As Adopted by the Senate

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. R. No. 11

Senator Niehaus 

Cosponsors: Senators Faber, Wagoner, Miller, R., Cafaro, Kearney, Morano, Wilson, Patton, Smith, Seitz 

To adopt Rules of the Senate for the 128th General 1


       RESOLVED, That the following are the Rules of the Senate for 3
the 128th General Assembly:4




       Rule 1. (Time of Sessions.) The sessions of the Senate shall 8
be held at such times as are determined by the President. For the 9
months of January through June in each year, and separately for 10
the months of July through December in each year, the President, 11
at the beginning of each six-month period, shall establish a 12
schedule of dates and times according to which the Senate shall 13
hold sessions and at which roll call votes are taken. The schedule 14
and any revision or supplement thereto shall be published and a 15
copy provided to each senator.16

       Rule 2. (May Select Senator to Preside.) The President may 17
name any senator to perform the duties of the chair, but such18
substitution shall not extend beyond an adjournment; nor shall any 19
senator so named attest any document as President or President Pro 20
Tempore of the Senate.21

       Rule 3. (Clerk Shall Call Senate to Order.) When both the22
President and the President Pro Tempore are absent at the hour to23
which the Senate has adjourned or taken a recess, the Clerk shall24
call the Senate to order and the Senate shall proceed to select25
some member to act as presiding officer until the President or26
President Pro Tempore is present, or an adjournment is taken.27

       Rule 4. (President to Enforce Rules.) The President shall28
enforce the rules of the Senate. The President shall preserve 29
order and decorum in the proceedings of the Senate; and in case of 30
any disturbance or disorderly conduct in the lobby the President31
shall have the power to order the same to be cleared. When the32
Senate is recessed or adjourned, the Clerk shall be responsible33
for the preservation of order and decorum in the Senate Chamber. 34
The Clerk shall post in the Clerk's office the times of opening 35
and closing to the public.36

       The Senate Chamber, Senate offices, Senate committee and 37
conference rooms, the Members' Lounge, and all adjoining spaces 38
shall be designated as non-smoking areas. This rule shall be 39
strictly enforced.40

       Rule 5. (Signing of Acts, etc.) The President or, in the41
President's absence, the President Pro Tempore shall sign all acts 42
and joint resolutions when passed or adopted by both houses; and43
all writs and all warrants and subpoenas issued by the action of 44
the Senate shall be signed by the President and attested to by the 45
Clerk. Initiation and defense of legal actions by the Senate shall 46
be decided by the President. The President Pro Tempore, in the 47
absence of the President, shall have all the rights, privileges, 48
authority, duties, and responsibilities of the President.49


       Rule 6. (Daily Order, Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, and51
Reading of Journal.) As soon as the Senate is called to order52
prayer may be offered, the pledge of allegiance to the flag may be 53
said, and, a quorum being present, the Journal of the preceding 54
legislative day shall be read by the Clerk.55

       Rule 7. (Order of Business.) As soon as the Journal is read 56
and approved, the order of business shall be as follows:57

       1. Reports of reference and bills for second consideration.58

       2. Reports of standing and select committees.59

       3. House amendments to Senate bills and resolutions.60

       4. Reports of conference committees.61

       5. Resolutions, including joint resolutions and concurrent 62
resolutions, reported by committee.63

       6. Bills for third consideration.64

       7. Motions.65

       8. Introduction and first consideration of bills.66

       9. Offering of resolutions and adoption of resolutions not 67
referred to committee.68

       Rule 8. (Order of Business, How Changed.) The business of the 69
Senate shall be disposed of in the order provided by Rule 7. To 70
revert to or advance to a new order of business requires only a 71
majority vote of the members of the Senate.72

       Rule 9. (Message from House and Executive.) Messages from the 73
House and communications from any branch of the executive 74
department of the state may be received by the Clerk at any time,75
except when the yeas and nays are being called.76

       Rule 10. (Majority Constitutes Quorum, Less May Compel77
Attendance.) A majority of all members elected to the Senate shall 78
constitute a quorum, but a less number may compel the attendance 79
of absent members or adjourn from day to day.80

       Rule 11. (Absence of Quorum, No Business, Procedure.) Should 81
a roll call show the absence of a quorum, the President shall 82
direct the Sergeant-at-Arms to dispatch the Sergeant-at-Arms's 83
messengers for the absentees and until a quorum is present no84
business shall be in order except a motion to adjourn and the85
enforcement of the attendance of the absentees.86

       Rule 12. (Call of Senate, How Demanded.) Any senator may87
demand a call of the Senate providing the demand is seconded by88
three other senators and upon such call the names of the senators89
shall be called by the Clerk in their alphabetical order and the90
names of the absentees entered upon the Journal.91

       Rule 13. (Procedure under Call of Senate.) While the Senate 92
is under call the doors shall be closed; senators shall take and 93
remain in their seats and no senator shall be permitted to leave 94
the Chamber unless by a majority vote of the senators present.95

       Rule 14. (Call of Senate, Absentees Brought in.) On the96
completion of the roll call on the call of the Senate, the97
President shall direct the Sergeant-at-Arms to bring in the98
absentees, if any, and until such absentees have appeared at the99
bar of the Senate and answered to their names, no business shall100
be in order except a motion to adjourn and a motion to dispense101
with further proceedings under the call.102

       Rule 15. (Call of Senate, Motion to Adjourn if Defeated.) 103
During a call of the Senate, if a motion to adjourn has been voted 104
down, it shall not be renewed until a motion to dispense with the 105
call has been voted upon, or until an additional senator has 106
appeared and answered to the roll call. A motion to dispense with 107
further proceedings under the call shall not be made in the 108
absence of quorum.109

       Rule 16. (After Call of Senate, Senator Cannot Leave.) When a 110
call of the Senate has been completed and further proceedings 111
under the call have been dispensed with, no senator shall be 112
permitted to leave the Chamber until the order of business for 113
which the call was demanded has been disposed of, except by leave 114
of a majority of the senators elected.115


       Rule 17. (Absences, Must be Excused.) Any absence of a member 117
from a session of the Senate must be excused. Before a member may 118
be excused from such an absence from a voting session, the member 119
shall submit an explanation for the absence in writing to the120
Clerk. A member shall be automatically excused from a nonvoting121

