantors northerly property line S 87° 20' 551
08" E (passing an iron pin found at 670.77 feet and an iron pin 552
set at 1603.75 feet) a total distance of 1702.02 feet to 553
centerline station 937+47.45, 156.21 feet left, said point also 554
being on the existing right of way line of State Route 735;555

       thence along said existing right of way line, also being the 556
Grantors easterly property line S 60° 58' 53" W a distance of 557
12.57 feet to centerline station 937+36.19, 157.62 feet left;558

       thence along said existing right of way line S 46° 19' 04" W 559
(passing an iron pin set at 203.63 feet) a total distance of 560
421.16 feet to an iron pin set;561

       thence along said existing right of way line S 46° 19' 02" W 562
a distance of 141.03 to the Place of Beginning. The above 563
described area of 13.240 acres, including the present road which 564
occupies 0.00 acres is contained with Auditor's Parcel No. 565
002-555-192-00 which contains 14.860 acres more or less.566

       This description is prepared under the direction and 567
supervision of Ronald F. Riser, Ohio Professional Surveyor No. 568
S-7093_for the Ohio Department of Transportation, and is based on 569
a survey performed by The Ohio Department of Transportation in 570
2008. Subject to all legal easements and rights of way. All iron 571
pins set are 5/8" x 30" with an attached plastic identification 572
cap. (ODOT District 10). Grantor claims title by instrument(s) 573
recorded in Volume 180, Page 825, in the Gallia County Recorder's 574
Office. The bearings are based on the State Plane Coordinate 575
System Ohio South, NAD 83 (NSRS2007).576

        The foregoing description may be adjusted to accommodate any 577
corrections necessary to facilitate recordation of the deed.578

        (B)(1) The conveyance includes improvements and chattels 579
situated on the real estate, and is subject to all easements, 580
covenants, conditions, and restrictions of record; all legal 581
highways and public rights-of-way; zoning, building, and other 582
laws, ordinances, restrictions, and regulations; and real estate 583
taxes and assessments not yet due and payable. The real estate 584
shall be conveyed in "as-is, where-is, with all faults" condition.585

        (2) The deed may contain restrictions, exceptions, 586
reservations, reversionary interests, and other terms and 587
conditions the Director of Administrative Services determines to 588
be in the best interest of the state.589

        (C)(1) The Director of Administrative Services shall offer 590
the real estate to the Gallia County Rural Water Association 591
through a real estate purchase agreement. Consideration for the 592
conveyance of the real estate shall be at a price acceptable to 593
the Director of Administrative Services and the Director of 594
Developmental Disabilities.595

        (2) If the Gallia County Rural Water Association does not 596
complete the purchase of the real estate within the time period 597
provided in the real estate purchase agreement, the Director of 598
Administrative Services may use any reasonable method of sale 599
considered acceptable by the Department of Developmental 600
Disabilities to determine an alternate grantee willing to complete 601
the purchase within three years after the effective date of this 602
section. The Department of Developmental Disabilities shall pay 603
all advertising costs, additional fees, and other costs incident 604
to the sale.605

        (D) The grantee shall pay all costs associated with the 606
purchase and conveyance, including surveys, title evidence, title 607
insurance, transfer costs and fees, recording costs and fees, 608
taxes, and any other fees, assessments, and costs that may be 609

        (E) The net proceeds of the sale shall be deposited into the 611
state treasury to the credit of the Mental Health Facilities 612
Improvement Fund (Fund 7033) under section 154.20 of the Revised 613
Code, and shall be used to offset bond indebtedness for Gallipolis 614
Developmental Center capital projects.615

        (F) Upon payment of the purchase price, the Auditor of State, 616
with the assistance of the Attorney General, shall prepare a deed 617
to the real estate. The deed shall state the consideration and the 618
terms and conditions. The deed shall be executed by the Governor 619
in the name of the state, countersigned by the Secretary of State, 620
sealed with the Great Seal of the State, presented in the Office 621
of the Auditor of State for recording, and delivered to the 622
grantee. The grantee shall present the deed for recording in the 623
office of the Gallia County Recorder.624

        (G) This section expires three years after its effective 625

       Section 8. (A) The Governor may execute a deed in the name of 627
the state conveying to the City of Massillon, and to its 628
successors and assigns, or to an alternative grantee, and to the 629
alternate grantee's heirs and assigns or successors and assigns, 630
all of the state's right, title, and interest in the following 631
described real estate:632

       Description of 3.178 Acres633

       Located at 1660 and 1680 Nave Road SE, Massillon, Ohio 44646634

       Being 3.178 acres of Stark County Parcel No. 780051635


       Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Stark, City of 637
Massillon, being part of Outlot 560 in said City and part of the 638
southwest quarter of original Perry Township Section 21, further 639
bounded and described as follows:640

       Commencing for reference at the northwest corner of the 641
southwest quarter of said section. Said quarter corner being 642
witnessed by a 1" crimp top pipe found, N 01°40'48" E, along the 643
west line of said section 200.25 feet;644

       Thence, S 23°33'42" E, 949.46 feet to a railroad spike set at 645
the True Place of beginning for the parcel being described herein;646

       Thence, S 53°15'54" E, 265.96 feet to a railroad spike set;647

       Thence, S 18°56'11" W, 546.71 feet to a railroad spike set; 648

       Thence, N 53°15'54" W, 265.96 feet to a 5/8" capped rebar 649

       Thence, N 18°56'11" E, 546.71 feet to the True Place of 651
Beginning and containing 3.178 acres of land, but subject to all 652
legal highways, easements and restrictions, as surveyed by Robert 653
J. Warner, P.S., Number 6931 for Environmental Design Group, Inc. 654
in July 1996.655

       The Basis of Bearing for the above described parcel is the 656
west line of Section 21, N 01°40'48" E, per survey of the 657
Massillon State Hospital Facility by Robert F. Wagoner for 658
Engineers Division, Department of Public Service, City of 659
Massillon in the spring of 1985. 660

       Being a 3.178 acre part of the State of Ohio's Deed Book 293, 661
Page 81.662

       Ingress and egress easement for access to the above described 663
3.178 acre parcel is recorded in Instrument No. 200607190043910.664

       Reserving to the State of Ohio from the foregoing 665
description, perpetual easement rights for ingress/egress, 666
maintenance and repair of existing or proposed utilities contained 667
in an underground tunnel and described in Reservation 1, and 668
perpetual easement rights for ingress/egress, maintenance and 669
repair of existing or proposed utilities contained as overhead 670
utility wires and described in Reservation 2, as follows:671

       RESERVATION 1672

       Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Stark, City of 673
Massillon, being part of Outlot 560 in said City and part of the 674
southwest quarter of original Perry Township Section 21, and known 675
as being the centerline of a 20.00 feet wide utility tunnel 676
easement, 10.00 feet right and left of the following described 677

       Commencing for reference at the northwest corner of the 679
southwest quarter of said section. Said quarter corner being 680
witnessed by a 1" crimp top pipe found, N 01°40'48" E, along the 681
west line of said section 200.25 feet; 682

       Thence, S 23°33'42" E, 949.46 feet to a railroad spike set at 683
the northwesterly corner of a 3.178 acre parcel of land; 684

       Thence, S 18°56'11" W, along the westerly line of said 3.178 685
acre parcel 53.67 feet to the True Place of Beginning for the 686
centerline being described herein; 687

       Thence, S 16°57'23" E, leaving said westerly line 69.76 feet 688
to a point; 689

       Thence, S 15°06'13" W, 460.57 feet to the southerly line of 690
the said parcel and the terminus of the above described centerline 691
as surveyed by Robert J. Warner, P.S., Number 6931 for 692
Environmental Design Group, Inc, in July 1996. 693

       The Basis of Bearing for the above described centerline is 694
the west line of Section 21, N 01°40'48" E, per survey of the 695
Massillon State Hospital Facility by Robert F. Wagoner for 696
Engineers Division, Department of Public Service, City of 697
Massillon in the spring of 1985.698

       RESERVATION 2699

       Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Stark, City of 700
Massillon, being part of Outlot 560 in said City and part of the 701
southwest quarter of original Perry Township Section 21, and known 702
as being the centerline of a 20.00 feet wide overhead utility 703
easement, 10.00 feet right and left of the following described 704

       Commencing for reference at the northwest corner of the 706
southwest quarter of said section. Said quarter corner being 707
witnessed by a 1" crimp top pipe found, N 01°40'48" E, along the 708
west line of said section 200.25 feet; 709

       Thence, S 23°33'42" E, 949.46 feet to a railroad spike set at 710
the northwesterly corner of a 3.178 acre parcel; 711

       Thence, S 18°56'11" W, along the westerly line of said parcel 712
271.86 feet to the True Place of Beginning for the centerline 713
being describe herein;714

       Thence, S 08°36'37" W, leaving the westerly line of said 715
3.178 acre parcel, 296.73 feet to the southerly line of the said 716
parcel and the terminus of the above described centerline as 717
surveyed by Robert J. Warner, P.S., for Environmental Design 718
Group, Inc., Number 6931, in July 1996;719

       The Basis of Bearing for the above described centerline is 720
the west line of Section 21, N 01°40'48" E, per survey of the 721
Massillon State Hospital Facility by Robert F. Wagoner for 722
Engineers Division, Department of Public Service, City of 723
Massillon in the spring of 1985.724

        The foregoing description may be adjusted to accommodate any 725
corrections necessary to facilitate recordation of the deed.726

       The real estate shall be conveyed as an entire tract and not 727
as multiple parcels.728

        (B)(1) The conveyance includes improvements and chattels 729
situated on the real estate, and is subject to all easements, 730
covenants, conditions, and restrictions of record; all legal 731
highways and public rights-of-way; zoning, building, and other 732
laws, ordinances, restrictions, and regulations; and real estate 733
taxes and assessments not yet due and payable. The real estate 734
shall be conveyed in "as-is, where-is, with all faults" condition.735

        (2) The deed may contain restrictions, covenants, and other 736
terms and conditions the Director of Administrative Services and 737
the Director of Mental Health and Addiction Services determine to 738
be in the best interest of the state.739

        (C)(1) The Director of Administrative Services shall offer 740
the real estate to the City of Massillon through a real estate 741
purchase agreement. Consideration for the conveyance of the real 742
estate shall be at a price acceptable to the Director of 743
Administrative Services and the Director of Mental Health and 744
Addiction Services. The consideration shall be paid to the state 745
at closing.746

        (2) If the City of Massillon, Ohio, does not complete the 747
purchase of the real estate within one year after the effective 748
date of this section, the Director of Administrative Services may 749
use any reasonable method of sale considered acceptable by the 750
Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services to determine an 751
alternate grantee. The sale to an alternate grantee is subject to 752
this section the same as if the alternate grantee were the City of 753

        (D) The grantee shall pay all costs associated with the 755
purchase and conveyance, including surveys, title evidence, title 756
insurance, transfer costs and fees, recording costs and fees, 757
taxes, and any other fees, assessments, and costs that may be 758

        (E) The net proceeds of the sale shall be deposited into the 760
state treasury to the credit of the Department of Mental Health 761
and Addiction Services Trust Fund under section 5119.46 of the 762
Revised Code.763

        (F) Upon payment of the purchase price, the Auditor of State, 764
with the assistance of the Attorney General, shall prepare a deed 765
to the real estate. The deed shall state the consideration and the 766
terms and conditions. The deed shall be executed by the Governor 767
in the name of the state, countersigned by the Secretary of State, 768
sealed with the Great Seal of the State, presented in the Office 769
of the Auditor of State for recording, and delivered to the 770
grantee. The grantee shall present the deed for recording in the 771
office of the Stark County Recorder.772

