As Reported by the House Veterans Affairs Committee

129th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. C. R. No. 42

Representative Grossman 

Cosponsors: Representatives Hackett, Conditt, Sears, Bubp, Fedor, Ruhl, Rosenberger, Johnson, Stinziano, Goyal, Hayes, Buchy, Yuko, Garland, Smith, Stebelton, O'Brien, Milkovich, Pillich, Landis, Butler, Hagan, C., Martin, Young 

To urge the United States Department of Defense to 1
reconsider any proposed Air National Guard force 2
and equipment reductions at Rickenbacker Air 3
National Guard Base.4


       WHEREAS, The 129th General Assembly of the State of Ohio 5
strongly opposes the disproportionate cuts facing Rickenbacker Air 6
National Guard Base as part of the U.S. Air Force's fiscal 2013 7
budget request; and8

       WHEREAS, The net result of the proposed Air National Guard 9
force reductions and mitigation efforts involving Ohio is that 10
Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base will lose 191 total jobs: 57 11
full-time and 134 part-time; and12

       WHEREAS, Over the past decade our National Guard has evolved 13
into a cost-effective operational force that is critical to our 14
national security and our ability to respond to domestic 15
emergencies; and16

       WHEREAS, The Air National Guard provides thirty-five per cent 17
of the U.S. Air Force's capability for six per cent of the budget, 18

       WHEREAS, The Air National Guard performs a variety of 20
domestic missions, including transporting vital personnel, 21
equipment, and supplies during emergencies and assisting in daily 22
drug interdiction operations; and23

       WHEREAS, The 129th General Assembly of the State of Ohio is 24
extremely proud of the role that Rickenbacker Air National Guard 25
Base plays in protecting this state and the nation and their 26
citizens, and finds that Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base 27
houses a highly experienced and capable force, and plays an 28
essential role in responding to domestic disasters and 29
emergencies; now therefore be it30

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 129th General Assembly 31
of the State of Ohio, while we appreciate the need to reorganize, 32
restructure, and modernize the military to meet new threats and 33
economic realities, and understand the need for cost-effective 34
means to achieve these goals, oppose the proposal to cut jobs at 35
Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base, and respectfully request 36
that the Department of Defense reconsider any proposed Air 37
National Guard force and equipment reductions at Rickenbacker Air 38
National Guard Base and work with governors and local communities 39
to fashion solutions that best serve the interests of the nation; 40
and be it further41

       RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives 42
transmit duly authenticated copies of this resolution to the 43
President of the United States, the Secretary of the United States 44
Department of Defense, the Secretary of the Air Force, the members 45
of the Ohio Congressional delegation, the Governor of Ohio, and 46
the news media of Ohio.47