       Rule 18. (Mileage Reimbursement, Payment of.) The 123
reimbursement based on mileage as provided for in section 101.27 124
of the Revised Code shall be paid to each qualifying member by the 125
Clerk unless a member is not present in Columbus during a week.126


       Rule 19. (Appointment of.) At as early a date as practicable 128
after the organization of the Senate, the President of the Senate, 129
by message, shall name and appoint standing committees. In 130
addition, the President of the Senate, by message, shall name, and 131
may substitute, members of the Senate to serve on boards, 132
commissions, task forces, and other bodies created by law and on 133
which Senate members are eligible to serve, except as otherwise 134
provided. The Minority Leader of the Senate may recommend minority 135
party members for each committee.136

       Rule 20. (Committee Chairperson; Expenses; Attendance of137
Witnesses.) The President shall designate a chairperson and 138
vice-chairperson as well as a ranking minority member for each139
committee. The Minority Leader of the Senate may recommend the 140
ranking minority member for each committee. In the absence of the 141
chairperson or vice-chairperson, the committee may designate a142

       The President may be substituted as a voting member of any144
committee and the committee records shall reflect such fact and145
the committee member for whom the President has been substituted. 146
The Minority Leader shall be an ex-officio nonvoting member of 147
each committee and the President may, at the Minority Leader's 148
request, substitute the Minority Leader as a voting member of any 149
committee and the committee records shall reflect such fact and 150
the committee member for whom the Minority Leader has been 151

       No committee or member thereof shall be permitted to incur153
any expenses without first receiving the written consent of the154
President or the Committee on Rules. Authorization by the155
Committee on Rules shall be signed by the Chairperson of the 156
Committee on Rules.157

       When authorized by the President, the chairperson of a158
standing committee of the Senate, with respect to any pending or159
contemplated legislation, or with respect to any matter committed160
to the standing committee, or the chairperson of a select 161
committee of the Senate, with respect to any matter committed to 162
the select committee, may issue a subpoena under sections 101.41 163
to 101.46 of the Revised Code, or may issue an order under section 164
101.81 of the Revised Code, to compel the attendance of witnesses 165
or the production of books, papers, or other tangible evidence.166

       Rule 21. (Committee Meetings, Called by, Rules, Record.) Each167
committee shall meet upon the call of its chairperson, and in case 168
of the chairperson's absence, or refusal to call the committee 169
together, a meeting may be called by a majority of the members of 170
the committee. At least two days preceding the day bills or joint 171
resolutions to propose a constitutional amendment are to be given172
a first hearing, the Clerk shall post in the Clerk's office the 173
schedule of such bills and joint resolutions in each standing 174
committee or subcommittee with the exception of the standing175
Committee on Rules. In a case of necessity, the notice of hearing 176
may be given in a shorter period than two days by such reasonable 177
method as shall be prescribed by the Committee on Rules.178

       Where applicable, the rules of the Senate apply to the 179
committee proceedings of the Senate. In addition, all committee 180
meetings shall be governed by section 101.15 of the Revised Code. 181
On any occasion when a majority or more of the members of a 182
standing committee, select committee, or subcommittee of a183
standing or select committee of the Senate meet together for a184
prearranged discussion of the public business of the committee or 185
subcommittee, the meeting shall be open to the public unless 186
closed in accordance with Ohio Constitution, Article II, Section 187

       Rule 22. (May Not Sit During Session of Senate.) No committee 189
shall sit during the daily sessions of the Senate without leave of 190
a majority of the Senate. A committee may sit during a recess from 191
the daily session of the Senate.192

       Rule 23. (Committee Quorum.) A majority of all members of a 193
committee shall constitute a quorum. A less number may meet to194
hear a measure, but unless a quorum is present, no motion except 195
to adjourn shall be in order.196

       Rule 24. (Votes Required by Committee; Reconsideration by 197
Committee.) The affirmative vote of a majority of all members 198
constituting a committee shall be necessary to agree to any motion 199
to recommend for passage or to postpone indefinitely further 200
consideration of bills or resolutions. Every member present shall 201
vote in the affirmative or the negative except when excused by the 202
committee upon request made prior to the call of the roll. A 203
member may defer the member's vote only during the first call of 204
the roll on any question. No proxy vote shall be valid. At the 205
discretion of the chairperson, the roll call may be continued for 206
a vote by any member who was present at the meeting prior to the 207
roll call on a bill, resolution, or appointment for which the roll 208
call was continued, but the roll shall not remain open later than 209
10:00 a.m. on the next calendar day.210

       A motion to reconsider may be made by any member of a 211
committee, and, except as provided in Rule 25, such motion, to be 212
in order, must be made while the matter proposed to be 213
reconsidered remains before the committee. A motion to reconsider 214
shall not prevail unless it receives the same number of 215
affirmative votes as were required originally to pass the matter 216
proposed to be reconsidered.217

       Rule 25. (Measures Postponed Indefinitely.) Any bill or218
resolution postponed indefinitely is rejected and shall not be219
subject to further consideration by the committee, except upon the 220
adoption of a motion for its reconsideration not later than the 221
next meeting of the committee. Notice shall be given immediately 222
to the Clerk when a bill or resolution has been indefinitely 223
postponed. Such measure shall not be reintroduced in the Senate 224
while indefinitely postponed.225

       Rule 26. (Committee Reports, Presentation of House Bills and 226
Resolutions.) Any committee of the Senate may report back to the 227
Senate any measure referred to it, with or without amendments, or 228
may report back a substitute for any measure referred to it. No 229
committee may report back any measure referred to it or any 230
substitute for such measure without recommending its passage or 231
adoption, and the report shall not be received by the Clerk unless 232
signed by the majority of the committee who voted in support of 233
the action. The report shall also contain the signatures of those 234
who voted against adoption or passage, which shall be included in 235
the Journal. No member shall sign a committee report who was not236
present at the meeting.237

       When a standing committee recommends a House bill for passage 238
or a House joint or concurrent resolution for adoption, the 239
chairperson of the committee shall, when the same is called up for 240
consideration, cause the bill or joint or concurrent resolution to 241
be properly presented to the Senate.242

