As Reported by the House Judiciary Committee

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
Am. S. B. No. 98

Senators Obhof, Kearney 

Cosponsors: Senators Eklund, Schiavoni, Seitz, Skindell, LaRose, Brown, Uecker, Burke, Coley, Gardner, Hughes, Jones, Manning, Oelslager 

To amend sections 1701.07, 1702.06, 1703.041, 1
1705.06, 1705.54, 1729.06, 1733.06, 1745.13, 2
1746.04, 1747.03, 1751.03, 1776.07, 1776.86, 3
1782.04, and 1782.49 of the Revised Code to expand 4
the list of entities that may serve as statutory 5


       Section 1.  That sections 1701.07, 1702.06, 1703.041, 7
1705.06, 1705.54, 1729.06, 1733.06, 1745.13, 1746.04, 1747.03, 8
1751.03, 1776.07, 1776.86, 1782.04, and 1782.49 of the Revised 9
Code be amended to read as follows:10

       Sec. 1701.07.  (A) Every corporation shall have and maintain 11
an agent, sometimes referred to as the "statutory agent," upon 12
whom any process, notice, or demand required or permitted by 13
statute to be served upon a corporation may be served. The agent 14
mayshall be aone of the following:15

       (1) A natural person who is a resident of this state or may 16
be a;17

       (2) A domestic corporation or a foreign corporation holding a 18
license as such under the laws of this state, that is authorized 19
by its articles of incorporation to act as such agent and, 20
nonprofit corporation, limited liability company, partnership, 21
limited partnership, limited liability partnership, limited 22
partnership association, professional association, business trust, 23
or unincorporated nonprofit association that has a business 24
address in this state. If the agent is an entity other than a 25
domestic corporation, the agent shall meet the requirements of 26
Title XVII of the Revised Code for an entity of the agent's type 27
to transact business or exercise privileges in this state.28

       (B) The secretary of state shall not accept original articles 29
for filing unless there is filed with the articles a written 30
appointment of an agent that is signed by the incorporators of the 31
corporation or a majority of them and a written acceptance of the 32
appointment that is signed by the agent. In all other cases, the 33
corporation shall appoint the agent and shall file in the office 34
of the secretary of state a written appointment of the agent that 35
is signed by any authorized officer of the corporation and a 36
written acceptance of the appointment that is either the original 37
acceptance signed by the agent or a photocopy, facsimile, or 38
similar reproduction of the original acceptance signed by the 39

       (C) The written appointment of an agent shall set forth the 41
name and address in this state of the agent, including the street 42
and number or other particular description, and shall otherwise be 43
in such form as the secretary of state prescribes. The secretary 44
of state shall keep a record of the names of corporations, and the 45
names and addresses of their respective agents.46

       (D) If any agent dies, removes from the state, or resigns, 47
the corporation shall forthwith appoint another agent and file 48
with the secretary of state, on a form prescribed by the secretary 49
of state, a written appointment of the agent.50

       (E) If the agent changes the agent's address from that 51
appearing upon the record in the office of the secretary of state, 52
the corporation or the agent shall forthwith file with the 53
secretary of state, on a form prescribed by the secretary of 54
state, a written statement setting forth the new address.55

       (F) An agent may resign by filing with the secretary of 56
state, on a form prescribed by the secretary of state, a written 57
notice to that effect that is signed by the agent and by sending a 58
copy of the notice to the corporation at the current or last known 59
address of its principal office on or prior to the date the notice 60
is filed with the secretary of state. The notice shall set forth 61
the name of the corporation, the name and current address of the 62
agent, the current or last known address, including the street and 63
number or other particular description, of the corporation's 64
principal office, the resignation of the agent, and a statement 65
that a copy of the notice has been sent to the corporation within 66
the time and in the manner prescribed by this division. Upon the 67
expiration of thirty days after the filing, the authority of the 68
agent shall terminate.69

       (G) A corporation may revoke the appointment of an agent by 70
filing with the secretary of state, on a form prescribed by the 71
secretary of state, a written appointment of another agent and a 72
statement that the appointment of the former agent is revoked.73

       (H) Any process, notice, or demand required or permitted by 74
statute to be served upon a corporation may be served upon the 75
corporation by delivering a copy of it to its agent, if a natural 76
person, or by delivering a copy of it at the address of its agent 77
in this state, as the address appears upon the record in the 78
office of the secretary of state. If (1) the agent cannot be 79
found, or (2) the agent no longer has that address, or (3) the 80
corporation has failed to maintain an agent as required by this 81
section, and if in any such case the party desiring that the 82
process, notice, or demand be served, or the agent or 83
representative of the party, shall have filed with the secretary 84
of state an affidavit stating that one of the foregoing conditions 85
exists and stating the most recent address of the corporation that 86
the party after diligent search has been able to ascertain, then 87
service of process, notice, or demand upon the secretary of state, 88
as the agent of the corporation, may be initiated by delivering to 89
the secretary of state or at the secretary of state's office 90
quadruplicate copies of such process, notice, or demand and by 91
paying to the secretary of state a fee of five dollars. The 92
secretary of state shall forthwith give notice of the delivery to 93
the corporation at its principal office as shown upon the record 94
in the secretary of state's office and at any different address 95
shown on its last franchise tax report filed in this state, or to 96
the corporation at any different address set forth in the above 97
mentioned affidavit, and shall forward to the corporation at said 98
addresses, by certified mail, with request for return receipt, a 99
copy of the process, notice, or demand; and thereupon service upon 100
the corporation shall be deemed to have been made.101

       (I) The secretary of state shall keep a record of each 102
process, notice, and demand delivered to the secretary of state or 103
at the secretary of state's office under this section or any other 104
law of this state that authorizes service upon the secretary of 105
state, and shall record the time of the delivery and the action 106
thereafter with respect thereto.107

       (J) This section does not limit or affect the right to serve 108
any process, notice, or demand upon a corporation in any other 109
manner permitted by law.110

       (K) Every corporation shall state in each annual report filed 111
by it with the department of taxation the name and address of its 112
statutory agent.113

       (L) Except when an original appointment of an agent is filed 114
with the original articles, a written appointment of an agent or a 115
written statement filed by a corporation with the secretary of 116
state shall be signed by any authorized officer of the corporation 117
or by the incorporators of the corporation or a majority of them 118
if no directors have been elected.119

       (M) For filing a written appointment of an agent other than 120
one filed with original articles, and for filing a statement of 121
change of address of an agent, the secretary of state shall charge 122
and collect the fee specified in division (R) of section 111.16 of 123
the Revised Code.124

       (N) Upon the failure of a corporation to appoint another 125
agent or to file a statement of change of address of an agent, the 126
secretary of state shall give notice thereof by ordinary or 127
electronic mail to the corporation at the electronic mail address 128
provided to the secretary of state, or at the address set forth in 129
the notice of resignation or on the last franchise tax return 130
filed in this state by the corporation. Unless the default is 131
cured within thirty days after the mailing by the secretary of 132
state of the notice or within any further period of time that the 133
secretary of state grants, upon the expiration of that period of 134
time from the date of the mailing, the articles of the corporation 135
shall be canceled without further notice or action by the 136
secretary of state. The secretary of state shall make a notation 137
of the cancellation on the secretary of state's records.138

