As Adopted by the House

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. C. R. No. 28

Senator Bacon 

Cosponsors: Senators Balderson, Beagle, Brown, Burke, Cafaro, Coley, Eklund, Faber, Gardner, Gentile, Hite, Hughes, Jones, Jordan, Kearney, LaRose, Lehner, Manning, Obhof, Oelslager, Patton, Peterson, Sawyer, Schaffer, Schiavoni, Seitz, Skindell, Smith, Tavares, Turner, Uecker, Widener 

Representatives Johnson, Landis, Pillich, Anielski, Barborak, Dovilla, Milkovich, Perales, Retherford, Young, Fedor, Antonio, Baker, Barnes, Beck, Bishoff, Blair, Blessing, Boyce, Brenner, Brown, Buchy, Burkley, Butler, Celebrezze, Cera, Conditt, Damschroder, Derickson, Duffey, Green, Hackett, Hagan, C., Hall, Hayes, Hill, Hood, Kunze, Lundy, Lynch, Maag, Mallory, McClain, McGregor, Patterson, Phillips, Ramos, Reece, Rogers, Romanchuk, Ruhl, Schuring, Sears, Sheehy, Slesnick, Smith, Sprague, Stautberg, Stinziano, Strahorn, Sykes, Terhar, Wachtmann, Williams 

To designate a week in May each year as Ohio Warrior 1
Awareness Week and to urge the Governor to issue 2
an appropriate proclamation.3


       WHEREAS, The vigilance of the members of the Armed Forces has 4
been instrumental to the preservation of the freedom, security, 5
and prosperity enjoyed by the people of the United States; and6

       WHEREAS, The success of the Armed Forces depends on the 7
dedicated service of its members, their families, and the civilian 8
employees of the Department of Defense and the service branches; 9

       WHEREAS, The role of the United States as a world leader 11
requires a military force that is well-trained, well-equipped, and 12
appropriately sized; and13

       WHEREAS, Service in the Armed Forces entails special hazards 14
and demands extraordinary sacrifices from service members and 15
their families; and16

       WHEREAS, The support of the families of service members 17
enhances the effectiveness and capabilities of the Armed Forces; 18

       WHEREAS, Public awareness encourages employers to support the 20
participation of their employees in the National Guard and 21
Reserve, and cultivates an awareness of the challenges faced by 22
impaired or disabled service members upon return to civilian 23
employment; and24

       WHEREAS, The support of the members of the Armed Forces, who 25
have been injured while on active duty, and upon their return 26
encourages productive veteran citizens; and27

       WHEREAS, The observance of events recognizing the 28
contributions of the Armed Forces is a tangible and highly 29
effective way of sustaining morale and improving quality of life 30
for service members and their families; now therefore be it31

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 130th General Assembly 32
of the State of Ohio, designate the week that coincides with Armed 33
Forces Week each year, as "Ohio Warrior Awareness Week," and urge 34
the Governor to issue a proclamation calling on the people of 35
Ohio, and all state agencies and political subdivisions, annually 36
to observe Ohio Warrior Awareness Week with appropriate ceremonies 37
and activities; and be it further38

       RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Senate transmit duly 39
authenticated copies of this resolution to the Governor and to the 40
news media of Ohio.41