As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. C. R. No. 5

Senator Smith 

Cosponsors: Senators Morano, Cafaro, Roberts, Stewart 

To urge the President and Congress of the United 1
States to provide funds for the Ohio Hub rail 2
corridor development.3


       WHEREAS, The Ohio Rail Development Commission (ORDC) and the 4
Ohio Department of Transportation have completed an analysis of 5
constructing and operating an intercity and interstate passenger 6
rail system serving Ohio and the Midwest, known as the Ohio Hub; 7

       WHEREAS, The Ohio Hub study concludes that construction and 9
operation of the rail system will create a significant economic 10
stimulus, that the economic benefits justify the investment, that 11
construction is economically feasible and justifiable assuming an 12
80% federal construction match, and that the project will not be a 13
burden on the State's annual budget; and14

       WHEREAS, The first two project development phases will 15
advance proposed rail corridors through the required steps under 16
the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and will resolve 17
decisions regarding routes, station locations, and other capital 18
improvements and provide a "record of decision" to be approved by 19
the Federal Railroad Administration; and20

       WHEREAS, At the request of Governor Ted Strickland, the ORDC 21
has also undertaken a study of conventional-speed passenger rail 22
in the Cleveland-Columbus-Cincinnati (3-C) Corridor as an 23
incremental step toward the above goals; and24

       WHEREAS, It is highly unlikely that ORDC and Ohio's 25
neighboring states will advance the development of the proposed 26
intercity and interstate passenger rail system without federal 27
matching funds; and28

       WHEREAS, Ohio and the nation are faced with an array of 29
urgent economic, environmental, and mobility challenges that 30
require bold, effective action be taken to implement strategic and 31
essential investments in our rail system; now therefore be it32

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 128th General Assembly 33
of the State of Ohio, acting on behalf of the citizens of Ohio, 34
urge the President and Congress to support the ORDC's 2009 federal 35
funding requests to complete program level, first tier 36
Environmental Impact Statements for Ohio Hub rail corridors; and 37
be it further38

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 128th General Assembly 39
of the State of Ohio, acting on behalf of the citizens of Ohio, 40
urge the President and Congress to fully fund the federal 41
Intercity Passenger Rail Investment & Improvement Program with the 42
long-term funding necessary to finance the Ohio Hub rail capacity 43
improvements and with the federal government providing 80% of the 44
capital costs necessary to build the system; and be it further45

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 128th General Assembly 46
of the State of Ohio, acting on behalf of the citizens of Ohio, 47
urge the President and Congress to fund 3-C Corridor improvements 48
to support ORDC's work with Amtrak in establishing 49
conventional-speed passenger rail service in the corridor as a 50
good first step in development of the Ohio Hub; and be it further51

       RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Senate transmit duly 52
authenticated copies of this resolution to the President of the 53
United States, to the members of the Ohio Congressional 54
delegation, to the Speaker and the Clerk of the United States 55
House of Representatives, to the President Pro Tempore and 56
Secretary of the United States Senate, to the Governor of Ohio, to 57
the ORDC, and to the news media of Ohio.58