As Passed by the House

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
Am. Sub. S. B. No. 258

Senator Balderson 

Cosponsors: Senators Beagle, Brown, Coley, Gentile, Hite, LaRose, Lehner, Oelslager, Patton, Peterson, Schaffer, Uecker 

Representatives Brown, Bishoff, Wachtmann, Antonio, Barnes, Burkley, Cera, Green, Hackett, Hayes, Hill, Maag, McClain, Milkovich, Ruhl, Sears, Smith 

To amend sections 4725.01 and 4725.091 and to enact 1
sections 3901.81, 3901.811, 3901.812, 3901.813, 2
3901.814, and 3901.815 of the Revised Code to 3
establish standards for the performance of 4
pharmacy audits in Ohio and to authorize the 5
continued use of certain analgesic controlled 6
substances in the practice of optometry.7


       Section 1.  That sections 4725.01 and 4725.091 be amended and 8
sections 3901.81, 3901.811, 3901.812, 3901.813, 3901.814, and 9
3901.815 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:10

       Sec. 3901.81.  As used in this section and sections 3901.811 11
to 3901.815 of the Revised Code:12

       (A) "Auditing entity" means any person or government entity 13
that performs a pharmacy audit, including a payer, a pharmacy 14
benefit manager, or a third-party administrator licensed under 15
Chapter 3959. of the Revised Code.16

       (B) "Business day" means any day of the week excluding 17
Saturday, Sunday, and a legal holiday, as defined in section 1.14 18
of the Revised Code.19

       (C) "Concurrent review" means a claims review within five 20
business days of submission of claims for payment for the 21
provision of dangerous drugs for which the payer or the auditing 22
entity does not impose a penalty or demand to recoup money from 23
the pharmacy in any amount.24

        (D) "Dangerous drug," "pharmacy," "practice of pharmacy," and 25
"prescription" have the same meanings as in section 4729.01 of the 26
Revised Code.27

       (E) "Payer" means any of the following that pays for or 28
processes a claim for payment for the provision of dangerous drugs 29
or pharmacy services:30

       (1) A health insuring corporation, as defined in section 31
1751.01 of the Revised Code;32

       (2) A person authorized to engage in the business of sickness 33
and accident insurance under Title XXXIX of the Revised Code;34

       (3) A person or government entity providing coverage of 35
dangerous drugs or pharmacy services to individuals on a 36
self-insurance basis;37

       (4) A group health plan, as defined in 29 U.S.C. 1167;38

       (5) A service benefit plan, as referenced in 42 U.S.C. 39

       (6) A medicaid managed care organization that has entered 41
into a contract with the department of medicaid pursuant to 42
section 5167.10 of the Revised Code;43

       (7) Any other person or government entity that is, by law, 44
contract, or agreement, responsible for paying for or processing a 45
claim for payment for the provision of dangerous drugs or pharmacy 46

       (F) "Pharmacy audit" means a review of one or more pharmacy 48
records conducted by an auditing entity, one purpose of which is 49
to identify discrepancies in claims for payment for the provision 50
of dangerous drugs or pharmacy services. "Pharmacy audit" does not 51
include concurrent review.52

       (G) "Pharmacy benefit manager" means a person that provides 53
administrative services related to the processing of claims for 54
payment for the provision of dangerous drugs or pharmacy services, 55
including performing pharmacy audit compliance, negotiating 56
pharmaceutical rebate agreements, developing and managing drug 57
formularies and preferred drug lists, and administering programs 58
for payers' prior authorization of claims for payment for the 59
provision of dangerous drugs or pharmacy services.60

       (H) "Pharmacy record" means any record stored electronically 61
or as a hard copy by a pharmacy that relates to the provision of 62
dangerous drugs or pharmacy services or any other component of 63
pharmacist care that is included in the practice of pharmacy.64

       Sec. 3901.811.  (A) Except as provided in division (B) of 65
this section, an auditing entity is subject to all of the 66
following conditions when performing a pharmacy audit in this 67

       (1) If it is necessary that the pharmacy audit be performed 69
on the premises of a pharmacy, the auditing entity shall give the 70
pharmacy that is the subject of the audit written notice of the 71
date or dates on which the audit will be performed and the range 72
of prescription numbers from which the auditing entity will select 73
pharmacy records to audit. Notice of the date or dates on which 74
the audit will be performed shall be given not less than ten 75
business days before the date the audit is to commence. Notice of 76
the range of prescription numbers from which the auditing entity 77
will select pharmacy records to audit shall be received by the 78
pharmacy not less than seven business days before the date of the 79
audit is to commence.80