        (G) This section expires three years after its effective 773

       Section 9. (A) The Governor may execute a deed in the name of 775
the state conveying to UC Health, and to its successors and 776
assigns, or to an alternative grantee, and to the alternate 777
grantee's heirs and assigns or successors and assigns, all of the 778
state's right, title, and interest in the following described real 779

       Description of 1.5392 Acres781

        Goodman Street, Highland Avenue, Piedmont Avenue, Bellevue 782

        City of Cincinnati, Ohio 784

       Hamilton County, Ohio785

        Situate in the State of Ohio, County of Hamilton, City of 786
Cincinnati, Township 3, Fractional Range 2, Section 14, Miami 787
Purchase, and being all of Lots 401 thru 413, part of Lot 400, and 788
part of Lots 414 thru 427 of Burnet and Reeder's Subdivision as 789
recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 4 thru 7 of the Hamilton County 790
Recorder's Office, and more particularly described as follows:791

        BEGINNING at the intersection of the northerly right-of-way 792
line of Piedmont Avenue and the westerly right-of-way line of 793
Highland Avenue (a witness cross notch set in the top of the west 794
curb of Highland Avenue at South 83 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds 795
East, 8.22 feet from this point, and a witness cross notch set in 796
the top of the north curb of Piedmont Avenue at South 06 degrees 797
11 minutes 32 seconds West, 8.22 feet from this point);798

        Thence along the southerly right-of-way line of Piedmont 799
Avenue North 83 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds West, a distance of 800
324.18 feet (a witness cross notch set in the top of the north 801
curb of Piedmont Avenue at South 06 degrees 09 minutes 58 seconds 802
West, 11.70 feet from this point);803

        Thence leaving the southerly right-of-way line of Piedmont 804
Avenue and along a line that is 25.00 feet east of and parallel to 805
the easterly right-of-way line of Bellevue Avenue North 06 degrees 806
09 minutes 58 seconds East, a distance of 206.75 feet to a set 807
5/8" diameter iron pin;808

        Thence along a line that is 5.00 feet south of and parallel 809
to the southerly right-of-way line of Goodman Avenue South 83 810
degrees 56 minutes 23 seconds East, a distance of 324.28 feet to 811
the westerly right-of-way line of Highland Avenue (a witness cross 812
notch set in the top of the west curb of Highland Avenue at South 813
83 degrees 56 minutes 23 seconds East, 8.92 feet from this point);814

        Thence along the westerly right-of-way line of Highland 815
Avenue South 06 degrees 11 minutes 32 seconds West, a distance of 816
206.83 feet to the northerly right-of-way line of Piedmont Avenue 817
and the BEGINNING;818

        Containing 1.5392 acres, more or less.819

        The bearings in the above description are based on the 820
bearing of South 83 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds East, for the 821
northerly right-of-way line of Piedmont Avenue, as shown on Survey 822
No. 23-10-6, City of Cincinnati Survey Records. 823

       Based on a survey by Michael E. Brunner, Ohio P.S. 6910, in 824
September 2004.825

        The foregoing description may be adjusted to accommodate any 826
corrections necessary to facilitate recordation of the deed.827

        (B)(1) The conveyance includes improvements and chattels 828
situated on the real estate, and is subject to all easements, 829
covenants, conditions, and restrictions of record; all legal 830
highways and public rights-of-way; zoning, building, and other 831
laws, ordinances, restrictions, and regulations; and real estate 832
taxes and assessments not yet due and payable. The real estate 833
shall be conveyed in "as-is, where-is, with all faults" condition.834

        (2) The deed may contain restrictions, exceptions, 835
reservations, reversionary interests, and other terms and 836
conditions the state or the University of Cincinnati determine to 837
be in the best interest of the state, including restrictions that 838
are reasonably necessary to protect the state's interest in 839
neighboring state-owned land.840

       (3) Subsequent to the conveyance, any restrictions, 841
exceptions, reservations, reversionary interests, or other terms 842
and conditions contained in the deed may be released by the state 843
or the University of Cincinnati without the necessity of further 844
legislation. 845

        (C) Consideration for the conveyance of the real estate is 846

        (D) If UC Health does not complete the purchase of the real 848
estate within one year after the effective date of this section, 849
the University of Cincinnati may use any reasonable method of sale 850
to determine an alternate grantee. Conveyance to an alternate 851
grantee shall be performed, and is subject to the same conditions, 852
as if the alternate grantee were UC Health. 853

        (E) The grantee and the University of Cincinnati shall share 854
equally all costs associated with the purchase and conveyance.855

        (F) The net proceeds of the sale shall be paid to the 856
University of Cincinnati and be deposited into the appropriate 857
university accounts for purposes to be determined by the board of 858

        (G) Upon payment of the purchase price, the Auditor of State, 860
with the assistance of the Attorney General, shall prepare a deed 861
to the real estate. The deed shall state the consideration and the 862
terms and conditions. The deed shall be executed by the Governor 863
in the name of the state, countersigned by the Secretary of State, 864
sealed with the Great Seal of the State, presented in the Office 865
of the Auditor of State for recording, and delivered to the 866
grantee. The grantee shall present the deed for recording in the 867
office of the Hamilton County Recorder.868

        (H) This section expires three years after its effective 869

       Section 10.  (A) The Governor may execute a deed in the name 871
of the state conveying to the grantee, and to the grantee's heirs 872
and assigns or successors and assigns, all of the state's right, 873
title, and interest in the following described real estate:874

       Situated in Section 26, Town 2, Range 7 M.R.S., City of 875
Dayton, County of Montgomery, State of Ohio and being all of Lot 876
84456 of the Revised and Consecutive Numbers of Lots on the Plat 877
of the City of Dayton, Ohio as shown on the Twin Valley Behavioral 878
Health and Dayton Public Schools Plat as recorded in Plat Book 879
215, Page 34 of the Montgomery County Records.880

Prior Deed Reference: File # 2013-00003531 881
Address: 2201 Mapleview Avenue, Dayton, Ohio 45420 882
Auditor's Tax Parcel ID No.: R72 14301 0055 883

       The foregoing description may be adjusted to accommodate any 884
corrections necessary to facilitate recordation of the deed. 885

       The real estate shall be conveyed as an entire tract and not 886
as multiple parcels.887

       (B)(1) The conveyance includes improvements and chattels 888
situated on the real estate, and is subject to all easements, 889
covenants, conditions, and restrictions of record; all legal 890
highways and public rights-of-way; zoning, building, and other 891
laws, ordinances, restrictions, and regulations; and real estate 892
taxes and assessments not yet due and payable. The real estate 893
shall be conveyed in "as-is, where-is, with all faults" condition.894

       (2) The deed may contain restrictions, exceptions, 895
reservations, reversionary interests, and other terms and 896
conditions the Director of Administrative Services and the 897
Director of Mental Health and Addiction Services may determine to 898
be in the best interest of the state.899

       (C) The Director of Administrative Services shall conduct a 900
sealed bid auction, and the real estate shall be sold to the 901
highest bidder at a price acceptable to the Director of 902
Administrative Services and the Director of Mental Health and 903
Addiction Services. The Director of Administrative Services shall 904
advertise the sale in a newspaper of general circulation within 905
Montgomery County, once a week for three consecutive weeks before 906
the date on which the sealed bids are to be opened. The Director 907
of Administrative Services shall notify the successful bidder in 908
writing. The Director of Administrative Services may reject any or 909
all bids. 910

       The purchaser shall pay ten per cent of the purchase price to 911
the Director of Administrative Services within five business days 912
after receiving the notice the bid has been accepted. The 913
purchaser shall pay the balance of the purchase price to the 914
Director within sixty days after receiving notice the bid has been 915
accepted. When the purchase price has been paid, the Director and 916
purchaser shall enter into a real estate purchase agreement, in 917
the form prescribed by the Department of Administrative Services. 918
The payments may be made in cash, or by bank draft or certified 919
check made payable to the Treasurer of State. A purchaser who does 920
not complete the conditions of the sale as prescribed in this 921
division shall forfeit the ten per cent of the purchase price paid 922
to the state as liquidated damages. If a purchaser fails to 923
complete the purchase, the Director may accept the next highest 924
bid, subject to the foregoing conditions. If the Director rejects 925
all bids, the Director may repeat the sealed bid auction, or may 926
use an alternative sale process that is acceptable to the Director 927
of Mental Health and Addiction Services. 928

       The Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services shall 929
pay advertising and other costs incident to the sale of the real 930
estate. 931

       (D) The grantee shall pay all costs associated with the 932
purchase and conveyance, including surveys, title evidence, title 933
insurance, transfer cost and fees, recording costs and fees, 934
taxes, and any other fees, assessments, and costs that may be 935

       (E) The net proceeds of the sale shall be deposited into the 937
state treasury to the credit of the Department of Mental Health 938
and Addiction Services Trust Fund under section 5119.46 of the 939
Revised Code.940

       (F) Upon payment of the purchase price, the Auditor of State, 941
with the assistance of the Attorney General, shall prepare a deed 942
to the real estate. The deed shall state the consideration and the 943
terms and conditions. The deed shall be executed by the Governor 944
in the name of the state, countersigned by the Secretary of State, 945
sealed with the Great Seal of the State, presented in the Office 946
of the Auditor of State for recording, and delivered to the 947
grantee. The grantee shall present the deed for recording in the 948
office of the Montgomery County Recorder.949

       (G) This section expires three years after its effective 950

       Section 11.  (A) The Governor may execute a deed in the name 952
of the state conveying to the grantee, and to the grantee's heirs 953
and assigns or successors and assigns, all of the state's right, 954
title, and interest in the following described real estate:955

       TRACT 1956

       Situated in the Township of Cambridge, County of Guernsey, 957
State of Ohio and being 24.544 acres in northwest quarter of 958
Section 3 of township 2 range 3 of the United States Military 959
District and being more particularly described as follows,960

       Commencing at a broken stone marked S23 at the northwest 961
corner of said section 3 thence with the west line of said section 962
S 01° 33' 49" W a distance of 1010.72 feet to an iron pin set 963
thence leaving said section line S 88° 43' 07" F a distance of 964
675.71 feet to an iron pin set the BEGINNING thence with the lands 965
of Mary M. Doench as recorded in official records volume 308 page 966
233 the next three calls,967

       1) S 88° 43' 07" E a distance of 647.36 feet to a 5/8 inch 968
rebar found.969

       2) S 88° 43' 07" E a distance of 1029.49 feet to an iron pin 970

       3) S 88° 43' 07" E a distance of 358.29 feet to a point in 972
County Road 35 having passed through a one inch rebar found at 973
325.92 feet thence with the lands of Thomas Perkowski et al as 974
recorded in official records volume 82 page 499 and with said 975
County road 35 the next four calls,976

       1) S 01° 32' 24" W a distance of 58.34 feet to a point, said 977
point being referenced by a 5/8 inch capped rebar found which 978
bears N 86° 41' 05" F a distance of 50.00 feet.979

       2) thence with a tangent curve to the left having the 980
following properties, Delta = 13° 44' 44" Radius = 572.96 feet and 981
a chord that bears S 10° 11' 17" B a distance of 137.13 feet to a 982

       3) S 17°03'39"E a distance of 506.53feet to a point.984

       4) thence with a tangent curve to the right having the 985
following properties, Delta = 56° 22' 00", Radius = 143.24 feet 986
and a chord that bears S 11º07'21" W a distance of 135.30 feet to 987
a point thence leaving said road and with the lands of Cambridge 988
Real Estate Holdings as recorded in official records volume 465 989
page 1904 the next two calls,990