       A corporation whose articles have been canceled may be 139
reinstated by filing, on a form prescribed by the secretary of 140
state, an application for reinstatement and the required 141
appointment of agent or required statement, and by paying the 142
filing fee specified in division (Q) of section 111.16 of the 143
Revised Code. The rights, privileges, and franchises of a 144
corporation whose articles have been reinstated are subject to 145
section 1701.922 of the Revised Code. The secretary of state shall 146
furnish the tax commissioner a monthly list of all corporations 147
canceled and reinstated under this division.148

       (O) This section does not apply to banks, trust companies, 149
insurance companies, or any corporation defined under the laws of 150
this state as a public utility for taxation purposes.151

       Sec. 1702.06.  (A) Every corporation shall have and maintain 152
an agent, sometimes referred to as the "statutory agent," upon 153
whom any process, notice, or demand required or permitted by 154
statute to be served upon a corporation may be served. The agent155
mayshall be aone of the following:156

       (1) A natural person who is a resident of this state, or may 157
be a;158

       (2) A domestic or foreign business corporation holding a 159
license as such under the laws of this state that is authorized by 160
its articles of incorporation to act as such agent, and, nonprofit 161
corporation, limited liability company, partnership, limited 162
partnership, limited liability partnership, limited partnership 163
association, professional association, business trust, or 164
unincorporated nonprofit association that has a business address 165
in this state. If the agent is an entity other than a domestic 166
corporation, the agent shall meet the requirements of Title XVII 167
of the Revised Code for an entity of the agent's type to transact 168
business or exercise privileges in this state.169

       (B) The secretary of state shall not accept original articles 170
for filing unless there is filed with the articles a written 171
appointment of an agent signed by the incorporators of the 172
corporation or a majority of them and a written acceptance of the 173
appointment signed by the agent. In all other cases, the 174
corporation shall appoint the agent and shall file in the office 175
of the secretary of state a written appointment of the agent that 176
is signed by any authorized officer of the corporation and a 177
written acceptance of the appointment that is either the original 178
acceptance signed by the agent or a photocopy, facsimile, or 179
similar reproduction of the original acceptance signed by the 180

       (C) The written appointment of an agent shall set forth the 182
name and address in this state of the agent, including the street 183
and number or other particular description, and shall otherwise be 184
in such form as the secretary of state prescribes. The secretary 185
of state shall keep a record of the names of corporations and the 186
names and addresses of their respective agents.187

       (D) If any agent dies, removes from the state, or resigns, 188
the corporation shall forthwith appoint another agent and file 189
with the secretary of state, on a form prescribed by the secretary 190
of state, a written appointment of that agent.191

       (E) If the agent changes the agent's address from that 192
appearing upon the record in the office of the secretary of state, 193
the corporation or the agent shall forthwith file with the 194
secretary of state, on a form prescribed by the secretary of 195
state, a written statement setting forth the new address.196

       (F) An agent may resign by filing with the secretary of 197
state, on a form prescribed by the secretary of state, a written 198
notice to that effect that is signed by the agent and by sending a 199
copy of the notice to the corporation at the current or last known 200
address of its principal office on or prior to the date that 201
notice is filed with the secretary of state. The notice shall set 202
forth the name of the corporation, the name and current address of 203
the agent, the current or last known address, including the street 204
and number or other particular description, of the corporation's 205
principal office, the resignation of the agent, and a statement 206
that a copy of the notice has been sent to the corporation within 207
the time and in the manner prescribed by this division. Upon the 208
expiration of sixty days after such filing, the authority of the 209
agent shall terminate.210

       (G) A corporation may revoke the appointment of an agent by 211
filing with the secretary of state, on a form prescribed by the 212
secretary of state, a written appointment of another agent and a 213
statement that the appointment of the former agent is revoked.214

       (H) Any process, notice, or demand required or permitted by 215
statute to be served upon a corporation may be served upon the 216
corporation by delivering a copy of it to its agent, if a natural 217
person, or by delivering a copy of it at the address of its agent 218
in this state, as such address appears upon the record in the 219
office of the secretary of state. If (1) the agent cannot be 220
found, or (2) the agent no longer has that address, or (3) the 221
corporation has failed to maintain an agent as required by this 222
section, and if in any such case the party desiring that such 223
process, notice, or demand be served, or the agent or 224
representative of the party, shall have filed with the secretary 225
of state an affidavit stating that one of the foregoing conditions 226
exists and stating the most recent address of the corporation that 227
the party after diligent search has been able to ascertain, then 228
service of process, notice, or demand upon the secretary of state, 229
as the agent of the corporation, may be initiated by delivering to 230
the secretary of state or at the secretary of state's office 231
triplicate copies of such process, notice, or demand and by paying 232
to the secretary of state a fee of five dollars. The secretary of 233
state shall forthwith give notice of such delivery to the 234
corporation at its principal office as shown upon the record in 235
the secretary of state's office and also to the corporation at any 236
different address set forth in the above mentioned affidavit, and 237
shall forward to the corporation at each of those addresses, by 238
certified mail, with request for return receipt, a copy of such 239
process, notice, or demand; and thereupon service upon the 240
corporation shall be deemed to have been made.241

       (I) The secretary of state shall keep a record of each 242
process, notice, and demand delivered to the secretary of state or 243
at the secretary of state's office under this section or any other 244
law of this state that authorizes service upon the secretary of 245
state, and shall record the time of such delivery and the 246
secretary of state's action thereafter with respect thereto.247

       (J) This section does not limit or affect the right to serve 248
any process, notice, or demand upon a corporation in any other 249
manner permitted by law.250

       (K) Except when an original appointment of an agent is filed 251
with the original articles, a written appointment of an agent or a 252
written statement filed by a corporation with the secretary of 253
state shall be signed by any authorized officer of the corporation 254
or by the incorporators of the corporation or a majority of them 255
if no directors have been elected.256

       (L) For filing a written appointment of an agent other than 257
one filed with original articles, and for filing a statement of 258
change of address of an agent, the secretary of state shall charge 259
and collect the fee specified in division (R) of section 111.16 of 260
the Revised Code.261

       (M) Upon the failure of any corporation to appoint another 262
agent or to file a statement of change of address of an agent, the 263
secretary of state shall give notice thereof by certified mail to 264
the corporation at the address set forth in the notice of 265
resignation or on the most recent statement of continued existence 266
filed in this state by the corporation. Unless the failure is 267
cured within thirty days after the mailing by the secretary of 268
state of the notice or within any further period the secretary of 269
state grants, upon the expiration of that period, the articles of 270
the corporation shall be canceled without further notice or action 271
by the secretary of state. The secretary of state shall make a 272
notation of the cancellation on the secretary of state's records. 273
A corporation whose articles have been canceled may be reinstated 274
by filing, on a form prescribed by the secretary of state, an 275
application for reinstatement and the required appointment of 276
agent or required statement, and by paying the filing fee 277
specified in division (Q) of section 111.16 of the Revised Code. 278
The rights, privileges, and franchises of a corporation whose 279
articles have been reinstated are subject to section 1702.60 of 280
the Revised Code. The secretary of state shall furnish the tax 281
commissioner a monthly list of all corporations canceled and 282
reinstated under this division.283

