129th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. R. No. 85

Senator Tavares 

In memory of John W. Bowen.

       WHEREAS,  The members of the Senate of the 129th General Assembly of Ohio were deeply saddened to learn of the death of John W. Bowen and extend our sincere condolences to his family and friends; and

       WHEREAS,  John Bowen left an indelible impression on the people whose lives he touched, and he will be remembered as a spirited individual who contributed immeasurably to the world around him. A U.S. armed forces veteran of World War II and an attorney, he served in the Ohio Senate from 1967 to 1970, becoming the first African-American state legislator from Franklin County, and on the Ohio Board of Regents from 1978 to 1982, and he practiced law privately before, between, and after his statewide offices until his retirement; and

       WHEREAS,  John Bowen's regard for improving the quality of life in our society was clearly evident. Giving generously of his energy and abilities in all of his endeavors, he displayed exceptional concern and insight, and his absence will be keenly felt; and

       WHEREAS,  In numerous roles, John Bowen always used his talents to the benefit of others, and the laurels of his life stand as a tribute not only to him but also to those he left behind. Although the void his death has created can never be filled, the legacy of care and commitment he established will surely live on; therefore be it

       RESOLVED,  That we, the members of the Senate of the 129th General Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, express a profound sense of loss and sincere regret at the death of John W. Bowen and, in so doing, pay tribute to the memory of a truly unique individual; and be it further

       RESOLVED,  That the Clerk of the Senate transmit a duly authenticated copy of this Resolution to the family of John W. Bowen.