As Introduced

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. R. No. 328

Senators Turner, Smith, Skindell 

Recognizing the Honorable Jean Murrell Capers for lifetime achievement and community service.

       WHEREAS, The members of the Senate of the 130th General Assembly of Ohio are pleased to congratulate the Honorable Jean Murrell Capers on receiving a Lifetime Achievement Award from YWCA Greater Cleveland, May 12, 2014; and

       WHEREAS, This prestigious honor is a fitting tribute to Jean Capers in recognition of her exemplary contributions to the community. An attorney for more than sixty-five years, she served as the first African-American woman on Cleveland City Council, an employee of the city prosecutor's office, and an assistant Ohio attorney general before being appointed a judge of the Cleveland Municipal Court in 1977, a post she held until 1986, and she retired from the practice of law in 2011 at the age of ninety-eight; and

       WHEREAS, The oldest living retired judge in Ohio, Jean Capers is truly deserving of high praise, for she has combined civic concern and commitment with selfless initiative to become a dynamic leader in the community. Through her unwavering dedication to excellence, she has certainly distinguished herself as a conscientious and hard-working Ohioan, and we applaud her on her tremendous efforts; and

       WHEREAS, Jean Capers' exceptional record of personal and professional success stands as a hallmark worthy of emulation, and she has inspired countless individuals to excel in various areas of endeavor. The respect and admiration she has earned throughout her life are clearly evident, and her accomplishments are a justifiable source of pride and an outstanding reflection not only on her but also on her family and her community; therefore be it

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the Senate of the 130th General Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, commend the Honorable Jean Murrell Capers on her recent accolade and salute her as one of Ohio's finest citizens; and be it further

       RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Senate transmit a duly authenticated copy of this Resolution to the Honorable Jean Murrell Capers.