       1) N 84° 26' 33" W a distance of 629.16 feet to a 5/8 inch 991
capped rebar found having passed through a 5/8 inch capped rebar 992
found at 100.00 feet.993

       2) S 87° 47' 54" W a distance of 289.69 feet to a point 994
having passed through an iron pin set at 279.69 feet thence with a 995
new division through the lands of The State of Ohio as recorded in 996
deed volume 215 page 522 the next two calls,997

       1) N 00° 46' 13" E a distance of 80.00 feet to an iron pin 998

       2) N 89° 13'47" W a distance of 50.05 feet to an iron pin set 1000
thence with the east line of State Street and the lands of 1001
Cambridge Township Trustees as recorded in official records volume 1002
469 page 953 N 00° 46' 13" E a distance of 251.23 feet to an iron 1003
pin set thence crossing Toland Drive N 33° 41' 41" W a distance of 1004
87.23 feet to an iron pin set thence with a new division through 1005
the lands of The State of Ohio as recorded in deed volume 215 page 1006
522 the next three calls,1007

       1) N 00° 47' 47" E a distance of 52.72 feet to an iron pin 1008

       2) N 89° 41' 33" W a distance of 495.20 feet to an iron pin 1010

       3) S 00° 47' 47" W a distance of 52.01 feet to an iron pin 1012
set thence with the north line of Toland Drive and the lands of 1013
Cambridge Township Trustees as recorded in official records volume 1014
469 page 953 N 89° 12' 13" W a distance of 680.45 feet to an iron 1015
pin set thence leaving said Toland Drive and with a new division 1016
line through the lands of The State of Ohio as recorded in deed 1017
volume 215 page 522 N 00° 47'47" E a distance of 388.76 feet to 1018
the BEGINNING and containing 26.214 acres and being a part of the 1019
property conveyed in deed volume 215 page 522 and being a part of 1020
auditors parcel# 02-03838.1021

       Excepting 1.670 acres in said Toland Drive as conveyed to the 1022
Cambridge Township Trustees and recorded in official records 1023
volume 469 page 953 and conveying 24.544 acres in all.1024

       Subject to all leases or easements of record. Iron pins set 1025
are 5/8 inch rebar, 30 inches long capped GARDNER PS-6884. 1026
Bearings are in degrees, minutes and seconds and are based on the 1027
grid meridian of the Ohio state plane south coordinate zone as 1028
determined by GPS observations. A survey of the above described 1029
property was made on December 30, 2012 by Steven L. Gardner, 1030
registered surveyor #68841031

       TRACT 21032

       Situated in the Township of Cambridge, County of Guernsey, 1033
State of Ohio and being 5.000 acres in the northwest quarter of 1034
Section 3 of township 2 range 3 of the United States Military 1035
District and being more particularly described as follows,1036

       Commencing at a broken stone marked S23 at the northwest 1037
corner of said section 3 thence with the west line of said section 1038
S 01° 33' 49" W a distance of 1010.72 feet to an iron pin set 1039
thence leaving said section line S 88° 43' 07" E a distance of 1040
118.82 feet to an iron pin set the BEGINNING thence with the lands 1041
of Mary M. Doench as recorded in official records volume 308 page 1042
233 S 88° 43'07" E a distance of 556.89 feet to an iron pin set 1043
thence with a new division through the lands of The State of Ohio 1044
as recorded in deed volume 215 page 522 S 00° 47' 47" W a distance 1045
of 388.76 feet to an iron pin set thence with the north line of 1046
Toland Drive and the lands of Cambridge Township Trustees as 1047
recorded in official records volume 469 page 953 N 89° 12' 13" W a 1048
distance of 556.87 feet to an iron pin set thence leaving said 1049
Toland Drive and with a new division through the lands of The 1050
State of Ohio as recorded in deed volume 215 page 522 N 00° 47' 1051
47" E a distance of 393.47 feet to the BEGINNING and containing 1052
5.000 acres and being a part of the property conveyed in deed 1053
volume 215 page 522 and being a part of auditors parcel# 02-03838.1054

       Subject to all leases or easements of record. Iron pins set 1055
are 5/8 inch rebar, 30 inches long capped GARDNER PS-68 84. 1056
Bearings are in degrees, minutes and seconds and are based on the 1057
grid meridian of the Ohio state plane south coordinate zone as 1058
determined by GPS observations. A survey of the above described 1059
property was made on December 30, 2011 by Steven L. Gardner, 1060
registered surveyor #68841061

       TRACT 31062

       Situated in the Township of Cambridge, County of Guernsey, 1063
State of Ohio and being 73.000 acres in the northwest quarter of 1064
Section 3 and in the east half of Section 4 of township 2 range 3 1065
and in the southeast quarter of Section 24 of township 3 range 3 1066
of the United States Military District and being more particularly 1067
described as follows,1068

       Commencing at a broken stone marked S23 at the northeast 1069
corner of said section 4 thence with the east line of said section 1070
S 01° 33' 49" W a distance of 587.96 feet to an iron pin set on 1071
the north side of a small creek the BEGINNING thence continuing 1072
with said section line S 01° 33' 49" W a distance of 422.76 feet 1073
to an iron pin set thence leaving said section line and with the 1074
lands of Mary M. Doench as recorded in official records volume 308 1075
page 233 S 88° 43'07" E a distance of 118.82 feet to an iron pin 1076
set thence with a new division line through the lands of The State 1077
of Ohio as recorded in deed volume 215 page 522 S 00° 47' 41" W a 1078
distance of 393.47 feet to an iron pin set thence with the north 1079
line of Toland Drive and the lands of Cambridge Township Trustees 1080
as recorded in official records volume 469 page 953 the next two 1081

       1) N 89° 12' 13" W a distance of 67.91 feet to an iron pin 1083

       2) thence with a tangent curve to the left having the 1085
following properties, Delta = 89° 28' 41", Radius = 102.78 feet 1086
and a chord that bears S 46° 03' 27" W a distance of 144.69 feet 1087
to a magnail set thence with the west line of said Toland Drive S 1088
01° 19' 05" W a distance of 1219.32 feet to a PK nail found thence 1089
with the south line of said Toland Drive S 89° 13' 22" E a 1090
distance of 40.00 feet to a PK nail found thence leaving said 1091
Toland Drive and with the east line of said section 4 and with the 1092
lands of Cambridge Township Trustees as recorded in official 1093
records volume 335 page 116 S 01° 47' 09" W a distance of 461.58 1094
feet to a point on the north edge of Wills Creek having passed 1095
through 5/8 inch capped rebars found at 20.00 feet and 430.00 feet 1096
thence continuing with said section line and crossing said Wills 1097
Creek S 01° 47' 09" W a distance of 107.55 feet to a bent 5/8 inch 1098
rebar found thence along the south side of Wills Creek and with 1099
the lands of Jack D. and Debris Westover as recorded in official 1100
records volume 163 page 5 N 76° 41' 34" W a distance of 550.72 1101
feet to a 5/8 inch rebar found thence continuing with the lands of 1102
said Westover and with an old road bed the next three calls,1103

       1) N 53°10' 24" W a distance of 199.16 feet to a bent 5/81104
inch rebar found.1105

       2) N 38° 29' 44" W a distance of 65.71 feet to a 5/8 inch 1106
rebar found.1107

       3) N 32° 01' 12" W a distance of 100.44 feet to a 5/8 inch 1108
rebar found thence leaving said road bed and with the lands of 1109
Stacy Enos as recorded in official records volume 87 page 72 N 71° 1110
51' 23" E a distance of 79.41 feet to a point in the center of 1111
Wills Creek thence with the lands of Guernsey County Board of 1112
Commissioners as recorded in official records volume 78 page 686 1113
the next six calls,1114

       1) S 72° 16' 47" E a distance of 60.46 feet to a bent 5/8 1115
inch capped rebar found on the north bank of Wills Creek.1116

       2) S 68° 56' 25" E a distance of 295.66 feet to a 5/8 inch 1117
capped rebar found on the north side of Wills Creek.1118

       3) N 49° 38' 57" E a distance of 143.53 feet to a 5/8 inch 1119
capped rebar found.1120

       4) N 09° 16' 52" E a distance of 371.38 feet to a 5/8 inch 1121
capped rebar found.1122

       5) N 00° 19' 22" W a distance of 972.13 feet to a 5/8 inch 1123
capped rebar found.1124

       6) S 88° 17' 06" W a distance of 834.19 feet to a point in 1125
the center of Wills Creek having passed through a 5/8 inch capped 1126
rebar found at 749.54 feet thence with the center of said Wills 1127
Creek and with the lands of James M. and Kaye K. Anderson as 1128
recorded in official records volume 223 page 575 the next six 1129

       1) N 13° 29' 39" W a distance of 551.04 feet to a point1131

       2) N 19° 37' 21" W a distance of 111.89 feet to a point, said 1132
point being referenced by an iron pin set which bears N 70° 22' 1133
39" E a distance of 85.64 feet.1134

       3) N 19° 37' 21" W a distance of 186.09 feet to a point1135

       4) N 32° 57' 14" W a distance of 234.70 feet to a point1136

       5) N 46° 43' 38" W a distance of 463.36 feet to a point1137

       6) N 53° 18' 03" W a distance of 220.93 feet to a point, said 1138
point being referenced by a magnail set in concrete in the center 1139
of the north railroad bridge abutment which bears N 08° 12' 35" W 1140
a distance of 80.04 feet thence leaving said Wills Creek and with 1141
the east line of the abandoned Pennsylvania Railroad the next two 1142

       1) N 09° 59' 25" E a distance of 195.92 feet to an iron pin 1144
set on the north line of section 41145

       2) N 09° 59' 25" E a distance of 1459.60 feet to an iron pin 1146
set thence with the lands of Robert Hodges as recorded in deed 1147
volume 281 page 331 the next three calls,1148

       1) S 80° 00' 35" E a distance of 4.41 feet to an iron pin set1149

       2) Thence with a tangent curve to the left having the 1150
following properties, Delta=43° 46' 01", Radius=717.12 feet and a 1151
chord that bears S 12° 58' 13" E a distance of 534.57 feet to an 1152
iron pin set1153

       3) S 36° 05' 35" E a distance of 1167.36 feet to an iron pin 1154
set on the north line of section 4 thence with the lands of Robert 1155
D. Ward as recorded in official records volume 104 page 613 the 1156
next four calls,1157

       1) S 36° 05' 35" E a distance of 285.10 feet to an iron pin 1158

       2) N 53° 54' 25" E a distance of 140.00 feet to an iron pin 1160

       3) S 36° 05' 35" E a distance of 635.96 feet to an iron pin 1162
set on the north side of a small creek.1163

       4) N 78° 15' 14" E a distance of 247.72 feet to the BEGINNING 1164
and containing 73.000 acres and being a part of the property 1165
conveyed in deed volume 215 page 522 and being a part of auditors 1166
parcel# 02-03838.1167

       1.106 acres being in said section 31168

       57.411 acres being in said section 41169

       14.483 acres being in said section 241170

       Subject to all leases or easements of record. Iron pins set 1171
are 5/8 inch rebar, 30 inches long capped GARDNER PS-6884. 1172
Bearings are in degrees, minutes and seconds and are based on the 1173
grid meridian of the Ohio state plane south coordinate zone as 1174
determined by GPS observations. A survey of the above described 1175
property was made on December 30, 2011 by Steven L. Gardner, 1176
registered surveyor #6884.1177