       (N) This section does not apply to banks, trust companies, 284
insurance companies, or any corporation defined under the laws of 285
this state as a public utility for taxation purposes.286

       Sec. 1703.041.  (A) Every foreign corporation for profit that 287
is licensed to transact business in this state, and every foreign 288
nonprofit corporation that is licensed to exercise its corporate289
privileges in this state, shall have and maintain an agent, 290
sometimes referred to as the "designated agent," upon whom process 291
against the corporation may be served within this state. The agent 292
mayshall be aone of the following:293

       (1) A natural person who is a resident of this state, or may 294
be a;295

       (2) A domestic corporation for profit or a foreign 296
corporation for profit holding a license under the laws of this 297
state that is authorized by its articles of incorporation to act 298
as an agent and, nonprofit corporation, limited liability company, 299
partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, 300
limited partnership association, professional association, 301
business trust, or unincorporated nonprofit association that has a 302
business address in this state. If the agent is an entity other 303
than a domestic corporation, the agent shall meet the requirements 304
of Title XVII of the Revised Code for an entity of the agent's 305
type to transact business or exercise privileges in this state.306

       (B) The written appointment of a designated agent shall set 307
forth the name and address of the agent, including the street and 308
number or other particular description, and shall otherwise be in 309
such form as the secretary of state prescribes. The secretary of 310
state shall keep a record of the names of such foreign 311
corporations and the names and addresses of their respective 312

       (C) If the designated agent dies, removes from the state, or 314
resigns, the foreign corporation shall forthwith appoint another 315
agent and file in the office of the secretary of state, on a form 316
prescribed by the secretary of state, a written appointment of the 317
new agent.318

       (D) If the designated agent changes the agent's address from 319
that appearing upon the record in the office of the secretary of 320
state, the foreign corporation or the designated agent in its 321
behalf shall forthwith file with the secretary of state, on a form 322
prescribed by the secretary of state, a written statement setting 323
forth the agent's new address.324

       (E) A designated agent may resign by filing with the 325
secretary of state, on a form prescribed by the secretary of 326
state, a signed statement to that effect. The secretary of state 327
shall forthwith mail a copy of the statement to the foreign 328
corporation at its principal office as shown by the record in the 329
secretary of state's office. Upon the expiration of sixty days 330
after the filing, the authority of the agent shall terminate.331

       (F) A foreign corporation may revoke the appointment of a 332
designated agent by filing with the secretary of state, on a form 333
prescribed by the secretary of state, a written appointment of 334
another agent and a statement that the appointment of the former 335
agent is revoked.336

       (G) Process may be served upon a foreign corporation by 337
delivering a copy of it to its designated agent, if a natural 338
person, or by delivering a copy of it at the address of its agent 339
in this state, as the address appears upon the record in the 340
office of the secretary of state.341

       (H) This section does not limit or affect the right to serve 342
process upon a foreign corporation in any other manner permitted 343
by law.344

       (I) Every foreign corporation for profit shall state in each 345
annual report filed by it with the department of taxation the name 346
and address of its designated agent in this state.347

       Sec. 1705.06.  (A) Each limited liability company shall 348
maintain continuously in this state an agent for service of 349
process on the company. The agent shall be an individualone of 350
the following:351

       (1) A natural person who is a resident of this state, a;352

       (2) A domestic corporation, or a foreign corporation holding 353
a license as a foreign corporation under the laws of, nonprofit 354
corporation, limited liability company, partnership, limited 355
partnership, limited liability partnership, limited partnership 356
association, professional association, business trust, or 357
unincorporated nonprofit association that has a business address 358
in this state. If the agent is an entity other than a domestic 359
corporation, the agent shall meet the requirements of Title XVII 360
of the Revised Code for an entity of the agent's type to transact 361
business or exercise privileges in this state.362

       (B)(1) The secretary of state shall not accept original 363
articles of organization of a limited liability company for filing 364
unless the articles are accompanied by both of the following:365

       (a) A written appointment of an agent as described in 366
division (A) of this section that is signed by an authorized 367
member, manager, or other representative of the limited liability 368

       (b) A written acceptance of the appointment that is signed by 370
the designated agent on a form prescribed by the secretary of 371

       (2) In cases not covered by division (B)(1) of this section, 373
the limited liability company shall appoint the agent described in 374
division (A) of this section and shall file with the secretary of 375
state, on a form prescribed by the secretary of state, a written 376
appointment of that agent that is signed as described in division 377
(K) of this section and a written acceptance of the appointment 378
that is signed by the designated agent.379

       (3) For purposes of divisions (B)(1) and (2) of this section, 380
the filed written acceptance of an agent's appointment shall be a 381
signed original document or a photocopy, facsimile, or similar 382
reproduction of a signed original document.383

       (C) The written appointment of an agent described in division 384
(A) of this section shall set forth the name of the agent and the 385
agent's address in this state, including the street and number or 386
other particular description of that address. It otherwise shall 387
be in the form that the secretary of state prescribes. The 388
secretary of state shall keep a record of the names of limited 389
liability companies and the names and addresses of their agents.390

       (D) If any agent described in division (A) of this section 391
dies, resigns, or moves outside of this state, the limited 392
liability company shall appoint forthwith another agent and file 393
with the secretary of state, on a form prescribed by the secretary 394
of state, a written appointment of the agent and acceptance of 395
appointment as described in division (B)(2) of this section.396

       (E) If the agent described in division (A) of this section 397
changes the agent's address from the address stated in the records 398
of the secretary of state, the agent or the limited liability 399
company shall file forthwith with the secretary of state, on a 400
form prescribed by the secretary of state, a written statement 401
setting forth the new address.402

       (F) An agent described in division (A) of this section may 403
resign by filing with the secretary of state, on a form prescribed 404
by the secretary of state, a written notice of resignation that is 405
signed by the agent and by mailing a copy of that notice to the 406
limited liability company at the current or last known address of 407
its principal office. The notice shall be mailed to the company on 408
or prior to the date that the notice is filed with the secretary 409
of state and shall set forth the name of the company, the name and 410
current address of the agent, the current or last known address, 411
including the street and number or other particular description, 412
of the company's principal office, a statement of the resignation 413
of the agent, and a statement that a copy of the notice has been 414
sent to the company within the time and in the manner specified in 415
this division. The authority of the resigning agent terminates 416
thirty days after the filing of the notice with the secretary of 417

       (G) A limited liability company may revoke the appointment of 419
its agent described in division (A) of this section by filing with 420
the secretary of state, on a form prescribed by the secretary of 421
state, a written appointment of another agent and an acceptance of 422
appointment in the manner described in division (B)(2) of this 423
section and a statement indicating that the appointment of the 424
former agent is revoked.425

