128th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. R. No. 240

Senator Widener 

Honoring Lynn Disbrow as the recipient of a 2010 Faculty Innovator Award.

       WHEREAS,  The members of the Senate of the 128th General Assembly of Ohio are pleased to to congratulate Lynn Disbrow on receiving a 2010 Faculty Innovator Award from the Ohio Board of Regents; and

       WHEREAS,  Lynn Disbrow is certainly deserving of this tribute for integrating digital content into her courses. Few can rival either her excellence in the classroom or the intensity of her allegiance to Wright State University, where she is an associate professor of communications; and

       WHEREAS,  Lynn Disbrow has won a host of admirers by fulfilling her responsibilities with the utmost competence, efficiency, integrity, and enthusiasm. Those who have been privileged to know her professionally can attest to her extraordinary vision and vitality, and she can be proud that her unflagging commitment has inspired many of her colleagues to dedicate themselves similarly; and

       WHEREAS,  Our society needs educators who strive to instill in their students a love of learning, an appetite for discovery, and even a new way of looking at the world. By so earnestly pursuing these worthy objectives, Lynn Disbrow has gained the respect and appreciation of the entire community; therefore be it

       RESOLVED,  That we, the members of the Senate of the 128th General Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, commend Lynn Disbrow on her recent accolade and extend best wishes for ongoing success; and be it further

       RESOLVED,  That the Clerk of the Senate transmit a duly authenticated copy of this Resolution to Lynn Disbrow.