       Rule 27. (Records to be Kept.) Each committee shall keep243
minutes of its proceedings, including a record of committee 244
attendance and the names of all persons who speak before the 245
committee, whether such persons are a proponent, opponent, or 246
other interested party on the issue on which they appear, the 247
names of the persons, firms, associations, or corporations in 248
whose behalf such persons appear, and such other matters as may be 249
directed by the Committee on Rules. A record of motions and the 250
votes thereon shall be kept by the committee.251

       Rule 28. (Records Open to Examination; Filing of Records.) 252
During the period of sessions, committee voting records shall be 253
open for examination by any citizen of Ohio at reasonable times 254
and subject to adequate safeguards established by the chairperson 255
to protect and preserve such records. Upon final adjournment of 256
the Senate, the committee records shall be filed with the Clerk. 257
Committee voting records filed with the Clerk shall be open for 258
examination by any citizen of Ohio at reasonable times and subject 259
to adequate safeguards established by the Clerk and the records 260
retention schedule adopted by the Clerk.261

       Rule 29. (Committee Shall Examine Bills, etc.) Every262
committee to which a bill or resolution is referred shall263
carefully examine the form, phraseology, punctuation, and264
arrangement thereof and when necessary report to the Senate265
amendments to correct the same.266

       Rule 30. (Select Committees, Appointed by.) All committees 267
shall be appointed by the President.268

       Rule 31. (Motion to Commit, Cannot Be Amended.) When a motion 269
is made to commit to a standing committee, it shall not be in 270
order to amend such motion by substitution of any other committee.271

       Rule 32. (Motion to Discharge a Committee.) A motion to272
discharge a committee of further consideration of a bill or273
resolution which has been referred to such committee thirty274
calendar days or more prior thereto, shall be in writing and275
deposited in the office of the Clerk. Before such motion may be276
filed with the Clerk, there shall be attached thereto the277
signatures of a majority of the members elected to the Senate, and 278
each member so signing must do so in the office of the Clerk and 279
in the Clerk's presence, or in the presence of one of the Clerk's 280
assistants. Such motion, together with the signatures, shall be 281
printed in the Journal on the day the motion was filed with the 282
Clerk. Only one motion can be presented for each bill or 283


       Rule 33. (Introduction of Bills.) Bills to be introduced in 286
the Senate shall be typewritten, shall be in quadruplicate, shall 287
bear the name of the author and co-authors, if any, and shall be288
filed in the Clerk's office at least one hour prior to the next 289
convening session of the Senate.290

       Between the general election and the time for the next291
convening session, a holdover member or a member-elect may file292
bills for introduction in the next session with the Clerk's293
office, and those bills shall be treated as if they were bills 294
introduced on the first day of the session.295

       No bill shall be accepted for filing by the Clerk unless it296
is presented for filing by a member or member-elect of the Senate, 297
or by the member's legislative aide or administrative assistant298
with authorization of the senator, and it has first been approved299
as to form by the Legislative Service Commission and the face of300
the bill is marked to indicate that approval.301

       When the time for introduction of bills is reached in the302
regular order of business, the Clerk shall read the bills filed 303
with the Clerk in the same manner as if the bills were introduced 304
from the floor. This rule may be suspended by a majority vote of 305
the members elected.306

       Rule 34. (Bills, Title of.) Bills shall have noted in their 307
title a distinct reference to the subject or matter to which they 308
relate, and if they propose the amendment, enactment, or repeal of 309
any law, to the section proposed to be amended, enacted, or 310

       Rule 35. (Bills, Second Consideration and Committee on312
Reference, Public Hearing.) On the second reading of a bill, the 313
Committee on Reference shall, if no motion or order be made to the 314
contrary, refer the bill to the proper standing committee in 315
regular order. Further, no bill shall be reported for a third316
reading and passage unless the same shall have been considered at317
a meeting of the committee to which the same has been referred.318

       All Senate bills and resolutions referred by the Committee on 319
Reference on or before the first day of April in an even-numbered 320
year shall be scheduled by the chairperson of the committee to 321
which the same has been referred for a minimum of one public 322

       Rule 36. (House Bills Engrossed When Amended.) House bills, 324
when altered or amended by the Senate, shall be engrossed in like 325
manner as Senate bills preparatory to their consideration.326

       Rule 37. (Recommitment of Bills.) At any time before its327
passage, a bill or resolution may be recommitted or rereferred by 328
a majority vote of the Senate or the Committee on Rules.329

       Rule 38. (Recommitment after Reconsideration.) If a bill or 330
resolution be lost, and the vote reconsidered, such bill or331
resolution shall not thereafter be committed to other than a332
standing committee or to a select committee to which the bill or333
resolution was originally referred.334

       Rule 39. (Special Order, How Made.) A bill or resolution may 335
be made a special order by a three-fifths vote of the Senate.336

       Rule 40. (Bills Placed on Calendar, When.) Unless the Senate 337
otherwise orders, all bills and resolutions reported by a338
committee with a recommendation for passage or adoption shall be339
placed on the calendar with an indication that the bills and340
resolutions have been recommended for passage or adoption by the341
designated committees. Bills and resolutions recommended by342
designated committees may be arranged on the calendar under the343
regular order of business by action of the Committee on Rules, 344
pursuant to Rule 96.345

       Rule 41. (How Taken Up for Consideration.) Resolutions taken 346
up on the calendar under the fifth order of business listed in 347
Rule 7 and bills standing in order for third consideration shall 348
be taken up and read without a motion to that effect, and, unless 349
otherwise ordered by the Senate, the questions shall be, 350
respectively: "Shall the resolution be adopted?" and "Shall the 351
bill pass?"352

       Rule 42. (Carried Over to Succeeding Day.) When a bill which 353
has been set for a third consideration on a particular day shall 354
for any reason not be reached on that day, it shall stand for 355
third consideration on the first succeeding day when bills for 356
third consideration shall be reached in the regular order of357
business, except as may be otherwise provided by the Committee on 358

       Rule 43. (Bills Taken Up Earlier, How.) When a bill has been 360
ordered for third consideration on a particular day, or at a361
certain hour, it shall not sooner be taken up except upon362
three-fifths vote of the senators elected.363

       Rule 44. (Calendar Must Show Amendments.) If a bill is364
amended before being placed upon the calendar for third365
consideration, the Clerk shall note on the calendar the fact that366
it has been amended, and shall cite the date when such amendment367
was made and the page of the Senate or House Journal upon which368
such amendment appears. At the time of third consideration, the 369
bill with amendments incorporated shall be supplied to each 370

