As Adopted by the Senate

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. C. R. No. 27

Senator Gibbs 

Cosponsors: Senators Grendell, Seitz, Buehrer, Cates, Carey, Faber, Harris, Niehaus, Schaffer, Schuring, Hughes, Widener, Patton, Gillmor 

To urge the Congress of the United States to adopt 1
legislation invalidating regulations of the United 2
States Environmental Protection Agency related to 3
greenhouse gases.4


       WHEREAS, The Administrator of the United States Environmental 5
Protection Agency has formally issued an endangerment finding in 6
the Federal Register under the federal Clean Air Act regarding six 7
greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide; and 8

       WHEREAS, The Environmental Protection Agency's efforts to 9
regulate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases under the Clean 10
Air Act without Congressional input represents a clear 11
contravention of the principle of separation of powers; and12

       WHEREAS, The regulation of carbon dioxide and other 13
greenhouse gases has serious implications with respect to the 14
economy of the United States and would likely result in slower or 15
negative economic growth, a loss of competitiveness in the global 16
market, and a reduction of the standard of living of the citizens 17
of the United States; and18

       WHEREAS, At a time when the economy is in a fragile period of 19
recovery from the most severe recession since the Great 20
Depression, the unemployment rate exceeds ten per cent, and job 21
growth has been negligible, it would be unwise to embark upon a 22
new regulatory scheme that would create serious economic 23
uncertainty; and24

       WHEREAS, There are multiple joint resolutions pending in the 25
Congress, Senate Joint Resolution 26 and House Joint Resolutions 26
76 and 77, that have been introduced by members of both political 27
parties. Those resolutions have been introduced pursuant to 28
provisions of the Congressional Review Act, which authorizes 29
Congress to review every new federal regulation issued by federal 30
agencies and, by passage of a joint resolution, overrule a 31
regulation. The resolutions generally provide that the Congress of 32
the United States disapproves of the rule submitted by the United 33
States Environmental Protection Agency related to the endangerment 34
finding for greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act; now 35
therefore be it36

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 128th General Assembly 37
of the State of Ohio, in adopting this resolution, strongly urge 38
the Congress to adopt legislation that disapproves of the rule of 39
the United States Environmental Protection Agency related to the 40
endangerment finding for greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act; 41
and be it further42

       RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Senate transmit duly 43
authenticated copies of this resolution to the Speaker and Clerk 44
of the United States House of Representatives, the President Pro 45
Tempore and Secretary of the United States Senate, the members of 46
the Ohio Congressional delegation, and the news media of Ohio.47