As Passed by the Senate

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 241

Senator Sawyer 

Cosponsors: Senators Seitz, Lehner, Kearney, Skindell, Tavares, Turner, Schiavoni, Brown, Balderson, Beagle, Gardner, Gentile, Hite, LaRose, Manning, Obhof, Smith, Uecker, Widener 

To amend Section 263.325 of Am. Sub. H.B. 59 of the 1
130th General Assembly to modify the membership 2
structure of the Straight A Program Governing 3


       Section 1. That Section 263.325 of Am. Sub. H.B. 59 of the 5
130th General Assembly be amended to read as follows:6

       Sec. 263.325. (A) The Straight A Program is hereby created 7
for fiscal years 2014 and 2015 to provide grants to city, local, 8
exempted village, and joint vocational school districts, 9
educational service centers, community schools established under 10
Chapter 3314., STEM schools established under Chapter 3326., 11
college-preparatory boarding schools established under Chapter 12
3328. of the Revised Code, individual school buildings, education 13
consortia (which may represent a partnership among school 14
districts, school buildings, community schools, or STEM schools), 15
institutions of higher education, and private entities partnering 16
with one or more of the educational entities identified in this 17
division for projects that aim to achieve significant advancement 18
in one or more of the following goals:19

       (1) Student achievement;20

       (2) Spending reduction in the five-year fiscal forecast 21
required under section 5705.391 of the Revised Code;22

       (3) Utilization of a greater share of resources in the 23

       (B)(1) Grants shall be awarded by a nine-member25
thirteen-member governing board consisting of the Superintendent 26
of Public Instruction, or the Superintendent's designee, four 27
members appointed by the Governor, two members appointed by the 28
Speaker of the House of Representatives, andtwo members appointed 29
by the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, two 30
members appointed by the President of the Senate, and two members 31
appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate. The Department of 32
Education shall provide administrative support to the board. No 33
member shall be compensated for the member's service on the board.34

       (2) The board shall select grant advisors with fiscal 35
expertise and education expertise. These advisors shall evaluate 36
proposals from grant applicants and advise the staff administering 37
the program. No advisor shall be compensated for this service.38

       (3) The board shall issue an annual report to the Governor, 39
the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President of the 40
Senate, and the chairpersons of the House and Senate committees 41
that primarily deal with education regarding the types of grants 42
awarded, the grant recipients, and the effectiveness of the grant 43

       (4) The board shall create a grant application and publish on 45
the Department's web site the application and timeline for the 46
submission, review, notification, and awarding of grant proposals.47

        (5) With the approval of the board, the Department shall 48
establish a system for evaluating and scoring the grant 49
applications received under this section. 50

       (C) Each grant applicant shall submit a proposal that 51
includes all of the following:52

       (1) A description of the project for which the applicant is 53
seeking a grant, including a description of how the project will 54
have substantial value and lasting impact;55

       (2) An explanation of how the project will be 56
self-sustaining. If the project will result in increased ongoing 57
spending, the applicant shall show how the spending will be offset 58
by verifiable, credible, permanent spending reductions.59

       (3) A description of quantifiable results of the project that 60
can be benchmarked.61

       If an education consortia described in division (A) of this 62
section applies for a grant, the lead applicant shall be the 63
school district, school building, community school, or STEM school 64
that is a member of the consortia and shall so indicate on the 65
grant application.66

       (D)(1) Within seventy-five days after receiving a grant 67
application, the board shall issue a decision on the application 68
of "yes," "no," "hold," or "edit." In making its decision, the 69
board shall consider whether the project has the capability of 70
being replicated in other school districts and schools or creates 71
something that can be used in other districts and schools. A grant 72
awarded under this section to a school district, educational 73
service center, community school, STEM school, college-preparatory 74
boarding school, individual school building, institution of higher 75
education, or private entity partnering with one or more of the 76
educational entities identified in division (A) of this section 77
shall not exceed $5,000,000 in each fiscal year. A grant awarded 78
to an education consortia shall not exceed $15,000,000 in each 79
fiscal year. The Superintendent of Public Instruction may make 80
recommendations to the Controlling Board that these maximum 81
amounts be exceeded. Upon Controlling Board approval, grants may 82
be awarded in excess of these amounts.83

       (2) If the board issues a "hold" or "edit" decision for an 84
application, it shall, upon returning the application to the 85
applicant, specify the process for reconsideration of the 86
application. An applicant may work with the grant advisors and 87
staff to modify or improve a grant application.88

       (E) Upon deciding to award a grant to an applicant, the board 89
shall enter into a grant agreement with the applicant that 90
includes all of the following:91

       (1) The content of the applicant's proposal as outlined under 92
division (C) of this section;93

       (2) The project's deliverables and a timetable for their 94

       (3) Conditions for receiving grant funding;96

       (4) Conditions for receiving funding in future years if the 97
contract is a multi-year contract;98

       (5) A provision specifying that funding will be returned to 99
the board if the applicant fails to implement the agreement, as 100
determined by the Auditor of State.101

       (6) A provision specifying that the agreement may be amended 102
by mutual agreement between the board and the applicant.103

       (F) An advisory committee for the Straight A Program is 104
hereby established. The committee shall consist of not more than 105
eleven members appointed by the Governor that represent all areas 106
of the state and different interests. The committee shall annually 107
review the Straight A Program and provide strategic advice to the 108
governing board and the Director of the Governor's Office of 21st 109
Century Education.110

        (G) Each grant awarded under this section shall be subject to 111
approval by the Controlling Board prior to execution of the grant 112

       Section 2.  That existing Section 263.325 of Am. Sub. H.B. 59 114
of the 130th General Assembly is hereby repealed.115