       The Clerk may post on the calendar under the regular order of 372
business pursuant to Rule 7 the title of bills for which a report 373
of a committee of conference has been filed with the Clerk.374

       When a bill or joint or concurrent resolution has been passed 375
or been adopted in the Senate, and been amended, passed or 376
adopted, and returned by the House, it shall lie over one calendar 377
day, unless otherwise ordered by a majority vote of the Senate.378

       When a report of a committee of conference has been filed 379
with the Clerk, it shall be spread upon the pages of the Journal 380
and lie over one calendar day unless otherwise ordered by a 381
majority vote of the Senate. 382

       Rule 45. (Amendments Provided Before Vote.) Before a vote may 383
be taken upon the question of concurrence in House amendments to a 384
Senate bill or resolution, or upon the question of agreement to 385
the report of a conference committee, each member of the Senate 386
shall be supplied with the amendments made by the House or 387
recommended by the conference committee and each member of 388
majority leadership, each member of the minority leadership, and 389
the sponsor or floor sponsor shall be supplied with the bill or 390
resolution as passed by the Senate.391

       Rule 46. (Synopsis of House Amendments before Vote.). Before 392
a vote is taken on the question of concurrence in House 393
amendments to a Senate bill or resolution, the staff of the 394
Legislative Service Commission shall prepare a synopsis of any 395
substantive amendments made by a House committee to the bill or 396
resolution as passed by the Senate. The staff of the Legislative 397
Service Commission shall make such a synopsis available to each 398
senator at the time the Senate votes on the question of 399
concurrence in the House amendments. The Clerk shall provide each 400
member of the majority leadership, each member of the minority 401
leadership, and the sponsor or floor sponsor with any amendments 402
made by the House during its third consideration of the bill or 403

       Rule 47. (Title of Bill after Passage.) When a bill has405
passed the Senate, the Clerk shall read its title and the406
President shall demand if the Senate agrees thereto. Any senator407
may then request the addition or deletion of thea senator's name 408
to the title as a co-sponsor. Prior to passage of a bill, a 409
former senator who no longer is a member of the General Assembly 410
may present a writing to the Clerk requesting deletion of the 411
former senator's name from the title of the bill as sponsor or 412
co-sponsor. The President shall present the request to the Senate, 413
and the Clerk shall spread the request upon the pages of the 414
Journal. When the Senate is agreed, the Clerk shall make out the 415
title accordingly, and certify to the passage of the bill upon its 416

       Immediately after the Senate has voted to concur in House 418
amendments to a bill or resolution, and immediately after the419
Senate has voted to accept a conference committee report, a 420
senator may add or remove the senator's name from the bill or 421
resolution by rising and stating this desire to the President. The422
Clerk shall thereupon add or remove the senator's name to or from 423
the bill or resolutionthe President shall demand if the Senate 424
agrees to the co-sponsorship of the bill or resolution. Any 425
senator may then request the addition or deletion of a senator's 426
name from the bill or resolution as co-sponsor. Prior to the vote 427
on concurrence in House amendments to a bill or resolution, and 428
prior to the vote on a conference committee report, a former 429
senator who no longer is a member of the General Assembly may 430
present a writing to the Clerk requesting deletion of the former 431
senator's name from the bill or resolution as sponsor or 432
co-sponsor. The President shall present the request to the Senate, 433
and the Clerk shall spread the request upon the pages of the 434
Journal. When the Senate is agreed, the Clerk shall make out the 435
title of the bill or resolution accordingly.436


       Rule 48. (Amendments, Must Be Germane.) No amendment proposed438
that is not germane to the subject under consideration shall be439

       Rule 49. (Same Amendment Not Permitted, Except.) Matters441
inserted in or stricken from a bill by amendment, except an442
amendment reported by a standing or special committee, may not be443
subsequently stricken from or inserted in a bill by amendment. But 444
a motion to reconsider will, however, be in order.445

       Rule 50. (Cannot Contain Pending Legislation.) No bill or446
resolution shall be amended on the floor of the Senate by annexing 447
or incorporating the substance of any other bill or resolution 448
pending before the Senate unless such annexation or incorporation 449
is done by vote of a majority of the senators.450

       Rule 51. (Tabling, Effect on Bill.) When a motion to amend a 451
bill or resolution is laid upon the table or indefinitely452
postponed, the measure shall not be carried with it but shall be453
subject to further consideration.454

       Rule 52. (Amendments to Emergency Bills.) Amendments proposed 455
to emergency bills shall be offered before the vote is taken on 456
the emergency section.457


       Rule 53. (Resolutions, How Offered; Special Committees by.) 459
Resolutions may be offered by a senator in the senator's 460
individual capacity, or as a report of a committee in the regular 461
order of business, or at any time on leave of the Senate. Any462
resolution proposing the creation of a special investigating 463
committee shall be, upon its introduction, automatically referred 464
to the Committee on Rules. This rule shall be dispensed with only 465
by a two-thirds vote of the Senate.466

       Rule 54. (Resolutions, When Considered.) Resolutions to be 467
introduced in the Senate shall be typewritten, shall be in 468
quadruplicate, shall bear the name of the author and co-authors, 469
if any, and shall be filed in the Clerk's office at least one hour 470
prior to the next convening session of the Senate. All resolutions471
offered in the Senate shall be considered immediately by either 472
being adopted or referred to the Committee on Reference, except as 473
provided in Rules 53 and 55. If so referred, the Committee on 474
Reference shall examine and otherwise consider the resolution, and 475
may indefinitely postpone it, refer it to another standing 476
committee, or report it back to the Senate.477

       All death, commemorative, and congratulatory resolutions478
shall be printed by title only unless otherwise ordered by a479
majority vote of the members elected.480

       Upon reading a resolution from the House, such resolution 481
shall be considered immediately by either being adopted or 482
referred to the Committee on Reference. If so referred, the 483
Committee on Reference shall examine and otherwise consider the 484
resolution, and may indefinitely postpone it, refer it to another 485
standing committee, or report it back to the Senate.486

