To enact sections 4781.401, 4934.01, 4934.02, | 1 |
4934.03, 4934.04, 5311.082, and 5321.061 of the | 2 |
Revised Code to require the Public Utilities | 3 |
Commission to set the maximum fees that a | 4 |
manufactured home park operator, condominium unit | 5 |
owners association, and landlord may charge for | 6 |
electric, gas, water, or related services, or for | 7 |
sewage disposal service provided to a resident, | 8 |
unit owner, or tenant when a submeter is used to | 9 |
measure public utility service to the premises. | 10 |
Section 1. That sections 4781.401, 4934.01, 4934.02, 4934.03, | 11 |
4934.04, 5311.082, and 5321.061 of the Revised Code be enacted to | 12 |
read as follows: | 13 |
Sec. 4781.401. A park operator shall comply with Chapter | 14 |
4934. of the Revised Code. | 15 |
Sec. 4934.01. As used in this chapter: | 16 |
(A) "Competitive retail electric service" has the same | 17 |
meaning as in section 4928.01 of the Revised Code. | 18 |
(B) "Competitive retail natural gas service" has the same | 19 |
meaning as in section 4929.01 of the Revised Code. | 20 |
(C) "Cooperative" means an entity that is owned and operated | 21 |
exclusively by and solely for its customers to provide electric, | 22 |
gas, water, or sewage disposal service and includes an electric | 23 |
cooperative as defined in section 4928.01 of the Revised Code. | 24 |
(D) "Dwelling unit," "landlord," and "tenant" have the same | 25 |
meanings as in section 5321.01 of the Revised Code. | 26 |
(E) "Electric light company," "gas company," "heating or | 27 |
cooling company," "natural gas company," "sewage disposal system | 28 |
company," and "water-works company" have the same meanings as in | 29 |
section 4905.03 of the Revised Code. | 30 |
(F) "Manufactured home" has the same meaning as in division | 31 |
(C)(4) of section 3781.06 of the Revised Code. | 32 |
(G) "Mobile home" has the same meaning as in section 4501.01 | 33 |
of the Revised Code. | 34 |
(H) "Park operator" and "resident" have the same meanings as | 35 |
in section 4781.01 of the Revised Code. | 36 |
(I) "Premises" means a dwelling unit, manufactured home, | 37 |
mobile home, or unit. | 38 |
(J) "Public utility" means any retail supplier of electric, | 39 |
gas, water, or related services or of sewage disposal service, | 40 |
including, but not limited to, an electric light company, gas | 41 |
company, natural gas company, water-works company, heating or | 42 |
cooling company, sewage disposal system company, municipal | 43 |
corporation, cooperative, provider of competitive retail electric | 44 |
service, or provider of competitive retail natural gas service. | 45 |
(K) "Submeter" means a device that measures only the amount | 46 |
of electric, gas, water, or related services or of sewage disposal | 47 |
service provided to the premises of a resident, unit owner, or | 48 |
tenant, but does not include a meter of a resident, unit owner, or | 49 |
tenant who is a customer of the public utility providing the | 50 |
service. | 51 |
(L) "Unit," "unit owner," and "unit owners association" have | 52 |
the same meanings as in section 5311.01 of the Revised Code. | 53 |
Sec. 4934.02. A park operator, unit owners association, or | 54 |
landlord may install a submeter to measure public utility service | 55 |
provided to the premises of a resident, unit owner, or tenant. | 56 |
Sec. 4934.03. If a park operator, unit owners association, | 57 |
or landlord provides for the measurement of public utility service | 58 |
to a premises through a submeter, the park operator, unit owners | 59 |
association, or landlord shall charge a resident, unit owner, or | 60 |
tenant not more than the actual charge by the public utility for | 61 |
providing the utility service to that premises, plus an | 62 |
administrative fee not exceeding the amount allowed by section | 63 |
4934.04 of the Revised Code. | 64 |
Sec. 4934.04. The public utilities commission shall adopt | 65 |
rules that specify the maximum administrative fee that a park | 66 |
operator, unit owners association, or landlord may charge a | 67 |
resident, unit owner, or tenant for public utility service | 68 |
provided to the premises of the resident, unit owner, or tenant | 69 |
when the resident, unit owner, or tenant is not a customer of the | 70 |
public utility providing the service. | 71 |
Sec. 5311.082. A unit owners association shall comply with | 72 |
Chapter 4934. of the Revised Code. | 73 |
Sec. 5321.061. A landlord shall comply with Chapter 4934. of | 74 |
the Revised Code. | 75 |