       (H)(1) Any legal process, notice, or demand required or 426
permitted by law to be served upon a limited liability company may 427
be served upon the company as follows:428

       (a) If the agent described in division (A) of this section is 429
an individuala natural person, by delivering a copy of the 430
process, notice, or demand to the agent;431

       (b) If the agent is not a corporationnatural person, by 432
delivering a copy of the process, notice, or demand to the address 433
of the agent in this state as contained in the records of the 434
secretary of state.435

       (2) If the agent described in division (A) of this section 436
cannot be found or no longer has the address that is stated in the 437
records of the secretary of state or the limited liability company 438
has failed to maintain an agent as required by this section and if 439
the party or the agent or representative of the party that desires 440
service of the process, notice, or demand files with the secretary 441
of state an affidavit that states that one of those circumstances 442
exists and states the most recent address of the company that the 443
party who desires service has been able to ascertain after a 444
diligent search, then the service of the process, notice, or 445
demand upon the secretary of state as the agent of the company may 446
be initiated by delivering to the secretary of state four copies 447
of the process, notice, or demand accompanied by a fee of five 448
dollars. The secretary of state shall give forthwith notice of 449
that delivery to the company at either its principal office as 450
shown upon the secretary of state's records or at any different 451
address specified in the affidavit of the party desiring service 452
and shall forward to the company at either address by certified 453
mail, return receipt requested, a copy of the process, notice, or 454
demand. Service upon the company is made when the secretary of 455
state gives the notice and forwards the process, notice, or demand 456
as set forth in division (H)(2) of this section.457

       (I) The secretary of state shall keep a record of each 458
process, notice, and demand that pertains to a limited liability 459
company and that is delivered to the secretary of state's office 460
under this section or another law of this state that authorizes 461
service upon the secretary of state in connection with a limited 462
liability company. In that record, the secretary of state shall 463
record the time of each delivery of that type and the secretary of 464
state's subsequent action with respect to the process, notice, or 465

       (J) This section does not limit or affect the right to serve 467
any process, notice, or demand upon a limited liability company in 468
any other manner permitted by law.469

       (K) The written appointment of an agent or a written 470
statement filed by the company with the secretary of state shall 471
be signed by an authorized member, manager, or other 472
representative of the company.473

       Sec. 1705.54.  (A) Before transacting business in this state, 474
a foreign limited liability company shall register with the 475
secretary of state. The company shall register by submitting to 476
the secretary of state an application for registration as a 477
foreign limited liability company. The application shall be on a 478
form that is prescribed by the secretary of state, be signed by an 479
authorized representative of the company, and set forth all of the 480

       (1) The name of the company and, if different, the name under 482
which it is registered or organized in the state of its 483

       (2) The state in which it was organized and the date of its 485

       (3) The name and address of an agent for service of any 487
process, notice, or demand on the company. The appointed agent 488
shall be an individualone of the following:489

       (a) A natural person who is a resident of this state, a;490

       (b) A domestic corporation, or a foreign corporation, 491
nonprofit corporation, limited liability company, partnership, 492
limited partnership, limited liability partnership, limited 493
partnership association, professional association, business trust, 494
or unincorporated nonprofit association that has a place of495
business and is authorized to do businessaddress in this state. 496
If the agent is an entity other than a domestic corporation, the 497
agent shall meet the requirements of Title XVII of the Revised 498
Code for an entity of the agent's type to transact business or 499
exercise privileges in this state.500

       (4) A statement that the secretary of state is appointed the 501
agent of the company for service of any process, notice, or demand 502
on the company if an agent is not appointed as described in 503
division (A)(3) of this section or if an agent is appointed 504
pursuant to that division but the authority of that agent has been 505
revoked or the agent cannot be found or served after the exercise 506
of reasonable diligence;507

       (5) An address to which interested persons may direct 508
requests for copies of the articles of organization, operating 509
agreement, bylaws, or other charter documents of the company.510

       (B) Upon receipt of an application for registration as a 511
foreign limited liability company and the filing fee required by 512
law, the secretary of state shall accept the application for 513
filing and shall make a copy of the application for the secretary 514
of state's records by microfilm or by any authorized photostatic 515
or digitized process. Evidence of the filing shall be returned to 516
the company or its representative.517

       (C) Upon being filed in accordance with division (B) of this 518
section, an application for registration as a foreign limited 519
liability company shall be deemed to be the certificate of 520
registration of the applicant as a foreign limited liability 521
company authorized to transact business in this state.522

       Sec. 1729.06.  (A) Two or more individuals may form an 523
association under this chapter.524

       (B)(1) Every association shall have and maintain a statutory 525
agent upon whom any process, notice, or demand against the 526
association may be served. The agent mayshall be aone of the 527

       (a) A natural person who is a resident of this state or a;529

       (b) A domestic or foreign corporation that is authorized by 530
its articles of incorporation to act as such agent and, nonprofit 531
corporation, limited liability company, partnership, limited 532
partnership, limited liability partnership, limited partnership 533
association, professional association, business trust, or 534
unincorporated nonprofit association that has a business address 535
in this state. If the agent is an entity other than a domestic 536
corporation, the agent shall meet the requirements of Title XVII 537
of the Revised Code for an entity of the agent's type to transact 538
business or exercise privileges in this state.539

       (2) Whenever appointment or designation of a statutory agent 540
is required by this chapter, the appointment or designation shall 541
be on a form prescribed by the secretary of state for the 542
administration of this chapter and shall conform with section 543
1702.06 of the Revised Code.544

       Sec. 1733.06.  Every credit union shall have and maintain a 545
statutory agent in accordance with section 1701.07 of the Revised 546
Codeupon whom any process, notice, or demand required or 547
permitted by statute to be served upon a credit union may be 548
served. The agent shall be one of the following:549

       (A) A natural person who is a resident of this state;550

       (B) A domestic or foreign corporation, nonprofit corporation, 551
limited liability company, partnership, limited partnership, 552
limited liability partnership, limited partnership association, 553
professional association, business trust, or unincorporated 554
nonprofit association that has a business address in this state. 555
If the agent is an entity other than a domestic corporation, the 556
agent shall meet the requirements of Title XVII of the Revised 557
Code for an entity of the agent's type to transact business or 558
exercise privileges in this state.559

       Sec. 1745.13.  (A) An unincorporated nonprofit association 560
may file in the office of the secretary of state a statement 561
appointing an agent authorized to receive service of process. The 562
agent mayshall be aone of the following:563

       (1) A natural person who is a resident of this state or may 564
be a for profit;565

       (2) A domestic corporation or a for profit foreign 566
corporation holding a license as such under the laws of this state 567
and, nonprofit corporation, limited liability company, 568
partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, 569
limited partnership association, professional association, 570
business trust, or unincorporated nonprofit association that has a 571
business address in this state. TheIf the agent is an entity 572
other than a domestic corporation, the agent shall meet the 573
requirements of Title XVII of the Revised Code for an entity of 574
the agent's type to transact business or exercise privileges in 575
this state.576

