As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. R. No. 7

Senator Wagoner 

Recognizing February 6, 2009, as National Wear Red 1
Day in Ohio.2


       WHEREAS, Diseases of the heart are the nation's leading cause 3
of death, and stroke is the nation's third leading cause of death; 4

        WHEREAS, Each year, 53 per cent of all deaths from 6
cardiovascular disease and 61 per cent of deaths from stroke occur 7
in women, leading to cardiovascular diseases claiming the lives of 8
nearly 455,000 American women each year, approximately one death 9
per minute; and10

        WHEREAS, In 2008, the direct and indirect cost of 11
cardiovascular diseases, including stroke, in the United States 12
was estimated to be $475.3 billion; and13

        WHEREAS, More women die of heart disease, stroke, and all 14
other cardiovascular disease than the next five leading causes of 15
death combined, including all cancers, but only 21 per cent of 16
women consider cardiovascular disease their greatest health risk; 17

       WHEREAS, February is designated as American Heart Month and 19
Go Red for Women is the American Heart Association's national call 20
to increase awareness about heart disease and to inspire women to 21
take charge of their heart health; and22

        WHEREAS, All women should learn their own personal risk for 23
heart disease, using tools such as the American Heart 24
Association's Go Red Heart CheckUp and by talking to their 25
healthcare providers; and26

        WHEREAS, Making the right choices related to proper 27
nutrition, physical activity, doctor visits, and other healthy 28
lifestyle behaviors is essential to living a heart healthy life; 29
now therefore be it30

        RESOLVED, That we, the members of the Ohio Senate, in 31
recognition of the importance of the ongoing fight against heart 32
disease and stroke, do hereby recognize Friday, February 6, 2009, 33
as National Wear Red Day in Ohio and urge all citizens to show 34
their support for women and the fight against heart disease by 35
commemorating this day by wearing the color red; and be it 36

        RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Senate transmit duly 42
authenticated copies of this resolution to the news media of Ohio.43