       The foregoing description may be adjusted to accommodate any 1178
corrections necessary to facilitate recordation of the deed. 1179

       The real estate may be conveyed as an entire tract or as 1180
multiple parcels.1181

       (B)(1) The conveyance includes improvements and chattels 1182
situated on the real estate, and is subject to all easements, 1183
covenants, conditions, and restrictions of record; all legal 1184
highways and public rights-of-way; zoning, building, and other 1185
laws, ordinances, restrictions, and regulations; and real estate 1186
taxes and assessments not yet due and payable. The real estate 1187
shall be conveyed in "as-is, where-is, with all faults" condition. 1188

       (2) The deed or deeds may contain restrictions, covenants, 1189
and other terms and conditions the Director of Administrative 1190
Services and the Director of Mental Health and Addiction Services 1191
determine to be in the best interest of the state. The deed or 1192
deeds may contain restrictions the Directors determine are 1193
reasonably necessary to protect the state's interest in 1194
neighboring state-owned land. The deed or deeds also may contain 1195
restrictions prohibiting the grantee or grantees from occupying, 1196
using, or developing, or from selling, the real estate such that 1197
the use or alienation will interfere with the quiet enjoyment of 1198
neighboring state-owned land.1199

       (C) The Director of Administrative Services shall conduct a 1200
sealed bid auction, and the real estate shall be sold to the 1201
highest bidder at a price acceptable to the Director of 1202
Administrative Services and the Director of Mental Health and 1203
Addiction Services. The Director of Administrative Services shall 1204
advertise the sale in a newspaper of general circulation within 1205
Guernsey County, once a week for three consecutive weeks before 1206
the date on which the sealed bids are to be opened. The Director 1207
of Administrative Services shall notify the successful bidder in 1208
writing. The Director of Administrative Services may reject any or 1209
all bids. 1210

       The purchaser shall pay ten per cent of the purchase price to 1211
the Director of Administrative Services within five business days 1212
after receiving the notice the bid has been accepted. The 1213
purchaser shall pay the balance of the purchase price to the 1214
Director within sixty days after receiving notice the bid has been 1215
accepted. When the purchase price has been paid, the Director and 1216
purchaser shall enter into a real estate purchase agreement, in 1217
the form prescribed by the Department of Administrative Services. 1218
The payments may be made in cash, or by bank draft or certified 1219
check made payable to the Treasurer of State. A purchaser who does 1220
not complete the conditions of the sale as prescribed in this 1221
division shall forfeit the ten per cent of the purchase price paid 1222
to the state as liquidated damages. If a purchaser fails to 1223
complete the purchase, the Director may accept the next highest 1224
bid, subject to the foregoing conditions. If the Director rejects 1225
all bids, the Director may repeat the sealed bid auction, or may 1226
use an alternative sale process that is acceptable to the Director 1227
of Mental Health and Addiction Services. 1228

       The Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services shall 1229
pay advertising and other costs incident to the sale of the real 1230
estate. 1231

       (D) The grantee shall pay all costs associated with the 1232
purchase and conveyance, including surveys, title evidence, title 1233
insurance, transfer cost and fees, recording costs and fees, 1234
taxes, and any other fees, assessments, and costs that may be 1235

       (E) The net proceeds of the sale shall be deposited into the 1237
state treasury to the credit of the Department of Mental Health 1238
and Addiction Services Trust Fund under section 5119.46 of the 1239
Revised Code.1240

       (F) Upon payment of the purchase price, the Auditor of State, 1241
with the assistance of the Attorney General, shall prepare a deed 1242
to the real estate. The deed shall state the consideration and the 1243
terms and conditions. The deed shall be executed by the Governor 1244
in the name of the state, countersigned by the Secretary of State, 1245
sealed with the Great Seal of the State, presented in the Office 1246
of the Auditor of State for recording, and delivered to the 1247
grantee. The grantee shall present the deed for recording in the 1248
office of the Guernsey County Recorder.1249

       (G) This section expires three years after its effective 1250

       Section 12.  (A) The Governor may execute a deed in the name 1252
of the state conveying to the grantee, and to the grantee's heirs 1253
and assigns or successors and assigns, all of the state's right, 1254
title, and interest in the following described real estate:1255

       Being located in Virginia Military Survey No. 3315 and being 1256
11.198 acres as conveyed to Universal Realty and Investment 1257
Corporation by deeds of record in Deed Book 1308, Pages 529 and 1258
620 and Deed Book 2018, Pages 497, 500 and 503, all references 1259
being to records of the Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio, 1260
and being more particularly bounded and described as follows:1261

       Beginning at an iron pin at the intersection of the easterly 1262
right-of-way line of Sylvan Avenue with the northerly right-of-way 1263
line of the C. C. C. and St. Louis (now Penn-Central) Railroad;1264

       thence along the easterly right-of-way line of Sylvan Avenue, 1265
North 2° 40' West, 212.40 feet to an iron pin at the intersection 1266
of said right-of-way line with the southerly right-of-way line of 1267
Alberta Street; 1268

       thence along the southerly right-of-way line of Alberta 1269
Street, North 55° 15' East, 388.89 feet to an iron pin at the 1270
point of intersection of said right-of-way line with the 1271
centerline of Algonquin Avenue produced southerly;1272

       thence along the centerline of Algonquin Avenue and said 1273
centerline produced southerly, North 2° 40' West, (passing an iron 1274
pin at the intersection of said line with the centerline of 1275
Alberta Street at 23.6 feet), 538.34 feet to an iron pin at the 1276
northwesterly corner of the 1.895 acre tract conveyed to Universal 1277
Realty and Investment Corp. by deed of record in Deed Book 1808, 1278
Page 529;1279

       thence along the northerly line of said 1.895 acre tract, 1280
North 87° 10' East, (passing an iron pin at 25.0 feet), 180.0 feet 1281
to an iron pin at the north-easterly corner of said 1.895 acre 1282
tract, being the southwesterly corner of "VALLEYVIEW HEIGHTS", as 1283
the plat of same is shown of record in Plat Book 29, Page 38;1284

       thence along the southerly line of said "VALLEYVIEW HEIGHTS", 1285
North 87° 10' East, 27.0 feet to an iron pin at an angle point in 1286
said line;1287

       thence continuing along the southerly line of "VALLEYVIEW 1288
HEIGHTS", North 85° 41' East, 332.96 feet to an iron pin at the 1289
southeasterly corner of said subdivision, being in the westerly 1290
line of the 15.216 acre tract conveyed to the City of Columbus by 1291
deed of record in Deed Book 2041, Page 384;1292

       thence along the westerly line of said 15.216 acre tract, 1293
South 2° 39' 45" East, 64.73 feet to an iron pin at the 1294
southwesterly corner of said 15.216 acre tract;1295

       thence along the southerly line of said 15.216 acre tract, 1296
North 87° 20' 15" East, 525.18 feet to an iron pin at the 1297
southeasterly corner of said tract, being the northeasterly corner 1298
of the 4.316 acre tract conveyed to Universal Realty and 1299
Investment Corp. by deed of record in Deed Book 2018, Page 500; 1300

       thence along the easterly line of said 4.316 acre tract, 1301
South 2° 40' East, 29.38 feet to an iron pin at the southeasterly 1302
corner of said tract in the northwesterly right-of-way line of the 1303
said Penn-Central Railroad;1304

       thence along said right-of-way line, South 55° 17' West, 1305
1645.33 feet to the place of beginning, containing 11.198 acres, 1306
more or less.1307


       Excepting from the above described tract of land 5.168 acres 1309
transferred to Dwayne Zimmer by Corporation Deed recorded in the 1310
Franklin County Recorder's Office on March 20, 2001 as Instrument 1311
No. 200103200056120, which exception is described as follows:1312

       Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Franklin, Franklin 1313
Township, the City of Columbus, Township 1 North, Range 23 West, 1314
Virginia Military Survey No. 3315:1315

       Being a part of the same premises as conveyed to the State of 1316
Ohio and recorded in Deed Book 3315, page 91 of the deed records 1317
in the Office of the Recorder of Franklin County, Ohio, and being 1318
more fully described as follows:1319

       Commencing for a beginning at an iron pin found at the 1320
intersection of the easterly right-of-way line of Sylvan Ave. (60 1321
foot right-of-way) with the northerly right-of-way line of the 1322
Penn-Central Railroad;1323

       Thence with the easterly right-of-way line of Sylvan Ave. 1324
North 02° 40' 00" West a distance of 212.34 feet to an iron pin 1325

       Thence with the southerly right-of-way line of Alberta Street 1327
(50 foot right-of-way) North 55° 14' 55" East a distance of 388.92 1328
feet to an iron pin found;1329

       Thence with the centerline of Algonquin Ave. and said 1330
centerline produced southerly, North 02° 40' 24" West a distance 1331
of 538.30 feet to an iron pin found, said iron pin being the true 1332
place of beginning;1333

       Thence with the north line of a 1.895 acre tract conveyed to 1334
Universal Realty and Investment Corp. and recorded in Deed Book 1335
1808, Page 529, North 87° 10' 00" East, passing an iron pin found 1336
at 25 feet, a distance of 180.00 feet to the southwest corner of 1337
Lot 28 in Valley Height subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 29, 1338
page 38;1339

       Thence with the south line of Lot 28 North 87° 10' 00" East a 1340
distance of 27.00 feet to an angle point;1341

       Thence with the south line of Lots 28, 29 and 30, North 85° 1342
41' 00" East a distance of 332.96 feet to an iron pin found;1343

       Thence with the west line of a 15.216 acre tract conveyed to 1344
the City of Columbus (Board of Education) and recorded in Deed 1345
Book 2041, page 384, South 02° 39' 45" East a distance of 64.59 1346
feet to an iron pin set;1347

       Thence with the south line of said 15.216 acre tract North 1348
87° 20' 15" East a distance of 525.18 feet to an iron pin set;1349

       Thence with the west line of a 4.316 acre tract conveyed to 1350
Universal Realty and Investment Corp. and recorded in Deed Book 1351
2018, Page 500 South 02° 40' 00" East a distance of 29.38 feet to 1352
an iron pin set;1353

       Thence with the northerly right-of-way line of the 1354
Penn-Central Railroad South 55° 16' 23" West a distance of 565.00 1355
feet to a point;1356

       Thence South 85° 41' West a distance of 282.73 feet to a 1357

       Thence North 04° 19' West a distance of 300.47 feet to a 1359

       Thence South 85° 41' West a distance of 295.00 feet to a 1361

       Thence North 02° 40' 24" West a distance of 100.00 feet to 1363
the point of beginning, containing 5.168 acres, more or less.1364

       The foregoing description may be adjusted to accommodate any 1365
corrections necessary to facilitate recordation of the deed. 1366

       The real estate may be conveyed as an entire tract or as 1367
multiple parcels.1368

       (B)(1) The conveyance includes improvements and chattels 1369
situated on the real estate, and is subject to all easements, 1370
covenants, conditions, and restrictions of record; all legal 1371
highways and public rights-of-way; zoning, building, and other 1372
laws, ordinances, restrictions, and regulations; and real estate 1373
taxes and assessments not yet due and payable. The real estate 1374
shall be conveyed in "as-is, where-is, with all faults" condition. 1375

       (2) The deed may contain restrictions, covenants, and other 1376
terms and conditions the Director of Administrative Services and 1377
the Director of Mental Health and Addiction Services determine to 1378
be in the best interest of the state.1379