       It shall be a prerogative of the presiding officer to487
consolidate into a single motion for consideration by the Senate488
some or all commemorative and congratulatory resolutions offered489
for adoption on any particular legislative day. Should the490
presiding officer exercise this prerogative, which shall be called 491
a President's Prerogative, the presiding officer shall direct the 492
Clerk to supply a list entitled President's Prerogative 493
Resolutions which identifies by title all resolutions proposed to 494
be adopted by a single vote. This list shall be supplied to all 495
members prior to a vote on said resolutions. The presiding officer 496
shall put the following question: "Shall the resolutions listed 497
under the President's Prerogative be adopted?" 498

       Rule 55. (Concurrent Resolutions, Agency Rule Review.) The 499
Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson of the Joint Committee on Agency 500
Rule Review shall offer under the ninth order of business listed 501
in Rule 7, all concurrent resolutions recommended by that502
committee for adoption by the Senate. The resolution shall be503
offered within three Senate legislative days after the date of 504
recommendation by the joint committee, and shall that day be505
referred to the Committee on Rules, which shall place the506
resolution on the Senate calendar for consideration within twelve507
calendar days; but the resolution shall be offered and taken up 508
for consideration on an earlier legislative day if necessary to 509
permit its adoption within the period of time specified by section 510
119.03 of the Revised Code for invalidating a proposed rule, 511
amendment, rescission, or any part thereof.512

       Rule 56. (Resolutions, Preparation.) Upon adoption, all513
Senate resolutions shall be prepared and authenticated by the514
Clerk and signed by the President. The Clerk shall also provide a 515
place on all death, commemorative, and congratulatory resolutions 516
for signature of the senator whose name first appears on the 517
resolution as author.518


       Rule 57. (Senator Must Vote.) Every senator present when the 520
question is put shall vote on the question unless excused by the521
Senate. The Clerk shall call the roll of the Senate in 522
alphabetical order with the President called last. The President 523
may direct the Clerk to call the President Pro Tempore first in 524
the call of the roll.525

       A request from any senator to be excused from voting must be 526
made before the Senate divides or before the call of the roll527

       Rule 58. (How Excused from Voting.) Any senator requesting 529
to be excused from voting may briefly explain the reason for such 530
request, and the Senate shall pass upon the request without 531

       Rule 59. (Explanation of Vote.) A member desiring to explain 533
the member's vote shall make a request therefor, before the Senate 534
divides or before the call of the yeas and nays is commenced. If 535
such request is granted by the Senate, such statement shall not 536
consume more than two minutes of time.537

       Rule 60. (Quorum Not Voting, Continue.) When fewer than a538
quorum vote on any question, the President shall forthwith order539
the roll of senators to be called. If a quorum be present as shown 540
by answering to their names, or by their presence in the Chamber, 541
the President shall again order the roll to be called, and if any 542
senator is present the senator shall be ordered to vote unless the 543
Senate shall have previously excused the senator.544

       Rule 61. (Senator Cannot Vote, When.) No senator shall vote 545
upon any question while off the floor of the Senate, upon any546
question involving the senator's election or the right to the 547
senator's seat, or vote upon any question in contravention of the548
Legislative Code of Ethics or in violation of section 102.031 of 549
the Revised Code.550

       Rule 62. (Division, When Taken.) After a vote is taken viva 551
voce, if the President is undecided, or if a division is demanded 552
by any senator before the result is announced, the Senate shall 553
divide. Those voting in the affirmative shall arise at the request 554
of the President and remain standing until counted and the count 555
is announced; then those voting in the negative shall arise and 556
remain standing until counted and the count is announced.557

       Rule 63. (House Amendments, Conference Reports.) The yeas and 558
nays shall be called upon the question of concurring in amendments 559
made by the House to all bills or resolutions passed by the 560
Senate, and upon agreeing to the report of conference committees, 561
except where amendment is to the title only.562

       Rule 64. (Only Clerks at Desk During Roll Call.) No person, 563
other than the Clerk and the Clerk's assistants, shall be 564
permitted at the Clerk's desk while the yeas and nays are being 565

       Rule 65. (Verification of Vote.) After the roll has been567
called, any senator may demand a verification of the vote. The 568
Clerk shall read, first the names of those senators voting in the 569
affirmative, then of those voting in the negative, at which time 570
any senator, on account of error or for any other reason, may 571
change his or her vote; but no senator shall be permitted to 572
change his or her vote, as recorded, after the roll call has been573
verified and the results declared except by unanimous consent of 574
the Senate. A request by a senator for unanimous consent to change 575
the senator's vote must be made from the well of the Senate and 576
before the Senate proceeds to the next item within the same or 577
next order of business.578


       Rule 66. (Senators Shall Address President.) When a senator 580
desires to address the Senate or to make a motion, the senator 581
shall arise and respectfully address "Mr. President," and the 582
President shall recognize the senator and may do so by announcing, 583
"The Senator from ................," naming the District.584

       A senator who wishes to question another senator shall, for 585
each question, first request and receive the President's586
permission to ask the question. No senator is required to answer a 587
question put by another senator.588

       Rule 67. (President Decides Who Shall Speak.) The prime589
sponsor of a bill shall be recognized first. When two or more590
senators seek recognition of the chair at the same time, the591
President shall decide which senator shall speak first. No senator 592
shall yield the floor to another senator without consent of the 593

       Rule 68. (How Often Senator May Speak.) No senator shall595
speak more than twice on the same question except by leave of the596
Senate or responding to the floor; and the senator speaking shall597
confine the speech to the question under debate and avoid 598

       Rule 69. (May Read from Books, etc.) Any senator while600
discussing a question may read, or cause to be read, from books,601
papers, documents or any matter pertinent to the subject under602
consideration for a period of five minutes without asking leave. 603
Additional time may be granted by a majority vote of the Senate.604

       Rule 70. (Statement of Question.) Any senator may call for a 605
statement of the pending question, whereupon the President shall 606
restate the same.607

       Rule 71. (Division of Question.) Any senator may call for a 608
division of the question; the decision of the President as to its 609
divisibility shall be subject to appeal as in questions of order.610

       Rule 72. (Questions of Order Decided by.) All questions of 611
order shall be decided by the President without debate; such612
decision shall be subject to appeal to the Senate by any three613
senators, on which appeal no senator shall speak more than once,614
unless by leave of the Senate; and the President may speak in615
preference to the senators.616

