H.B. 413

128th General Assembly

(As Introduced)


Reps.     Lehner, Blair, Combs, Derickson, Domenick, Foley, Grossman, Harris, McClain, Morgan


·         Adds to the Coat of Arms of the State and, thus, to the Great Seal of the State of Ohio and all other official seals, a representation of the Wright Brothers' first piloted airplane.


Existing law

Current law requires all official seals, including the Great Seal of the State of Ohio as well as the seals of specified courts, state executive branch officials, and entities of the state and its political subdivisions, to have engraved on them the Coat of Arms of the State (R.C. 5.10).  Under current law, the Coat of Arms of the State must include, among other items (see COMMENT), a rising sun three-quarters exposed and radiating 13 rays to represent the 13 original colonies shining over the first state in the Northwest Territory (R.C. 5.04).

Changes proposed by the bill

The bill additionally requires the Coat of Arms of the State (and, thus, the Great Seal of the State of Ohio and all other official seals) to include, above and to the left of the sun, a representation of the first piloted airplane, flown by the Wright Brothers in 1903.  (R.C. 5.04 and 5.10.)


The Coat of Arms of the State is required by R.C. 5.04 to consist of the following device:  "a circular shield; in the right foreground of the shield a full sheaf of wheat bound and standing erect; in the left foreground, a cluster of seventeen arrows bound in the center and resembling in form the sheaf of wheat; in the background, a representation of Mount Logan, Ross county, as viewed from Adena state memorial; over the mount, a rising sun three-quarters exposed and radiating thirteen rays to represent the thirteen original colonies shining over the first state in the northwest territory, the exterior extremities of which rays form a semicircle; and uniting the background and foreground, a representation of the Scioto river and cultivated fields."

When the Coat of Arms of the State is reproduced in color, the colors used must be substantially the same as the natural color of the terrain and objects shown (R.C. 5.04).










