H.B. 389

128th General Assembly

(As Introduced)


Reps.     Huffman, McClain, Blair, J. Adams, Derickson, Grossman, Okey, Ruhl, R. Adams, Hite, McGregor, Harris, Uecker


·         Authorizes a board of county commissioners to adopt a direct deposit payroll policy for all county employees.

·         Authorizes counties to increase the amount of money credited to "rainy day" reserve balance accounts.


Direct deposit of county payrolls

(R.C. 9.37(G))

The bill authorizes a board of county commissioners to adopt a payroll policy that requires all county employees to be paid their compensation by direct deposit.  If adopted by the board, the direct deposit payroll policy would require county employees to provide a written authorization designating a financial institution and an account number to which payment of the employee's compensation is to be credited.

Balance increase in county "rainy day" accounts

(R.C. 5705.13(A))

Continuing law authorizes the taxing authority of a political subdivision to establish reserve balance accounts, generally referred to as "rainy day" accounts, in the general fund or in a special fund for operating purposes of the subdivision.  The political subdivision accumulates money in the rainy day account to stabilize subdivision budgets against cyclical changes in revenues and expenditures.  (Subdivisions also may establish a reserve balance account to pay self-insurance program claims or to pay claims under a retrospective ratings plan for workers' compensation.)  Under current law, the amount of money that may be reserved in a rainy day account cannot exceed 5% of the revenue credited in the preceding fiscal year to the fund in which the account is established.

The bill authorizes a county to reserve in a rainy day reserve balance account the greater of 5% of the revenue credited in the preceding fiscal year to the fund in which the account is established or one-sixth of the expenditures during the preceding fiscal year from the fund in which the account is established.










