As Introduced

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 277

Senators Jones, Tavares 

To enact section 3701.66 of the Revised Code to 1
create the Commission on Infant Mortality. 2


       Section 1.  That section 3701.66 of the Revised Code be 3
enacted to read as follows:4

       Sec. 3701.66.  (A) There is hereby created the commission on 5
infant mortality. The commission shall:6

       (1) Conduct a complete inventory of services provided or 7
administered by the state that are available to address the infant 8
mortality rate in this state;9

       (2) For each service identified under division (A)(1) of this 10
section, determine both of the following:11

       (a) The sources of the funds that are used to pay for the 12

       (b) Whether the service and its funding sources have a 14
connection with programs provided or administered by local or 15
community-based public or private entities and, to the extent they 16
do not, whether they should.17

       (B) The commission shall consist of the following members:18

       (1) Two members of the senate, one from the majority party 19
and one from the minority party, each appointed by the senate 20

       (2) Two members of the house of representatives, one from the 22
majority party and one from the minority party, each appointed by 23
the speaker of the house of representatives;24

       (3) The executive director of the office of health 25
transformation or the executive director's designee;26

       (4) The director of medicaid or the director's designee;27

       (5) The director of health or the director's designee;28

       (6) The executive director of the commission on minority 29
health or the executive director's designee;30

       (7) The attorney general or the attorney general's designee;31

       (8) A health commissioner of a city or general health 32
district, appointed by the governor;33

       (9) A coroner, deputy coroner, or other person who conducts 34
death scene investigations, appointed by the governor;35

       (10) Two individuals who represent community-based programs 36
that serve pregnant women or new mothers whose infants tend to be 37
at a higher risk for infant mortality, appointed by the governor.38

       (C) The commission members described in divisions (B)(1), 39
(2), (8), (9), and (10) of this section shall be appointed not 40
later than thirty days after the effective date of this act. An 41
appointed member shall hold office until a successor is appointed. 42
A vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as the original 43

       From among the members, the president of the senate and 45
speaker of the house of representatives shall appoint two to serve 46
as co-chairpersons of the commission.47

       A member shall serve without compensation except to the 48
extent that serving on the commission is considered part of the 49
member's regular duties of employment.50

       (D) The commission may request assistance from the staff of 51
the legislative service commission.52

       (E) Not later than six months after the effective date of 53
this section, the commission on infant mortality shall prepare a 54
written report of its findings and recommendations concerning the 55
matters described in divisions (A)(1) and (2) of this section. On 56
completion, the commission shall submit the report to the governor 57
and, in accordance with section 101.68 of the Revised Code, the 58
general assembly.59

       (F) The president of the senate and speaker of the house of 60
representatives shall determine the responsibilities of the 61
commission following submission of the report under division (E) 62
of this section.63

       (G) The commission is not subject to sections 101.82 to 64
101.87 of the Revised Code.65