As Reported by the Senate Medicaid, Health and Human Services Committeee

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. C. R. No. 37

Senator Tavares 

Cosponsors: Senators Cafaro, Brown 

To encourage hospitals and freestanding birthing 1
centers to adopt policies and procedures that 2
promote breastfeeding.3


       WHEREAS, Breastfeeding is an important part of preventative 4
health care for both infants and mothers. Scientific studies 5
demonstrate that breast milk helps protect infants from infections 6
and allergies and provides the nutrients necessary for optimum 7
growth and development. Infants who are breastfed for at least six 8
months may be less likely to become overweight or obese during 9
later phases of childhood or as adults. Women who breastfeed their 10
infants have decreased risks of breast and ovarian cancer, anemia, 11
and osteoporosis; and12

       WHEREAS, Despite the benefits of breastfeeding, the United 13
States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports 14
that only 13.6 per cent of babies in the United States are 15
exclusively breastfed at six months of age; and16

       WHEREAS, The CDC's Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition 17
and Care, a national survey of maternity care practices and 18
procedures, found that barriers to breastfeeding are widespread in 19
hospitals and birthing facilities. The CDC also found that 96 per 20
cent of hospitals and birthing facilities lack maternity care 21
policies and practices that fully support breastfeeding; and 22

       WHEREAS, A review by the United States Preventive Services 23
Task Force determined that education on breastfeeding is an 24
effective intervention for increasing breastfeeding rates; now 25
therefore be it26

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 130th General Assembly 27
of the State of Ohio, encourage hospitals and freestanding 28
birthing centers to adopt policies and procedures that promote 29
breastfeeding, including, but not limited to, (1) being designated 30
a "Baby Friendly Hospital" by the United Nations Children's Fund 31
and the World Health Organization Baby Friendly Hospital 32
Initiative, (2) developing breastfeeding education for women, 33
including education on the health benefits of breastfeeding, (3) 34
providing breastfeeding education and training for health care 35
professionals who provide maternal and child care, (4) providing 36
new mothers with access to lactation consultants, and (5) 37
providing information on alternatives to breastfeeding for mothers 38
who cannot or choose not to breastfeed or for mothers for whom 39
breastfeeding is contradindicated; and be it further40

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 130th General Assembly 41
of the State of Ohio, in acknowledging the importance of 42
breastfeeding, recognize the right of a mother to choose the 43
method she will use to feed her infant. Therefore, we encourage 44
hospitals and freestanding birthing centers to do all of the 45
following: (1) provide pregnant patients with complete 46
information, written materials, and support on available infant 47
feeding methods, (2) support the feeding method a new mother 48
chooses for her infant, (3) provide health care providers and new 49
mothers with access to infant feeding educational information and 50
infant feeding materials regarding various methods for feeding 51
infants, including breast pumps, infant feeding supplies, infant 52
formula samples, and preparation instructions, and (4) distribute 53
infant formula samples and infant feeding supplies to a 54
breastfeeding mother on request of the mother or when ordered by 55
the mother's physician; and be it further56

       RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Senate transmit duly 57
authenticated copies of this resolution to the news media of Ohio.58