       Rule 73. (Senator May Be Called to Order.) If any senator, in 617
speaking or otherwise, is transgressing the Rules of the Senate, 618
the President shall, or any member may, call the senator to order; 619
and the senator called to order shall take the senator's seat 620
until the question of order is decided.621

       Rule 74. (If Called to Order.) If the decision be in favor of 622
a senator called to order, the senator shall be at liberty to623
proceed; if otherwise, the senator shall not be permitted to624
proceed without further leave of the Senate.625


       Rule 75. (When Motions Must Be in Writing.) Whenever an627
amendment is offered to any bill or resolution under628
consideration, or any amendment to such an amendment, the senator629
proposing the same shall reduce it to writing and send it to the630
Clerk's desk. Amendments prepared and distributed in advance of631
their offering shall identify the bill or resolution sought to be632
amended and the name of the senator proposing to amend; when a633
senator prepares more than one amendment to the same bill or634
resolution, the amendments shall be numbered sequentially. Unless 635
objection is waived, debate shall cease until all members are 636
supplied with copies of amendments offered on the floor.637

       Rule 76. (Precedence of Motions.) Except as otherwise 638
provided in Rule 81, motions shall take precedence in the 639
following order:640

       1. To informally pass.641

       2. To adjourn.642

       3. To take a recess.643

       4. To lay on the table.644

       5. The previous question.645

       6. To proceed to the orders of the day.646

       7. To postpone to a time certain.647

       8. To commit.648

       9. To amend.649

       10. To postpone indefinitely.650

       11. To discharge a committee.651

       Rule 77. (Decided Without Debate.) The following questions 652
shall be decided without debate:653

       1. To informally pass.654

       2. To adjourn.655

       3. To take a recess.656

       4. To lay on the table.657

       5. The previous question.658

       6. To go into committee of the whole on orders of the day.659

       7. All questions relating to the priority of business.660

       Rule 78. (Motions, Statement and Withdrawal.) When a motion 661
is made the question shall be stated by the President; or, being 662
in writing, it may be read to the Senate by the President or 663
Clerk. After a motion is stated or read by the President, or read 664
by the Clerk, it shall be deemed to be in the possession of the 665
Senate, but may be withdrawn, by leave of the Senate, at any time 666
before a decision or amendment.667


       Rule 79. (Previous Question, How Put.) A motion for the669
previous question shall be entertained only upon the demand of670
three senators. The President shall put the question in this form: 671
"The question is, 'Shall the debate now close?'" A majority vote 672
of the Senate shall be required to carry the previous question, 673
and until decided it shall preclude further debate and all 674
amendments and motions.675

       Rule 80. (Action after Previous Question.) After the demand 676
for the previous question has been sustained no call or motion 677
shall be in order, but the Senate shall be brought to an immediate 678


       Rule 81. (Reconsideration, How and When.) A motion to681
reconsider a vote may be made only by a senator who voted with the 682
prevailing side, and such motion, to be in order, must be made 683
within the next two legislative days of the Senate after such vote 684
is taken. A motion to reconsider shall take precedence over all 685
questions except a motion to adjourn, and may be called up at any 686
time in the appropriate order of business after disposal of 687
pending questions.688

       Rule 82. (Vote Necessary on Reconsideration.) The vote on any 689
question other than the previous question may be reconsidered by a 690
majority of those voting, a quorum being present, except when a 691
bill or resolution has been declared lost, in which case the 692
motion shall not prevail unless it receives the number of693
affirmative votes which would be required to pass such a bill or694

       Rule 83. (One Reconsideration Only.) A motion to reconsider, 696
having been decided, shall not again be entertained unless the 697
question has been changed in form by amendment.698

       Rule 84. (Reconsideration, Motion Postponed.) Consideration 699
of a motion to reconsider may be postponed to a time certain or 700
left pending. However, if a motion to reconsider is not called up 701
within thirty days after it was made, the motion is deemed lost.702

       Rule 85. (Procedure on Reconsideration.) A motion to703
reconsider action on a bill, joint resolution, or other paper that 704
may have gone out of possession of the Senate shall be entertained 705
if made within the time specified in Rule 81; such motion to 706
reconsider shall be regarded as an order to the Clerk to request 707
the House to return the bill, joint resolution, or other paper, 708
but the Senate may vote on the motion to reconsider without 709
waiting for the return to the Senate of such bill, joint710
resolution, or other paper, and the President shall state the711
question: "Shall the vote be reconsidered?" Action on the bill, 712
joint resolution, or other paper, the vote on which has been 713
reconsidered, may not be taken until such bill, joint resolution, 714
or other paper has been returned and is in possession of the 715

       Rule 86. (Effect of Tabling Motion to Reconsider.) When a717
motion to reconsider is laid upon the table it shall not carry the 718
bill or resolution with it; nor shall a motion to reconsider be 719


       Rule 87. (To Postpone.) A motion to postpone to a time722
certain, or indefinitely, being decided, shall not again be723
allowed at the same stage of the question.724

       Rule 88. (Indefinitely Postponed, Effect.) If a motion to725
indefinitely postpone a bill or resolution be carried, such bill726
or resolution shall be declared lost. If a Senate bill or727
resolution is defeated or indefinitely postponed in the Senate it728
shall not be reintroduced during either annual session of the same 729
General Assembly.730

       Rule 89. (Postpone to Time Certain.) A bill or resolution731
postponed to a time certain shall not be considered at an earlier732
time, except upon the vote of three-fifths of the senators733

       Rule 90. (To Informally Pass.) A motion to informally pass a 735
bill or resolution may be made at any time prior to the taking of 736
the roll call.737


       Rule 91. (Recess and Adjournment.) The interim between any 739
two sessions of the Senate on the same day shall be termed a 740
recess, and on the reassembling at the appointed hour any question 741
pending at the time of taking such recess shall be resumed without 742
a motion to that effect; and unless the Senate shall otherwise 743
order by resolution or motion, the hour to which it shall adjourn 744
shall be half past one p.m. the succeeding day; and the hour to745
which it shall recess shall be stated in the motion.746

       Rule 92. (Motion to Adjourn in Order, When.) A motion to747
adjourn shall be in order at any time, except while a member is748
addressing the Senate, or while a vote is being taken, but cannot749
be made except by a senator who has been recognized by the750
President, and being decided in the negative shall not again be751
entertained until some motion, call, or order shall have been752
acted upon.753

