As Introduced

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. C. R. No. 31

Senators Manning, Tavares 

Cosponsors: Senators LaRose, Gentile, Jordan, Turner, Cafaro, Burke, Gardner, Coley, Eklund, Skindell, Uecker, Jones, Hughes, Brown, Schiavoni, Bacon, Peterson, Beagle, Smith 

To recognize the outstanding service of the 65th 1
Infantry Regiment from Puerto Rico and to urge the 2
award of a Congressional Gold Medal to the 3
Regiment. 4


       WHEREAS, In 1898, the United States acquired Puerto Rico in 5
the Treaty of Paris that ended the Spanish-American War and, by 6
the following year, Congress had authorized raising a unit of 7
volunteer soldiers in the newly acquired territory; and8

       WHEREAS, In June 1920, the unit was designated as the "65th 9
Infantry Regiment, United States Army," and it would serve as the 10
United States military's last segregated unit composed of Hispanic 11
soldiers; and12

       WHEREAS, The Regiment participated in World War I, World War 13
II, and the Korean War; and14

       WHEREAS, During the Korean War, soldiers in the Regiment 15
earned ten distinguished service crosses, two hundred fifty-six 16
silver stars, six hundred six bronze stars, and two thousand seven 17
hundred seventy-seven Purple Hearts; and18

       WHEREAS, On April 25, 2013, H.R. 1726 was introduced in the 19
United States House of Representatives to award a Congressional 20
Gold Medal to the Regiment; and21

       WHEREAS, On June 18, 2013, S. 1174 was introduced in the 22
United States Senate to award a Congressional Gold Medal to the 23
Regiment; and24

       WHEREAS, The Congressional Gold Medal is among the highest 25
civilian awards in the United States and is awarded to persons 26
"who have performed an achievement that has an impact on American 27
history and culture that is likely to be recognized as a major 28
achievement in the recipient's field long after the achievement"; 29

       WHEREAS, Veterans of the Regiment should receive recognition 31
for selflessly giving their time, effort, and lives; and32

       WHEREAS, Ohio is home to more than eleven thousand Hispanic 33
veterans; now therefore be it34

       RESOLVED, That the General Assembly recognizes the 35
outstanding service of the 65th Infantry Regiment; and be it 36
further 37

       RESOLVED, That the General Assembly urges the Ohio 38
Congressional delegation to acknowledge the outstanding service of 39
the 65th Infantry Regiment and to highlight the Regiment's story 40
by supporting H.R. 1726 and S. 1174; and be it further 41

       RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Senate transmit duly 42
authenticated copies of this resolution to the members of the Ohio 43
Congressional delegation and to the news media of Ohio.44