       (C) The Director of Administrative Services shall conduct a 1380
sealed bid auction, and the real estate shall be sold to the 1381
highest bidder at a price acceptable to the Director of 1382
Administrative Services and the Director of Mental Health and 1383
Addiction Services. The Director of Administrative Services shall 1384
advertise the sale in a newspaper of general circulation within 1385
Franklin County, once a week for three consecutive weeks before 1386
the date on which the sealed bids are to be opened. The Director 1387
of Administrative Services shall notify the successful bidder in 1388
writing. The Director of Administrative Services may reject any or 1389
all bids. 1390

       The purchaser shall pay ten per cent of the purchase price to 1391
the Director of Administrative Services within five business days 1392
after receiving the notice the bid has been accepted. The 1393
purchaser shall pay the balance of the purchase price to the 1394
Director within sixty days after receiving notice the bid has been 1395
accepted. When the purchase price has been paid, the Director and 1396
purchaser shall enter into a real estate purchase agreement, in 1397
the form prescribed by the Department of Administrative Services. 1398
The payments may be made in cash, or by bank draft or certified 1399
check made payable to the Treasurer of State. A purchaser who does 1400
not complete the conditions of the sale as prescribed in this 1401
division shall forfeit the ten per cent of the purchase price paid 1402
to the state as liquidated damages. If a purchaser fails to 1403
complete the purchase, the Director may accept the next highest 1404
bid, subject to the foregoing conditions. If the Director rejects 1405
all bids, the Director may repeat the sealed bid auction, or may 1406
use an alternative sale process that is acceptable to the Director 1407
of Mental Health and Addiction Services. 1408

       The Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services shall 1409
pay advertising and other costs incident to the sale of the real 1410
estate. 1411

       (D) The grantee shall pay all costs associated with the 1412
purchase and conveyance, including surveys, title evidence, title 1413
insurance, transfer cost and fees, recording costs and fees, 1414
taxes, and any other fees, assessments, and costs that may be 1415

       (E) The net proceeds of the sale shall be deposited into the 1417
state treasury to the credit of the Department of Mental Health 1418
and Addiction Services Trust Fund under section 5119.46 of the 1419
Revised Code.1420

       (F) Upon payment of the purchase price, the Auditor of State, 1421
with the assistance of the Attorney General, shall prepare a deed 1422
to the real estate. The deed shall state the consideration and the 1423
terms and conditions. The deed shall be executed by the Governor 1424
in the name of the state, countersigned by the Secretary of State, 1425
sealed with the Great Seal of the State, presented in the Office 1426
of the Auditor of State for recording, and delivered to the 1427
grantee. The grantee shall present the deed for recording in the 1428
office of the Franklin County Recorder.1429

       (G) This section expires three years after its effective 1430

       Section 13.  (A) The Governor may execute a deed in the name 1432
of the state conveying to the grantee, and to the grantee's heirs 1433
and assigns or successors and assigns, all of the state's right, 1434
title, and interest in the following described real estate:1435

       PARCEL I1436

       Situated in the Township of Concord, County of Delaware and 1437
State of Ohio and known as the "Ohio White Sulfur Springs 1438
Property" and bounded and described as follows.1439

       A tract of land containing one hundred and twenty acres, be 1440
the same more or less. Part of Survey numbered fourteen hundred 1441
and twenty one (1421) in the Virginia Military District: Beginning 1442
at the original corner of said Survey at a point on the west side 1443
of the Scioto River at low water mark distant two perches from a 1444
beech and stone on the bank of said River, thence South 75° West 1445
two hundred and thirty-seven (237) poles to a box elder, thence 1446
North ten (10°) degrees West Eighty Eight (88) poles to a hickory, 1447
beech and Sugar tree, the Southwest corner of the James McKitrick 1448
tract, thence with the line of said McKitrick tract North 75° East 1449
two hundred and nineteen (219) poles to a white oak on the River, 1450
and thence with the River Eighty Eight (88) poles to the place of 1451

       Prior reference Deed Record 60 Page 469 recorded on July 24, 1453

       Excepting from the above described tract the following four 1455

       Parcel 1, Deed Record 578 Page 8321457

       Situated in the Township of Concord, County of Delaware, 1458
State of Ohio, being part of Farm Lot 2 in C. Baldwin's Virginia 1459
Military Survey Number 1421 and being more particularly described 1460
as follows:1461

       Beginning at a railroad spike found at the intersection of 1462
the centerline of County Road 124 (Home Road) and State Route 745;1463

       Thence South 10°00'23" East, along the said centerline of the 1464
State Route 745, a distance of 520.50 feet to a railroad spike 1465

       Thence South 80°13'16" West (passing a steel fence post found 1467
at 31.47 feet and an iron pipe set at 2,277.23 feet), a total 1468
distance of 2,282.23 feet to a steel fence post found, being on 1469
the west line of Farm Lot 2, all iron pipes set are with a plastic 1470
cap marked "SLSS RS 6612";1471

       Thence North 03°15'06" West, along the said west line of Farm 1472
lot 2 (passing an iron pipe set at 5.00 feet and passing an iron 1473
pipe found at 318.34 feet), a total distance of 507.27 feet to a 1474
cornerstone found, being the northwest corner of Farm lot 2;1475

       Thence North 79°47'43" East, along the north line of said 1476
Farm Lot 2, and along the centerline of County Road 124 (Home 1477
Road) (passing a railroad spike found at 357.68 feet), a total 1478
distance of 2,222.56 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and 1479
containing 26.481 acres, being part of an original 120 acre tract, 1480
as described in Deed Book 60, Page 469 and surveyed by Frank Celio 1481
on June 6, 1988. Be the same more or less but subject to all legal 1482
easements, restrictions, and rights-of-way, if any, of record.1483

       Parcel 2, Deed Record 601 Page 1421484

       Being a parcel out of those lands under the jurisdiction of 1485
the Ohio Department of Youth Services situated in the Township of 1486
Concord, County of Delaware, Sate of Ohio, being part of Farm Lot 1487
2 in C. Baldwin's Virginia Military Survey Number 1421 and being 1488
more particularly described as follows:1489

       Commencing at a railroad spike found at the intersection of 1490
the centerlines of County Road 124 (Home Road) and State Route 745 1491
(Dublin Road);1492

       Thence South 10°00'23" East, along the said centerline of 1493
State Route 745, a distance of 848.68 feet to a railroad spike 1494
set, being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the following described 1495

       Thence North 79°59'37" East, (passing an iron bar set at 1497
30.00 feet) a total distance of 265.02 feet to an iron bar set, 1498
all iron bars set are set with a plastic cap marked "SLSS RS 1499

       Thence South 10°00'23" East, a distance of 336.10 feet to an 1501
iron bar set;1502

       Thence South 79°59'37" West, (passing an iron bar set at 1503
235.02 feet) a total distance of 265.02 feet to a railroad spike 1504
set, being in the said centerline of State Route 745;1505

       Thence North 10°00'23" West, along the said centerline of 1506
State Route 745, a distance of 366.10 feet to the TRUE POINT OF 1507

       Containing 2.045 acres, more or less, being part of an 1509
original 120 acre tract as described in Deed Book 60, Page 469, 1510
maintained in the Delaware County, Ohio, Recorder's Office;1511

       Subject to all easements, restrictions and right-of-way, if 1512
any, of record.1513

       Surveyed by Frank Cellio, Surveyor, Registration Number 6612 1514
on March 26, 1992. Basis of bearings is assumed.1515

       Parcel 3, Official Record 239 Page 2429-24321516

       Situate in the State of Ohio, County of Delaware, Township of 1517
Concord, located in Farm Lot 2 in C. Baldwin's Virginia Military 1518
Survey No. 1421, and being part of a 120.0 acre tract conveyed to 1519
State of Ohio as conveyed in Deed Book 60, Page 469, Delaware 1520
County Recorder's Office, and being more particularly described as 1521

       Beginning, for reference, at a railroad spike found in the 1523
centerline of Dublin Road (State Route 745) marking the southeast 1524
corner of said 120.0 acre tract and northeast corner of a 86.0 1525
acre tract conveyed to Mary Janet Held in Deed Book 453, Page 776 1526
and in the south line of Farm Lot 2;1527

       Thence South 80°27'12" West 1410.00 feet, along the south 1528
line of Farm Lot 2 and said 120.0 acre tract and of a 0.918 acre 1529
lease tract conveyed to Del-Co Water in Lease Volume 48, Page 218, 1530
and north line of said 86.0 acre tract, to an iron pin found 1531
marking the southwest corner of said 0.918 acre tract and being 1532
the principal place of beginning of the herein described tract:1533

       Thence continuing South 80°27'12" West 999.61 feet, along the 1534
south line of Farm Lot 2 and said 120.0 acre tract and north line 1535
of said 86.0 acre tract, to a steel post found marking the 1536
southwest corner of said 120.0 acre tract and the northwest corner 1537
of said 86.0 acre tract and southeast corner of a 16.050 acre 1538
tract conveyed to Richard A. Petke and Carol L. Bennington in Deed 1539
Book 551, Page 538 and being the southwest corner of Farm Lot 2 1540
and the southeast corner of Farm Lot 1;1541

       Thence North 03°10'43" West 995.43 feet, along the west line 1542
of Farm lot 2 said 120.0 acre tract and the east line of Farm Lots 1543
1 and 4 and said 16.050 acre tract, to an iron pin found marking 1544
the northwest corner of said 120.0 acre tract and the southwest 1545
corner of a 26.481 acre tract conveyed to Concord Township 1546
Trustees in Deed Book 578, Page 832;1547

       Thence North 80°13'16" East 951.14 feet, along the north line 1548
of said 120.0 acre tract and south line of said 26.481 acre tract, 1549
to an iron pin set;1550

       Thence South 07°58'55" East 793.44 feet, across said 120.0 1551
acre tract, to the north line of said 0.918 acre tract, to an iron 1552
pin set;1553

       Thence South 80°27'12" West 40.26 feet along the north line 1554
of said 0.918 acre lease tract, to an iron pin found marking the 1555
northwest corner of said 0.918 acre lease tract;1556

       Thence South 09°32'48" East 200.00 feet, along the west line 1557
of said 0.918 acre tract, to the principal place of beginning, 1558
containing an area of 22.415 acres, more or less.1559

       Basis of bearings from Deed Book 578, Page 832, based on the 1560
south line of the 26.481 acre tract being North 80°13'06" East. A 1561
survey of the above described premises was done by Bradley J. 1562
Patridge P.S. 7068, in September, 2000. All iron pins set are 1563
capped PATRIDGE SURVEYING. All reference deeds are on file at the 1564
Delaware County Recorder's Office, Delaware, Ohio.1565

       Parcel 4, Deed Record 60 Page 4691566

       Being part of the lands last transferred to the state of Ohio 1567
as recorded in deed book 60 page 469 of the Delaware County 1568
Recorder's Office and being further located as follows:1569

       Being all of Delaware County Auditor's Parcel No. 1570
60024003007000, that is lying west of State Route 745 and being 1571
located in Farm Lot 2, in C. Baldwin's Virginia Military Survey 1572
No. 1421, Situated in Concord Township, Delaware County, State of 1573
Ohio, and containing approximately 30 acres more or less.1574

       PARCEL II1575

       Situated in the Township of Concord, County of Delaware and 1576
State of Ohio and known as the "Ohio White Sulfur Springs 1577
Property" and bounded and described as follows. 1578

       A tract of Land containing sixty and 26 ½ hundredths (60 1579
26½/100) acres be the same more or less. Part of Survey number 1580
twenty six hundred and forty two, (2642) in said Military 1581
District. 1582