       The statement appointing an agent shall set forth the name of 577
the unincorporated nonprofit association and the name and address 578
in this state of the agent, including the street and number or 579
other particular description, and shall otherwise be in the form 580
that the secretary of state prescribes. The secretary of state 581
shall keep a record of the names of all unincorporated nonprofit 582
associations that have filed a statement appointing an agent 583
authorized to receive service of process and the names and 584
addresses of their respective agents. 585

       (B) A statement appointing an agent authorized to receive 586
service of process under division (A) of this section shall be 587
signed by a person authorized to manage the affairs of the 588
unincorporated nonprofit association. The statement also shall be 589
signed by the person appointed as agent who accepts the 590
appointment. The appointed agent may resign by filing with the 591
secretary of state, on a form prescribed by the secretary of 592
state, a written notice to that effect that is signed by the agent 593
and by sending a copy of the notice to the association at the 594
current or last known address of its principal office on or prior 595
to the date that the notice is filed with the secretary of state. 596
Upon the expiration of thirty days after the filing, the authority 597
of the agent shall terminate.598

       (C) An unincorporated nonprofit association may revoke the 599
appointment of an agent by filing with the secretary of state on a 600
form prescribed by the secretary of state a written appointment of 601
another agent and a statement that the appointment of the former 602
agent is revoked.603

       Sec. 1746.04.  (A) Except as set forth in section 1746.03 of 604
the Revised Code, before transacting business in this state, a 605
business trust shall file in the office of the secretary of state, 606
on forms prescribed by the secretary of state, a report containing 607
the following information:608

       (1) A list of the names and addresses of its trustees;609

       (2) The address of its principal office;610

       (3) In the case of a foreign business trust, the address of 611
its principal office within this state, if any;612

       (4) The business names of the business trust, including any 613
fictitious or assumed names;614

       (5) The name and address within this state of a designated 615
agent upon whom process against the business trust may be served;616

       (6) The irrevocable consent of the business trust to service 617
of process upon its designated agent and to service of process 618
upon the secretary of state if, without the registration of 619
another agent with the secretary of state, its designated agent 620
has died, resigned, lost authority, dissolved, become 621
disqualified, or has removed from this state, or if its designated 622
agent cannot, with due diligence, be found.623

       Such report shall have attached as an exhibit an executed 624
copy of the trust instrument or a true and correct copy of it, 625
certified to be such by a trustee before an official authorized to 626
administer oaths or by a public official in another state in whose 627
office an executed copy is on file.628

       (B) Not more than ninety days after the occurrence of any 629
event causing any filing, including exhibits, made pursuant to 630
division (A) of this section, or any previous filing made pursuant 631
to this division, to be inaccurate or incomplete, there shall be 632
filed in the office of the secretary of state all information 633
necessary to maintain the accuracy and completeness of such 634

       (C) The secretary of state shall charge and collect the fees 636
specified in division (T) of section 111.16 of the Revised Code 637
for each filing made under division (A) or (B) of this section, 638
except for filings under division (B) of this section pertaining 639
solely to division (A)(5) of this section, for which the secretary 640
of state shall charge and collect the fee specified in division 641
(R) of section 111.16 of the Revised Code.642

       (D) The trust instrument and other information filed in the 643
office of the secretary of state are matters of public record, and 644
persons dealing with a business trust are charged with 645
constructive notice of the contents of any such instrument or 646
information by reason of such filing.647

       (E) A copy of a trust instrument or other information filed 648
in the office of the secretary of state shall be accepted as 649
prima-facie evidence of the existence of the instrument or other 650
information and of its contents, and conclusive evidence of the 651
existence of such record.652

       (F) The agent designated pursuant to division (A)(5) of this 653
section shall be one of the following:654

       (1) A natural person who is a resident of this state;655

       (2) A domestic or foreign corporation, nonprofit corporation, 656
limited liability company, partnership, limited partnership, 657
limited liability partnership, limited partnership association, 658
professional association, business trust, or unincorporated 659
nonprofit association that has a business address in this state. 660
If the agent is an entity other than a domestic corporation, the 661
agent shall meet the requirements of Title XVII of the Revised 662
Code for an entity of the agent's type to transact business or 663
exercise privileges in this state.664

       Sec. 1747.03.  (A) Before transacting real estate business in 665
this state, a real estate investment trust shall file the 666
following report in the office of the secretary of state, on forms 667
prescribed by the secretary of state:668

       (1) An executed copy of the trust instrument or a true and 669
correct copy of it, certified to be such by a trustee before an 670
official authorized to administer oaths or by a public official in 671
another state in whose office an executed copy is on file;672

       (2) A list of the names and addresses of its trustees;673

       (3) The address of its principal office;674

       (4) In the case of a foreign real estate investment trust, 675
the address of its principal office within this state, if any;676

       (5) The business name of the trust;677

       (6) The name and address within this state of a designated 678
agent upon whom process against the trust may be served;679

       (7) The irrevocable consent of the trust to service of 680
process on its designated agent and to service of process upon the 681
secretary of state if, without the registration of another agent 682
with the secretary of state, its designated agent has died, 683
resigned, lost authority, dissolved, become disqualified, or has 684
removed from this state, or if its designated agent cannot, with 685
due diligence, be found;686

       (8) Not more than ninety days after the occurrence of any 687
event causing any filing made pursuant to divisions (A)(2) to (6) 688
of this section, or any previous filing made pursuant to this 689
division, to be inaccurate or incomplete, all information 690
necessary to maintain the accuracy and completeness of such 691

       (B) For filings under this section, the secretary of state 693
shall charge and collect the fee specified in division (T) of 694
section 111.16 of the Revised Code, except for filings under 695
division (A)(8) of this section pertaining solely to division 696
(A)(6) of this section, for which the secretary of state shall 697
charge and collect the fee specified in division (R) of section 698
111.16 of the Revised Code.699

       (C) All persons shall be given the opportunity to acquire 700
knowledge of the contents of the trust instrument and other 701
information filed in the office of the secretary of state, but no 702
person dealing with a real estate investment trust shall be 703
charged with constructive notice of the contents of any such 704
instrument or information by reason of such filing.705

       (D) A copy of a trust instrument or other information filed 706
in the office of the secretary of state is prima-facie evidence of 707
the existence of the instrument or other information and of its 708
contents, and is conclusive evidence of the existence of such 709

       (E) The agent designated pursuant to division (A)(6) of this 711
section shall be one of the following:712

       (1) A natural person who is a resident of this state;713

       (2) A domestic or foreign corporation, nonprofit corporation, 714
limited liability company, partnership, limited partnership, 715
limited liability partnership, limited partnership association, 716
professional association, business trust, or unincorporated 717
nonprofit association that has a business address in this state. 718
If the agent is an entity other than a domestic corporation, the 719
agent shall meet the requirements of Title XVII of the Revised 720
Code for an entity of the agent's type to transact business or 721
exercise privileges in this state.722

