As Introduced

129th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. C. R. No. 37

Representative Stinziano 

Cosponsors: Representatives Grossman, Garland, Celeste, Carney, Gonzales, Heard, Duffey 

To urge the United States Department of Commerce to 1
select central Ohio as the site of a satellite 2
office of the United States Patent and Trademark 3


       WHEREAS, The United States Patent and Trademark Office 5
intends to select locations for satellite offices to allow the 6
agency to better recruit and retain talented patent professionals 7
and to better interact with the applicant community. Central Ohio, 8
as one of the fastest growing regions in the Midwest and home to a 9
diverse and talented pool of individuals, would be an excellent 10
choice for a satellite office; and11

       WHEREAS, Central Ohio is home to twenty-seven colleges and 12
universities, including The Ohio State University, one of the 13
country's largest universities. The area has done an outstanding 14
job of recruiting young professionals and retaining those 15
graduating from our schools; and16

       WHEREAS, Central Ohio maintains a strong economic outlook and 17
has continually shown steady economic growth. For example, the 18
City of Columbus touts an unemployment number of 7.6%, well below 19
the state and national average; and20

       WHEREAS, Central Ohio boasts several Fortune 500 companies, 21
including Cardinal Health, Nationwide, American Electric Power, 22
and Limited Brands. It is also home to Battelle, which manages 23
some of the world's leading national laboratories. Furthermore, in 24
the past several years, has named the City of Columbus 25
as one of America's Best Housing Markets, one of the Best Places 26
for Business and Careers, and the nation's #1 Up and Coming Tech 27
City; now therefore be it28

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 129th General Assembly 29
of the State of Ohio, conclude that the combination of a 30
well-educated young population working with industry leaders on 31
the products of tomorrow makes central Ohio a premier location for 32
a United States Patent and Trademark Office satellite location. An 33
office in central Ohio will reduce patent application dependency, 34
improve quality, and enhance communication between the United 35
States Patent and Trademark Office and the patent applicant 36
community. Additionally, a satellite office in central Ohio will 37
further the progress our community has made in attracting, 38
training, and retaining a highly skilled workforce; and be it 39
further 40

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 129th General Assembly 41
of the State of Ohio, urge the United States Department of 42
Commerce to select central Ohio as the location of a satellite 43
office of the United States Patent and Trademark Office; and be it 44

       RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives 46
transmit duly authenticated copies of this resolution to the 47
Secretary of Commerce, the Director of the United States Patent 48
and Trademark Office, the members of the Ohio Congressional 49
delegation, and the news media of Ohio.50