       Commencing at a stone on a post on the west bank of the 1583
Scioto River at the northeast corner of said survey number twenty 1584
six hundred and forty two, (2642),1585

       Running thence South 75°25' West along the boundary of the 1586
survey ninety two (92) rods to a post and three stones in the 1587
center of the State Road,1588

       Thence South 20 ½° East along the center of the road eighty 1589
one 7/25 (81 7/25) poles to a post and three stones,1590

       Thence North 78°28' East along the boundary of the survey one 1591
hundred and thirty one (131) rods to a post and a pile of stones 1592
on the west bank of the river,1593

       And thence up the west bank of the river with its meanders 1594
North 33 ½° West forty two and 9/10 (42 9/10) poles 1595

       And thence North 48 ½° West fifty eight (58) poles to the 1596
place of beginning.1597

       Being the same premises which were heretofore conveyed by 1598
John W. Ferry and wife to same James W. Gaff by deed dated the 1st 1599
day of January A.D. 1868, and recorded in Vol. 59 page 16 of the 1600
land records in the said county of Delaware, State of Ohio.1601

       Prior reference, Deed Record 60 Page 4691602

       Parcel number 600-240-03-008-0001603

       The foregoing description may be adjusted to accommodate any 1604
corrections necessary to facilitate recordation of the deed.1605

       The real estate may be conveyed as an entire tract or as 1606
multiple parcels.1607

       (B)(1) The conveyance includes improvements and chattels 1608
situated on the real estate, and is subject to all easements, 1609
covenants, conditions, and restrictions of record; all legal 1610
highways and public rights-of-way; zoning, building, and other 1611
laws, ordinances, restrictions, and regulations; and real estate 1612
taxes and assessments not yet due and payable. The real estate 1613
shall be conveyed in "as-is, where-is, with all faults" condition. 1614

       (2) The deed or deeds may contain restrictions, covenants, 1615
and other terms and conditions the Director of Administrative 1616
Services and the Director of Youth Services determine to be in the 1617
best interest of the state.1618

       (C) The Director of Administrative Services shall conduct a 1619
sealed bid auction, and the real estate shall be sold to the 1620
highest bidder at a price acceptable to the Director of 1621
Administrative Services and the Director of Youth Services. The 1622
Director of Administrative Services shall advertise the sealed bid 1623
auction by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in 1624
Delaware County, once a week for three consecutive weeks before 1625
the date on which the sealed bids are to be opened. The Director 1626
of Administrative Services shall notify the successful bidder in 1627
writing. The Director of Administrative Services may reject any or 1628
all bids. 1629

       The purchaser shall pay ten per cent of the purchase price to 1630
the Director of Administrative Services within five business days 1631
after receiving the notice the bid has been accepted. The 1632
purchaser shall pay the balance of the purchase price to the 1633
Director within sixty days after receiving notice the bid has been 1634
accepted. When the purchase price has been paid, the Director and 1635
purchaser shall enter into a real estate purchase agreement, in 1636
the form prescribed by the Department of Administrative Services. 1637
The payments may be made in cash, or by bank draft or certified 1638
check made payable to the Treasurer of State. A purchaser who does 1639
not complete the conditions of the sale as prescribed in this 1640
division shall forfeit the ten per cent of the purchase price paid 1641
to the state as liquidated damages. If a purchaser fails to 1642
complete the purchase, the Director may accept the next highest 1643
bid, subject to the foregoing conditions. If the Director rejects 1644
all bids, the Director may repeat the sealed bid auction, or may 1645
use an alternative sale process that is acceptable to the Director 1646
of Youth Services. 1647

       The Department of Youth Services shall pay advertising and 1648
other costs incident to the sale of the real estate. 1649

       (D) The grantee shall pay all costs associated with the 1650
purchase and conveyance, including surveys, title evidence, title 1651
insurance, transfer cost and fees, recording costs and fees, 1652
taxes, and any other fees, assessments, and costs that may be 1653

       (E) The net proceeds of the sale shall be deposited into the 1655
state treasury to the credit of the Juvenile Correctional Building 1656
Fund (Fund 7028) under section 154.24 of the Revised Code.1657

       (F) Upon payment of the purchase price, the Auditor of State, 1658
with the assistance of the Attorney General, shall prepare a deed 1659
to the real estate. The deed shall state the consideration and the 1660
terms and conditions. The deed shall be executed by the Governor 1661
in the name of the state, countersigned by the Secretary of State, 1662
sealed with the Great Seal of the State, presented in the Office 1663
of the Auditor of State for recording, and delivered to the 1664
grantee. The grantee shall present the deed for recording in the 1665
office of the Delaware County Recorder.1666

       (G) This section expires three years after its effective 1667

       Section 14. (A)(1) Notwithstanding division (B)(3) of section 1669
123.01 of the Revised Code, the Superintendent of the State 1670
Highway Patrol may request the Director of Administrative 1671
Services, on behalf of the Department of Public Safety, Division 1672
of State Highway Patrol, to sell by sealed bid of public auction, 1673
all of the state's right, title, and interest in the real property 1674
located at 260 Niles Cortland Road NE, Warren, Ohio 44484, and 1675
described in division (A)(2) of this section.1676

       (2) The Governor may execute a deed in the name of the state 1677
conveying to the grantee, and to the grantee's heirs and assigns 1678
or successors and assigns, all of the state's right, title, and 1679
interest in the following described real estate:1680

       Situated in the Township of Howland, County of Trumbull and 1681
State of Ohio:1682

       And known as being a part of Lot Number 28 according to the 1683
original survey of said Howland Township and is bounded and 1684
further described as follows:1685

       Beginning at a point in the center line of State Route No. 1686
46, said point being North 00° 02' West a distance of 825.12 feet 1687
along the said center line from the intersection of said center 1688
line with the center line of the Warren-Sharon Road;1689

       Thence North 00° 02' West, and along the said center line of 1690
State Route No. 46, a distance of 115.00 feet to a point;1691

       Thence South 87° 26' East a distance of 355.00 feet, to a 1692

       Thence South 0° 02' East a distance of 115.00 feet to a 1694

       Thence North 87° 26' West a distance of 355.00 feet but to 1696
the place of beginning and containing within said bounds about .94 1697
of an acre of land, be the same more or less but subject to all 1698
legal highways.1699

       Said property is currently being shown on the Trumbull County 1700
Tax Duplicate as Parcel Number 28-1335761701

       Known for street numbering purposes as: 260 Niles Cortland 1702
Road NE, Warren, Ohio 444841703

       Prior Instrument Reference: 201011300022413, Trumbull County 1704

        The foregoing description may be adjusted to accommodate any 1706
corrections necessary to facilitate recordation of the deed.1707

       The real estate shall be sold as an entire tract and not as 1708
multiple parcels.1709

        (B) The conveyance includes improvements and chattels 1710
situated on the real estate, and is subject to all easements, 1711
covenants, conditions, and restrictions of record; all legal 1712
highways and public rights-of-way; zoning, building, and other 1713
laws, ordinances, restrictions, and regulations; and real estate 1714
taxes and assessments not yet due and payable. The real estate 1715
shall be conveyed in "as-is, where-is, with all faults" condition.1716

        (C) The Director of Administrative Services shall conduct a 1717
sale of the real estate by sealed bid auction or by public 1718
auction, and the real estate shall be sold to the highest bidder 1719
at a price acceptable to the Director of Administrative Services 1720
and the Superintendent of the State Highway Patrol. The Director 1721
of Administrative Services shall advertise the sealed bid auction 1722
or public auction by publication in a newspaper of general 1723
circulation in Trumbull County, once a week for three consecutive 1724
weeks before the date on which the sealed bids are to be opened. 1725
The Director of Administrative Services shall notify the 1726
successful bidder in writing. The Director of Administrative 1727
Services may reject any or all bids. 1728

       The purchaser shall pay ten per cent of the purchase price to 1729
the Director of Administrative Services within five business days 1730
after receiving the notice the bid has been accepted. The 1731
purchaser shall pay the balance of the purchase price to the 1732
Director within sixty days after receiving notice the bid has been 1733
accepted. When the purchase price has been paid, the Director and 1734
purchaser shall enter into a real estate purchase agreement, in 1735
the form prescribed by the Department of Administrative Services. 1736
The payments may be made in cash, or by bank draft or certified 1737
check made payable to the Treasurer of State. A purchaser who does 1738
not complete the conditions of the sale as prescribed in this 1739
division shall forfeit the ten per cent of the purchase price paid 1740
to the state as liquidated damages. If a purchaser fails to 1741
complete the purchase, the Director may accept the next highest 1742
bid, subject to the foregoing conditions. If the Director rejects 1743
all bids, the Director may repeat the sealed bid auction or public 1744
auction, or may use an alternative sale process that is acceptable 1745
to the Superintendent of the State Highway Patrol. 1746

       The Superintendent of the State Highway Patrol shall pay 1747
advertising and other costs incident to the sale of the real 1748
estate. 1749

        (D) The grantee shall pay all costs associated with the 1750
purchase and conveyance, including surveys, title evidence, title 1751
insurance, transfer costs and fees, recording costs and fees, 1752
taxes, and any other fees, assessments, and costs that may be 1753

        (E) The net proceeds of the sale shall be deposited into the 1755
state treasury to the credit of the Highway Patrol Justice 1756
Contraband Fund under section 2981.14 of the Revised Code.1757

        (F) Upon payment of the purchase price, the Auditor of State, 1758
with the assistance of the Attorney General, shall prepare a deed 1759
to the real estate. The deed shall state the consideration and the 1760
terms and conditions. The deed shall be executed by the Governor 1761
in the name of the state, countersigned by the Secretary of State, 1762
sealed with the Great Seal of the State, presented in the Office 1763
of the Auditor of State for recording, and delivered to the 1764
grantee. The grantee shall present the deed for recording in the 1765
office of the Trumbull County Recorder.1766

        (G) This section expires three years after its effective 1767

       Section 15. (A)(1) Notwithstanding division (B)(3) of section 1769
123.01 of the Revised Code, the Superintendent of the State 1770
Highway Patrol may request the Director of Administrative 1771
Services, on behalf of the Department of Public Safety, Division 1772
of State Highway Patrol, to sell by sealed bid or public auction, 1773
all of the state's right, title, and interest in the real property 1774
located at 4300 Lincoln Way NW, Massillon, Ohio 44647, and 1775
described in division (A)(2) of this section.1776

       (2) The Governor may execute a deed in the name of the state 1777
conveying to the grantee, and to the grantee's heirs and assigns 1778
or successors and assigns, all of the state's right, title, and 1779
interest in the following described real estate:1780

       Situated in the Township of Tuscarawas, County of Stark and 1781
State of Ohio: Being a part of the S.E. ¼ Section 10, Township 12, 1782
Range 10, Stark County, and bounded and described as follows: 1783
Beginning at the point where the west line of said Quarter Section 1784
intersects the center line of Massillon-Wooster Road, State 1785
Highway No. 69 also known as the Lincoln Highway, U.S. Route No. 1786
30; thence along said Quarter Section line in a northerly 1787
direction, a distance of 789.60 feet to a point;1788

        thence in an easterly direction at right angles to aforesaid 1789
Quarter Section Line, a distance of 576.22 feet to a point in the 1790
west line of Tudor Avenue, as recorded on the plot of Country Club 1791

        thence in a southerly direction along the west line of Tudor 1793
Avenue, a distance of 822.48 feet to a point in the center line of 1794
said Massillon-Wooster Road;1795

        thence in a westerly direction along said center line, a 1796
distance of 577.16 feet to the place of beginning and containing 1797
10.66 acres of land, more or less, be the same more or less, 1798
subject to all legal highways.1799