       Sec. 1751.03.  (A) Each application for a certificate of 723
authority under this chapter shall be verified by an officer or 724
authorized representative of the applicant, shall be in a format 725
prescribed by the superintendent of insurance, and shall set forth 726
or be accompanied by the following:727

       (1) A certified copy of the applicant's articles of 728
incorporation and all amendments to the articles of incorporation;729

       (2) A copy of any regulations adopted for the government of 730
the corporation, any bylaws, and any similar documents, and a copy 731
of all amendments to these regulations, bylaws, and documents. The 732
corporate secretary shall certify that these regulations, bylaws, 733
documents, and amendments have been properly adopted or approved.734

       (3) A list of the names, addresses, and official positions of 735
the persons responsible for the conduct of the applicant, 736
including all members of the board, the principal officers, and 737
the person responsible for completing or filing financial 738
statements with the department of insurance, accompanied by a 739
completed original biographical affidavit and release of 740
information for each of these persons on forms acceptable to the 741
department; 742

       (4) A full and complete disclosure of the extent and nature 743
of any contractual or other financial arrangement between the 744
applicant and any provider or a person listed in division (A)(3) 745
of this section, including, but not limited to, a full and 746
complete disclosure of the financial interest held by any such 747
provider or person in any health care facility, provider, or 748
insurer that has entered into a financial relationship with the 749
health insuring corporation;750

       (5) A description of the applicant, its facilities, and its 751
personnel, including, but not limited to, the location, hours of 752
operation, and telephone numbers of all contracted facilities;753

       (6) The applicant's projected annual enrollee population over 754
a three-year period;755

       (7) A clear and specific description of the health care plan 756
or plans to be used by the applicant, including a description of 757
the proposed providers, procedures for accessing care, and the 758
form of all proposed and existing contracts relating to the 759
administration, delivery, or financing of health care services;760

       (8) A copy of each type of evidence of coverage and 761
identification card or similar document to be issued to 762

       (9) A copy of each type of individual or group policy, 764
contract, or agreement to be used;765

       (10) The schedule of the proposed contractual periodic 766
prepayments or premium rates, or both, accompanied by appropriate 767
supporting data;768

       (11) A financial plan which provides a three-year projection 769
of operating results, including the projected expenses, income, 770
and sources of working capital;771

       (12) The enrollee complaint procedure to be utilized as 772
required under section 1751.19 of the Revised Code;773

       (13) A description of the procedures and programs to be 774
implemented on an ongoing basis to assure the quality of health 775
care services delivered to enrollees, including, if applicable, a 776
description of a quality assurance program complying with the 777
requirements of sections 1751.73 to 1751.75 of the Revised Code;778

       (14) A statement describing the geographic area or areas to 779
be served, by county;780

       (15) A copy of all solicitation documents;781

       (16) A balance sheet and other financial statements showing 782
the applicant's assets, liabilities, income, and other sources of 783
financial support;784

       (17) A description of the nature and extent of any 785
reinsurance program to be implemented, and a demonstration that 786
errors and omission insurance and, if appropriate, fidelity 787
insurance, will be in place upon the applicant's receipt of a 788
certificate of authority;789

       (18) Copies of all proposed or in force related-party or 790
intercompany agreements with an explanation of the financial 791
impact of these agreements on the applicant. If the applicant 792
intends to enter into a contract for managerial or administrative 793
services, with either an affiliated or an unaffiliated person, the 794
applicant shall provide a copy of the contract and a detailed 795
description of the person to provide these services. The 796
description shall include that person's experience in managing or 797
administering health care plans, a copy of that person's most 798
recent audited financial statement, and a completed biographical 799
affidavit on a form acceptable to the superintendent for each of 800
that person's principal officers and board members and for any 801
additional employee to be directly involved in providing 802
managerial or administrative services to the health insuring 803
corporation. If the person to provide managerial or administrative 804
services is affiliated with the health insuring corporation, the 805
contract must provide for payment for services based on actual 806

       (19) A statement from the applicant's board that the admitted 808
assets of the applicant have not been and will not be pledged or 809

       (20) A statement from the applicant's board that the 811
applicant will submit monthly financial statements during the 812
first year of operations;813

       (21) The name and address of the applicant's Ohio statutory 814
agent for service of process, notice, or demand;815

       (22) Copies of all documents the applicant filed with the 816
secretary of state;817

       (23) The location of those books and records of the applicant 818
that must be maintained, which books and records shall be 819
maintained in Ohio if the applicant is a domestic corporation, and 820
which may be maintained either in the applicant's state of 821
domicile or in Ohio if the applicant is a foreign corporation;822

       (24) The applicant's federal identification number, corporate 823
address, and mailing address;824

       (25) An internal and external organizational chart;825

       (26) A list of the assets representing the initial net worth 826
of the applicant;827

       (27) If the applicant has a parent company, the parent 828
company's guaranty, on a form acceptable to the superintendent, 829
that the applicant will maintain Ohio's minimum net worth. If no 830
parent company exists, a statement regarding the availability of 831
future funds if needed.832

       (28) The names and addresses of the applicant's actuary and 833
external auditors;834

       (29) If the applicant is a foreign corporation, a copy of the 835
most recent financial statements filed with the insurance 836
regulatory agency in the applicant's state of domicile;837

       (30) If the applicant is a foreign corporation, a statement 838
from the insurance regulatory agency of the applicant's state of 839
domicile stating that the regulatory agency has no objection to 840
the applicant applying for an Ohio license and that the applicant 841
is in good standing in the applicant's state of domicile;842

       (31) Any other information that the superintendent may 843

       (32) Documentation acceptable to the superintendent of the 845
bond or securities required by section 1751.271 of the Revised 846

       (B)(1) A health insuring corporation, unless otherwise 848
provided for in this chapter or in section 3901.321 of the Revised 849
Code, shall file a timely notice with the superintendent 850
describing any change to the corporation's articles of 851
incorporation or regulations, or any major modification to its 852
operations as set out in the information required by division (A) 853
of this section that affects any of the following:854

       (a) The solvency of the health insuring corporation;855

       (b) The health insuring corporation's continued provision of 856
services that it has contracted to provide;857

       (c) The manner in which the health insuring corporation 858
conducts its business.859

       (2) If the change or modification is to be the result of an 860
action to be taken by the health insuring corporation, the notice 861
shall be filed with the superintendent prior to the health 862
insuring corporation taking the action. The action shall be deemed 863
approved if the superintendent does not disapprove it within sixty 864
days of filing.865

       (3) The filing of a notice pursuant to division (B)(1) or (2) 866
of this section shall also serve as the submission of a notice 867
when required for the superintendent's review for purposes of 868
section 3901.341 of the Revised Code, if the notice contains all 869
of the information that section 3901.341 of the Revised Code 870
requires for such submissions and a copy of any written agreement. 871
The filing of such a notice, for the purpose of satisfying this 872
division and section 3901.341 of the Revised Code, shall be 873
subject to the sixty-day review period of division (B)(2) of this 874