       (2) The auditing entity shall not include in the pharmacy 81
audit a review of a claim for payment for the provision of 82
dangerous drugs or pharmacy services if the date of the pharmacy's 83
initial submission of the claim for payment occurred more than 84
twenty-four months before the date the audit commences.85

       (3) Absent an indication that there was an error in the 86
dispensing of a drug, the auditing entity or payer shall not seek 87
to recoup from the pharmacy that is the subject of the audit any 88
amount that the pharmacy audit identifies as being the result of 89
clerical or recordkeeping errors in the absence of financial harm. 90
For purposes of this provision, an error in the dispensing of a 91
drug is any of the following: selecting an incorrect drug, issuing 92
incorrect directions, or dispensing a drug to the incorrect 93

       (4) The auditing entity shall not use the accounting practice 95
of extrapolation when calculating a monetary penalty to be imposed 96
or amount to be recouped as the result of the pharmacy audit.97

       (B)(1) The condition in division (A)(1) of this section does 98
not apply if, prior to the audit, the auditing entity has 99
evidence, from its review of claims data, statements, or physical 100
evidence or its use of other investigative methods, indicating 101
that fraud or other intentional or willful misrepresentation 102

        (2) The condition in division (A)(3) of this section does not 104
apply if the auditing entity has evidence, from its review of 105
claims data, statements, or physical evidence or its use of other 106
investigative methods, indicating that fraud or other intentional 107
or willful misrepresentation exists.108

        (3) Division (A)(4) of this section does not apply when the 109
accounting practice of extrapolation is required by state or 110
federal law.111

       Sec. 3901.812.  A pharmacy may do any of the following when a 112
pharmacy audit is performed:113

       (A) Validate a pharmacy record by using original or 114
photocopied records from hospitals, physicians, or other health 115
care providers;116

       (B) Validate one or more claims for payment for the provision 117
of dangerous drugs or pharmacy services by using either of the 118

        (1) An original pharmacy record or photocopy of the record;120

       (2) An original prescription or photocopy of the prescription 121
in any form that constitutes a valid prescription in this state, 122
including a written prescription, a prescription made through an 123
electronic prescribing system, a prescription delivered by 124
facsimile, a prescription made by issuing an order for medication 125
administration, and the record a pharmacist maintains under 126
section 4729.37 of the Revised Code documenting a prescription 127
received by telephone.128

       (C) Resubmit a disputed or denied claim for payment using any 129
commercially reasonable method of resubmission, including 130
resubmission by facsimile, mail, or electronic means, as long as 131
the time period for resubmissions established by the relevant 132
payer has not expired.133

       Sec. 3901.813.  (A) Except as provided in division (B) of 134
this section, all of the following apply after a pharmacy audit is 135

        (1) A pharmacy shall be given not less than thirty days from 137
the date of the on-site audit to provide the auditing entity any 138
additional information necessary to complete the preliminary audit 139

       (2) Not later than sixty business days after the audit is 141
completed, the auditing entity shall deliver a preliminary audit 142
report to the pharmacy that was the subject of the audit.143

       (3) A pharmacy that disputes any finding in the preliminary 144
audit report may submit documentation to the auditing entity to 145
appeal the finding. A pharmacy shall be given not less than thirty 146
business days to make the submission and may request an extension 147
of the time period given. The auditing entity shall grant a 148
request for an extension if it is reasonable.149

       A pharmacy's submission of documentation to appeal the 150
finding shall be made in accordance with the procedure the 151
auditing entity has established under section 3901.814 of the 152
Revised Code.153

       (4)(a) An auditing entity shall deliver a final audit report 154
to the pharmacy that was the subject of the audit. Except as 155
provided in division (A)(4)(b) of this section, the report shall 156
be delivered not later than one hundred twenty business days after 157
the pharmacy's receipt of a preliminary audit report.158

       (b) If an auditing entity has granted a pharmacy's request 159
for an extension of the time to submit documentation to appeal a 160
finding in the preliminary audit report under division (A)(3) of 161
this section, the time limit described in division (A)(4)(a) of 162
this section for the delivery of the final audit report is waived. 163
Instead, the auditing entity shall deliver the final audit report 164
not later than one hundred twenty days after the pharmacy's 165
submission of the documentation.166

