As Introduced

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 166

Senator Cafaro 

Cosponsors: Senators Schiavoni, Turner, Skindell, Sawyer, Kearney, Smith, Brown, Tavares, Gentile 

To amend sections 5162.01, 5162.20, 5165.15, and 1
5167.01, to enact sections 103.41, 103.411, 2
103.412, 103.413, 5162.70, 5162.71, 5163.04, 3
5164.16, 5164.882, 5164.94, 5167.15, and 6301.15, 4
and to repeal sections 101.39 and 101.391 of the 5
Revised Code to revise the law governing the 6
Medicaid program, to create the Joint Medicaid 7
Oversight Committee, to abolish the Joint 8
Legislative Committee on Health Care Oversight and 9
the Joint Legislative Committee on Medicaid 10
Technology and Reform, and to make appropriations.11


       Section 1. That sections 5162.01, 5162.20, 5165.15, and 12
5167.01 be amended and sections 103.41, 103.411, 103.412, 103.413, 13
5162.70, 5162.71, 5163.04, 5164.16, 5164.882, 5164.94, 5167.15, 14
and 6301.15 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:15

       Sec. 103.41.  (A) In this section:16

       "Rule" includes a new rule or the amendment or rescission of 17
an existing rule. If a state agency revises a proposed rule, the 18
revised rule is a "rule" for purposes of this section.19

       "Workforce development activity" has the same meaning as in 20
section 6301.01 of the Revised Code.21

       (B) On the same day that a state agency files a rule under 22
division (D) of section 111.15 or division (H) of section 119.03 23
of the Revised Code, the state agency also shall file a copy of 24
the rule with the joint medicaid oversight committee if the rule 25
concerns either of the following:26

        (1) The administration of, eligibility requirements for, 27
services covered by, service delivery methods of, or other aspects 28
of the medicaid program;29

        (2) A workforce development activity that could reasonably be 30
expected to impact medicaid recipients.31

       (C) The joint medicaid oversight committee, not later than 32
thirty days after it receives the original version of a proposed 33
rule or not later than fifteen days after it receives a revised 34
version of a proposed rule, shall review the rule and determine 35
whether the rule is likely to improve the administration of the 36
medicaid program or the ability of medicaid recipients to achieve 37
greater financial independence. The committee, based on its 38
determination, shall form an opinion whether it views the rule 39
favorably, unfavorably, or neutrally. The committee shall prepare 40
a memorandum that states the committee's opinion and includes a 41
concise explanation of the committee's reasoning that supports its 42
opinion. The committee promptly shall transmit a copy of the rule 43
and the memorandum to the state agency and joint committee on 44
agency rule review.45

        The committee may give notice of and conduct a public hearing 46
in the course of its review of a rule.47

       Sec. 103.411. (A) As used in this section, "medicaid waiver" 48
means the authority, granted by the United States department of 49
health and human services, for the medicaid director to implement, 50
and receive federal financial participation for, a component of 51
the medicaid program for which federal financial participation is 52
not available without the waiver. "Medicaid waiver" includes all 53
of the following:54

        (1) A waiver for the medicaid program issued under section 55
1115, 1115A, or 1915 of the "Social Security Act," 42 U.S.C. 1315, 56
1315a, or 1396n, or any other federal statute;57

        (2) An amendment to a medicaid waiver; (3) An application for 58
renewal, with or without changes, of an existing medicaid waiver.59

        (B) Before the medicaid director submits a request for a 60
medicaid waiver to the United States department of health and 61
human services, the director shall submit a copy of the requested 62
medicaid waiver to the joint medicaid oversight committee. The 63
committee may recommend that the director revise a medicaid waiver 64

       Sec. 103.412. There is a joint medicaid oversight committee. 66
The committee is comprised of ten members. The president of the 67
senate and the speaker of the house of representatives each shall 68
appoint five members to the committee from their respective 69
houses, three of whom are members of the majority party and two of 70
whom are members of the minority party. Vacancies on the committee 71
shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.72

