As Introduced

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. R. No. 428

Representative Clyde 

Cosponsors: Representatives Antonio, Becker, Bishoff, Boyce, Budish, Cera, Curtin, Fedor, Foley, Gerberry, Hagan, R., Heard, Letson, Lundy, Mallory, Redfern, Reece, Slesnick, Stinziano, Strahorn, Williams 

To express support for the provision of United States 1
assistance to Nigeria in searching for the more 2
than 200 female students abducted by the terrorist 3
group Boko Haram.4


       WHEREAS, On April 14, 2014, more than 200 teenage female 5
students were forcefully abducted from their dormitories at the 6
Chibok Government Girls Secondary School in northeast Nigeria by 7
the terrorist group known as Boko Haram; and8

        WHEREAS, Boko Haram claims full responsibility for this 9
heinous abduction and is threatening to sell the girls into sexual 10
slavery; and11

        WHEREAS, Boko Haram, which means "Western education is evil," 12
rejects Western culture, including the education of women and 13
girls. Boko Haram attempts to stifle the education of young 14
Nigerian women by inciting fear and violence; and15

        WHEREAS, It has been reported that an additional eleven girls 16
were kidnapped from their villages on May 12, 2014, in the 17
northeastern province of Borno by men armed with AK-47s; and18

        WHEREAS, The international community continues to express 19
outrage about the abduction of these young girls. President Obama 20
has therefore pledged military and law enforcement advisors to 21
Nigeria to support its efforts to find and free the girls, which 22
Nigeria has accepted; now therefore be it23

        RESOLVED, That we, the members of the House of 24
Representatives of the 130th General Assembly of the State of 25
Ohio, urge the President of the United States to continue to 26
support the efforts of the Nigerian government to safely locate 27
the abducted girls and return them to their families; and be it 28

        RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives send 30
duly authenticated copies of this resolution to the President of 31
the United States, the members of the Ohio Congressional 32
delegation, and the news media of Ohio.33