       Rule 93. (If under Consideration When Adjourned.) A bill or 754
resolution under consideration when adjournment is taken shall be, 755
when its order of business on the succeeding day is reached, the 756
first question before the Senate in that order of business, except 757
as otherwise provided by the Committee on Rules.758


       Rule 94. (Rules Altered, How.) These rules shall not be760
altered except after due notice of the intention of alteration;761
and no rule shall be altered, except by a three-fifths vote of the 762
senators elected. Any of these rules may be suspended by a763
three-fifths vote of the members elected, excepting rules which764
specifically require otherwise.765

       Rule 95. (Parliamentary Guide.) Mason's Manual of Legislative 766
Procedure (2000 edition) shall be used by the Senate as authority 767
in all cases not provided for in the Senate Rules or the Joint768
Rules of the Senate and House of Representatives, if any.769

       Rule 96. (Committee on Rules.) The standing Committee on 770
Rules shall have the power to prescribe the order of business of771
the Senate and shall arrange and post the calendar at least one772
calendar day in advance, so that all matters shall appear thereon 773
for the consideration of the Senate with reference to their 774
importance. Measures expected to be reported by committee may be 775
placed conditionally on the calendar for consideration by the 776
Senate in the regular order of business, and may be carried over 777
to a succeeding legislative day, subject to favorable action by 778
committee. In a case of necessity, the Chairperson of the 779
Committee on Rules may call a special meeting upon proper notice 780
to add a bill to the calendar upon a majority vote. One day's 781
notice shall not be required for calendars during the first week 782
after an adjournment of more than five calendar days.783


       Rule 97. (Executive Appointments.) When executive785
appointments are received by the Senate they shall, unless the786
Senate otherwise orders, be referred to the Committee on Rules. 787
The Committee on Rules may refer the appointments to another788

       Rule 98. (Yeas and Nays, Appointments.) The yeas and nays790
shall be called upon advising and consenting to an executive791
appointment. Failure of the question to receive the concurrence of 792
a majority of the senators elected constitutes refusal of the793
Senate to advise and consent to the appointment. The Senate may794
advise and consent to two or more appointments by a single roll795
call vote. When a committee to which an appointment has been796
referred recommends its rejection, or when a senator demands that797
an appointment be separately considered, the question of its798
approval shall not be included in a single roll call vote799
affecting more than one appointment, but the yeas and nays shall800
be separately called on the question of advising and consenting to 801
such an appointment. When two or more appointments are made the 802
subject of a single roll call vote, the failure of the question to 803
receive the concurrence of a majority of the senators elected 804
shall not constitute refusal to advise and consent to the805
appointments, but in such case the yeas and nays shall then be806
separately called on the question of advising and consenting to807
each appointment.808


       Rule 99. (Clerk Shall Keep Index to Bills, etc.) The Clerk 810
shall keep an index record of all bills and resolutions introduced 811
in the Senate regardless of the house of origin, showing the 812
number, title, and author of each measure, the section sought to 813
be amended, enacted, or repealed, and the subject or matter 814
affected thereby. The Clerk may call upon the staff of the Ohio 815
Government Telecommunications to produce a video of all Senate 816
voting sessions. Such video shall be accessible as provided by 817
law and the rules of the Ohio Government Telecommunications 818
Programming Committee.819

       Rule 100. (Duties of Clerk.) The distribution and receipt of 820
bills, resolutions, reports, messages from the House and from any 821
branch of the executive or judicial department of the State, and 822
all other documents belonging to the Senate shall be under the 823
direction and control of the Clerk. All records kept by the Clerk 824
are governed by the records retention schedule adopted by the 825
Clerk. The property and premises of the Senate shall also be under 826
the direct supervision of the Clerk.827

       When the Clerk is required to print a bill, resolution, 828
report, or other document belonging to the Senate, the Clerk may 829
use any method of printing contemplated by sections 101.51 to 830
101.524 of the Revised Code.831

       The Senate by resolution shall prescribe the powers and 832
duties of the Chief of Staff and Clerk.833

       In case of the death or resignation of the Clerk, the 834
President may designate any individual to perform the Clerk's 835
duties until such time as the Senate, by vote, fills the vacancy.836


       Rule 101. (Use of Senate Chamber.) The use of the Senate838
chamber shall not be granted at any time, by resolution or839
otherwise, for any purpose other than legislative purposes, except 840
by consent of two-thirds of the members elected. At no time shall 841
food or beverages be allowed in the Senate chamber.842

       Rule 102. (Use of Committee Rooms.) A person who wishes to843
use a Senate committee room for a purpose other than a meeting of 844
a committee, subcommittee, or other official Senate business shall 845
not do so without obtaining the Clerk's prior approval. In846
requesting the Clerk's approval, the person shall inform the Clerk 847
of the committee room the person wishes to use and the time and 848
purpose of the proposed use. Senate committee rooms may be used 849
for only appropriate purposes. At no time shall food or beverages 850
be allowed in Senate committee rooms unless otherwise authorized 851
by the Clerk.852

       Rule 103. (Who Admitted in Chamber, Members' Lounge.) During 853
the daily sessions of the Senate, no person shall be admitted 854
within the railing except members of the two houses, their 855
officers and employees in the performance of their duties, or 856
persons charged with messages or papers to the Senate; clergy, by857
invitation of the President; the Governor of this or any other 858
state; and representatives of newspapers or legislative 859
information services who have been granted the privileges of the 860
Senate by the President. When the Senate is not in session, only 861
senators and their guests and officers and employees of the Senate 862
in the performance of their duties are permitted within the 863
railing without the President's permission.864

       During the daily sessions of the Senate, no person shall be 865
admitted in the Members' Lounge except members of the Senate and 866
officers or employees of the Senate in the performance of their 867
duties. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall strictly enforce this rule.868

       Rule 104. (Posters, Placards, Banners and Signs.) No poster, 869
placard, banner, sign or other similar material shall be carried 870
into the Senate Chamber or committee or meeting rooms of the 871
Senate by any person, and no person shall attach or affix any 872
poster, placard, banner, sign or other similar material to the 873
doors, walls, rails, seats or banisters of the Senate Chamber or 874
committee or meeting rooms of the Senate. The Sergeant-at-Arms 875
shall strictly enforce this rule.876