       (B) The provisions of division (A) of this section do not 167
apply if the auditing entity has evidence, from its review of 168
claims data, statements, or physical evidence or its use of other 169
investigative methods, indicating that fraud or other intentional 170
or willful misrepresentation exists.171

       Sec. 3901.814.  Each auditing entity in this state shall 172
establish in writing separate procedures for a pharmacy to appeal 173
one or more findings in a preliminary audit report issued under 174
section 3901.813 of the Revised Code.175

       Sec. 3901.815.  Sections 3901.811 to 3901.814 of the Revised 176
Code shall not apply to an auditing entity that is a medicaid 177
managed care organization if application of those sections to the 178
entity would be in violation of federal law.179

       Sec. 4725.01.  As used in this chapter:180

       (A)(1) The "practice of optometry" means the application of 181
optical principles, through technical methods and devices, in the 182
examination of human eyes for the purpose of ascertaining 183
departures from the normal, measuring their functional powers, 184
adapting optical accessories for the aid thereof, and detecting 185
ocular abnormalities that may be evidence of disease, pathology, 186
or injury.187

       (2) In the case of a licensed optometrist who holds a topical 188
ocular pharmaceutical agents certificate, the "practice of 189
optometry" has the same meaning as in division (A)(1) of this 190
section, except that it also includes administering topical ocular 191
pharmaceutical agents.192

       (3) In the case of a licensed optometrist who holds a 193
therapeutic pharmaceutical agents certificate, the "practice of 194
optometry" has the same meaning as in division (A)(1) of this 195
section, except that it also includes all of the following:196

       (a) Employing, applying, administering, and prescribing 197
instruments, devices, and procedures, other than invasive 198
procedures, for purpose of examination, investigation, diagnosis, 199
treatment, or prevention of any disease, injury, or other abnormal 200
condition of the visual system;201

       (b) Employing, applying, administering, and prescribing 202
topical ocular pharmaceutical agents;203

       (c) Employing, applying, administering, and prescribing 204
therapeutic pharmaceutical agents;205

       (d) Assisting an individual in determining the individual's 206
blood glucose level by using a commercially available 207
glucose-monitoring device. Nothing in this section precludes a 208
licensed optometrist who holds a therapeutic pharmaceutical agents 209
certificate from using any particular type of commercially 210
available glucose-monitoring device.211

       (B) "Topical ocular pharmaceutical agent" means a drug or 212
dangerous drug that is a topical drug and used in the practice of 213
optometry as follows:214

       (1) In the case of a licensed optometrist who holds a topical 215
ocular pharmaceutical agents certificate, for evaluative purposes 216
in the practice of optometry as set forth in division (A)(1) of 217
this section;218

       (2) In the case of a licensed optometrist who holds a 219
therapeutic pharmaceutical agents certificate, for purposes of 220
examination, investigation, diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of 221
any disease, injury, or other abnormal condition of the visual 222

       (C) "Therapeutic pharmaceutical agent" means a drug or 224
dangerous drug that is used for examination, investigation, 225
diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of any disease, injury, or 226
other abnormal condition of the visual system in the practice of 227
optometry by a licensed optometrist who holds a therapeutic 228
pharmaceutical agents certificate, and is any of the following:229

       (1) An oral drug or dangerous drug in one of the following 230

       (a) Anti-infectives, including antibiotics, antivirals, 232
antimicrobials, and antifungals;233

       (b) Anti-allergy agents;234

       (c) Antiglaucoma agents;235

       (d) Analgesics, including only analgesic drugs that are 236
available without a prescription, analgesic drugs or dangerous 237
drugs that require a prescription but are not controlled 238
substances, and schedule IIIcontrolled substances, to the extent239
authorized by the state board of optometry in rules adopted under 240
section 4725.091 of the Revised Code, analgesic controlled 241

       (e) Anti-inflammatories, excluding all drugs or dangerous 243
drugs classified as oral steroids other than methylpredisolone, ,244
except that methylpredisolone may be used under a therapeutic 245
pharmaceutical agents certificate only if it is prescribed under 246
all of the following conditions:247

       (i) For use in allergy cases;248

       (ii) For use by an individual who is eighteen years of age or 249

       (iii) On the basis of an individual's particular episode of 251

       (iv) In an amount that does not exceed the amount packaged 253
for a single course of therapy.254

       (2) Epinephrine administered by injection to individuals in 255
emergency situations to counteract anaphylaxis or anaphylactic 256
shock. Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the 257
contrary, administration of epinephrine in this manner does not 258
constitute performance of an invasive procedure.259

