As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. R. No. 132

Senator Kearney 

To urge the Administrator of the United States 1
Environmental Protection Agency to grant an 2
emergency exemption for the use of the insecticide 3
Propoxur to control bedbugs in Ohio.4


       WHEREAS, Bedbugs are blood-feeding insects that infest all 5
areas of homes, day-care centers, senior-care centers, hotels, and 6
hospitals. The nocturnal insects are mostly associated with the 7
bedroom where they emerge at night and bite inhabitants; and8

        WHEREAS, Since 2005, Ohio has seen an exponential increase in 9
the number of bedbug infestations. Currently, Cincinnati is facing 10
an epidemic bedbug infestation, and Columbus is dealing with an 11
ever-growing population of these insects; and12

        WHEREAS, The pesticides that are currently being used to 13
combat these pests are insufficient because the insects may be 14
reduced for a short term after spraying, but the populations 15
quickly rebound after the spraying cycles are completed; and16

        WHEREAS, As a result of the poor performance of the currently 17
approved pesticides, many scientists and health officials are 18
calling on the Administrator of the United States Environmental 19
Protection Agency to approve the use of the insecticide Propoxur 20
to control bedbugs. Research has shown that Propoxur will help 21
permanently destroy bedbug populations that are currently 22
uncontrollable; and23

        WHEREAS, Bedbugs are a threat to the quality of life for many 24
through allergic reactions, severe emotional stress, and economic 25
hardship. In addition, the bedbug infestation has the ability to 26
severely impact Ohio's economy. As knowledge of these infestations 27
spreads, people may hesitate to visit Ohio and patronize Ohio 28
businesses; now therefore be it29

        RESOLVED, That we, the members of the Senate of the 128th 30
General Assembly of the State of Ohio, urge the Administrator of 31
the United States Environmental Protection Agency to grant an 32
emergency exemption for the use of the insecticide Propoxur to 33
control bedbugs in Ohio; and be it further34

        RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Senate transmit duly 35
authenticated copies of this resolution to the Administrator of 36
the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the news 37
media of Ohio.38