As Introduced

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 304

Senator Skindell 

Cosponsor: Senator Tavares 

To amend section 3715.99 and to enact section 1
3715.522 of the Revised Code to prohibit the sale 2
of microbeads.3


       Section 1.  That section 3715.99 be amended and section 4
3715.522 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:5

       Sec. 3715.522.  (A) As used in this section:6

       (1) "Microbeads" means micro-polymer particles, less than 7
five millimeters in diameter, that are made of synthetic or 8
semi-synthetic polymeric materials such as polyethylene, 9
polypropylene, polyethylene terephthalate, polymethyl 10
methacrylate, or a combination of such polymers.11

       (2) "Personal care products" means consumer products 12
manufactured for use in personal hygiene and beautification, 13
including anti-bacterial soaps, hand soaps, bar soaps, liquid 14
soaps, body washes, lotions, moisturizers, facial and body 15
cleansers, facial masks, exfoliating facial scrubs, sunscreens, 16
acne treatment products, shampoos, conditioners, toothpastes, 17
shaving creams and gels, and foot care products.18

       (B) No person, firm, partnership, association, limited 19
liability company, or corporation shall sell or offer for sale at 20
retail or wholesale in this state any cosmetics or personal care 21
products containing microbeads.22

       (C) The director of agriculture may adopt such rules in 23
accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code as the director 24
considers necessary to implement this section.25

       Sec. 3715.99.  (A) Whoever violates sections 3715.13 to 26
3715.19, or 3715.38 of the Revised Code is guilty of a minor 27

       (B) Whoever violates section 3715.22, 3715.25, 3715.27, or 29
3715.34 of the Revised Code is guilty of a misdemeanor of the 30
fourth degree.31

       (C) Whoever violates section 3715.23 or 3715.36 of the 32
Revised Code is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree.33

       (D) Whoever violates section 3715.52 or 3715.65 of the 34
Revised Code is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree on a 35
first offense; on each subsequent offense, the person is guilty of 36
a misdemeanor of the second degree.37

       (E) Whoever violates section 3715.521 of the Revised Code is 38
guilty of a minor misdemeanor. A violation of that section occurs 39
on a daily basis, not according to the number of times per day 40
that an expired drug, baby food, or infant formula is sold, 41
offered for sale, or delivered at retail or to the consumer. Each 42
day of violation is a separate offense.43

       (F) Whoever violates section 3715.522 of the Revised Code 44
shall be subject to a civil fine of not more than one thousand 45
dollars for each day during which the violation occurs. Each 46
subsequent violation shall subject the offender to a civil fine 47
not to exceed two thousand five hundred dollars for each day in 48
which the violation occurs.49

       Section 2.  That existing section 3715.99 of the Revised Code 50
is hereby repealed.51