As Introduced

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. C. R. No. 3

Senator Tavares 

Cosponsors: Senators Cafaro, Brown, Turner, Gentile, Skindell, Smith 

To recognize the week of January 20-26, 2013, as 1
Reproductive Rights Awareness Week to encourage 2
public awareness, conversation, and support for 3
reproductive rights and justice.4


       WHEREAS, Women comprise more than half of the population of 5
the United States of America and are solely responsible for 6
childbearing; and7

        WHEREAS, Women who plan their pregnancies are more likely to 8
seek prenatal care, improving their own health and the health of 9
their children; and10

        WHEREAS, According to the Center for Women Policy Studies' 11
2011 National Strategic Action Convening for State Legislators on 12
Reproductive Rights and Justice, the United States of America 13
ranks 30th in the world in its rate of maternal mortality and has 14
one of the highest rates of maternal mortality among all developed 15
nations; and16

        WHEREAS, Family planning services improve health care 17
outcomes and wellness for women and families, access to family 18
planning is directly linked to declines in maternal and infant 19
mortality rates, and women who do not receive prenatal care are 20
three to four times more likely to die after a live birth than are 21
women who have received even minimal prenatal care; and22

        WHEREAS, Contraception enables women to better prevent 23
unintended pregnancies and plan for pregnancy when they do want to 24
have a child, and publicly funded contraceptive services and 25
supplies prevent nearly two million unintended pregnancies each 26
year in the United States; and27

        WHEREAS, Nearly half of all unintended pregnancies end in 28
abortion, and abortion rates in the United States increase during 29
times when contraception is less accessible to low income women; 30

        WHEREAS, The United States has one of the highest rates of 32
unintended pregnancy among the world's developed nations, half of 33
all the pregnancies in the United States are unintended, and half 34
of unintended pregnancies occur in women who are not using 35
contraceptives; and36

        WHEREAS, In addition to the primary purpose of allowing women 37
to plan and prepare for pregnancy, other health benefits of 38
contraception include reduced risk of endometrial and ovarian 39
cancers, ectopic pregnancy, iron deficiency anemia related to 40
heavy menstruation, osteoporosis, ovarian cysts, and pelvic 41
inflammatory disease; and42

        WHEREAS, Racial and ethnic health disparities are 43
particularly pronounced in reproductive health, including 44
disparities in rates of contraceptive usage, unintended 45
pregnancies, maternal mortality, and sexually transmitted 46
infections; and47

        WHEREAS, These racial and ethnic health disparities reveal 48
significant barriers to access to sexual health care (including 49
contraception), medical care, and medically accurate sexuality 50
education; and51

        WHEREAS, A majority of American voters believe that matters 52
related to women's reproductive rights, including contraception 53
and abortion, are personal issues that should be decided by women 54
with their families, health care providers, or clergy members; now 55
therefore be it56

        RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 130th General Assembly 57
of the State of Ohio, in adopting this resolution, recognize the 58
week of January 20-26, 2013, as Reproductive Rights Awareness Week 59
to encourage public awareness, conversation, and support for 60
reproductive rights and justice; and be it further61

        RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Senate transmit duly 62
authenticated copies of this resolution to the news media of Ohio.63