        Prior reference Record Volume 1110, Page 91.1800

        Excepting 0.6626 acres transferred to the City of Massillon 1801
by the Dedication Plat of Right-of-Way recorded in the Stark 1802
County Recorder's Office as Instrument No. 200310240102847.1803

        Said 10.00 acres has been annexed into the City of Massillon 1804
by Annexation Plat recorded in the Stark County Recorder's Office 1805
in Volume 57, Page 114.1806

        The foregoing description may be adjusted to accommodate any 1807
corrections necessary to facilitate recordation of the deed.1808

       The real estate may be sold as an entire tract or as multiple 1809

        (B) The conveyance includes improvements and chattels 1811
situated on the real estate, and is subject to all easements, 1812
covenants, conditions, and restrictions of record; all legal 1813
highways and public rights-of-way; zoning, building, and other 1814
laws, ordinances, restrictions, and regulations; and real estate 1815
taxes and assessments not yet due and payable. The real estate 1816
shall be conveyed in "as-is, where-is, with all faults" condition.1817

        (C) The Director of Administrative Services shall conduct a 1818
sale of the real estate by sealed bid auction or public auction, 1819
and the real estate shall be sold to the highest bidder at a price 1820
acceptable to the Director of Administrative Services and the 1821
Superintendent of the State Highway Patrol. The Director of 1822
Administrative Services shall advertise the sealed bid auction or 1823
public auction by publication in a newspaper of general 1824
circulation in Stark County, once a week for three consecutive 1825
weeks before the date on which the sealed bids are to be opened. 1826
The Director of Administrative Services shall notify the 1827
successful bidder in writing. The Director of Administrative 1828
Services may reject any or all bids. 1829

       The purchaser shall pay ten per cent of the purchase price to 1830
the Director of Administrative Services within five business days 1831
after receiving the notice the bid has been accepted. The 1832
purchaser shall pay the balance of the purchase price to the 1833
Director within sixty days after receiving notice the bid has been 1834
accepted. When the purchase price has been paid, the Director and 1835
purchaser shall enter into a real estate purchase agreement, in 1836
the form prescribed by the Department of Administrative Services. 1837
The payments may be made in cash, or by bank draft or certified 1838
check made payable to the Treasurer of State. A purchaser who does 1839
not complete the conditions of the sale as prescribed in this 1840
division shall forfeit the ten per cent of the purchase price paid 1841
to the state as liquidated damages. If a purchaser fails to 1842
complete the purchase, the Director may accept the next highest 1843
bid, subject to the foregoing conditions. If the Director rejects 1844
all bids, the Director may repeat the sealed bid auction or public 1845
auction, or may use an alternative sale process that is acceptable 1846
to the Superintendent of the State Highway Patrol. 1847

       The Superintendent of the State Highway Patrol shall pay 1848
advertising and other costs incident to the sale of the real 1849
estate. 1850

        (D) The grantee shall pay all costs associated with the 1851
purchase and conveyance, including surveys, title evidence, title 1852
insurance, transfer costs and fees, recording costs and fees, 1853
taxes, and any other fees, assessments, and costs that may be 1854

        (E) The net proceeds of the sale shall be deposited into the 1856
state treasury to the credit of the State Highway Safety Fund 1857
under section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.1858

        (F) Upon payment of the purchase price, the Auditor of State, 1859
with the assistance of the Attorney General, shall prepare a deed 1860
to the real estate. The deed shall state the consideration and the 1861
terms and conditions. The deed shall be executed by the Governor 1862
in the name of the state, countersigned by the Secretary of State, 1863
sealed with the Great Seal of the State, presented in the Office 1864
of the Auditor of State for recording, and delivered to the 1865
grantee. The grantee shall present the deed for recording in the 1866
office of the Stark County Recorder.1867

        (G) This section expires three years after its effective 1868

       Section 16. (A) The Governor may execute a deed or deeds in 1870
the name of the state conveying to the grantee, and to the 1871
grantee's heirs and assigns or successors and assigns, all of the 1872
state's right, title, and interest in the following described real 1873

       Allen Oakwood Correctional Institution, Lima, Allen County1875

Property Address City County 1876
100 East Bluelick Road Lima Allen 1877
101 Oval Drive Lima Allen 1878
102 Oval Drive Lima Allen 1879
103 Oval Drive Lima Allen 1880
105 Oval Drive Lima Allen 1881
2336 North West Street Lima Allen 1882
250 East Bluelick Road Lima Allen 1883

       Grafton Correctional Institution, Grafton, Lorain County1884

Property Address City County 1885
1641 South Avon Belden Road Grafton Lorain 1886
1757 South Avon Belden Road Grafton Lorain 1887
2069 South Avon Belden Road Grafton Lorain 1888
2354 South Avon Belden Road Grafton Lorain 1889
900 East Capel Road Grafton Lorain 1890

       Hocking Correctional Institution, Nelsonville, Hocking County1891

Property Address City County 1892
16761 Snake Hollow Road Nelsonville Hocking 1893

       Lebanon Correctional Institution, Lebanon, Warren County1894

Property Address City County 1895
3795 1/2 State Route 63 Lebanon Warren 1896
3795 W. State Route 63 Lebanon Warren 1897

       London Correctional Institution, London, Madison County1898

Property Address City County 1899
1580 State Route 56 London Madison 1900

       Mansfield Correctional Institution, Mansfield, Richland 1901

Property Address City County 1903
1088 North Main Street Mansfield Richland 1904
1149 Olivesburg Road Mansfield Richland 1905
1700 Harrington-Memorial Road Mansfield Richland 1906
3005 Olivesburg Road Mansfield Richland 1907
1067 Olivesburg Road Mansfield Richland 1908

       Marion Correctional Institution, Marion, Marion County1909

Property Address City County 1910
1312 Likens Road Marion Marion 1911
1659 Scioto Village Dr. Marion Marion 1912
1669 Scioto Village Drive Marion Marion 1913
1674 Scioto Village Dr. Marion Marion 1914
1686 Scioto Village Dr. Marion Marion 1915
1693 Scioto Village Dr. Marion Marion 1916
1698 Scioto Village Drive Marion Marion 1917
1705 Scioto Village Dr. Marion Marion 1918
1710 Scioto Village Dr. Marion Marion 1919
1717 Scioto Village Drive Marion Marion 1920
745 Likens Road Marion Marion 1921
813 Likens Rd. Marion Marion 1922
924 Likens Road Marion Marion 1923

       Ohio Reformatory for Women, Marysville, Union County1924

Property Address City County 1925
1611 Collins Avenue Marysville Union 1926

       Ohio State Penitentiary, Youngstown, Mahoning County1927

Property Address City County 1928
6598 South Timberidge Avenue Youngstown Mahoning 1929

       Pickaway Correctional Institution, Orient, Pickaway County1930

Property Address City County 1931
PCI Unit 1 - 11781 State Route 762 Orient Pickaway 1932
PCI Unit 2 - 11781 State Route 762 Orient Pickaway 1933
PCI Unit 3 - 11781 State Route 762 Orient Pickaway 1934
PCI Unit 4 - 11781 State Route 762 Orient Pickaway 1935
PCI Unit 6 - 11781 State Route 762 Orient Pickaway 1936

       Ross Correctional Institution, Chillicothe, Ross County1937

Property Address City County 1938
101 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1939
102 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1940
103 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1941
104 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1942
105 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1943
106 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1944
107 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1945
108 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1946
109 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1947
110 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1948
111 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1949
112 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1950
113 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1951
114 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1952
115 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1953
116 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1954
117 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1955
118 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1956
119 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1957
120 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1958
121 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1959
122 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1960
123 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1961
124 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1962
125 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1963
126 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1964
127 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1965
128 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1966
129 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1967
130 Reservation Circle Chillicothe Ross 1968
14096 Pleasant Valley Road Chillicothe Ross 1969
14130 Pleasant Valley Road Chillicothe Ross 1970
14166 Pleasant Valley Road Chillicothe Ross 1971
14573 Pleasant Valley Road Chillicothe Ross 1972
16776 State Route 104 Chillicothe Ross 1973

       Southeastern Correctional Institution, Lancaster, Fairfield 1974

Property Address City County 1976
1513 Hamburg Road Lancaster Fairfield 1977

       Southern Ohio Correctional Facility, Lucasville, Scioto 1978

Property Address City County 1980
1187 Cook Road Lucasville Scioto 1981
1223 Cook Road Lucasville Scioto 1982
170 Marca Drive Lucasville Scioto 1983

        The foregoing description may be adjusted to accommodate any 1984
corrections necessary to facilitate recordation of the deed or 1985

        (B) A parcel of real estate described above shall be conveyed 1987
only if the Director of Administrative Services and the Director 1988
of Rehabilitation and Correction first have determined that the 1989
parcel is surplus real property no longer needed by the state and 1990
that the conveyance is in the best interest of the state.1991

       (C)(1) The conveyance of a parcel includes improvements and 1992
chattels situated on the real estate, and is subject to all 1993
easements, covenants, conditions, and restrictions of record; all 1994
legal highways and public rights-of-way; zoning, building, and 1995
other laws, ordinances, restrictions, and regulations; and real 1996
estate taxes and assessments not yet due and payable. A parcel 1997
shall be conveyed in "as-is, where-is, with all faults" condition.1998

        (2) The deed or deeds shall contain restrictions prohibiting 1999
the grantee or grantees from occupying, using, or developing, or 2000
from selling, the real estate such that the use or alienation will 2001
interfere with the quiet enjoyment of neighboring state-owned 2002

        (D) The Director of Administrative Services and the Director 2004
of Rehabilitation and Correction shall determine whether to convey 2005
the parcels of real estate by sealed bid, by public auction, by 2006
means of a negotiated real estate sale agreement, or by other 2007
lawful means.2008

       (E) If the Director of Administrative Services sells a parcel 2009
by sealed bid or public auction, the parcel shall be sold to the 2010
highest bidder at a price acceptable to the Director of 2011
Administrative Services and the Director of Rehabilitation and 2012
Correction. The Director of Administrative Services shall 2013
advertise the sale of the real estate in a newspaper of general 2014
circulation within each respective county once per week for three 2015
consecutive weeks before the date on which the sealed bids are to 2016
be opened. The Director of Administrative Services shall notify 2017
the successful bidder in writing. The Director of Administrative 2018
Services may reject any or all bids. 2019

       The purchaser shall pay ten per cent of the purchase price to 2020
the Director of Administrative Services within five business days 2021
after receiving the notice the bid has been accepted. The 2022
purchaser shall pay the balance of the purchase price to the 2023
Director within sixty days after receiving notice the bid has been 2024
accepted. When the purchase price has been paid, the Director and 2025
purchaser shall enter into a real estate purchase agreement, in 2026
the form prescribed by the Department of Administrative Services. 2027
The payments may be made in cash, or by bank draft or certified 2028
check made payable to the Treasurer of State. If a purchaser does 2029
not make the final payment in a timely manner, the ten per cent 2030
payment is forfeited to the state as liquidated damages. If a 2031
purchaser fails to complete the purchase, the Director may accept 2032
the next highest bid, subject to the foregoing conditions. If the 2033
Director rejects all bids, the Director may repeat the sealed bid 2034
auction or public auction, or may use an alternative sale process 2035
that is acceptable to the Director of Rehabilitation and 2036
Correction. 2037

