WHEREAS, Breastfeeding is an important part of preventative | 4 |
health care for both infants and mothers. Scientific studies | 5 |
demonstrate that breast milk helps protect infants from infections | 6 |
and allergies and provides the nutrients necessary for optimum | 7 |
growth and development. Infants who are breastfed for at least six | 8 |
months may be less likely to become overweight or obese during | 9 |
later phases of childhood or as adults. Women who breastfeed their | 10 |
infants have decreased risks of breast and ovarian cancer, anemia, | 11 |
and osteoporosis; and | 12 |
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 130th General Assembly | 27 |
of the State of Ohio, encourage hospitals and freestanding | 28 |
birthing centers to adopt policies and procedures that promote | 29 |
breastfeeding, including, but not limited to, (1) being designated | 30 |
a "Baby Friendly Hospital" by the United Nations Children's Fund | 31 |
and the World Health Organization Baby Friendly Hospital | 32 |
Initiative, (2) developing breastfeeding education for women, | 33 |
including education on the health benefits of breastfeeding, (3) | 34 |
providing breastfeeding education and training for health care | 35 |
professionals who provide maternal and child care, (4) providing | 36 |
new mothers with access to lactation consultants, and (5) | 37 |
providing information on alternatives to breastfeeding for mothers | 38 |
who cannot or choose not to breastfeed or for mothers for whom | 39 |
breastfeeding is contradindicated; and be it further | 40 |
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 130th General Assembly | 41 |
of the State of Ohio, in acknowledging the importance of | 42 |
breastfeeding, recognize the right of a mother to choose the | 43 |
method she will use to feed her infant. Therefore, we encourage | 44 |
hospitals and freestanding birthing centers to do all of the | 45 |
following: (1) provide pregnant patients with complete | 46 |
information, written materials, and support on available infant | 47 |
feeding methods, (2) support the feeding method a new mother | 48 |
chooses for her infant, (3) provide health care providers and new | 49 |
mothers with access to infant feeding educational information and | 50 |
infant feeding materials regarding various methods for feeding | 51 |
infants, including breast pumps, infant feeding supplies, infant | 52 |
formula samples, and preparation instructions, and (4) distribute | 53 |
infant formula samples and infant feeding supplies to a | 54 |
breastfeeding mother on request of the mother or when ordered by | 55 |
the mother's physician; and be it further | 56 |