As Reported by the House Health and Aging Committee

129th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. C. R. No. 15

Senator Schaffer 

Cosponsors: Senators Tavares, Jones, Bacon, Balderson, Beagle, Brown, Burke, Cafaro, Coley, Daniels, Eklund, Faber, Gentile, Hite, Hughes, Kearney, Lehner, Manning, Obhof, Oelslager, Patton, Schiavoni, Skindell, Smith, Wagoner 

Representatives Gonzales, Fende, Antonio, Carney, Garland, Hackett, Hottinger, Johnson, Schuring, Yuko 

To express the General Assembly's support of 1
increasing public awareness of and education on 2
the importance of folic acid in the diets of women 3
of childbearing age.4


       WHEREAS, Sufficient folic acid in women's diets before and 5
during pregnancy can reduce the risk of birth defects of the brain 6
and spinal cord known as neural tube defects; and7

       WHEREAS, Neural tube defects occur in about one out of every 8
one thousand pregnancies in the United States; and9

        WHEREAS, Studies have shown that neural tube defects could be 10
prevented if women consume the proper amounts of folic acid before 11
becoming pregnant and during early pregnancy; and12

        WHEREAS, The Food and Nutrition Board of the National 13
Academies' Institute of Medicine, the United States Public Health 14
Service, and the United States Preventative Services Task Force 15
recommend that women who are of childbearing age should consume 16
four hundred micrograms of synthetic folic acid every day from a 17
vitamin or from fortified foods, in addition to eating a healthy 18
diet rich in natural sources of folate; and19

        WHEREAS, The March of Dimes found that while public awareness 20
is improving and eighty-four per cent of women have heard of folic 21
acid, only thirty-nine per cent take a daily vitamin containing 22
folate, only twenty per cent know that folic acid prevents birth 23
defects, and only eleven per cent know it should be taken before 24
pregnancy; and25

       WHEREAS, The March of Dimes found that health professionals 26
have not been the main source of women's information and awareness 27
about folic acid since forty-nine per cent of the women who 28
learned about folic acid did so from the media as compared to 29
thirty-three per cent who learned about folic acid from their 30
physicians or other healthcare providers; now therefore be it31

        RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 129th General Assembly 32
of the State of Ohio, in adopting this resolution, express our 33
support of increasing public awareness of and education on the 34
importance of folic acid in the diets of women of childbearing age 35
to help prevent neural tube defects; and be it further36

        RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 129th General Assembly 37
of the State of Ohio, suggest that the Ohio Department of Health, 38
State Medical Board of Ohio, Ohio Board of Nursing, Ohio State 39
Board of Pharmacy, and the Ohio Department of Insurance 40
collaborate when engaging in any effort to increase public 41
awareness of and education on the importance of folic acid.42