S.B. 151

128th General Assembly

(As Introduced)


Sen.       Grendell


·         Authorizes a board of park commissioners of a metropolitan park district to create a building department and employ personnel to administer and enforce the authority conferred by the bill.

·         Authorizes such a building department to enforce the state nonresidential building code for buildings on park property if the building department is certified by the Board of Building Standards.

·         Prohibits the exercise of enforcement authority of any certified municipal, township, or county building department located within the same jurisdiction as the certified park district building department.


Under current law the State Board of Building Standards certifies county, township, and municipal building departments to enforce the state residential and nonresidential building codes that the State Board of Building Standards adopts.  (R.C. 3781.10.)  The bill authorizes a board of park commissioners of a metropolitan park district to create a building department and employ necessary personnel to enforce the state nonresidential building code for any building existing or constructed on the park district's property.  The park district building department must be certified by the Board of Building Standards before exercising any enforcement authority.  (R.C. 1545.073(A).)

The bill provides that the board of park commissioners may direct the building department, upon certification, to exercise enforcement authority and to accept and approve plans regarding buildings on park property for the class of building for which the department and personnel are certified.  (R.C. 1545.073(B).)

The bill states that if a certified municipal, township, or county building department is located in the same jurisdiction as the park district's certified building department, it cannot exercise its enforcement authority over park buildings.  (R.C. 1545.073(C).)










