As Introduced

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 101

Senator Burke 

Cosponsors: Senators Widener, Gardner, Hughes, Uecker, Hite 

To enact sections 5101.274 and 5902.021 of the 1
Revised Code to establish a process for 2
identifying individuals who are medical assistance 3
recipients that may be eligible to receive federal 4
military-related health care benefits.5


       Section 1. That sections 5101.274 and 5902.021 of the Revised 6
Code be enacted to read as follows:7

       Sec. 5101.274. (A) As used in this section:8

       (1) "Public assistance reporting information system" means 9
the system the department of job and family services is required 10
to join and participate in under section 5101.273 of the Revised 11

       (2) "Federal military-related health care benefits" means any 13
of the health care benefits provided by the United States 14
department of defense or the United States department of veterans 15
affairs to current or former service members and their eligible 16
dependents, including the benefits provided through the programs 17
known as tricare and champva. 18

       (B)(1) The department of job and family services shall review 19
information in the public assistance reporting information system 20
to determine whether an individual who is a medical assistance 21
recipient may be eligible for federal military-related health care 22
benefits. If the department determines that the individual may be 23
eligible for federal military-related health care benefits, it 24
shall notify the individual of the potential eligibility and 25
encourage the individual to contact the veterans service 26
commission in the county in which the individual resides for 27
assistance in applying for the benefits. The department shall 28
provide the appropriate contact information to the individual. 29

       (2) Not less than monthly, the department of job and family 30
services shall provide a list of individuals referred under this 31
section to the department of veterans services. 32

       Sec. 5902.021.  The director of veterans services shall 33
develop, institute, and monitor a program under which the 34
department of veterans services assists individuals, identified by 35
the department of job and family services under section 5101.274 36
of the Revised Code as medical assistance recipients, to obtain 37
federal military-related health care benefits. As used in this 38
section, "federal military-related health care benefits" has the 39
meaning defined in section 5101.274 of the Revised Code.40