Corrected Version

As Adopted by the Senate

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
Am. S. C. R. No. 6

Senators Grendell, Buehrer 

Cosponsors: Senators Coughlin, Gibbs, Schaffer, Seitz, Wagoner, Schuring, Faber, Cates, Gillmor, Jones, Carey, Patton, Harris, Husted 

To urge the President of the United States and the 1
Congress of the United States to oppose any 2
federal legislation that increases access to or 3
funding for abortion.4


       WHEREAS, Thirty-seven years after Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 5
(1973) was decided on January 22, 1973, abortion supporters 6
continue to advocate for policies that increase access to 7
abortion, require health plans to include abortion coverage, and 8
utilize taxpayer money to fund abortion; and9

       WHEREAS, In the current deliberations over a final version of 10
comprehensive health care legislation, the United States Congress 11
is considering provisions that may increase access to abortion, 12
authorize direct or indirect federal or state funding for abortion 13
services, require private insurers to offer health plans that 14
include abortion coverage, and provide individuals with federally 15
subsidized public health plans that include abortion coverage; and16

       WHEREAS, In previous sessions of Congress, legislation such 17
as the Freedom of Choice Act (H.R. 1964 and S. 1173 of the 110th 18
Congress) has been introduced and sought a declaration that it is 19
the policy of the United States that every woman has the 20
fundamental right to choose to bear a child, terminate a pregnancy 21
prior to fetal viability, or terminate a pregnancy after fetal 22
viability when necessary to protect her life or her health, and 23
also sought a prohibition on federal, state, or local governmental 24
entities from denying or interfering with a woman's right to 25
exercise such choices or discriminating against the exercise of 26
those rights in the regulation or provision of benefits, 27
facilities, services, or information; and28

       WHEREAS, Any federal legislation that increases access to 29
abortion is a radical attempt to enshrine abortion-on-demand into 30
American law, to sweep aside existing laws that the majority of 31
Americans support, such as requirements involving fully informed 32
consent, parental involvement, and that licensed physicians 33
perform abortions, and seeks to prevent states from enacting 34
similar protective measures in the future; and35

       WHEREAS, Such federal legislation not only usurps the moral 36
right of every American to condemn a practice that has a 37
substantial negative impact on women and a deleterious effect on 38
society as a whole, it also constitutes a cynical attempt to 39
prematurely end the debate over abortion and declare "victory" in 40
the face of mounting evidence that the American public does not 41
support the vast majority of abortions being performed in the 42
United States each year; now therefore be it43

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 128th General Assembly 44
of the State of Ohio, urge the President of the United States and 45
the Congress of the United States to oppose any legislation that 46
in any manner increases access to or funding for abortion, 47
including such provisions of any final version of comprehensive 48
health care legislation or any legislation introduced during the 49
111th Congress that is the same as or similar to the Freedom of 50
Choice Act; and be it further51

       RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Senate transmit duly 52
authenticated copies of this resolution to the President of the 53
United States, the Speaker and Clerk of the United States House of 54
Representatives, the President Pro Tempore and the Secretary of 55
the United States Senate, the members of the Ohio Congressional 56
delegation, the Governor of the State of Ohio, and the news media 57
of Ohio.58