       (C)(1) No health insuring corporation shall expand its 876
approved service area until a copy of the request for expansion, 877
accompanied by documentation of the network of providers, forms of 878
all proposed or existing provider contracts relating to the 879
delivery of health care services, a schedule of proposed 880
contractual periodic prepayments and premium rates for group 881
contracts accompanied by appropriate supporting data, enrollment 882
projections, plan of operation, and any other changes have been 883
filed with the superintendent.884

       (2) Within seventy-five days after the superintendent's 885
receipt of a complete filing under division (C)(1) of this 886
section, the superintendent shall determine whether the plan for 887
expansion is lawful, fair, and reasonable. 888

        If the superintendent has not approved or disapproved all or 889
a portion of a service area expansion within the seventy-five-day 890
period, the filing shall be deemed approved.891

       (3) Disapproval of all or a portion of the filing shall be 892
effected by written notice, which shall state the grounds for the 893
order of disapproval and shall be given in accordance with Chapter 894
119. of the Revised Code.895

       (D) The agent named under division (A)(21) of this section 896
shall be one of the following:897

       (1) A natural person who is a resident of this state;898

       (2) A domestic or foreign corporation, nonprofit corporation, 899
limited liability company, partnership, limited partnership, 900
limited liability partnership, limited partnership association, 901
professional association, business trust, or unincorporated 902
nonprofit association that has a business address in this state. 903
If the agent is an entity other than a domestic corporation, the 904
agent shall meet the requirements of Title XVII of the Revised 905
Code for an entity of the agent's type to transact business or 906
exercise privileges in this state.907

       Sec. 1776.07. (A) Any partnership that maintains an effective 908
statement of partnership authority under section 1776.33 of the 909
Revised Code shall maintain continuously in this state an agent 910
for service of process on the partnership. The agent shall be an 911
individualone of the following:912

       (1) A natural person who is a resident of this state, a;913

       (2) A domestic corporation, or a foreign corporation holding 914
a license as a foreign corporation under the laws of, nonprofit 915
corporation, limited liability company, partnership, limited 916
partnership, limited liability partnership, limited partnership 917
association, professional association, business trust, or 918
unincorporated nonprofit association that has a business address 919
in this state. If the agent is an entity other than a domestic 920
corporation, the agent shall meet the requirements of Title XVII 921
of the Revised Code for an entity of the agent's type to transact 922
business or exercise privileges in this state.923

       (B) The secretary of state shall not accept an original 924
statement of partnership authority for filing unless the statement 925
of partnership authority includes a written appointment of an 926
agent as this section requires and a written acceptance of the 927
appointment signed by the designated agent.928

       (C) If an agent dies, resigns, or moves outside of this 929
state, the partnership shall appoint forthwith another agent and 930
file with the secretary of state an amendment to its statement of 931
partnership authority appointing a new agent and including a 932
written acceptance of the appointment that is signed by the 933
designated agent.934

       (D) If the address of an agent changes from that stated in 935
the records of the secretary of state, the partnership forthwith 936
shall file with the secretary of state an amendment to its 937
statement of partnership authority setting forth the new address.938

       (E) An agent may resign by filing a written and signed notice 939
of resignation with the secretary of state on a form the secretary 940
prescribes and mailing a copy of that notice to the partnership. 941
The agent shall mail the copy of the notice to the partnership at 942
the current or last known address of its principal office on or 943
prior to the date that the agent files the notice with the 944
secretary of state. The notice shall include the name of the 945
partnership, the name and current address of the agent, the 946
current or last known address, including the street and number or 947
other particular description, of the partnership's principal 948
office, a statement of the resignation of the agent, and a 949
statement that a copy of the notice was provided to the 950
partnership within the time and in the manner specified in this 951
division. The resigning agent's authority terminates thirty days 952
after filing the notice with the secretary of state.953

       (F) A partnership may revoke the appointment of its agent by 954
filing with the secretary of state an amendment to its statement 955
of partnership authority indicating that the appointment of the 956
former agent is revoked and that a new agent is appointed. A 957
written acceptance signed by the new designated agent shall 958
accompany the filing.959

       (G)(1) Any legal process, notice, or demand required or 960
permitted by law to be served upon a partnership with an effective 961
statement of partnership authority may be served upon the 962
partnership as follows:963

       (a) If its agent is an individuala natural person, by 964
delivering a copy of the process, notice, or demand to the agent;965

       (b) If its agent is not a corporationnatural person, by 966
delivering a copy of the process, notice, or demand to the address 967
of the agent in this state as contained in the records of the 968
secretary of state.969

       (2)(a) If its agent cannot be found or no longer has the 970
address stated in the records of the secretary of state or the 971
partnership has failed to maintain an agent as this section 972
requires, and the party, agent, or representative that desires 973
service files with the secretary of state an affidavit stating 974
that one of those circumstances exists and the most recent address 975
of the partnership ascertained after a diligent search, then 976
service upon the secretary of state as the agent of the 977
partnership may be initiated by delivering to the secretary of 978
state four copies of the process, notice, or demand accompanied by 979
a fee of not less than five and not more than seven dollars, as 980
determined by the secretary of state.981

       (b) The secretary of state forthwith shall give notice of 982
that delivery to the partnership at either its principal office as 983
shown upon the secretary of state's records or at any different 984
address specified in the affidavit of the party desiring service 985
and shall forward to the partnership at either address by 986
certified mail, return receipt requested, a copy of the process, 987
notice, or demand.988

       (c) Service upon the partnership is made when the secretary 989
of state gives the notice and forwards the process, notice, or 990
demand as set forth in division (G)(2) of this section.991

       (H) The secretary of state shall keep a record of each 992
process, notice, and demand that pertains to a partnership and 993
that is delivered to the secretary of state's office under this 994
section or another law of this state that authorizes service upon 995
the secretary of state in connection with a partnership. In that 996
record, the secretary shall record the time of each delivery of 997
that type and the secretary's subsequent action with respect to 998
the process, notice, or demand.999

       (I) Nothing in this section limits or affects the right to 1000
serve process in any other manner now or hereafter provided by 1001
law. This section is an extension of, and not a limitation upon, 1002
the right otherwise existing of service of legal process.1003

       Sec. 1776.86. (A) A foreign limited liability partnership 1004
shall file a statement of foreign qualification with the secretary 1005
of state prior to transacting any business in this state. The 1006
statement shall contain all of the following:1007

       (1) The name of the foreign limited liability partnership. 1008
The name shall satisfy the requirements of the state or other 1009
jurisdiction under whose law it is formed and shall end with 1010
"registered limited liability partnership," "limited liability 1011
partnership," "R.L.L.P.," "L.L.P.," "RLLP," or "LLP."1012

       (2) The street address of the partnership's chief executive 1013
office and, if the partnership's chief executive office is not in 1014
this state, the street address of any partnership office in this 1015

       (3) If there is no office of the partnership in this state, 1017
the name and street address of the partnership's agent for service 1018
of process;1019

       (4) Any deferred effective date;1020

       (5) Evidence of existence in its jurisdiction of origin.1021

       (B) The agent of a foreign limited liability partnership for 1022
service of process shall be an individualone of the following:1023