       In odd-numbered years, the president shall designate the 73
chairperson of the committee from among the senate members of the 74
committee. In even-numbered years, the speaker shall designate the 75
chairperson of the committee from among the house members of the 76
committee. In odd-numbered years, the speaker shall designate one 77
of the minority members from the house as ranking minority member. 78
In even-numbered years, the president shall designate one of the 79
minority members from the senate as ranking minority member.80

       In appointing members from the minority, and in designating 81
ranking minority members, the president and speaker shall consult 82
with the minority leader of their respective houses.83

       The committee shall meet at the call of the chairperson, but 84
not less often than once each calendar month.85

       The committee shall employ professional, technical, and 86
clerical employees as are necessary for the committee to be able 87
successfully and efficiently to perform its duties. The employees 88
are in the unclassified service and serve at the pleasure of the 89

       The committee may contract for the services of persons who 91
are qualified by education and experience to advise, consult with, 92
or otherwise assist the committee in the performance of its 93

       The chairperson of the committee, when authorized by the 95
committee and by the president and speaker, may issue subpoenas 96
and subpoenas duces tecum in aid of the committee's performance of 97
its duties. A subpoena may require a witness in any part of the 98
state to appear before the committee at a time and place 99
designated in the subpoena to testify. A subpoena duces tecum may 100
require witnesses or other persons in any part of the state to 101
produce books, papers, records, and other tangible evidence before 102
the committee at a time and place designated in the subpoena duces 103
tecum. A subpoena or subpoena duces tecum shall be issued, served, 104
and returned, and has consequences, as specified in sections 105
101.41 to 101.45 of the Revised Code.106

       The chairperson of the committee may administer oaths to 107
witnesses appearing before the committee.108

       Sec. 103.413.  The joint medicaid oversight committee shall 109
conduct a continuing study of the medicaid program and workforce 110
development activities related to the medicaid program.111

       The committee may plan, advertise, organize, and conduct 112
forums, conferences, and other meetings at which representatives 113
of state agencies and other individuals having expertise in the 114
medicaid program and workforce development activities may 115
participate to increase knowledge and understanding of, and to 116
develop and propose improvements in, the medicaid program and 117
workforce development activities. The director of job and family 118
services shall submit to the committee relevant statistics on 119
workforce development activities to assist the committee.120

       The committee may prepare and issue reports on its continuing 121
studies. The committee may solicit written comments on, and may 122
conduct public hearings at which persons may offer verbal comments 123
on, drafts of its reports. 124

       The committee may recommend improvements in rules affecting 125
the medicaid program and workforce development activities related 126
to the medicaid program, and may recommend legislation for 127
improvement of statutes regarding those issues.128

       Sec. 5162.01.  (A) As used in the Revised Code:129

       (1) "Medicaid" and "medicaid program" mean the program of 130
medical assistance established by Title XIX of the "Social 131
Security Act," 42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq., including any medical 132
assistance provided under the medicaid state plan or a federal 133
medicaid waiver granted by the United States secretary of health 134
and human services.135

       (2) "Medicare" and "medicare program" mean the federal health 136
insurance program established by Title XVIII of the "Social 137
Security Act," 42 U.S.C. 1395 et seq.138

       (B) As used in this chapter:139

       (1) "CPI inflation rate" means the inflation rate as 140
specified in the consumer price index for all urban consumers as 141
published by the United States bureau of labor statistics.142

       (2) "Dual eligible individual" has the same meaning as in 143
section 5160.01 of the Revised Code.144

       (2)(3) "Federal financial participation" has the same meaning 145
as in section 5160.01 of the Revised Code.146

