128th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. R. No. 216

Senator Schuring 

Honoring Darrell Woods as an inductee of the 2010 1
National Teachers Hall of Fame.2

       WHEREAS,  The members of the Senate of the 128th General 3
Assembly of Ohio are pleased to congratulate Darrell Woods on 4
being inducted into the 2010 National Teachers Hall of Fame; and5

       WHEREAS,   Darrell Woods can be proud, for he has displayed 6
exceptional skill, commitment, and professionalism as a physics 7
teacher at Hoover High School. Over the years, he has worked 8
diligently to channel the natural energy and curiosity of young 9
people into meaningful inquiry, thereby helping them gain a better 10
understanding of the complex world around them, and as a result, 11
he was recently selected for inclusion to the 2010 National 12
Teachers Hall of Fame; and13

       WHEREAS,  Throughout Darrell Woods' career in the field of 14
education, he has supported countless students in their scholastic 15
endeavors and had helped nurture within them a desire for academic 16
excellence. Willingly giving of his time, energy, and abilities 17
far beyond what was required or expected, he has earned the 18
respect and gratitude of his colleagues, his community, and, most 19
importantly, his students for his genuine love of teaching; and20

       WHEREAS,  Unselfish and approachable, Darrell Woods is held 21
in high regard by students and faculty members alike for the 22
initiative and dedication he has shown in all of his endeavors. He 23
has played a vital role in helping his students receive the best 24
possible education, and we are certain that in the years to come, 25
he will continue to achieve the same level of success that 26
undoubtedly earned him this honor; therefore be it27

       RESOLVED,  That we, the members of the Senate of the 128th 28
General Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, commend 29
Darrell Woods on his recent accolade and extend best wishes for 30
the future; and be it further31

       RESOLVED,  That the Clerk of the Senate transmit a duly 32
authenticated copy of this Resolution to Darrell Woods.33