As Introduced

129th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. C. R. No. 50

Representative Hagan, R. 

Cosponsors: Representatives Foley, Stinziano, Lundy, Yuko, Phillips, Antonio 

To urge the Congress of the United States to request 1
the United States Government Accountability Office 2
to update its 1989 study and report on injection 3
wells and drinking water contamination.4


       WHEREAS, Underground injection wells are utilized in Ohio for 5
a variety of purposes, including the disposal of wastes derived 6
from the hydraulic fracturing process used at oil and gas 7
production operations; and8

       WHEREAS, The disposal of wastes by means of deep well 9
injection raises significant questions regarding the safety of the 10
process and the impact that the injection of wastes may have on 11
ground water sources that are used for drinking water; and 12

       WHEREAS, In 1989, the United States Government Accountability 13
Office (GAO) conducted a study and issued a report, entitled 14
Safeguards Are Not Preventing Contamination From Injected Oil and 15
Gas Wastes, that addressed the regulation of injection wells used 16
in oil and gas production operations. The study focused 17
specifically on: (1) whether evidence existed of drinking water 18
contamination from injection wells and, if so, the causes and 19
actions that were taken to prevent similar occurrences, and (2) 20
the degree to which states had implemented program safeguards to 21
protect against drinking water contamination; and22

       WHEREAS, The 1989 GAO report concluded that injection wells 23
were the source of drinking water contamination in numerous 24
circumstances. Further, the report recommended specific actions 25
that should be undertaken by the United States Environmental 26
Protection Agency to address contamination and potential 27
contamination of drinking water by injection wells; and28

       WHEREAS, The GAO has not conducted a follow-up study since 29
1989; now therefore be it30

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 129th General Assembly 31
of the State of Ohio, in adopting this resolution, strongly urge 32
the Congress of the United States to request that the Government 33
Accountability Office update its study and report examining the 34
impact that injection wells have on drinking water supplies in our 35
nation; and be it further 36

       RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives 37
transmit duly authenticated copies of this resolution to the 38
Speaker and Clerk of the United States House of Representatives, 39
the President Pro Tempore and Secretary of the United States 40
Senate, the members of the Ohio Congressional delegation, and the 41
news media of Ohio.42