       (3)(4) "Federal poverty line" means the official poverty line 147
defined by the United States office of management and budget based 148
on the most recent data available from the United States bureau of 149
the census and revised by the United States secretary of health 150
and human services pursuant to the "Omnibus Budget Reconciliation 151
Act of 1981," section 673(2), 42 U.S.C. 9902(2).152

       (4)(5) "Healthy start component" means the component of the 153
medicaid program that covers pregnant women and children and is 154
identified in rules adopted under section 5162.02 of the Revised 155
Code as the healthy start component.156

       (5)(6) "ICF/IID" has the same meaning as in section 5124.01 157
of the Revised Code.158

       (6)(7) "Medicaid managed care organization" has the same 159
meaning as in section 5167.01 of the Revised Code.160

       (7)(8) "Medicaid provider" has the same meaning as in section 161
5164.01 of the Revised Code.162

       (8)(9) "Medicaid services" has the same meaning as in section 163
5164.01 of the Revised Code.164

       (9)(10) "Medicaid transition population" means both of the 165

       (a) Medicaid recipients whose countable family incomes are 167
within the top twenty-five percentage points of the income 168
eligibility threshold for the eligibility group under which they 169
qualify for medicaid;170

       (b) Medicaid recipients whose countable family incomes are 171
not less than the federal poverty line.172

       (11) "Nursing facility" has the same meaning as in section 173
5165.01 of the Revised Code.174

       (10)(12) "Political subdivision" means a municipal 175
corporation, township, county, school district, or other body 176
corporate and politic responsible for governmental activities only 177
in a geographical area smaller than that of the state.178

       (11)(13) "Prescribed drug" has the same meaning as in section 179
5164.01 of the Revised Code.180

       (12)(14) "Provider agreement" has the same meaning as in 181
section 5164.01 of the Revised Code.182

       (13)(15) "Qualified medicaid school provider" means the board 183
of education of a city, local, or exempted village school 184
district, the governing authority of a community school 185
established under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code, the state 186
school for the deaf, and the state school for the blind to which 187
both of the following apply:188

       (a) It holds a valid provider agreement.189

       (b) It meets all other conditions for participation in the 190
medicaid school component of the medicaid program established in 191
rules authorized by section 5162.364 of the Revised Code.192

       (14)(16) "State agency" means every organized body, office, 193
or agency, other than the department of medicaid, established by 194
the laws of the state for the exercise of any function of state 195

       (15)(17) "Vendor offset" means a reduction of a medicaid 197
payment to a medicaid provider to correct a previous, incorrect 198
medicaid payment to that provider.199

       Sec. 5162.20.  (A) The department of medicaid shall institute 200
cost-sharing requirements for the medicaid program in a manner 201
consistent with the "Social Security Act," sections 1916 and 202
1916A, 42 U.S.C. 1396o and 1396o-1. The cost-sharingIn 203
instituting the requirements the department shall include a 204
copayment requirement for at least dental services, vision 205
services, nonemergency emergency department services, and 206
prescribed drugsdo all of the following:207

       (1) Apply the requirements to all medicaid recipients to whom 208
the requirements may be applied;209

       (2) Apply the requirements to all medicaid services to which 210
the requirements may be applied;211

       (3) Establish premiums, deductibles, copayments, coinsurance, 212
and all other types of cost-sharing charges that may be 213

       (4) Set the amounts of the premiums, deductibles, copayments, 215
coinsurance, and all other types of cost-sharing charges at the 216
maximum amounts permitted. The cost-sharing requirements also 217
shall include requirements regarding premiums, enrollment fees, 218
deductions, and similar charges.219

       (B)(1) No provider shall refuse to provide a service to a 220
medicaid recipient who is unable to pay a required copayment for 221
the service.222

        (2) Division (B)(1) of this section shall not be considered 223
to do either of the following with regard to a medicaid recipient 224
who is unable to pay a required copayment:225

       (a) Relieve the medicaid recipient from the obligation to pay 226
a copayment;227

