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 Fiscal Note & Local Impact Statement

127 th General Assembly of Ohio

Ohio Legislative Service Commission

77 South High Street, 9th Floor, Columbus, OH 43215-6136 ² Phone: (614) 466-3615

² Internet Web Site: http://www.lsc.state.oh.us/


H.B. 239


June 19, 2007


As Introduced


Rep. Latta


No —

No local cost



Clarifies the definition of "harmful to juveniles"


State Fiscal Highlights


·        The bill's definitional clarification appears unlikely to have any direct and immediate fiscal impact on state government because it will not noticeably affect the number of persons who are arrested and successfully prosecuted for violating the state's Sex Offenses Law. 

Local Fiscal Highlights


·        The bill's definitional clarification appears unlikely to have any direct and immediate fiscal impact on local governments because it will not noticeably affect the number of persons who are arrested and successfully prosecuted for violating the state's Sex Offenses Law. 




Detailed Fiscal Analysis


            Based on LSC fiscal staff's research to date, it does not appear that the current definition of harmful to juveniles has impaired the ability of local law enforcement and prosecutors to arrest, charge, and successfully prosecute individuals for violating the state's Sex Offenses Law, in particular for violating the prohibitions against disseminating or displaying matter harmful to juveniles.  Assuming that were true, then it seems unlikely that the bill's definitional clarification will have any direct and immediate fiscal impact on the state or local governments because it will not noticeably affect the number of persons who are arrested and successfully prosecuted.  In fact, it is possible that the bill may clarify any ambiguities in the law that may have previously been a source of contention between the prosecution and defense, and by doing so, potentially expedite the resolution of certain sex offense cases.




LSC fiscal staff:  Jamie L. Doskocil, Senior Budget Analyst

