130th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. R. No. 163

Senator Obhof 

Honoring Samantha Stoner on being selected as a 2013 National AXA Achiever.

       WHEREAS, The members of the Senate of the 130th General Assembly of Ohio are pleased to extend special recognition to Samantha Stoner on receiving a 2013 AXA Achievement Scholarship; and

       WHEREAS, A student at Lexington High School and a member of its cross country team, Samantha Stoner has striven to develop her knowledge and skills and has amply demonstrated her ability to meet challenges with enthusiasm and confidence. Losing her sight to macular degeneration when she was in the eighth grade, she successfully lobbied to have the rules changed for high school cross country so she could compete with the help of a guide dog, and she displayed an exceptional willingness to work hard to produce superior results; and

       WHEREAS, The perseverance and forbearance Samantha Stoner has developed throughout her life has earned her the respect and admiration of all who know her. She has risen above what for many would have been insurmountable obstacles to strive for her full potential and has displayed the remarkable courage and patience that distinguish her as a self-starter; and

       WHEREAS, Through her tremendous efforts, Samantha Stoner has set an example worthy of emulation, and she is certainly deserving of high praise. Her accomplishments are a justifiable source of pride and an excellent reflection not only on her but also on her family, her instructors, her school, and her community; therefore be it

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the Senate of the 130th General Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, commend Samantha Stoner on her national accolade and salute her as a fine Ohioan; and be it further

       RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Senate transmit a duly authenticated copy of this Resolution to Samantha Stoner.

I, Vincent L. Keeran, hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of Senate Resolution No. 163, adopted by the Ohio Senate, July 2, 2013.
Vincent L. Keeran
Clerk of the Senate
Senator Keith Faber
President of the Senate
Senator Larry Obhof
Senatorial District No. 22