        (b) Prohibit the provider from attempting to collect an 228
unpaid copayment.229

        (C) Except as provided in division (F) of this section, no 230
provider shall waive a medicaid recipient's obligation to pay the 231
provider a copayment.232

        (D) No provider or drug manufacturer, including the 233
manufacturer's representative, employee, independent contractor, 234
or agent, shall pay any copayment on behalf of a medicaid 235

        (E) If it is the routine business practice of a provider to 237
refuse service to any individual who owes an outstanding debt to 238
the provider, the provider may consider an unpaid copayment 239
imposed by the cost-sharing requirements as an outstanding debt 240
and may refuse service to a medicaid recipient who owes the 241
provider an outstanding debt. If the provider intends to refuse 242
service to a medicaid recipient who owes the provider an 243
outstanding debt, the provider shall notify the recipient of the 244
provider's intent to refuse service.245

       (F) In the case of a provider that is a hospital, the 246
cost-sharing program shall permit the hospital to take action to 247
collect a copayment by providing, at the time services are 248
rendered to a medicaid recipient, notice that a copayment may be 249
owed. If the hospital provides the notice and chooses not to take 250
any further action to pursue collection of the copayment, the 251
prohibition against waiving copayments specified in division (C) 252
of this section does not apply.253

       (G) The department of medicaid may collaborate with a state 254
agency that is administering, pursuant to a contract entered into 255
under section 5162.35 of the Revised Code, one or more components, 256
or one or more aspects of a component, of the medicaid program as 257
necessary for the state agency to apply the cost-sharing 258
requirements to the components or aspects of a component that the 259
state agency administers.260

       Sec. 5162.70. (A) The medicaid director shall implement 261
reforms to the medicaid program that do all of the following:262

       (1) Provide for the growth in the per member per month cost 263
of the medicaid program, as determined on an aggregate basis for 264
all eligibility groups, for the six-month period immediately 265
preceding the first day of each January and the six-month period 266
immediately preceding the first day of each July to be not more 267
than the average annual increase in the CPI inflation rate for 268
medical care for the most recent three-year period for which the 269
necessary data is available as of that first day of January or 270

       (2) Achieve the limit in the growth of the per member per 272
month cost of the medicaid program required by division (A)(1) of 273
this section in a manner that does all of the following:274

       (a) Improves the physical and mental health of medicaid 275

       (b) Provides for medicaid recipients to receive medicaid 277
services in the most cost-effective and sustainable manner;278

       (c) Removes barriers that impede medicaid recipients' ability 279
to transfer to lower cost, and more appropriate, medicaid 280

       (3) Reduce the relative number of individuals who need 282
medicaid that is achieved in a manner that utilizes both of the 283

       (a) Programs that have been demonstrated to be effective and 285
have one or more of the following features:286

       (i) Have low costs; 287

       (ii) Utilize volunteers;288

       (iii) Utilize incentives;289

       (iv) Are led by peers.290

       (b) The identification and elimination of medicaid 291
eligibility requirements that are barriers to achieving greater 292
financial independence.293

       (4) Provide medicaid recipients with information about the 294
actual costs of medicaid services and the amounts the medicaid 295
program pays for the services so that recipients are able to use 296
this information when choosing medicaid providers;297

       (5) Reduce the number of times that medicaid recipients are 298
readmitted to hospitals or utilize emergency department services 299
when the readmissions or utilizations are avoidable;300

       (6) Reduce a nursing facility's medicaid payment rate if its 301
residents utilize hospital emergency department services at higher 302
than average rates;303

       (7) Reduce a nursing facility's medicaid payment rate if its 304
residents who are dual eligible individuals have higher than 305
average hospital admission rates;306

       (8) Establish standards for medicaid managed care 307
organizations to promote compliance with primary care requirements 308
applicable to medicaid recipients for whom the organizations 309
provide, or arrange for the provision of, medicaid services;310