       (1) A natural person who is a resident of this state or 1024
another person authorized to do;1025

       (2) A domestic or foreign corporation, nonprofit corporation, 1026
limited liability company, partnership, limited partnership, 1027
limited liability partnership, limited partnership association, 1028
professional association, business trust, or unincorporated 1029
nonprofit association that has a business address in this state. 1030
If the agent is an entity other than a domestic corporation, the 1031
agent shall meet the requirements of Title XVII of the Revised 1032
Code for an entity of the agent's type to transact business or 1033
exercise privileges in this state.1034

       (C) The status of a partnership as a foreign limited 1035
liability partnership is effective on the later of the filing of 1036
the statement of foreign qualification or a date specified in the 1037
statement. The status remains effective, regardless of changes in 1038
the partnership, until it is canceled pursuant to division (D) of 1039
section 1776.05 of the Revised Code or revoked pursuant to section 1040
1776.83 of the Revised Code.1041

       (D) An amendment or cancellation of a statement of foreign 1042
qualification is effective when it is filed or on a deferred 1043
effective date specified in the amendment or cancellation.1044

       Sec. 1782.04.  (A) Each limited partnership shall maintain 1045
continuously in this state an agent for service of process on the 1046
limited partnership. The agent shall be aone of the following:1047

       (1) A natural person who is a resident of this state, a;1048

       (2) A domestic corporation, or a foreign corporation holding 1049
a license as such under the laws of, nonprofit corporation, 1050
limited liability company, partnership, limited partnership, 1051
limited liability partnership, limited partnership association, 1052
professional association, business trust, or unincorporated 1053
nonprofit association that has a business address in this state. 1054
If the agent is an entity other than a domestic corporation, the 1055
agent shall meet the requirements of Title XVII of the Revised 1056
Code for an entity of the agent's type to transact business or 1057
exercise privileges in this state.1058

       (B) The secretary of state shall not accept a certificate of 1059
limited partnership for filing unless there is filed with the 1060
certificate a written appointment of an agent that is signed by 1061
the general partners of the limited partnership and a written 1062
acceptance of the appointment that is signed by the agent, or 1063
unless there is filed a written appointment of an agent that is 1064
signed by any authorized officer of the limited partnership and a 1065
written acceptance of the appointment that is either the original 1066
acceptance signed by the agent or a photocopy, facsimile, or 1067
similar reproduction of the original acceptance signed by the 1068

       In the discretion of the secretary of state, an original 1070
appointment of statutory agent may be submitted on the same form 1071
as the certificate of limited partnership but shall not be 1072
considered a part of the certificate.1073

       (C) The written appointment of an agent shall set forth the 1074
name and address in this state of the agent, including the street 1075
and number or other particular description, and shall otherwise be 1076
in the form the secretary of state prescribes. The secretary of 1077
state shall keep a record of the names of limited partnerships, 1078
and the names and addresses of their respective agents.1079

       (D) If any agent dies, removes from the state, or resigns, 1080
the limited partnership shall forthwith appoint another agent and 1081
file with the secretary of state, on a form prescribed by the 1082
secretary of state, a written appointment of the new agent.1083

       (E) If the agent changes the agent's address from that 1084
appearing upon the record in the office of the secretary of state, 1085
the limited partnership or the agent forthwith shall file with the 1086
secretary of state, on a form prescribed by the secretary of 1087
state, a written statement setting forth the new address.1088

       (F) An agent may resign by filing with the secretary of 1089
state, on a form prescribed by the secretary of state, a written 1090
notice to that effect that is signed by the agent and by sending a 1091
copy of the notice to the limited partnership at its current or 1092
last known address or its principal office on or prior to the date 1093
the notice is filed with the secretary of state. The notice shall 1094
set forth the name of the limited partnership, the name and 1095
current address of the agent, the current or last known address, 1096
including the street and number or other particular description, 1097
of the limited partnership's principal office, the resignation of 1098
the agent, and a statement that a copy of the notice has been sent 1099
to the limited partnership within the time and in the manner 1100
prescribed by this division. Upon the expiration of thirty days 1101
after the filing, the authority of the agent shall terminate.1102

       (G) A limited partnership may revoke the appointment of an 1103
agent by filing with the secretary of state, on a form prescribed 1104
by the secretary of state, a written appointment of another agent 1105
and a statement that the appointment of the former agent is 1106

       (H) Except when an original appointment of an agent is filed 1108
with the certificate of limited partnership, a written appointment 1109
of an agent or a written statement filed by a limited partnership 1110
with the secretary of state shall be signed by any authorized 1111
officer of the limited partnership, or the general partners of the 1112
limited partnership, or a majority of them.1113

       Sec. 1782.49.  Before transacting business in this state, a 1114
foreign limited partnership shall register with the secretary of 1115
state. In order to register, a foreign limited partnership shall 1116
submit to the secretary of state an application for registration 1117
as a foreign limited partnership. The application shall be on a 1118
form prescribed by the secretary of state, shall be signed by a 1119
general partner, and shall set forth all of the following:1120

       (A) The name of the foreign limited partnership;1121

       (B) The state and date of its formation;1122

       (C) The name and address of anythe agent for service of 1123
process on the foreign limited partnership, whom the foreign 1124
limited partnership elects toshall appoint. The agent shall be an 1125
individualone of the following:1126

       (1) A natural person who is a resident of this state, a;1127

       (2) A domestic corporation, or a foreign corporation having a 1128
place of business in, and authorized to do, nonprofit corporation, 1129
limited liability company, partnership, limited partnership, 1130
limited liability partnership, limited partnership association, 1131
professional association, business trust, or unincorporated 1132
nonprofit association that has a business address in this state. 1133
If the agent is an entity other than a domestic corporation, the 1134
agent shall meet the requirements of Title XVII of the Revised 1135
Code for an entity of the agent's type to transact business or 1136
exercise privileges in, this state.1137

       (D) A statement that the secretary of state is appointed the 1138
agent of the foreign limited partnership for service of process if 1139
an agent has not been appointed under division (C) of this 1140
section, or, if an agent is appointed, the agent's authority has 1141
been revoked or the agent is not found or served after the 1142
exercise of reasonable diligence;1143

       (E) The address of the office required to be maintained in 1144
the state of its organization by the laws of that state or, if not 1145
so required, of the principal office of the foreign limited 1146

       (F) The names and business or residence addresses of the 1148
general partners;1149

       (G) The address of the office at which is kept a list of the 1150
names and business or residence addresses of the limited partners 1151
and their capital contributions, together with an undertaking by 1152
the foreign limited partnership to keep those records until the 1153
registration of the foreign limited partnership in this state is 1154
canceled or withdrawn.1155

       Section 2.  That existing sections 1701.07, 1702.06, 1156
1703.041, 1705.06, 1705.54, 1729.06, 1733.06, 1745.13, 1746.04, 1157
1747.03, 1751.03, 1776.07, 1776.86, 1782.04, and 1782.49 of the 1158
Revised Code are hereby repealed.1159