As Introduced

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. R. No. 1

Senator Widener 

Cosponsor: Senator Kearney 

Relative to the salaries of the officials and 1
employees of the Senate.2

       BE IT RESOLVED, That the employees of the Senate be assigned 3
titles as determined by the Chief of Staff; and be it further4

       RESOLVED, That employees be compensated as determined by the 5
Chief of Staff; and be it further6

       RESOLVED, That pay increases shall be made only upon the 7
determination of the Chief of Staff; and be it further8

       RESOLVED, That all such employees, property, premises, and 9
expenditures of the Senate shall be under the direct supervision 10
of the Chief of Staff and the Clerk, and these officials are 11
hereby authorized to make such changes and such assignments of 12
duties of said employees as will result in the highest efficiency 13
and best serve the interests of the State. The Chief of Staff and 14
the Clerk are also authorized to discharge and replace said 15
appointees and are authorized to appoint any additional staff as 16
may be necessary to facilitate the work of the Senate; and be it 17

       RESOLVED, That all of the foregoing salaries be paid from the 19
appropriate funds of the Senate.20