       Rule 105. (Applause, Outbursts or Demonstrations.) No 877
applause, outburst or other demonstration by any spectator shall 878
be permitted during a session of the Senate and during any meeting 879
of a committee.880

       Rule 106. (Distribution of Printed Materials.) No general 881
distribution of printed material to the members of the Senate 882
shall be permitted in the Senate Chamber during the daily sessions 883
of the Senate unless authorized by a senator or the Clerk. The 884
printed material shall bear the name of the person authorizing its 885
distribution. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall strictly enforce this 886

       Rule 107. (Cellular Telephones and Pagers, Prohibitions.) The 888
use of a cellular telephone, audible pager, or any other audible 889
wireless electronic telecommunication device is prohibited during 890
sessions of the Senate and during any meeting of a committee.891

       Rule 108. (Press Privileges, How Obtained.) Representatives 892
of the press desiring the privileges of the press area of the 893
Senate floor shall make application to the President of the Senate 894
and shall state in writing for what paper or papers or legislative 895
information services, magazines, or their affiliates they are896
employed; and shall further state that they are not engaged in the 897
prosecution of claims pending before the General Assembly and will 898
not become so engaged while allowed the privileges of the floor; 899
and that they are not in any sense the agents or representatives 900
of persons or corporations having legislation before the General 901
Assembly, and will not become either while retaining their 902
privileges. Visiting newspaper writers and editors may be allowed, 903
temporarily, the privileges herein mentioned, but they must 904
conform to the restrictions prescribed.905

       The application required by the above rule shall be906
authenticated in a manner that shall be satisfactory to the 907
Executive Committee of the Ohio Legislative Correspondents' 908
Association, who shall see that the privileges of the floor be 909
granted to representatives of the press association serving 910
newspapers of general circulation, bona fide correspondents of 911
reputable standing in their profession who represent newspapers of 912
general circulation or magazines, or representatives of daily 913
legislative information services of known standing and integrity, 914
or their affiliates; organized for that one purpose and not 915
controlled by or connected with an association, firm, corporation, 916
or individual representing any trade, profession, or other 917
commercial enterprise, and which have been in continuous and bona 918
fide operation for such a period of years immediately prior to the 919
date of making application for floor privileges as will have made 920
possible the establishment of a reputation for honesty and 921
integrity; and it shall be the duty of the Executive Committee of 922
the Ohio Legislative Correspondents' Association, at its 923
discretion, to report violations of the privileges herein granted, 924
to the Committee on Rules.925

       Rule 109. (Representative of Radio and Television Stations926
and Broadcasting Networks, How Admitted.) Representatives of radio 927
and television stations and broadcasting networks desiring the 928
privileges of the radio and television area of the Senate floor 929
shall make application to the President, and shall state, in 930
writing, by what stations or broadcasting network they are931
employed; and further shall state that they are not engaged in the 932
promotion of legislation or the prosecution of claims pending933
before the General Assembly, and will not become so engaged while934
allowed the privileges of the floor; and that they are not in any935
sense, the agents or representatives of persons or corporations936
having legislation before the General Assembly, and will not937
become either while retaining their privileges. Visiting938
correspondents and editors may be allowed, temporarily, the939
privileges herein mentioned, but they must conform to the940
restrictions prescribed.941

       The application required by the above rule shall be942
authenticated in a manner that shall be satisfactory to the Radio 943
and Television Correspondents' Association of Ohio. It shall be 944
the duty of the Radio and Television Correspondents' Association 945
of Ohio to see that the privileges of the floor shall be granted 946
only to the representatives of stations and broadcasting networks 947
serving radio and television stations, or networks serving such 948
radio and television stations as have been duly licensed by the 949
Federal Communications Commission. It shall be the duty of the950
Radio and Television Correspondents' Association of Ohio, at their 951
discretion, to report violations of the privileges herein granted 952
to the President. Persons whose chief attention is not given to 953
radio and television broadcasting shall not be entitled to the 954
privileges of the floor.955

       Rule 110. (Privileges, How Revoked.) Upon complaint that any 956
person has abused the privileges granted the person under Rule 108 957
or 109, such complaint shall be submitted to the standing 958
Committee on Rules for investigation, and such Committee shall959
notify the person so charged of the time and place for hearing,960
and if such accusation be sustained, such person or persons, upon961
the report of the Committee, shall be debarred from the privileges 962
theretofore granted.963

       Rule 111. (Filming or Taping of the Senate.) Filming, video 964
taping, or audio taping during the legislative session shall be 965
done under the conditions designated by the President of the966

       Taping or filming of a member or members of the Senate in the 968
Senate chamber or in committee rooms when the Senate is not in 969
session is permissible with the prior consent of all members taped 970
or filmed and with the prior notification of the Clerk.971

       Taping or filming of sessions of committees of the Senate is 972
permissible with the prior consent of the chairperson of the 973
committee involved. Such approved filming or taping may be for 974
specific time periods set by the chairperson, if such taping or 975
filming interferes with the orderly procedure of the hearing.976

       Rule 112. (Letters of Commendation, etc.) When requested by 977
any member of the Senate, the President of the Senate may, on978
behalf of the Senate, in its name and in the President's 979
discretion, sign letters or simple resolutions conveying messages 980
of commendation, congratulation, recognition, and condolence to 981
persons or organizations named in such request.982

       The President of the Senate shall keep a record of the983
disposition of all such letters or simple resolutions, which984
record shall be open for inspection by any member of the Senate.985

       Rule 113. (Use of the Senate Coat of Arms.) Use of the Senate 986
Coat of Arms shall be limited to members of the Senate, employees 987
of the Senate in the performance of their duties, the Chief of 988
Staff of the Senate and the Clerk. No other person shall use or 989
permit to be used any reproduction or facsimile of the Senate Coat 990
of Arms or a counterfeit or non-official version of the Senate 991
Coat of Arms for any purpose not authorized by the Clerk.992

       Rule 114. (Application to 128th129th General Assembly.) The 993
Rules of the Senate for the 127th128th General Assembly shall be 994
effective until the Senate of the 128th129th General Assembly 995
adopts Rules of the Senate for the 128th129th General Assembly.996