       (9) Provide for medicaid managed care organizations to 311
receive, beginning not later than December 31, 2014, medicaid 312
payments based on reductions in medicaid costs that they help 313

       (10) Require managed care organizations, as a condition of 315
becoming medicaid managed care organizations, to do both of the 316

       (a) Obtain accreditation from the national committee for 318
quality assurance or another accrediting organization the director 319
determines has accreditation standards that are similar to the 320
national committee for quality assurance's accreditation 321

       (b) Utilize the healthcare effectiveness data and information 323
set established by the national committee for quality assurance or 324
a similar performance measuring tool that the director determines 325
is similar to the healthcare effectiveness data and information 326

       (11) Gather data about the medicaid transition population's 328
utilization of workforce development activities administered by 329
the department of job and family services to determine all of the 330

       (a) The length of time they utilize the activities;332

       (b) When their employment status changes;333

       (c) The events that cause them to cease to be eligible for 334

       (B) The reforms implemented under this section shall, without 336
making the medicaid program's eligibility requirements more 337
restrictive, reduce the relative number of individuals enrolled in 338
the medicaid program who have the greatest potential to obtain the 339
income and resources that would enable them to cease enrollment in 340
medicaid and instead obtain health care coverage through 341
employer-sponsored health insurance or the health insurance 342

       (C) Each quarter, the medicaid director shall transmit the 344
data gathered under the reform implemented pursuant to division 345
(A)(11) of this section to the joint medicaid oversight committee. 346
The director also shall submit an annual report to the committee 347
regarding the findings made from the data.348

       Sec. 5162.71.  The medicaid director shall implement within 349
the medicaid program systems that have the goal of reducing both 350
of the following:351

       (A) Health disparities among medicaid recipients who are 352
members of minority populations;353

       (B) The incidence among medicaid recipients of alcoholism, 354
drug addiction, tobacco use, and abuse of other substances the 355
director specifies in rules adopted under section 5162.02 of the 356
Revised Code.357

       Sec. 5163.04.  The medicaid program shall not cover the group 358
described in the "Social Security Act," section 359
1902(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII), 42 U.S.C. 1396a(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII), 360
unless the federal medical assistance percentage for expenditures 361
for medicaid services provided to the group is at least the amount 362
specified in the "Social Security Act," section 1905(y), 42 U.S.C. 363
1396d(y), as of March 30, 2010. If the medicaid program covers the 364
group and the federal medical assistance percentage for such 365
expenditures is reduced below the amount so specified, the 366
medicaid program shall cease to cover the group. Notwithstanding 367
section 5160.31 of the Revised Code, an individual's disenrollment 368
from the medicaid program is not subject to appeal under that 369
section when the disenrollment is the result of the medicaid 370
program ceasing to cover the individual's group under this 371

       Sec. 5164.16. As used in this section, "telemedicine" means 373
the delivery of a medicaid service to a medicaid recipient through 374
the use of an interactive, electronic communication device that 375
enables the medicaid provider to communicate in an audible or 376
visual manner, or both manners, with the medicaid recipient or 377
another medicaid provider of the medicaid recipient from a site 378
other than the site at which the medicaid recipient or other 379
medicaid provider is located.380

        The medicaid program may cover telemedicine to the extent, 381
and in the manner, authorized by rules adopted under section 382
5164.02 of the Revised Code. 383

       Sec. 5164.882.  The medicaid director shall implement within 384
the medicaid program a system designed to reduce the rate of 385
chronic conditions among medicaid recipients. The system 386
implemented under this section shall be in addition to the systems 387
required by sections 5164.88 and 5164.881 of the Revised Code. The 388
system shall include features that enable medicaid providers to 389
share with the medicaid program savings achieved by reducing rates 390
of chronic conditions among medicaid recipients.391

       Sec. 5164.94.  The medicaid director shall establish a system 392
within the medicaid program that encourages medicaid providers to 393
provide medicaid services to medicaid recipients in culturally and 394
linguistically appropriate manners.395

