As Introduced

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. C. R. No. 7

Representative O'Brien 

To urge the President of the United States, the 1
United States Secretary of State, and the Congress 2
of the United States to compel Brazil to extradite 3
Claudia Hoerig to stand trial for the aggravated 4
murder of her husband, Major Karl Hoerig, and to 5
request that the United States terminate foreign 6
aid payments to Brazil and boycott the 2016 Summer 7
Olympics in Brazil if Claudia Hoerig is not 8


       WHEREAS, On March 12, 2007, Major Karl Hoerig, a pilot for 10
the United States Air Force Reserve, was found brutally murdered 11
in his home in Newton Falls, Trumbull County, Ohio; and12

       WHEREAS, Overwhelming evidence gathered by state and local 13
law enforcement officials established that the victim's wife, 14
Claudia Hoerig, was the prime suspect in the crime; and15

       WHEREAS, Claudia Hoerig, an American citizen, fled to Brazil 16
immediately following the crime; and17

       WHEREAS, On April 24, 2007, a Trumbull County grand jury 18
indicted Claudia Hoerig on charges of aggravated murder with a 19
firearm specification; and20

       WHEREAS, For almost six years, Claudia Hoerig has evaded 21
justice in the United States due to Brazil's refusal to extradite 22
her for trial, despite diplomatic efforts on the part of the 23
Federal Bureau of Investigation, the United States Marshals 24
Services, and the United States Secretary of State; and25

       WHEREAS, Brazil claims that Claudia Hoerig is a Brazilian 26
citizen, despite her voluntary renunciation of Brazilian 27
citizenship, and is therefore protected from extradition under the 28
rights afforded to Brazilian citizens under Title II, Chapter 1, 29
Article 5, Section LI of the Brazilian Constitution; and30

       WHEREAS, Brazil's refusal to extradite its citizens who are 31
suspected of committing crimes in other countries, when those 32
countries provide ample evidence and legal justification for the 33
extradition, amounts to Brazil providing safe harbor to criminals 34
and terrorists; and35

       WHEREAS, Other countries who previously protected their 36
citizens from extradition, including Columbia, have modified their 37
extradition policies in response to diplomatic efforts by the 38
United States; now therefore be it39

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 130th General Assembly 40
of the State of Ohio, urge the President of the United States, the 41
United States Secretary of State, and the Congress of the United 42
States to compel Brazil to extradite Claudia Hoerig so that she 43
may stand trial for the aggravated murder of Major Karl Hoerig; 44
and be it further45

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 130th General Assembly 46
of the State of Ohio, further urge the President of the United 47
States, the United States Secretary of State, and the Congress of 48
the United States to terminate all foreign aid payments scheduled 49
to be made to Brazil if the request for extradition is not 50
granted; and be it further51

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 130th General Assembly 52
of the State of Ohio, further urge the President of the United 53
States to order a boycott by the United States of the Olympic 54
Games, to be held in the summer of 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, if 55
Claudia Hoerig is not extradited to the United States; and be it 56

       RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives 58
transmit duly authenticated copies of this resolution to the 59
President of the United States, the United States Secretary of 60
State, the President Pro Tempore and Secretary of the United 61
States Senate, the Speaker and Clerk of the United States House of 62
Representatives, each member of the Ohio Congressional delegation, 63
the Brazilian Ambassador to the United States, and the news media 64
of Ohio.65