       The Department of Rehabilitation and Correction shall pay 2038
advertising and other costs incident to the sale of the real 2039
estate. 2040

        (F) The grantee shall pay all costs associated with the 2041
purchase and conveyance, including surveys, title evidence, title 2042
insurance, transfer costs and fees, recording costs and fees, 2043
taxes, and any other fees, assessments, and costs that may be 2044

        (G) The net proceeds of the sale shall be deposited into the 2046
state treasury to the credit of the Property Receipts Fund under 2047
section 5120.22 of the Revised Code.2048

        (H) Upon payment of the purchase price, the Auditor of State, 2049
with the assistance of the Attorney General, shall prepare a deed 2050
to the parcel of real estate that has been sold. The deed shall 2051
state the consideration and the terms and conditions. The deed 2052
shall be executed by the Governor in the name of the state, 2053
countersigned by the Secretary of State, sealed with the Great 2054
Seal of the State, presented in the Office of the Auditor of State 2055
for recording, and delivered to the grantee. The grantee shall 2056
present the deed for recording in the office of the county records 2057
of the county in which the real estate is located.2058

        (I) This section expires two years after its effective date.2059

       Section 17. (A) The Governor may execute a deed or deeds in 2060
the name of the state conveying to the grantee, and to the 2061
grantee's heirs and assigns or successors and assigns, all of the 2062
state's right, title, and interest in the following described real 2063

Property 1

       Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Franklin, City of 2066
Worthington, and being lot number Thirty-six (36) of Benjamin S. 2067
Gheen's Sunnyview Addition, being a subdivision of Lot Number 3 of 2068
Griswold Heir's Subdivision, as the same is numbered and 2069
delineated upon the recorded plat thereof, of record in Plat Book 2070
No. 17, pages 14 and 15, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio.2071

       Together with any and all interest the Grantor(s) may have in 2072
that portion of right of way as vacated by Village of Worthington 2073
by Ordinance No. 0546 as adopted on 12-06-1937.2074

Property 2

       Situated in the City of Worthington, County of Franklin, and 2076
State of Ohio2077

       Being all of Lot 94, part of Lot 93, part of Lot 88 and part 2078
of Howard Place (vacated by Worthington Village Council Ordinance 2079
No. 1381, dated July 5, 1955) as said lots and Howard Place are 2080
shown in the Subdivision of Reserve "B" of Colonial Hills Plat No. 2081
2, recorded in Plat Book 21, page 11, Franklin County Recorder's 2082
Office, and being more particularly bounded and described as 2083

       Beginning at an iron pin at the northeasterly corner of said 2085
Lot 94, the westerly line of Forest Avenue (25 feet in width); 2086
thence southerly, with the easterly line of said Lot 94, the 2087
westerly line of said Forest Avenue, a distance of 160 feet, more 2088
or less, to an iron pin, the southeasterly corner of said Lots 94 2089
and 93, the northeasterly corner of said Lot 88; thence continuing 2090
southerly with the easterly line of said Lot 88, the westerly line 2091
of said Forest Avenue, a distance of 144.76 feet, more or less, to 2092
an iron pin at the southeasterly corner of said Lot 88, the 2093
northerly line of Park Overlook Drive (60 feet in width); thence 2094
westerly with the southerly line of said Lot 88, the northerly 2095
line of Park Overlook Drive, and with a curve to the left having a 2096
radius of 956.70 feet, a distance of 5.81 feet, more or less, to 2097
an iron pin, said iron pin being the point of intersection of the 2098
northerly line of said Park Overlook Drive and the northeasterly 2099
line of said Howard Place (vacated); thence continuing westerly 2100
with the northerly line of said Park Overlook Drive and with a 2101
curve to the left having a radius of 956.70 feet, a distance of 2102
4.19 feet to an iron pin; thence northerly, parallel to the 2103
easterly line of said Lot 88 and 10 feet westerly therefrom, a 2104
distance of 152.20 feet, more or less, to an iron pin in the 2105
northeasterly line of said Lot 93, the southwesterly line of said 2106
Lot 94, passing an iron pin in the northerly line of said Lot 88, 2107
the southerly line of said Lot 93, at 143.90 feet; thence 2108
northwesterly, with the northeasterly line of said Lot 93, the 2109
southwesterly line of said Lot 94, a distance of 171.68 feet, more 2110
or less, to an iron pin at the southwesterly corner of said Lot 2111
94, the southeasterly line of Howard Street (50 feet in width); 2112
thence northeasterly, with the northwesterly line of said Lot 94, 2113
the southeasterly line of said Howard Street, and with a curve to 2114
the left having a radius of 300 feet, a distance of 60 feet, more 2115
or less, to an iron pin at the northwesterly corner of said Lot 2116
94; thence easterly with the northerly line of said Lot 94, a 2117
distance of 114.66 feet to the place of beginning.2118

       Together with any and all interest the Grantor may have in 2119
that portion of Howard Street as vacated by the City of 2120
Worthington by Ordinance No. 75-60, and, any and all interest the 2121
Grantor may have in that portion of Forest Avenue as vacated by 2122
the City of Worthington by Ordinance No. 96-94.2123

       The above referenced Property 1 is known as Franklin County 2124
Parcel Number 100-000601. The above referenced Property 2 is known 2125
as Franklin County Parcel Number 100-001348.2126

        The foregoing descriptions may be adjusted to accommodate any 2127
corrections necessary to facilitate recordation of the deed or 2128

        (B)(1) The conveyance includes improvements and chattels 2130
situated on the real estate, and is subject to all easements, 2131
covenants, conditions, and restrictions of record; all legal 2132
highways and public rights-of-way; zoning, building, and other 2133
laws, ordinances, restrictions, and regulations; and real estate 2134
taxes and assessments not yet due and payable. The real estate 2135
shall be conveyed in "as-is, where-is, with all faults" condition.2136

        (2) The deed or deeds may contain restrictions, exceptions, 2137
reservations, reversionary interests, and other terms and 2138
conditions the state or The Ohio State University determine to be 2139
in the best interest of the state, including restrictions that are 2140
reasonably necessary to protect the state's interest in 2141
neighboring state-owned land. Subsequent to the conveyance, any 2142
restrictions, exceptions, reservations, reversionary interests, or 2143
other terms and conditions contained in the deed may be released 2144
by the state or by The Ohio State University without the necessity 2145
of further legislation.2146

        (C) The Ohio State University shall determine whether to 2147
convey the real estate by sealed bid, by public auction, or by 2148
means of a negotiated real estate sale agreement.2149

        (D) The grantee and The Ohio State University shall reach an 2150
agreement regarding payment of the costs associated with the 2151
purchase and conveyance.2152

        (E) The net proceeds of the sale shall be paid to The Ohio 2153
State University and deposited into the appropriate university 2154
accounts for the benefit of The Ohio State University Wexner 2155
Medical Center.2156

        (F) Upon payment of the purchase price, the Auditor of State, 2157
with the assistance of the Attorney General, shall prepare a deed 2158
or deeds to the real estate. The deed or deeds shall state the 2159
consideration and the terms and conditions. The deed or deeds 2160
shall be executed by the Governor in the name of the state, 2161
countersigned by the Secretary of State, sealed with the Great 2162
Seal of the State, presented in the Office of the Auditor of State 2163
for recording, and delivered to the grantee. The grantee shall 2164
present the deed or deeds for recording in the office of the 2165
Franklin County Recorder.2166

        (G) This section expires three years after its effective 2167

       Section 18. (A) Notwithstanding division (A)(5) of section 2169
123.01 of the Revised Code, the Director of Administrative 2170
Services may execute a perpetual easement in the name of the state 2171
granting to the City of Columbus, and its successors and assigns, 2172
a perpetual easement for sanitary sewer purposes burdening the 2173
following described real estate:2174


        Being situated in the State of Ohio, County of Franklin, City 2176
of Columbus and being located in Parcel Four of the OSU North 2177
Urban Renewal Plat No. 2 as recorded in Plat Book 38, Page 94, 2178
Parcel One of the OSU North Urban Renewal Plat No. l as recorded 2179
in Plat Book 37, Page 56, and R.P. Woodruff's Agricultural College 2180
Addition (Plat Book 2, Page 203) of the Franklin County Recorder's 2181
Office and being more particularly described as follows:2182

        COMMENCING at a point with the intersection of the westerly 2183
right of way line of North High Street (right of way varies) and 2184
the northerly right of way line of vacated Woodruff Avenue (60 2185
feet wide);2186

        Thence North 08° 14' 37" West a distance of 381.54 feet along 2187
the westerly right of way line of North High Street to the Point 2188
of Beginning;2189

        Thence North 86° 18' 05" West a distance of 1493.47 feet 2190
leaving the westerly right of way line of North High Street across 2191
the grantor's property to a point on the westerly right of way 2192
line of Neil Avenue (60 feet wide);2193

        Thence North 03° 41' 55" East a distance of 20.00 feet along 2194
the westerly right of way line of Neil Avenue to a point;2195

        Thence South 86° 18' 05" East a distance of 1489.24 feet 2196
leaving the westerly right of way line of Neil Avenue across the 2197
grantor's property to a point on the westerly right of way line of 2198
North High Street;2199

        Thence South 08° 14' 37" East a distance of 20.44 feet along 2200
the westerly right of way line of North High Street to the Point 2201
of Beginning and containing 0.685 Acres, more or less, and subject 2202
to all legal easements, agreements and rights-of-way of record.2203

        This description was prepared by Tony W. Meacham, Ohio 2204
Professional Surveyor Number 7799 from an actual field survey 2205
performed by Korda/Nemeth Engineering, Inc. in July 2010. 2206

       The bearings in this description are based on State Plane 2207
Ground, South Zone, NAD83(86) occupying Franklin County Monuments 2208
"Ringle" and "Latitude Stone Reset". The ground to grid scale 2209
factor is 0.99996288. This survey was completed by traversing from 2210
the Franklin County Engineer's Monument's using conventional 2211
survey methods and placing the ground coordinates by utilizing the 2212
average of the published grid factors from the subject monuments.2213

       The foregoing description may be adjusted to accommodate any 2214
corrections necessary to facilitate recordation of the perpetual 2215

       (B) The perpetual easement shall state the obligations of, 2217
and the duties to be observed and performed by, the City of 2218
Columbus with regard to the perpetual easement, and shall require 2219
the City of Columbus to assume perpetual responsibility for 2220
operating, maintaining, repairing, renewing, reconstructing, and 2221
replacing the sanitary sewer pipeline that is currently located on 2222
the real estate.2223

       (C) Consideration for granting the perpetual easement is 2224

       (D) The Director of Administrative Services, with the 2226
assistance of the Attorney General, shall prepare a perpetual 2227
easement. The perpetual easement shall state the consideration and 2228
the terms and conditions. The perpetual easement shall be executed 2229
by the Director of Administrative Services in the name of the 2230
state, presented in the Office of the Auditor of State for 2231
recording, and delivered to the City of Columbus. The City of 2232
Columbus shall present the perpetual easement for recording in the 2233
Office of the Franklin County Recorder. The City of Columbus shall 2234
pay the recording costs and fees.2235

       (E) This section expires one year after its effective date.2236

       Section 19.  Section 2 of this act is an emergency measure 2237
necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, 2238
health, and safety. The reason for such emergency is that 2239
immediate action is necessary to put the real estate to productive 2240
use for the economic benefit of all Ohioans. Therefore, Section 2 2241
of this act goes into immediate effect. 2242