       Sec. 5165.15.  (A) Except as otherwise provided by sections 396
5162.70, 5165.151 to 5165.156, and 5165.34 of the Revised Code, 397
the total per medicaid day payment rate that the department of 398
medicaid shall pay a nursing facility provider for nursing 399
facility services the provider's nursing facility provides during 400
a fiscal year shall equal the sum of all of the following:401

        (1) The per medicaid day payment rate for ancillary and 402
support costs determined for the nursing facility under section 403
5165.16 of the Revised Code;404

       (2) The per medicaid day payment rate for capital costs 405
determined for the nursing facility under section 5165.17 of the 406
Revised Code;407

       (3) The per medicaid day payment rate for direct care costs 408
determined for the nursing facility under section 5165.19 of the 409
Revised Code;410

       (4) The per medicaid day payment rate for tax costs 411
determined for the nursing facility under section 5165.21 of the 412
Revised Code;413

        (5) If the nursing facility qualifies as a critical access 414
nursing facility, the nursing facility's critical access incentive 415
payment paid under section 5165.23 of the Revised Code;416

       (6) The quality incentive payment paid to the nursing 417
facility under section 5165.25 of the Revised Code.418

       (B) In addition to paying a nursing facility provider the 419
nursing facility's total rate determined under division (A) of 420
this section for a fiscal year, the department shall pay the 421
provider a quality bonus under section 5165.26 of the Revised Code 422
for that fiscal year if the provider's nursing facility is a 423
qualifying nursing facility, as defined in that section, for that 424
fiscal year. The quality bonus shall not be part of the total 425

       Sec. 5167.01.  As used in this chapter:427

       (A) "Controlled substance" has the same meaning as in section 428
3719.01 of the Revised Code.429

       (B) "Dual eligible individual" has the same meaning as in 430
section 5160.01 of the Revised Code.431

       (C) "Emergency services" has the same meaning as in the 432
"Social Security Act," section 1932(b)(2), 42 U.S.C. 433

       (D) "Home and community-based services medicaid waiver 435
component" has the same meaning as in section 5166.01 of the 436
Revised Code.437

       (E) "Medicaid managed care organization" means a managed care 438
organization under contract with the department of medicaid 439
pursuant to section 5167.10 of the Revised Code.440

       (F) "Medicaid transition population" has the same meaning as 441
in section 5162.01 of the Revised Code.442

       "Medicaid waiver component" has the same meaning as in 443
section 5166.01 of the Revised Code.444

       (G) "Nursing facility" has the same meaning as in section 445
5165.01 of the Revised Code.446

       (H) "Prescribed drug" has the same meaning as in section 447
5164.01 of the Revised Code.448

       (I) "Provider" means any person or government entity that 449
furnishes services to a medicaid recipient enrolled in a medicaid 450
managed care organization, regardless of whether the person or 451
entity has a provider agreement.452

       (J) "Provider agreement" has the same meaning as in section 453
5164.01 of the Revised Code.454

       "Workforce development activity" has the same meaning as in 455
section 6301.01 of the Revised Code.456

       Sec. 5167.15.  (A) Each contract the department of medicaid 457
enters into with a managed care organization under section 5167.10 458
of the Revised Code shall require the managed care organization to 459
provide, or arrange for the provision of, case management services 460
to all medicaid recipients who enroll in the managed care 461
organization and are part of the medicaid transition population. 462
The case management services shall include all of the following:463

       (1) A clinical assessment of the recipient to determine 464
whether the recipient has a medical or other condition to which 465
both of the following apply:466

       (a) The condition may impede the recipient's ability to gain 467
or maintain employment or improve the recipient's employment 468

       (b) The condition may be reasonably remediated through 470
medical, mental health, or substance abuse treatment.471

       (2) A care plan for the recipient that includes services 472
designed to address the barriers to self-sufficiency that the 473
recipient has been identified as having;474

