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 Fiscal Note & Local Impact Statement

127 th General Assembly of Ohio

Ohio Legislative Service Commission

77 South High Street, 9th Floor, Columbus, OH 43215-6136 ² Phone: (614) 466-3615

² Internet Web Site: http://www.lsc.state.oh.us/



H.B. 422


April 8, 2008



As Introduced


Rep. Setzer


No —

No local cost



Creates the Water Resources and Economic Development Study Committee


State Fiscal Highlights



FY 2009

FY 2010


General Revenue Fund – House and Senate


- 0 -

- 0 -

- 0 -


Potential negligible increase

- 0 -

- 0 -

Note:  The state fiscal year is July 1 through June 30.  For example, FY 2009 is July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2009.


·         There could be a negligible increase in GRF expenditures to cover costs associated with carrying out the Committee's duties, including the preparation of the final report.  Neither the four legislative members nor the five members appointed by the Governor are to be compensated.


Local Fiscal Highlights


·        No direct fiscal effect on political subdivisions.





Detailed Fiscal Analysis


The bill creates the Water Resources and Economic Development Study Committee.  The Committee is to consist of two members of the House of Representatives, two members of the Senate, and five members appointed by the Governor for their knowledge of the use of Ohio's water resources as an economic development mechanism. Within one year after the bill's effective date, the Committee is to prepare and submit a report to the General Assembly that (1) evaluates Ohio's water resources and the best ways in which those resources can be used for economic development purposes, and (2) makes recommendations to the General Assembly regarding any policy changes needed to accomplish this goal.  Although the bill specifies that members are to serve without compensation, the House and Senate might incur some negligible GRF costs for providing support to the Committee, covering any travel for committee business, and producing the final report. 



LSC fiscal staff:  Brian Hoffmeister, Budget Analyst

