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Fiscal Note & Local Impact Statement

127 th General Assembly of Ohio

Ohio Legislative Service Commission

77 South High Street, 9th Floor, Columbus, OH 43215-6136 ² Phone: (614) 466-3615

² Internet Web Site: http://www.lsc.state.oh.us/


H.B. 188


May 15, 2007


As Introduced


Reps. Adams and Boyd



No local cost



Permits dental hygienists to enter into collaboration agreements with dentists


State Fiscal Highlights



FY 2007

FY 2008


Fund 4K9 (Operational Licensing Fund)


- 0 -

- 0 -

- 0 -


- 0 -

Potential minimal increase

Potential minimal increase

Note:  The state fiscal year is July 1 through June 30.  For example, FY 2007 is July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2007.


·        The State Dental Board may incur an increase in costs associated with rulemaking.

Local Fiscal Highlights


·        No direct fiscal effect on political subdivisions.




Detailed Fiscal Analysis


The bill generally maintains current law governing the practice of dental hygienists but enacts new law to:


(1)      Permit a dental hygienist to enter into a collaboration agreement with a dentist to provide certain services without the dentist being physically present at the facility where the services are provided and without prior examination by the dentist;

(2)      Govern the conditions under which a dental hygienist may practice under a collaboration agreement and the characteristics of a collaboration agreement; and

(3)      Provide an exception from the conditions in current law governing the practice of a dental hygienist when the dental hygienist practices under a collaboration agreement.


In effect, this means that if the bill is enacted, there will be two sets of laws governing the practice of dental hygienists: one that governs the practice of a dental hygienist when the hygienist practices under a collaboration agreement and another (the existing law) that governs the practice of a dental hygienist when the hygienist is not practicing under a collaboration agreement.


Although the bill expands the arena for dental hygienists to work, the State Dental Board does not expect any significant fiscal impact as a result of the changes.  The bill also requires the State Dental Board to adopt rules to implement certain requirements of the bill.  There may be some costs as a result of rulemaking.


Lastly, it is unclear if the bill would have any impact on premium costs for liability insurance for public health clinics or public dental clinics.  GRF appropriation line item 440-431, Free Clinic Liability Insurance, in the Department of Health provides this funding to free clinics.




LSC fiscal staff:  Stephanie Suer, Budget Analyst

