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Fiscal Note & Local Impact Statement

127 th General Assembly of Ohio

Ohio Legislative Service Commission

77 South High Street, 9th Floor, Columbus, OH 43215-6136 ² Phone: (614) 466-3615

² Internet Web Site: http://www.lsc.state.oh.us/


S.B. 2


March 9, 2007


As Introduced


Sen. Cates


No —

No local cost



To transfer appointment of the Chancellor of the Ohio Board of Regents to the Governor and to transfer all authority from the Board to the Chancellor


State Fiscal Highlights



FY 2007

FY 2008


General Revenue Fund


- 0 -

- 0 -

- 0 -


Potential increase of approximately $150,000 - $250,000

- 0 -

Note:  The state fiscal year is July 1 through June 30.  For example, FY 2007 is July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2007.


·        According to the Board of Regents, it would cost approximately $150,000 - $250,000 to complete the report mandated by the bill. 

·        There may be additional costs or savings from changes in the Chancellor's salary and number of Board meetings.

Local Fiscal Highlights


·        No direct fiscal effect on political subdivisions.




Detailed Fiscal Analysis


Summary of the bill


The Board of Regents is a nongoverning entity that guides the development of higher education policy and coordinates policy implementation.  It does not exercise direct managerial control over institutions of higher education, but does make policy recommendations and administers state funding and financial aid for institutions of higher education.  The Board is also responsible for approving institutions' program changes, collecting data, and providing fiscal and operational oversight of public institutions of higher education.  The Chancellor of the Board of Regents is the administrative officer of the Board and is responsible for day-to-day operations of the Board's staff agency. 


Currently, the nine-member Board of Regents has the authority to appoint the Chancellor who reports directly to the Board.  The bill transfers the appointment of the Chancellor to the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate.  It also transfers the full duty and authority of the nine-member Board of Regents to the Chancellor.  The Board would become an advisory body to the Chancellor and have no authoritative control over the operations of the staff agency. 


The bill also mandates that the Chancellor report to the General Assembly and the Governor no later than September 28, 2007 with recommendations and a plan to:


(1)      Make colleges more affordable and accessible;

(2)      Encourage graduates to remain in Ohio after earning their degrees; and

(3)      Maximize higher education as a driver of the state's economy. 


Fiscal effects


            According to the Board of Regents, the report mandated by the bill would require research beyond that in which the agency is already engaged; it would require paid consultants, complex data and economic analyses, university surveys, etc. in order to produce results of appropriate quality to inform policy decisions.  The Regents indicates that it is unlikely that the current level of staff and resources could accommodate a high quality research project of this magnitude and that without additional resources staff will be able only to conduct a partial literature review and convene a small number of consultations of experts willing to help at no charge.  The Regents estimates that for analogous efforts in the past the cost was between $150,000 and $250,000.


The bill changes the authority of the Chancellor to include greater responsibility, which may become a factor in determining the compensation level of the incoming Chancellor.  The most recent Chancellor was paid $106 per hour for an annual salary of $220,480, excluding fringe benefits.  Under the bill, the Governor will determine the incoming Chancellor's compensation level.


The nine-member Board of Regents currently meets approximately 10-11 times annually, and members are reimbursed for mileage, lodging, and meals.  In addition, there are some conference room and equipment rental costs associated with these Board meetings.  For calendar year 2007 the estimated amount of the expenses associated with the Board will be approximately $22,700.  If the Board no longer met as a voting authority the Chancellor may choose to alter the number of Board meetings, increasing or decreasing expenditures depending on frequency.




LSC fiscal staff:  Mary E. Morris, Budget Analyst