       (3) Referrals to employment-related programs that will assist 475
the recipient in gaining access to, and maintaining, optimal 476
employment, including the following programs:477

       (a) On-the-job training programs;478

       (b) Workforce investment activities;479

       (c) Programs that enable individuals seeking employment to 480
find employment opportunities listed on internet web sites;481

       (d) Other programs administered by the department of job and 482
family services or the opportunities for Ohioans with disabilities 483

       (4) Referrals from employment-related programs that are 485
administered by the department of job and family services, the 486
opportunities for Ohioans with disabilities agency, or workforce 487
investment boards and provide services designed to treat any 488
medical or other problems the recipient has that hinder the 489
recipient's ability to gain or maintain employment or improve the 490
recipient's employment situation.491

       (B) The department of job and family services shall provide 492
workforce investment boards any technical guidance the boards need 493
for the purpose of the referrals made under division (B)(4) of 494
this section.495

       Sec. 6301.15.  The director of job and family services shall 497
implement reforms to workforce development activities that do both 498
of the following:499

       (A) Reduce the relative number of individuals who need 500
medicaid that is achieved in a manner that utilizes all of the 501

       (1) Programs that have been demonstrated to be effective and 503
have one or more of the following features:504

       (a) Have low costs;505

       (b) Utilize volunteers;506

       (c) Utilize incentives;507

       (d) Are led by peers.508

       (2) Educational and training opportunities;509

       (3) Employment opportunities;510

       (4) Other initiatives the director considers appropriate.511

       (B) Enhance the relationship between educational facilities, 512
workforce development activities, and employers.513

       Section 2.  That existing sections 5162.01, 5162.20, 5165.15, 514
and 5167.01 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.515

       Section 3. That sections 101.39 and 101.391 of the Revised 516
Code are repealed.517

       Section 4. The Joint Medicaid Oversight Committee shall 518
prepare a report with recommendations for legislation regarding 519
Medicaid payment rates for Medicaid services. The goal of the 520
recommendations shall be to provide the Medicaid Director 521
statutory authority to implement innovative methodologies for 522
setting Medicaid payment rates that limit the growth in Medicaid 523
costs and protect, and establish guiding principles for, Medicaid 524
providers and recipients. The Medicaid Director shall assist the 525
Committee with the report. The Committee shall submit the report 526
to the General Assembly in accordance with section 101.68 of the 527
Revised Code not later than January 1, 2014.528

       Section 5. (A) As used in this section, "Medicaid transition 529
population" has the same meaning as in section 5162.01 of the 530
Revised Code.531

       (B) The Joint Medicaid Oversight Committee shall prepare a 532
report with recommendations for legislation that would create a 533
comprehensive pilot program under which peer mentors assist 534
Medicaid recipients who are part of the Medicaid transition 535
population, and the families of such recipients, to develop and 536
implement plans for overcoming barriers to both achieving greater 537
financial independence and successfully accessing employment 538
opportunities. The recommendations shall provide for the pilot 539
program to have all of the following features:540

       (1) A mechanism under which local, nonprofit community 541
organizations compete to participate in the pilot program in a 542
manner that is similar to the manner in which entities compete to 543
serve as navigators under a grant program established by an 544
Exchange under the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act," 545
section 1311(i), 42 U.S.C. 18031(i);546

       (2) Requirements for the local, nonprofit community 547
organizations participating in the pilot program to do both of the 548

       (a) Provide for individuals who are to serve as peer mentors 550
under the pilot program to be trained in a uniform manner across 551
the state on at least both of the following:552

       (i) Workforce development activity eligibility requirements 553
and opportunities;554

       (ii) Methods for peer mentors to work with Medicaid 555
recipients who are part of the Medicaid transition population and 556
the families of such recipients in culturally competent ways.557

       (b) Make the trained peer mentors available to work with 558
Medicaid recipients who are part of the Medicaid transition 559
population and the families of such recipients.560

