As Introduced

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. J. R. No. 5

Representatives Roegner, Maag 

Proposing to enact Section 22 of Article I of the 1
Constitution of the State of Ohio to prohibit 2
employees from being forced to participate in a 3
labor organization as a condition of employment.4

       Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, 5
three-fifths of the members elected to each house concurring 6
herein, that there shall be submitted to the electors of the 7
state, in the manner prescribed by law at the general election to 8
be held on November 5, 2013, a proposal to enact Section 22 of 9
Article I of the Constitution of the State of Ohio to read as 10

22.   (A) No law, rule, agreement, or arrangement 12
shall require, directly or indirectly, any person to become or 13
remain a member of a labor organization.14

       (B) No law, rule, agreement, or arrangement shall require, 15
directly or indirectly, as a condition of employment, any person 16
or employer to pay or transfer any dues, fees, assessments, or 17
other charges of any kind, or anything else of value, to a labor 18
organization or third party in lieu of the labor organization.19

       (C) Nothing in this section shall prevent any person from 20
voluntarily belonging to or voluntarily providing support to a 21
labor organization or apply to agreements entered into or renewed 22
prior to January 1, 2014.23

       (D) No other provision of the Ohio Constitution shall impair 24
or limit the rights contained in this section.25

       (E) This section shall be implemented to the maximum extent 26
that the United States Constitution and federal law permit. Any 27
invalid or inoperative provisions shall first be construed as not 28
conflicting with federal law, and then, only if necessary, severed 29
from remaining portions of the section, which shall remain in 30

       (F) Any person directly or indirectly affected or threatened 32
with any harm by a violation of this section may bring a civil or 33
equitable action to enforce this section, and, upon prevailing, 34
shall be entitled to injunctive relief, reasonable attorney's 35
fees, costs, and other damages.36

       (G) As used in this section:37

       (1) "Labor organization" means any agency, union, employee 38
representation committee, or organization of any kind that exists 39
for the purpose, in whole or in part, of dealing with employers 40
concerning collective bargaining, grievances, wages, benefits, 41
rates of pay, hours of work, other forms of compensation, or other 42
conditions of employment.43

       (2) "Person or employer" includes all persons and employers 44
in the State of Ohio, whether public or private, with the 45
exception of the federal government of the United States and its 46

       (3) "Indirect" requirements include:48

       (a) The imposition of fines, penalties, or other costs or 49
charges for failing to become or remain a member of a labor 50

       (b) The conditioning of public or private sector employment 52
or employment opportunities on becoming or remaining a member of a 53
labor organization;54

       (c) The conditioning of public or private sector employment 55
or employment opportunities on paying or transferring dues, fees, 56
assessments, other charges, or anything else of value to a labor 57
organization or a third party in lieu of the labor organization.58

       (4) "Fines, penalties, or other costs or charges" include any 59
civil, criminal, or contractual penalty; any fine, tax, or 60
monetary charge; and any salary or wage withholding or surcharge 61
or fee that is used to punish or discourage the exercise of rights 62
protected under this section.63


       If adopted by a majority of the electors voting on this 65
proposal, Section 22 of Article I of the Constitution of the State 66
of Ohio takes effect January 1, 2014.67