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Ohio Legislative Service Commission



Andrew Plagenz

Fiscal Note & Local Impact Statement


Am. S.B. 167 of the 128th G.A.


December 8, 2009


As Passed by the Senate


Sen. Cates

Local Impact Statement Procedure RequiredNo — No local cost



Revises the report card ratings for school districts and buildings


State Fiscal Highlights

·         No direct fiscal effect on the state.

Local Fiscal Highlights

·         No direct fiscal effect on political subdivisions.



Detailed Fiscal Analysis

The bill changes the way adequate yearly progress (AYP) affects individual school district and building report card ratings.[1]  Report card ratings do not have a direct fiscal effect on school districts, so the bill's changes will have no direct fiscal effect either.  Possible indirect effects of report card ratings may include state sanctions, interventions, and services for districts with low ratings and exemptions from certain state mandates for districts with high ratings. 




SB0167SP.docx / sle

[1] School district and school building report card ratings are determined by four basic measurements:  (1) the number of state academic standards met, (2) the performance index score, (3) whether adequate yearly progress (AYP) has been met, and (4) the value-added designation.  Further explanation of the methodology involved can be found in the LSC bill analysis.