       (C) The Committee's report shall recommend that the pilot 561
program do all of the following:562

       (1) Begin operation not later than January 1, 2015;563

       (2) Continue operation for not less than six months;564

       (3) Be operated in urban, suburban, and rural counties;565

       (4) Provide for the Medicaid Director to submit to the 566
General Assembly, in accordance with section 101.68 of the Revised 567
Code, recommendations for adjustments that should be made before 568
the pilot program is expanded statewide.569

       (D) The Committee shall submit the report to the General 570
Assembly in accordance with section 101.68 of the Revised Code not 571
later than June 30, 2014.572

       Section 6. (A) The Joint Medicaid Oversight Committee shall 573
prepare a report regarding all of the following:574

        (1) The appropriate roles of the different types of health 575
care professionals in the Medicaid program and different service 576
delivery systems within the Medicaid program;577

        (2) Regulatory models for all health care professionals who 578
must obtain a license, certificate, or other form of approval from 579
the state to practice in this state;580

        (3) Other issues regarding health care professionals that the 581
Committee considers appropriate for the report.582

        (B) The Executive Director of the Governor's Office of Health 583
Transformation, Medicaid Director, Director of Mental Health and 584
Addiction Services, Director of Health, Director of Aging, and 585
Director of Developmental Disabilities shall assist the Committee 586
with the report. The Committee may request that members of the 587
public and interested parties with expertise in the issue of 588
health care professionals also assist the Committee with the 589
report. The Committee shall submit the report to the General 590
Assembly in accordance with section 101.68 of the Revised Code not 591
later than March 1, 2014.592

       Section 7.  All items in this section are hereby appropriated 593
as designated out of any moneys in the state treasury to the 594
credit of the designated fund. For all appropriations made in this 595
act, those in the first column are for fiscal year 2014 and those 596
in the second column are for fiscal year 2015. The appropriations 597
made in this act are in addition to any other appropriations made 598
for the FY 2014-FY 2015 biennium.599



General Revenue Fund601

GRF 048321 Operating Expenses $ 350,000 $ 500,000 602
TOTAL GRF General Revenue Fund $ 350,000 $ 500,000 603
TOTAL ALL BUDGET FUND GROUPS $ 350,000 $ 500,000 604


       The foregoing appropriation item 048321, Operating Expenses, 606
shall be used to support expenses related to the Joint Medicaid 607
Oversight Committee established in section 103.412 of the Revised 608



General Revenue Fund611

GRF 651525 Medicaid/Health Care Services 612
State $ 0 $ 0 613
Federal $ 499,665,563 $ 1,815,000,192 614
Medicaid/Health Care Services Total $ 499,665,563 $ 1,815,000,192 615
TOTAL GRF General Revenue Fund 616
State $ 0 $ 0 617
Federal $ 499,665,563 $ 1,815,000,192 618
Total $ 499,665,563 $ 1,815,000,192 619
TOTAL ALL BUDGET FUND GROUPS $ 499,665,563 $ 1,815,000,192 620


       Of the foregoing appropriation item 651525, Medicaid/Health 622
Care Services, $499,665,563 in fiscal year 2014 and $1,815,000,192 623
in fiscal year 2015 shall be used to cover the eligibility 624
expansion group authorized by the Patient Protection and 625
Affordable Care Act.626

       Section 8. Within the limits set forth in this act, the 627
Director of Budget and Management shall establish accounts 628
indicating the source and amount of funds for each appropriation 629
made in this act, and shall determine the form and manner in which 630
appropriation accounts shall be maintained. Expenditures from 631
appropriations contained in this act shall be accounted for as 632
though made in the main operating appropriations act of the 130th 633
General Assembly.634

       The appropriations made in this act are subject to all 635
provisions of the main operating appropriations act of the 130th 636
General Assembly that are generally applicable to such 637