       (3) An oral drug or dangerous drug that is not included under 260
division (C)(1) of this section, if the drug or dangerous drug is 261
approved, exempt from approval, certified, or exempt from 262
certification by the federal food and drug administration for 263
ophthalmic purposes and the drug or dangerous drug is specified in 264
rules adopted by the state board of optometry under section 265
4725.09 of the Revised Code.266

       (D) "Controlled substance" has the same meaning as in section 267
3719.01 of the Revised Code.268

       (E) "Drug" and "dangerous drug" have the same meanings as in 269
section 4729.01 of the Revised Code.270

       (F) "Invasive procedure" means any procedure that involves 271
cutting or otherwise infiltrating human tissue by mechanical means 272
including surgery, laser surgery, ionizing radiation, therapeutic 273
ultrasound, administering medication by injection, or the removal 274
of intraocular foreign bodies.275

       (G) "Visual system" means the human eye and its accessory or 276
subordinate anatomical parts.277

       (H) "Certificate of licensure" means a certificate issued by 278
the state board of optometry under section 4725.13 of the Revised 279
Code authorizing the holder to practice optometry as provided in 280
division (A)(1) of this section.281

       (I) "Topical ocular pharmaceutical agents certificate" means 282
a certificate issued by the state board of optometry under section 283
4725.13 of the Revised Code authorizing the holder to practice 284
optometry as provided in division (A)(2) of this section.285

       (J) "Therapeutic pharmaceutical agents certificate" means a 286
certificate issued by the state board of optometry under division 287
(A)(3) or (4) of section 4725.13 of the Revised Code authorizing 288
the holder to practice optometry as provided in division (A)(3) of 289
this section.290

       Sec. 4725.091. (A) The state board of optometry shall adopt 291
rules governing the authority of licensed optometrists practicing 292
under therapeutic pharmaceutical agents certificates to employ, 293
apply, administer, and prescribe schedule IIIanalgesic 294
controlled substances under a therapeutic pharmaceutical agents 295
certificate. The rules shall be adopted in accordance with Chapter 296
119. of the Revised Code and in consultation with the state board 297
of pharmacy.298

        (B) All of the following apply to the state board of 299
optometry in the adoption of rules under this section:300

        (1) The board shall not permit an optometrist to employ, 301
apply, administer, or prescribe a schedule IIIan analgesic302
controlled substance other than a drug included in section 3719.41 303
of the Revised Code within the schedule III narcotics-narcotic 304
preparations category product that is used for the treatment of 305
pain and meets one of the following conditions:306

       (a) The product is a preparation that contains an amount of 307
codeine per dosage unit, as specified by the board, and also 308
contains other active, nonnarcotic ingredients, such as 309
acetaminophen or aspirin, in a therapeutic amount.310

       (b) The product is a preparation that contains an amount of 311
hydrocodone per dosage unit, as specified by the board, and also 312
contains other active, nonnarcotic ingredients, such as 313
acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen, in a therapeutic amount.314

       (c) The product contains or consists of a drug or dangerous 315
drug that was an analgesic included in the practice of optometry 316
under a therapeutic pharmaceutical agents certificate immediately 317
prior to the effective date of this amendment, was not a 318
controlled substance at that time, and subsequently becomes a 319
schedule II, III, IV, or V controlled substance.320

        (2) The board shall limit the schedule IIIanalgesic321
controlled substances that optometrists may employ, apply, 322
administer, or prescribe to the drugs that the board determines 323
are appropriate for use in the practice of optometry under a 324
therapeutic pharmaceutical agents certificate.325

        (3) With regard to the prescribing of schedule IIIanalgesic 326
controlled substances, the board shall establish prescribing 327
standards to be followed by optometrists who hold therapeutic 328
pharmaceutical agents certificates. The board shall take into 329
account the prescribing standards that exist within the health 330
care marketplace.331

        (4) The board shall establish standards and procedures for 332
employing, applying, administering, and prescribing schedule III333
analgesic controlled substances under a therapeutic 334
pharmaceutical agents certificate by taking into consideration and 335
examining issues that include the appropriate length of drug 336
therapy, appropriate standards for drug treatment, necessary 337
monitoring systems, and any other factors the board considers 338

       Section 2.  That existing sections 4725.01 and 4725.091 of 340
the Revised Code are hereby repealed.341