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Fiscal Note & Local Impact Statement

127 th General Assembly of Ohio

Ohio Legislative Service Commission

77 South High Street, 9th Floor, Columbus, OH 43215-6136 ² Phone: (614) 466-3615

² Internet Web Site: http://www.lsc.state.oh.us/


H.B. 345


November 1, 2007


As Introduced


Reps. Hite and Yates


No —

No local cost



Income tax check-off for American Red Cross Fund


State Fiscal Highlights



FY 2008

FY 2009


General Revenue Fund


- 0 -

- 0 -

- 0 -


- 0 -

Potential increase

Potential increase

American Red Cross Disaster Response Fund


- 0 -

Potential gain

Potential gain


- 0 -

Potential increase

Potential increase

Note:  The state fiscal year is July 1 through June 30.  For example, FY 2007 is July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2007.


·        The bill creates the American Red Cross Disaster Response Fund in the state treasury, for the use of the American Red Cross Greater Columbus Chapter.  The amount of revenue to the fund and the expenditures from it will depend on the level of voluntary donations.  The money is to be used by the Chapter for programs of disaster preparedness and response in Ohio. 

·        The Executive Director of the state Emergency Management Agency is required to issue a report on the effectiveness of the American Red Cross income tax check-off to the General Assembly in January of every odd-numbered year beginning January 2011.  This may increase administrative expenditures for the agency.

Local Fiscal Highlights


·        No direct fiscal effect on political subdivisions.





Detailed Fiscal Analysis


H.B. 345 would create the American Red Cross Disaster Response Fund in the state treasury, for the use of the American Red Cross Greater Columbus Chapter.  The bill would permit taxpayers to designate a portion of any refund due under the income tax for deposit to the new fund, and would require the Tax Commissioner to provide a space on personal income tax returns for taxpayers to indicate such a designation.  Each year the Executive Director of the state Emergency Management Agency shall make one or more grants to the American Red Cross Greater Columbus Chapter using money appropriated from the fund, to be used for implementing disaster preparedness and response programs in the state.  The Executive Director of the state Emergency Management Agency is required to report to the General Assembly, in January of odd-numbered years beginning January 2011, the effectiveness of the income tax refund contribution system, including specified items of information.


Background information


Currently, there are three lines on the income tax form that allow taxpayers to designate a portion of their refund for a state fund.  The following table gives the details of collections under the three funds for tax years 2003 through 2005.


Current Contribution from Income Tax Refund


Ohio's Wildlife Species & Conservation of Endangered Wildlife

Nature Preserves, Scenic Rivers, & Protection of Endangered Species

Military Injury Relief Fund (1)


Tax Year

Number of taxpayers

Amount contributed ($)

Number of taxpayers

Amount contributed ($)

Number of taxpayers

Amount contributed ($)

Number of taxpayers

Amount contributed ($)




























(1) Created by H.B. 66 of the 126th General Assembly, first available for tax year 2005.




The Department of Taxation is entitled, under current law, to reimbursement for its costs of administering the income tax refund contribution system, receiving its costs in equal shares from each of the existing funds, up to a maximum of 2.5% of the total amount contributed through the system.  The bill would alter current law to add the new American Red Cross Disaster Response Fund to the existing cost reimbursement system.


Fiscal effects


Because the new fund is financed by voluntary donations, there would be no loss of revenue to the GRF or to the local government funds.  The amount of revenue to the new fund is uncertain.  The new fund would likely receive some revenue, with the amount of such revenue depending on the number and amount of voluntary contributions.  There is a possibility that the revenue currently raised under the three existing designations on Ohio's income tax form may be reduced as some of these moneys may be diverted to the new fund.  Combining such diverted donations with funds collected through new donations of refunds may result in hundreds of thousands of dollars of revenue to the American Red Cross Disaster Response Fund. 


Some administrative costs may be incurred as the Executive Director of the state Emergency Management Agency is required to ensure that the grants are used for the stated purposes and for programs administered within the state.




LSC fiscal staff:  Isabel Louis, Economist

